Why should i even live anymore??.
Pedo Feels Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I want an lgf
that is cuz u have brain of 10 yr old so you seek companionship with one
=why even live==
Fuck off normalfag
The creature recoils when exposed to the light
Feels bad man
That you're angry when confronted by the truth
No ilike little girls because they are hot and sexy.
WTF?! how old is she?
Too old
A walking fossil
?? I'm going back to 4chan.
Don't bother
thirty three
That is just too old
I've never understood pedo mentality
Like, have you ever talked to an 18 year old?
They're never shut the hell up and they're always so spastic, I can't even get an erection half the time because they're so annoying
Now age it down even further, I just don't understand, explain
t. pedo
t. pedo
fuck you i use tor to check the weather tbh-
Fuck that cancer
I bet
I would love to go on a lunch date with a little girl.
The fuck?? nigga you gay.
Lunch only no funny business
But i wanna pound you with my cock afterwards.
i'd fug that loli tbh
don't talk lewd about maisie pls
She isn't even that good looking.
more fuggable loli reaction images tbh
grannys not welcome
Non-lewd please
you should already have thirty plus from the pedo threads here
b-but i'm not a pedo
your loss
post in the pgt instead of here tbh
my memes have always had more Velocity here as opposed to in the pgt, its just more noise
You can't call it a meme when you're the only one posting them.
This guy knows it.
here's two i didn't post myself
Why on earth would you have a collection of downer children?
you can hide your flag but your id stays the same
it's sad
I like IDs sometimes
wtf I love ids now :DDD
would assfug/10
This is an ass fug free zone
what about p in v?
night everybody
Good Night
What's up with all the New Zealanders in pedo thread? Aren't you content with your beautiful country? Do you have to fucking have everything. Fuck you sheep shaggers.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
kys animefag
good question
Lux had all of Australia to explore and he still sat behind his computer
toddlers cant consent
both babies and toddlers can consent tbh
Lux was a fucking moron though
wtf i'm a burger now
s m h t b h f a m
shut up weeb and hang yourself as your picture instructs you
wtf i'm not a burger now
If its too lewd their moralfaggotry kicks in and shuts down the bloodflow to their penis, trust me I'm a bigger expert at converting them to the dark side than emperor palpatine.
Daughters are the best
Oh and thanks for the ban remedy it made me habitually check the board log to see which hotpocketeer was behind it and I was pleasantly surprised to see it back up again.
Can't say I'm surprised it was shut down considering all the shady shit thats been going on the past couple days according to the log but has dysnomia been replaced?
The board owner name was changed to _ but dysnomia didn't even make an attention whoring sticky about being replaced like he typically would.
I want a poster of that to hang on my bedroom door.
fugging your daughters is the best tbh
Ownership hasn't changed dys is just bored
i prefer fugging other peoples' daughters.
i don't have a daughter ;-;
What makes you so sure? Hes become too big of an attention whore to just ditch his name like that, but it can't be him trying to cover his tracks because you can just go back in the log and see that his name was changed.
Pretty depressing that this is the most interesting thing to happen to this board in god knows how long but I do love me a good mystery.
Did you miss the thread where he fucked with anons asking them what they want?
I guess I did, so little ever happens here that I don't feel the need to check up on it very often. Was it just another lame variant of the roll threads he makes and never delivers on?
he re-enabled most things and even brought back video embed, the flags and id's are also fun
and look what happened minutes after
it's a lot better than it was before
OP deserved the embed raid tbh
what reasoning did he go through to come to the conclusion of "yeah that's a really good idea to disabled nearly everything." dysnomia is legit bipolar af.
no u
why lol
did you cap that thread by any chance? i left because flags, ids plus tor posting was disabled and fuck that cancer.
He deleted the thread himself look at the archive maybe you'll get lucky
when the fuck did we get an archive lmfao? jim isn't even being subtle about the datamining anymore
hes already storing data why not make it public and host ads to generate more shekels
based remedy
hes already fallen for that more than twice
I'd say don't blow his cover but I don't think he had any to begin with.
yeah update me on this pedo volunteer thing. ik everything is just speculation but catch me up if any of you niggers have some new habbenings.
Holy fuck if anyone ever needed more evidence that barebacking Holla Forums was an awful idea this is it. They have every thread complete with images all the way back to october, how on earth did I miss this?
I think its clear why dysnomia and the gang haven't been deleting pedo threads on sight since october now. Jim told them not to so he can log all the activity in them probably to aid the feds.
nothing new he went into deep cover
probably fake to begin with
you'd be lucky to find a thread with every image cached
Well yeah they've deleted so many images over dost bullshit that I'm sure every thread on Holla Forums has some missing images in the archive.
i didn't find that october pedo thread on the current Holla Forums b archives tbh. i saved the link because someone pointed out it wasn't 404'ing and that it was most likely due to datamining purposes.
some of webms are still playable as well. that's when pretzel girl and lg cam videos were being spammed by one faggot. every odd day he'd be dumping cp, it was kinda based tbh.
if this is all an act then bravo because i'm convinced each and everyone of the new volunteers are newfags who have no clue what they're doing.
surely plus jim D+ 's IPs without second thought so most of the non pedo threads get shit deleted in them too.
like this one:
Just checked /sudo/s archive and it has a thread all the way back to july, even though everyone and their dog knew jim was a notorious dataminer I still find myself surprised that they've had that ability for at least that long.
