"America is 56% white"
Daily 56%
i think he meant they are 56% white
He means America still needs to work towards diversity
He means that germany will be a muslim country within a century, you have cucked yourself out of existance
He means that you're morally obligated to allow disadvantaged people into your country because you stole it from indigenous people.
even 56% is probably including 'white hispanics' and sheeeeit.
America was a misteak
I think I know what you are talking about.
Mara btw is at least 95% European white
1 EUROPEAN MARA > entire "white" population of america
LMAO even your VPN-flag displays you as who you really are
how many of these memes have you made so far Shlomo? I hope the head kike isn't you too hard.
erhhh sure you are…
Who wants European's and Americans to hate each other this much I wonder?
Merkel, NO! Go back to Germany
okay then you have more muslims than is
I am starting to suspect OP might be an Australian.
boo hoo.
cuckchan detected
the meme started from cuckchan. brought over by a Holla Forums britcuc/k/.
yes "white"
those special forces look brutal…….i certainly wouldnt wanna be hugged by one
Did you know that Saint Patrick is also patron saint of Nigeria?
Ireland is like 99% white, not that this even matters as the Irish aren't bigoted cunts.
you cant even get along with each other never mind anyone else
most of these memes are from bankrupt beta brit peasants
we have to bail these faggots out and theyre butthurt of the american empire and how useless their whole country is now
they like to think theyre aryan lol
but even their 100% whites are inbred or mutated in some way
pic related is a normal Brit family lol
We would get along just fine if it weren't for you sassenach bastards setting up internment camps, colluding with unionist paramilitaries, killing civil rights protesters, shooting unarmed civilians and letting political prisoners die on hunger strike.
It means (((someone))) paid lots of money to promote a forced meme. Why is it forced/astroturf? Consider the following:
It also makes no sense. First of all, it conflates the proportion of once race in a population with the percent of a given race within each member of the population. When a stat says 56% of Americans are white, that doesn't mean all americans are 56% white. In fact, America is about 75% white, with at least half of the states exhibiting white populations greater than 85% of the population. California and Texas are two populous states that are full of Mexicans. The south has about 20-40% orcs depending on the county. Everywhere else is white as the driven snow.
Don't fall for these bought-and-paid for D&C memes
you'll never be white
This meme is painfully forced and unfunny and you should feel embarassed for promoting a kike D&C like this. I guess Soros has to do something with all that blood money…
This post is exactly what makes this meme funny in the first place. it's like this user doesn't even know he is the actual lolcow in this
Visit Europe, you absolute fucking mongoloid; yankees are hated more here than niggers.
sure thing, kike
Don't tell him lol
No shit, you must love niggers the way you let them flood your cities from north Africa.
I wonder how much soy the liberal art intern who drafted up these memes for ShareBlue consumes on a daily basis.
Europoors and Canuck cucks are jel
You, see, this is why yankees are hated more than niggers, at least niggers know their fucking place, unlike you subhuman American scum.
are you on welfare brit?
average white brit
>were not inbred btw
idgaf if you and your paki friends hate americans. I hate kikes. I pity non-whites. I fight for a future for all white people everywhere and don't waste time with bought-and-paid-for kike D&C memes or people who shill them.
yeah the meme is too overdone
Fuck me, you're one delusional cunt.
british women ugliest in the world
on the same level as niggers
please keep going, the Amerimutt salt off of this is killing me
laughs at ugly
this meme is not funny
anglokikes out
anglo laughs in…..
how many pounds do you make a week
Get banned from /newbrit/ and shitposting here now?
kys anglokikes
You are among the most responsible for the present situation in Europe. For 300+ years you have served International Jewish Finance dutifully and have sacrificed the rest of Europe for your own material gain.
mailman is a shitty mod that was triggered by this thread
yeah why is it bumplocked?
they cant
theyre beta boards are constantly banning
I will be contacting dys and mailman will lose his job
how many pennies did you make this week
Its the second time btw
I was totally triggered.
That's exceptionally pathetic, user..
ayy I worked hard of those :=\
You need to go back, you autistic cunt.
Don't you mean leftypol?
No, I mean tumblr…
or 4chan.
Just anywhere but here.
qauds u die
Find some rope britcuck
you keep telling yourself that
To be honest, this smells like Kremlin propaganda more than anything, since it's no secret to anyone that they are all over this site. I'm still going going to roll with it tho. I don't like blyads but I despise burgers a hell of a lot more.