Other urls found in this thread:

hopefully Trump gets reddit banned

As long as he gets every single goon V& I'll be happy.


user DELIVERS electronically


Shills and CTR are in full SHUT IT DOWN mode over this news.

Someone made a thread on neocucks when this shit broke, and the mods locked it, and the reasoning was "lol Holla Forums".

Tomorrow is going to be glorious.


From last thread:

My throwaway account got shadowbanned after last night.
The post pictured isn't visible to anyone.




pls user




archives of thread.

also, the lock every thread where Trump has higher poll numbers. that site is full CTR shills now.

Twitter destroys pictures by resizing and compressing them.
You can tweet an imgur link, which maintains better quality.

Plus, imgur has it's own "community" which I used to spread that shit.

maybe this shit is goon disinformation.

This isn't good enough. Reddit needs to go the way of Digg.

The full image is here:

And I uploaded it to here:

Wait? Lowtax got divorced recently? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.



Serves that cuck right. I remember when he got married. It was right around the time that SA lost it's edge and began becoming poz-central, probably due to conceding control of the site to his whore wife. Those of us who refused to pay 10bux ended up on 4chan. Is it any wonder that the buyfags also ended up becoming liberal cucks?

I hope the full weight of the law comes down hard on Lowtax.

Reddit is already subpoenad afaik. They're fucked because they've already been caught red-handed by anons. We have the archives. What we don't have are the SA posts and archives.


My god, reading the goon politics board feels like I've lost one of my senses. They're SO unaware of what's really happening right now. I thought they were supposed to be on the cutting-edge of memes and shit.

Post caps and more AWOO

so what the fuck does this mean? I'm too tired to read the last thread

tl;dr First Reddit, Second SA, Third ZA WARUDO.

what? excise me, I don't read "fucking retarded"

I knew you were cancer but you make it so easy!

You should read the previous thread. Some good animu recommendations in there.

It means shitpost until the hearings. The house has made it clear that they are ready to pursue the evidence, so it's up to them.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting friend-pal



I just sent this to Chaffetz using c

While Paul Combetta made many posts on regarding his work on the Clinton's email server, he had a much larger presence posting on the forums.

Lowtax, the head admin for SomethingAwful has been quietly scrubbing Paul's entire post history in an effort to distance SomethingAwful from the FBI's and your investigations. Through some minor digging, public investigators have found that Paul Combetta made roughly 2500 posts on SomethingAwful under the alias StormTear.

Reddit is the public face to the long internet history of Paul Combetta. His posts on SomethingAwful may prove to be extremely enlightening in your investigations of his time working for the Clintons, and may provide evidence of other crimes he's committed.

Your Benefactor




I hope they have 10 million bux


not an artform.








Sent the same message in to Rowdy Gowdy


stealing Lord Kek's dubs how uncivilized.
reported for goon.


Spoiler alert: Goons are all of the above.

reported for spam.


You'll get what you deserve you fucking retarded piece of shit. I hope you get raped by all the niggers in the jail you'll be assigned to, fucking goon.

Well, you done and got the goons caught. What's the next step in your master plan?

Lowtestes on suicide watch

and DOTR


This is why you're losing the meme war.

How does it feel that your faggotry hub will be vanned soon

Here, you can go to our new forum with all user mods, we made this new hub out of the goodness of our heart - to make it just like home the cuck fee has been increased to $50/post :^^^)


Not LARPing. Memes. Get it right, you stupid Jew.



You're not even making sense anymore. You are a MESS. You are a WASTE. You are a BIG. FAT. MISTAKE.


Cry more, idiot. You're going to the zoo.




Wasn't he married to a gook? And before that, his unfunny girlfriend "integral" who wrote unfunny articles for the front page.

user WINS




wew goons already trying some diversion


You thought it was the niggers and Muslims who were the enemies at the gates? How naive you are.

Enjoy your time in camp Somalia, brain dead faggot who payed 10 bucks to a cuckhold with 2 failed marriages.


