Does anyone here support the EFF?
Does anyone here support the EFF?
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They got hijacked. They don't spend money or time on anything remotely related to the topic they were founded on, like all things killed with sjw cancer.
I gave them money a few times, but that was a long time ago. On the political side they're cancer as depicted, on the software side they're Apple thralls.
This unfortunately
You guys are full of shit. EFF still does plenty for freedom of the internet. But I admit your wanna-be nazioid butthurt is enjoyable. And you guys are the one's being sjw's here.
2/10 bait tbh.
From you sentence I can understand that you don't understand what is a SJW.
Please gather more knowledge about SJWs before trying to define one and stop with the nazi shit get a dictionary this is getting annoying.
Yes the EFF has done some great work.
I from what I gather the EFF hasn't gone full retard but it could go in that direction.
Same thing with the FSF it can gone incredibly wrong.
We already had a taste of that with Francis/libreboot.
But we must remember that these aren't rare events and example of that with drupal or github or guile or or Torvalds avoiding a honeypot or the ruby community or LambdaConf...
Must I continue ?
We need to stop been gullible, naive and be aware and on our guard constantly.
We need to remember that this attitude has made us lost the control of the web.
We need to record an remember to not step in the same errors again and again.
Just donated $50 for triggering 'nazi' kiddies.
Won't donate any money to something praising BLM. Even if they were perfect, I'd rather donate money to developers of libre applications I use.
>>>Holla Forums
Hone your baits, they're dull as fuck.
Not donating to
If you want to virtue signal please do it on social medias
Delicious tears
Stay triggered Holla Forumsacks
nice delusion
First time I noticed the EFF is pozzed was 2 years ago when they got their lawyers to help Randi Harper and Zoe with their scams
Yes, I pointed my amazon smile at them, and I also purchased one of their sticker packs. I will still continue to support them because they're one of the few organizations fighting for our rights online. Stay mad nazis.
Really makes you think.
Really makes you think.
I feel Holla Forums is aching for a raid. Fuck off, you guys are the lepers of h8chan
Don't assume that's it's leftypol or other by doing that your just giving them attention.
They have the freedom to do the shit that they want.
But the extremes in that group are annoying (just like Holla Forums extremes or any other extremes).
You may be free to speak, but you're not free from judgement.
I didn't say that.
Stop imagining shit on anonymous users.
It would help you.
When I say just stop giving them attention is just to stop giving them attention.
In this thread their was one user that said that x was from Holla Forums and it was automatically replied with "he must be from Holla Forums.
Both are speculations.
Both are non sense.
And it leads to bullshit and paranoia.
There is no attempt of making research, arguments or a question.
All of this
Is shit because either because they don't give source to help their point of view.
Or because it's just politic rambling of a fictional leftypol/pol battle.
Extremes are always annoying for fence-sitters and posers.
Trust Holla Forumsyps to provide my daily sustenance
Stop putting every sentence in a new line. I see your shitty posts in every single thread. You belong in >>>/g/.
charity/donations are a goddamn scam.
Do you seriously think this?
Whoa, what? First I've heard of this, source?
fuck off effidf.
Yes because as long as they support internet freedom from the goverment then I support them. I don't care what they do with their speech or what they promote others do with their speech including doxing nazi's because thats part of freedom of speech.
I don't have the links anymore but if you check EFF's site they have a goobergate tag where this Nadyia push sob pieces about Anita & co. Also, the guy who created the blockbot (which later Randi adapted to make her own) is also part of EFF and has a site where the blocklists are hosted. There always were some EFF people here and there chatting with ZQ and Randi on Twitter
And here I thought the EFF only handled censorship and the like. I've only donated a few bucks to them, fortunately.
Who did the EFF dox?
Nice shilljob on EFF guys. Who are you working for? Tell Agent Fud I said hi.
They still do good stuff but they are slowly being pozzed, it's the beginning of the end