Why should we even bother trying to redeem fascist central?
might as well try to "liberate" an inanimate object
When fullchan eventually does get its own lefty board, are we going to abandon ship?
Tell them that worker coops are literally socialism, and that Orwell himself was a socialist, and Catalonia was another successful implementation of such.
I made the thread, I'm the Canadian. I had no idea it would trigger them so damn much, I assumed it would be ignored and shoved off the catalog page.
It's been a victory for us today, comrades. The butthurt is palpable.
Autism. People are just laughing at you. Cringy kike useful idiot. What a joke.
Their attempt to connect it to Jews is weak as fuck.
Jews are spooks and porkies just like any other religion though.
Not an Argument.
Y-you are just b-butthurt!!!!
Good riddance actually.
I made the thread so a message could be sent, and so people like you could get angry.
Hello again, Greekbro. Man, I've never done this before - talking with the same person, in two different chan imageboards, crossing specifically between Holla Forums and 4chan at that. This is fun.
Hi I used to troll you retards here but then I got bored although the butthurt was glorious. Maybe I should start again since it's summer and you underage memers have plenty of free time to raid and participate in threads
Your right. Liberals are the worst.
But don't you realize that I want you to get angry? You're so focused on being a confrontational right-winger that you are losing sight of things.
I got a message out and I got people upset. That was the goal, and I achieved it. You can do whatever you want here, it's your life conservacuck.
The proper term is cuckservative, but anyway. The funny thing is, these not only don't work, but they never will. Because we realize, although not all of us, that identity politics is cancer. We also aren't a hiveminded safespace either. No two leftists are the same.
Though if we need to, we will band together to trigger the fuck out of stormcucks.
I think you're the guy that called me a faggot leaf earlier in that thread, then said "we don't believe in identity politics".
You cannot escape identity politics, nobody can.
I don't post there actually. NSA reasons.
It's identity politics when it is something you have no say in how you were born btw. Skin color, 'gender' etc.Class isn't an identity either. It's material condition. in relation to production.
Meant 'these memes' btw btw.
You're pathetic.
Honestly that raid was fantastic and really showcased the best that this board has to offer
I think I speak on behalf of 4chan's Holla Forums board when I say that we were glad to receive you and hope you can return again
thanks friends :)
Let me just say one thing
Stay butthurt, clearly you are upset that your echo chamber was disrupted.
Sup greek fascist, still without any arguments?
Either this is another Holla Forums false flag, or you're a fucking idiot.
Holla Forums doesn't raid.
There was like 3-4 of us and we btfo'd them throug the hole thread
The Holocaust was a massive despooking???
I regret clicking your link
It was bizarre, surreal and incomprehensible. I haven't seen so much stubborn, self-satisfied willful ignorance of our positions, low-energy critique, poor or absent argument structure and such rapid subject changes to avoid conceding lost points in months.
It's like I'm back in fucking college
I post Onision vids there if that helps. Mainly only because I watch him, but I do it.
Are we back in 2008 or something?
Do you watch him .. .. unironicly?
Sorry Hiyoruki, you're not datamining my posts today.
Troll spotted.
Is this a new thing the kids hate on to look cool?
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's over
lasted what 2 hours
what happened, mods ban it?
I need a SERIOUS detox bath now!
How do y'all even VISIT that cesspit?
I think it just hit the bump limit. Reading the thread it seems like Holla Forums is a lot worse than I remember.
Killing people doesn't kill an idea. You kill an idea with better ideas and debates.