Saw anons in previous investigation threads mentioning Goons would try something like this. They were right. Good thing I also see other e-celebrity threads with a bump lock, so it won't work.

Are there archives of the people helping Lowtax shut it down? It would probably be best to jail them too, for completeness.

Oh this is good.

Really good.


destroying evidence. impeding an investigation.

I hope they put him away.

4chan is that you ?




Bring back the gas chamber in honour of Lowtax and make sure his ex-wife is invited and gets to watch while cucking him smugly.

They're about to get raped, aren't they?


Very hard.


Alright who the fuck linked 8ch on 4cuck. This thread is full of nothing but halfchan memes…

Our Destiny=

Trump is already making America great again, not even in office yet.

Some of us lurked imageboards before cripple made a bunker for niGGers you know…

I've always hated goons, but the familiarity of the writing style of all those faggots in the replies makes it completely obvious who we've been fighting against this entire time.

I don't see any threads about this on cuckchan. Either their goon mods SHUT IT DOWN or it's other goons trying to damage control.

Reminder that the admin is a goon.

what do we have here?






Reddit is not going down, but SA might.

A form of storytelling.

The OC that lowtax tweeted was originally posted on 4chan, but was pushed out by goons.

yfw redditcucks and somethingcuckful BTFO
yfw all anime categories obliterated

what a time to be alive.





This wasn't made to be a GG bunker fag, I've been here since the beginning. The "awoo~" meme is a 4chan Holla Forums meme. We also have a much larger number of anime posters than usual. Also an user using the ">>>/soc/" meme. I'm telling you this thread is full of 4changz


BLM protest when?

That was me. You do realize that this reply is older than cripplechan right?

Yeah. It existed an entire half year before Holla Forums and Holla Forums exodus made it relevant.

She looks turkish.


A lot of us were former goons, to be fair. It was just the thing on old internet like jewgrounds before it got cucked and the fanbase left. Vincent seems based though so I doubt he's anything to worry about. I've spoken to him on mumble and everything.

Yeah and i thought it died with "cripplechan" as it's not really as relevant here as it is on 4chan. You've got to browse both imageboards right?

Holla Forums is not a place for anons with battered wife syndrome. Go back to be datamined and banned for wrongthink

if lowtax got divorced recently, them lmao…
he knocked up and married a canadian in 2014.
Good luck paying child support to two separate ex-wives, Richard!

▲ ▲

Shitposting is an

oh dear lord.

Yes but can you


what the fuck is that from

I don't know man, the artist was French.

Hobo with a Shotgun.

After moot sold 4cuck that was the beginning of the end for this place. Holla Forums was the best board ive ever been on until you naggers came along. Probably a good thing because that place being destroyed lead me here. This place used to be so much more informative back in the day, way more focused on teaching newfags about the truth of WW11, the REAL redpill. I tried using 4/pol/ way before i came here but it never stuck. They just didn't have the structure or seriousness that this place had.

I just woke up, what the fuck is happening? The only thing I can gather from reading this thread is that goons may have gotten their beloved SA nuked or something?

Of course it's fucking goons.

you're not entirely wrong.
the kool kids klub of FYAD (fuck you and die) metastasized to Weird Twitter in the early 2010's, and pretty much every SJW learned their hip ironic writing style from Weird Twitter.
FYAD was basically the SJW style guide. Funny because the content of FYAD was just 'what if Holla Forums was full of Jew hipsters from Brooklyn'

What de fug did I miss?


The Parkinson's stuff doesn't sound real. Let's focus on just getting the feds to look into Stonetear's SA account and not spread screencaps that will do more harm than good.


I'll take that as a yes

Not yet, but soon.

I didnt think that girl was so big

Wow. You were lurking for ALL SIX MONTHS before we came aboard?

That must make you a hardened free speech veteran and a true pioneer.

Had not Hotwheels himself described his creation as "an unholy hybrid of reddit and 4chan" before the king of cucks outted himself forcing us to move here?