Why the fuck would they make this public?
for money
Jesus fucking Christ, if anyone barebacked Holla Forums while Holla Forums was at its worst (or best depending which side you're on) and /hebe/ posting and cp was dropped in nearly every thread I'd wipe.
Are there ads running on the archive page or something? I'm not going to give jim a single shekel to find out myself.
free anime onahole
just uBlock or any other adblocker dude and yes they are.
ngl i barebacked /hebe/ for the majority of 2015 and 2016. maybe half way through 2016 is when i decided to shell out some of my shekels and got myself deeper into the rabbit hole.
For shits and giggles I looked at the archive of /zoo/ and it has threads archived all the way back to september of last year.
Pretty interesting insight into jims interests if you ask me.
it's just more fear mongering for jim. i'm not scared of a pig tbh, maybe if he was a wild boar then i'd be startled but he's just a manpiglet.
Any pig related content?
Yes, actually. On a pig farm.
must be the safest way to store OC tbh
i miss the pedo discussions with actual antis instead of larping pedos, they were entertaining af.
Antis that didn't even know what they were against.
Not the behavior one expects from a young lady. I hope she was given a good spanking back home.
.t pedo
poor girl
pedos will defend
Pedophiles do not like niggers.
I was fapping to this thread when I thought "WTF am I doing. I have MK on the other tab."
Murdered Krauts?
Will non-nude get you vanned or on a watchlist?
it's not illegal but can raise suspicion, I guess. Can never be too careful
being on a watchlist is based
In other words, they may assume where the is smoke (NN modeling), there may also be fire (CP)
not quite, toothpaste
this reply will probably get ignored/deleted but did girltime die or something? The url keeps timing out. Granted I haven’t been to the site in about a month but if it’s really gone I’m pretty sad about that ._. if anyone knows of an alternative pls share
It was taken down
there is no god
taken down or remove voluntarily?
big difference
sounds like this site
some baka is really going to believe that
what did the post say
then he can blame only himself for not reading other posts tbh
gt had hidden cp images and was shut down?
have a nice day tbh
you too user
that was cute af
i'd like to know the real reason it was shutdown tbh. maybe it was strangelove's desire to kill himself because he found out the real reason why it was being shutdown.
The vols and dysnomia not taking down the lolifox links is pretty cool as well.
welp I guess I spoke too soon
kys pedo
you are just not welcome here please leave
i'm one of you tbh
so am I
larping isn't the same anymore ;-;
John signing out
I know who it is tbh
who it be tbh
was it the tor posting that gave it away
I just learned at the ultrasound today that I'm having a girl. Due early next year.
What do Holla Forums? I can feel the pressure already.
Who is the dude in this picture? Father?
Holy moly. She has friends. Is your friend as weird as you?
if i go to greece can we have a 3 way
why was it shut down?
All the little kiddies got AIDS, apparenty.
It was a honeypot run by pic related, they don't need it anymore so they pulled the plug.
?ftw were there any raids?
any archives?
At what age are you going to have her start giving you head?
Why are you laughing?
This is serious.
says the weeaboo
Thes girls need some serious raping.
anyone see Hex lately?
aren't you thinking of that onion site?
as opposed to silly raping?
Is that an American?
Me estas tomando el pelo? No me digas mentiras, Jose!
Anymore of these?
get out
where's the full video?
Have you sent in your pre-orders for a Russian Loli for christmas yet Holla Forumsros?
It looks like we have a problem
And it seems to me way deepper problem than it looks like on beginning
I think you will not get help from outside world
What sort of road surface is this?
looks like concrete
It's why I do computer forensics now
Myself or someone else will find you eventually and you will get justice
Suck cock for money, it's your calling.
Deadly Black Widow Spiders Infest House and Eat my Pizza
Nice b8 m8 too bad i see through your kike ways.
take your forced memes and shove it!
Girl on the the right reminds me of an Internet ex-gf tbh
do all Russian lolis know English now? sad
Don't come to america, it's a trap.
Probably, I've heard Zhenya speak some english but I think she was raised with english as well.
Knowing English = access to more (((mainstream culture))). Not good for little girls tbh
I hate being american sometimes -.-
I understand you. I am larping as a German tbh
Germans are okay tbh
Adorable tbh
saved. what a cutie
Where's that cheese pizza @ yo?
How's about you fuck off
Where the fuck are the damned Mods!?
Have you tried not blaming other people for all of your problems? I'm not saying it's right or okay that you were abused, but anything that happened after that is on you.
And while I support you in your efforts to prevent other children from being abused, I would like to remind you that just because you were violated against your will doesn't mean that all sexual interactions between adults and children are forced. Be careful not to project your own feelings and memories on to others' relationships, which may not be abusive at all.
My condolences, user.
Does anybody have any good cheese pizza
You know what i mean
Then delete this thread because if your not gonna stand by the name of it your all just a bunch of cowards
none of us want to go prison tbh
you niggerJew fag cancerous pieces of shits
Should we tell him? I'm thinking not, considering what an enormous faggot he's being.
Visit purenudism.com if you wanna see the good stuff
Shame the mother has panties on her.
You'd never know there were massive cum stains all over that spread, would you? great design camoflague idea!
On purenudisms.com you can look at them naked all you want and it's free and legal well unless you want to buy the member package