McCarthy was right all along.
If the CIA and other elements of the Government weren't completely cucked Brennan would have at least been passed over for a job let alone thrown into a cell for being a traitor.
It's no wonder we're in the position we are in now.
CIA Director John Brennan voted for Communist Part in 1980s
There's no hope for the CIA, user.
Is thing being slid or is Holla Forums just wrapped up in the chimpout in Charlotte?
How is the CIA related to postmodern art?
Never heard that one before.
Yes probably charlotte.
that fucking traitor
and you doubted this after the Vernona papers?
That's fucking disgusting. The CIA are also a bunch of criminal hired thugs who make sure every politician all around the world work for them by using blackmail tactics, using kids they MKULTRA'd into having sex with leaders.
Why must we be betrayed by the very people and institutions meant to safeguard us?
Is this how Rome fell?
It seems I'm woefully uneducated with regards to McCarthy and/or the CIA.
What are the Vernona papers? What is Aleppo?
The CIA never safeguarded us, they used us as their test subjects for PSYOPs.
CIA and the State Department are the biggest globalist shills I've ever met. Of course, their idea of Globalism is a world under the American Sphere of Influence, but it's the same multi-culti """"Democratic, free society"""" hog wash the fuckers in NATO push for. I have no respect for the CIA's and DoS's propaganda spewing lackeys and honestly, the propaganda is a detriment to getting work done.
Hearing that Brennan was a Communist is not only surprising, it's unsurprising. The professional Analyst-that-has-to-speak-to-others-in-the-workplace in me is shocked and only slightly concerned; I mean, look at the guy's work in the CIA. The guy that comes here is stunned briefly, then rubs his face thinking "of-fucking-course" and curses the man.
At the very least I'm thankful that not everyone in the US government is like this. There are still many people who'd rather shoot themselves than betray the American people. But things are changing. Those good folks are retiring and are being replaced by generations that more and more work like they are mercenaries, rather than defenders of the country. Willing to do anything so long as they dont get in trouble with their boss and keep their loan repayments going.
Is it just me, or does the thought of a total collapse, a bigger clusterfuck than the wars of the middle east, coming here and spreading regional Chaos for Kek sound like a pretty cool thing?
Trips of Truth
I'm actually wishing for the US to collapse, if only because I see all the abject retardation that is coming into potential power at different levels (I'm not talking about Trump, he seems legit) and all the parallels that can be made with the Roman Empire. The only thing I'm scared of is that if the collapse of the US of ZOG happens that white civilization will undergo a new dark age, this time under Islam instead of Christianity.
ofcourse the CIA wanted the commies in the goverment.
That way they could interfere alot more with internal politics because "muh commie subversion", they could "investigate" and persecute anyone from FBI to the president ifthey wanted to.
not to mention they needed to make best use of the communism meme before it dies (it was the 80s already)
Holy shit are you burgers fucked.
McCarthy was right again.
It was huge story on Holla Forums back in the days that kicked off the Holla Forums classical art threads.
He's also a mudslime
He did absolutely nothing wrong.
they have been funding the attack on our culture and importing heroine into this country for decades absolute scum the lot of them
implying we didnt lose the cold war. we got totally infiltrated by commies.
as I've been saying for years: psychopathy
I have to ask why the USSR's art would be so much less postmodern than ours. I just assumed that as much as Hitler hated degenerate art, the commies would support it. I guess everything was just regulated and Bergeron'd to death, art included? Or is it a situation like Israel, where they want us to have the degenerate stuff and they actually suppress it vigorously at home?
Someone called it on a podcast. It's funny how we've rejected economic communism, but imported cultural communism instead.
Did Trump state that he wanted to destroy the drug Cartels and take their money to build the wall? Doesn't that actually mean taking the CIA's money and then building a giant wall this stopping their drug running?
I think that Trump utterly despises the CIA.
That could be a very good reason why everyone is against him now. He's the only candidate who stands up to the establishment. He's willing to target corporations who exploit minorities (illegals and chinese factory workers) below minimum wage.
I disagree with WN, but I'm willing rally with you guys to combat a corrupt nepotistic press, destructive government, and exploitative network of corporations. If he loses, then it means that the establishment will utilize the same tactics towards any future party that stands to the establishment.
If they eradicate white culture, then globalists will eradicate other cultures in the future. We can't let it reach that point.
They did. At first.
Then Stalin came by and said "what the fuck is this shit?", called it bourgeois decadence (which it totally is) and that was the end of it.
Soviet society was conservative as fuck, mainly because all those (((free thinkers))), (((elitist academia))) etc… got purged hard under Stalin who firmly believed in a mix of conservative social values and in science, engineering, etc…
Meaning that art that wasn't realist and appealing to everyone, and especially if you made something were you would need a "gatekeeper" to explain to you why it was great, your time was better spent digging permafrost…
That's what Trosky would call a "degenerated workers' state" BTW.
That's basically the main difference between the two.
All the cultural Marxist are Trotskist evidently. In Soviet Union they would have been all sent to Siberia…
And the Trotskites set up shop in America.
Explains a lot.
Where they helped at the New School for Social ResearchFrankfurt School and formed the neocon wing of the GOP
The entire Cold War wasn't between communism and democracy, it was a continuation of the Stalin-Trotsky struggle at a global scale
At Trotsky himself got ice picked.
Oh you summer child.
This is only the beginning of the ride.
The CIA developed out of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) set up in World War Two. The OSS was full of commies.
The Office for Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the CIA, was set up in 1941 to fight fascism and began by recruiting communists, including many from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, who had just finished fighting for the communists in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).
Short term, the elite who set up the OSS (later the CIA) wanted people who had irregular combat experience in a dirty war. Medium term, they wanted people who hated fascists who would fight Germany and Japan. Long term, in order to progress their globalist goals, they wanted communists because they were internationalists who rejected traditional morality and society and who were enemies of nationalism. Many of these communists who went into the OSS also continued their careers in the CIA.
Article on the elite families who set up the OSS and the CIA, and their recruitment of communists into the OSS:
The Lincoln battalion, also known as the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, was a group of approximately 3,000 US volunteers who fought on the communist side during the Spanish Civil War.
Between 50% and 80% of the group was communist, and about 40% were jewish:.
Legendary OSS agent Gerry Sage talks about his career:
Milton Wolff, typical OSS member. Jewish and a communist.
Saul Kussiel Padover, another typical member of the OSS. Wrote definitive study of Karl Marx and edited a leftist newspaper.
Complete PDF file list of all OSS personnel 1941-1946:
General Douglas MacArthur managed to keep the O.S.S. out of the Pacific Theatre.
That type of collapse is absolutely required if we are to try and restore America. It has morphed so far beyond repair at this point it needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.
Is that why he was dismissed after the war?
Truman also thought MacArthur would come back and overthrow the government
Also, he didn't socially destroy the Japs like the US government wanted him to, which is one of the reasons the nips aren't Germany tier these days
According to some rumors he's not just a communist….he's also a MUSLIM CONVERT
Not kidding, google it.
Ask the Praetorian Guard
So that explains why Trump constantly praises Patton and MacArthur. It honestly explains a lot.
On that note as well, the whole "Nuke the Chinese" plan MacArthur was credited with was completely made up by Truman and Congress
According to Nixon who had some fairly in depth conversations with him, MacArthur was pretty horrified by nuclear weapons and even the mass bombing campaigns of WW2