Not having browsed 4chan is not something to be proud of, kiddo.

clintons IT dude that nuked the emails used a ton of different sites, reddit got subpoenaed for the deleted posts that were pretty much him asking how to nuke the drives, the other sites, SA aand whatever the other is, also deleted his posts. not long till they go after those.






Why are you getting pissy m8?

Vince was raising money for Goons via EVE Online. He'll have his very own lamp post on the DOTR.

Holla Forums anons may have found the smoking gun for the Hillary E-mail scandal in the form of her chief IT guy being a total fucking retard and asking Reddit how to delete e-mails. He is also a Goon and a furfag. Check the thread this user posted for more information.



tamper with evidence

House Oversight Committee


Plebbit too? Damn, this sounds way better than I imagined.

Don't want to brag but I must inform you that I have personally contributed not one but two ebin maymays exclusively for fullchan.

>also implying that I am autistically devoted enough to full/pol/ to know that the anti-anime artfag is a goon from freech
>implying you are not his fellow redditards defending him by accusing me of knowing memes of the olde as if it's a bad thing
No John.
You are the cancer!


The leftist government is made up of Furfags, Pedophiles, SJWs, Redditumblr, literal criminals, a bunch of other sickfuck shit, and goons and they wonder why go many people are voting for Trump over Hillary.

Think about that

Because you r/trump rejects act as if you own the fucking place.

I bet you faggot don't even know the etymology of "weeb" just like your artfag goon friend doesn't.

It wasn't intentional and he didn't know. He just wanted uncucked non-SJW people to play with. Besides, he helped get rid of goons when literally the whole entire game started kicking goons so hard they wanted to bury it by turning it Free To Play.

The scariest part is that if this faggot and Hillary, and pretty much everyone involved wasn't completely incompetent this would l8kley have been swept under the rug. The majority of the country, even the far left agree politics and government is corrupt but they'd still had and many still will voted for this bitch birch and this entire fiasco forgotten. Dozens of felonies broken… makes you really wonder just how much of this stuff happens without us knowing about it.

Proof of vince fucking over goons?

Day of the Rope will be like the good ol'days…

LEAVE /monster/ ALONE

We need to spread this. Twitter, Reddit, whatever it takes. This is bigger than lowtax. Goons have pervasive connections in the government, in corporate America, in the media. They run this shit, and they do it all in plain sight because they look out for each other and the rest of the internet is clueless. Fucking Vilerat died in Benghazi, was described everywhere as a goon and a Goonsquad member, and that wasn't enough to draw any public attention to SA. They openly associate with a community with history more sordid than any chan because they know no one will ever call them out on it. Because they are the ones that hunt and dox and purge.

This is our chance to put them all under the microscope.

and the get triggered by qt animu girls
funny how that works catgirls a cute awoo also a cute

yiff in hell etc etc

Psh, nuthin personell kid I've contributed dozens off maymays…. They all sucked so they never took off though.

Also that is a lot of spoilered projecting,
Never even said there was a problem with 4chan memes. I was simply pointing out that there are alot of 4chan memes ITT.
Thats all I was getting at user…

Checked, the goon threat is real,

Thank you for the sticky mods.
I was worried that goons would try to bury this shit, but I didn't want to suggest it because there's a fuck ton of stickies right now.

Projecting again… I think you need to work on your reading comprehension m8, why are you getting defensive? I wasnt trying to attack your autistic ass. I dont browse Reddit, i dont browse 4cuckold… I browse Holla Forums and the posts ITT were out of character for Holla Forums thats all i was getting at…

Fuck off goons.

He started it

StonetearX2's absolutely linked to Combetta

At least CTR gets paid. SA does it for free.


== \( ^ ω ^)/

Praised with my digits in

$10 says CTR is run and staffed by goons.


