Shillary now going for the handicap vote


This bitch is too much. All during the primaries she's talking about removing opiates from care. Disabled people like my MS suffering sister fucking rely on these drugs to even move around the house. But this bitch was like, "haha fuck you take some weed and do some physical therapy". Weed does nothing for my sister. Some strains even make her symptoms worse.

They're right about disabled people being single issue voters because she went from "sure, I'll vote for Trump I guess…" to "He HAS to win!"
overnight after that first Democrat debate.

Reading the article it doesn't even seem like she's even offering anything to disabled voters. "Vote for me because I once hired some disabled person." Why would that mean jack shit to my sister? What fucking good would that do her? No plans, no programs, just "hey I acknowledge you exist now vote for me… then I'm gonna leave you immobile paralyzed in pain while I bomb Russia." *cue cackle*


She would have offer the reduced taxes for people with disabilities and employers to encourage them to hire pwd instead of wetbacks so this way she will get some votes. There are 40 million peple with disabilities.

There are too many people on disability that don't need it, and too many people in "pain management" programs that don't need it. Unfortunately this fucks over the people that do need it. But it's true and your sister, if she does really need it, is going to have tough times ahead. I'm just being frank here about stuff that I see on a regular basis


Time to bring back Hotwheels to shill for Trump.

Very much so. Obama has already made life very difficult for her. I don't think it's gonna get any easier regardless who wins tbh. But I imagine it will be much worse under Hillary.

Frankly, the biggest problem is the Heroin. Stop the flow and you stop many of these retards dying. But so many in the medical community, law enforcement (especially DEA) and congressmen trying to win over voters to do "something" mean very bad things.

I'm not kidding when I say immobile. There was a 2 year period where she had no access to any meds of any kind. She would stay in a petrified state almost like an alive version rigamortis with sporadic whole body spasms. It was fucking hell.
Even now with Fentanyl and Norco she still lives at a lvl 6 pain that spikes to 9s or 10s and makes her pass out even with all the drugs. With the lesions on her brain and spine there is no euphoria effect either only pain relief and the ability to have partial functionality.

She promises so much bullshit. She even appealed to the "tech crowd" by promises 5G internet, NATIONALLY.

That way when their career is destroyed by the tripling of h1b visas, they can go live in a shack in the middle of nowhere and stream episodes of Silicon Valley in HD (720p).


Normalfags doesn't know him so how will that help Mr.Trump.

Should not we respond with Hotwheels?

Sorry to hear, user. I have a cousin suffering from MS and it's really hard to see. He's in the UK and they seem to be treating him well, I can only imagine how it'd be for a sibling under Obama's healthcare.

Jesus fucking Christ. What is she suffering of?

Because who could argue with him, he's fucking adorable.

Which is a good thing. The less they know about his intense hatred of niggers, drug addiction and insatiable appetite for pino boipussy, the better.

I suppose that would work. What will happen if the normalfags find out that he is super racist and like eugenics?

Anyone complains call them an ableist cripplephobe.

It is disablist cripplephobe.

did you see this?

p.s. dont forget to live your own life.

can you point me to an good article on the subject, one of my wife's faggot friends is a big Clinton supporter but has a deteriorated neck and relies on a opiate prescription to get through the day, I want to change her mind or at least rub it in her stupid liberal face.

She needs oil, not weed. Call up people in BC or Cali, not so easy dispensary faggot.

she's running out of people to pander to

More than that, she's covering bases so when/if she has a seizure on camera again can spin it as a positive.

doubling up on her "FDR for president" pitch.