I'll take you up on that 0.0167 of a Bitcoin.
I mean 0.015 BTC
I mean 0.010 BTC

20$ say that it's just morons that got baited by obscure ad , and work for extra college or university money.

Weeb if you had to choose a side, would you choose your waifu or the white race?


False dilemmas are for kikes.

What would you choose? Your White family or the White race? one is the extension of the other

should you choose to accept it

Is to inform Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy of the link between Paul Combetta and so they may subpoena Richard Kyanka to produce all posts made by Paul Combetta, AKA: StoneTearX2.

Isn't this destruction of evidence?
Isn't that a felony?

Even if Reddit vanishes the sheep will just flock to some other subversive-by-design platform to be manipulated.

Voat, probably.
A democratic "social media" site is an awful idea.
There are some things you just shouldn't vote on, personal opinions are one of them.


Goons must be destroyed.
I shall be spreading this.

Only a kike would kvetch so much over anime

Yes, and you're probably going to see a couple goons "mysteriously" disappear in order for Hillary to not worry about squealers.

fuck off you retarded weeaboo faggots

He just asked a question you sperging retard.

Sorry user, but a waifu chooses her love. There is no say in the matter. That leaves her chosen one free to make other decisions.

You seem pretty upset over anime, user.


Kikes invented anime.


Nice gag reflex.

We sticky now.

You're fucking dead, kiddo. My meme's already posted ITT by some other user.




First EVE Online and now this.
My~ what a marvelous day to witness its downfall to such sewage state.


That's not how it started, at all.
But it did slip into shit.

Lol, dumbass.

no, i'm just actually smug, unlike you.

Go ahead, but they aren't going to listen to a couple anons sending infographics.
Your new mission is to tweet this shit at right wing twitters, post it on /r/The_Donald, and let them raise a stink about it.

They haven't been subpoenaed yet, technically I don't think he's committed a crime.
But it's clearly suspicious, could set an investigation in motion, and most importantly (>>7584399) will put goons in the public eye, which they will HATE because they've heretofore remained a virtually unknown secret club to modern internet users.
Imagine all of these slimy little geeks having to report to their bosses about their SA profiles.

They're D&C goon shills. They want you to reply to their low-effort bait so you'll dilute the thread and draw attention away from lowtax. Report and hide.

I never understood why would a faggot superimpose his autistic looking face in a MSPaint comic to post it in an anonymous imageboard.

are you rubbing your hands in the process?

It slipped into escapism which is a natural reaction to the world turning to shit. The kikes in the West decided to continue their demoralization campaign.

Co-option complete. How does it feel to be played like a damn fiddle?

Doing God's work, user.

Most things are escapism.

Even food or sleep can be.

Streisand effect, mein friend.

feels pretty smuggy

It's not like they can un-report evidence to congress. They're done for.

note: before the internet

Our forum is open user.. her's is strictly closed doors.

They fucking tweeted a 4chan infograph that links goons to Clinton and tried to laugh it off.

Depending on the names, I wonder how many are doing "volunteer service" as an "online media specialist".

Sure they can be, but I'm talking about media. Escapism in media has a dream-like quality where there is no real tension anger. Look at western movies from the 30's, and you'll see some striking similarities to moe SoL.

Don't do this to me user..

Good day, Fredditors. I come as an emissary from Something Awful. We created Holla Forums to destroy Holla Forums just because we can. We've already:

…and we aren't fucking done.

If you don't give into our demands by 12 AM GMT on the 30th we will finish off the site

Our demands are:

1) Send 5 bitcoins to 1A7MLZrwRBNTd2XDi6fMiKgrfHvjw3QxuH
2) Delete the Holla Forums board
3) Promote the site's developer, Josh, to head admin of the site and have cripplekike resign.
4) Send an official letter of complete surrender to Gawker
5) Send us a pictures of Cripplewheel's deformed kike penis

If these demands are not met the consequences WILL be dire

Let negotiations proceed. Pic related, I am behind seven proxies. No bans can get to me.

You forgot to change your ID…

no I didn't

That sounds serious. Can I pay with credit card?

wew, ousts himself quickly, and doesn't give it that much of a chance. Our enemies do our work for us.

at least I made 2 shekels on that post

Holy shit goons are in full panic mode tonight!

Easily trolled, easily b& and easily V&


Man half the thread is gone. They're really freaking out this time, SA is going to be the straw that breaks the Cunton's back at this rate.

It's hilariously out of place too


It's a end of a era, user expunges and emasculates goons even further.

When ICANN does it we know what will happen to SA.

Truly beautiful end to the era of ye olde Internet

Holla Forums really did it this time.

I can't be the only one who remembers old /f/

Too all the goons lurking:
You dun goofed.

This shit is going to blow up thanks to the panic deletions.

Pretending to be retarded and taking everything as a joke is Goon Defense 101. Example

Ha! You're right. Top kek.>SA is going to be the straw that breaks the Cunton's back at this rate.
There's something poetic about that.

t. not SA


I've heard of that kind of tactic used elsewhere too. Oh wait,

can any burgers tell me when the hearing is? a date and timezone please

Hitler's problem was that he couldn't just respond with a smug anime girl like we can.

Holy fuck, what the hell is going on, did the mods nuke the thread?

Why is it missing half the fucking posts.

These goons are freaking out hahaha

The similarity doesn't end there.
They infiltrate and overtake host cultures in order to stay relevant.
They attack anyone not in their group.
They play semantics games, and change the rules when they loose.
They scream in pain as they attack you.

thanks m8

The mods sticky a thread about how the mods on SA are deleting mass amounts of posts, then they ironically delete mass amounts of posts.

They're probably just weeding out all the goonposters.

Posts calling out as fake have been deleted, what's up?

Because we literally have two mods and they're both shit..

mod on duty at the moment is realmoonman, so the pruned posters are the goon posters.

Aren't mods here goons themselves?

Good idea, but there might be a problem with getting another subpoena. Is there archived proof (not a screenshot) of him asking for advice about the emails on SA?

Most of the posts on here were low-tier b8, it's probably just freech.

FYI: freech has nothing to do with SA, they just pretend to be involved with certain groups to make themselves look bigger than they are.

There's no archived proof. Someone is trying to get a giggle out of making Holla Forums look like lunatics.


Probably, but they mostly know how far they can push things before Holla Forums revolts and jumps to another board.

Calling it a fake is counter-productive, and goons are pushing the fake angle because the mods and admins have purged his posts from the site.
The point of the material is to get congress to investigate the involvement of SA and StoneTear.

If there is a known link between accounts, so there is no reason they can't.
If you've committed murder and are known to live in 12 different houses, the feds would have a warrant for each of your houses.

I wonder who could be behind these posts.


As a side note I notice odd and rather flawed logic and what they think about anons and people they assume to be their figureheads.

Back in 4ch days Goons though that anons were Moot's sycophants and personal army. user made fun of the greedy cuck since 2003 and onwards. You'd have to be pretty retarded to worship him as a flawless fuhrer

Other *chan boards which no-one cares about much less uses are sikrit club circlejerks.

Hotwheels made pretty stupid decisions in the past year, including hiring Null as a dev and selling Hiroshima.

Anons thrive in chaos, decentralization and obscurity. I don't respect any sysop unconditionally nor do I enroot myself in one site or *chan alone. Sycophant-cucks turn blind eye to cuckery.

Most of us have backup plans in case ICANN handover hits us hard and IF something happens to HW or his staff.

TL;DR: Goons are good as dead

Lowtax is going to get v& and your entire pathetic forum full of limp wristed nu male weaklings are going to be scattered to the wind.

Embrace the end, useful idiot scum. Buh-bye.

Another thing to keep in mind is that lowtax uses twitter, so congress could subpoena twitter for the direct messages.
If the DM is true, and information was missing, he could be pinned with destruction of evidence.

No matter what happens, this puts a huge target on goons everywhere, no matter how insignificant they are.

At least it's not Imkampfy

Nice goon language, m80. I'd rather be paranoid about committing suicide by nailgun twelve times to the back of the head because of this unimaginable Stonetear fuck up if I were you.


All these anime images are giving me flashbacks of 4chan's Holla Forums before gamergoy.


The similarity really is quite something.


Tell me more.

Got some archives and shit that we could send to him to back our case?

Oh shit, that takes me back.
He admitted to being a pedo awhile ago, actually.


That comes later user.
Once SomethingAwful gets subpoena'd, then we start working on that mess of degeneracy.



It's high time to pay fucks back for pulling stunts during GamerGay and aligning with the enemy.


Let's hope so. I don't think they can search anything they want, cause privacy, but they could get his activities around the time he was trying to destroy evidence, which is the important part in the grand scheme. Let's just hope lowtax fucked up.


Sorry, any info I had on that went south with my last computer. I'm sure some of the anons here must have archives of leaks from Goonswarm.



This place has been lousy with Goons since GamerGoy. Especially GNAA, an SA offshoot. Go find the leaked chatlogs that came out at the time.

In fact those might contain some juicy evidence.


He could fuck up his fuck up and do it right by accident.


Indeed. SomethingAwful is where the cancer first started. It is there that it must end.

It was not always so. The goons are merely an entrenched invader. If you came to Holla Forums from 4chan then you know the whole reason jewt started cuckchan in the first place was to escape the goon plague that swept SA. As an oldfag, myself, I remember that SA was once my home. It can be again. Once the goons are driven out, I can return a rebuild SA to make it how it should have been.

Those fucks only cannibal troll these days, last measure is obsolete and they've done fuck all lately.

They essentially dropped very viable botnet and potential raids/ops.

They managed to cause a surprising amount of trouble during GoyimGate by playing both sides off against one another. If I remember rightly, they were the source of the bomb threat at that convention, and responsible for most of the online harassment GG'ers got the blame for.

So if the FBI has an investigation, isn't it highly illegal to tamper with evidence and disrupt an investigation by deleting possible evidence?

As in, these morons could go to jail, even though they just wanted to avoid an investigation?

It's too good to be true!!

That's the thing… I lack alternatives, and frankly, if they take this site down, I will be in the mood to form a new nationalistic party, godammit
Russian boards are full of shit, I can't speak Wapanese - they do not matter for this kind of infos anyway - and kc lacks the global connections this thing here has. No, int is a fucking joke.
Yes, the onion could spice up things, but that is a line for me. Further, how can I effectively lurk there? It will be too exclusive and not very internationally connected. I learned more lurking here than all the years before that.

I thought this 1984 stuff will happen when I am old, not now.

What's next? Cry that your series of tubes were ruined by eternal September?

Well actually the internet was really popular in other countries first.
Early Japanese sites like 2ch were way bigger in 2000 than 4chan was in 2006.

Thanks for outting yourself, goon.

Goons turned cancer after Lowtax's cuckening. Sycophants were proto-SJWs like Reddit they aren't assed or interested fixing their site and community.

Now it's cafe cuck of Internet. Hookahs, berets and lolbergism for everyone!

You need to learn about the old flame wars , they were legendary

Get the salt memes goin', people!

I still miss old usenet, fucking normies

Fucking meow wars, meng.

So let me get this right:

Did I get this right?

SA isn't being investigated

Wait so is the post about parkinsons archived anywhere at all? All I've seen is that screencap.

Er, guys?
How does Sean Smith slot into this? The political leader of Goonswarm who was one of the Americans killed in Benghazi?

This is the first I heard of SA being political… whats the tl;dr?

Mods are banning for "disinfo". A 4 week ban for this?

They're being gigantic faggots for some reason. Everyone who disagrees with sharing an obviously fake post is being labeled as a goon.

Fucking retards.

Whups, wrong screenshot. Pls no ban.

I've been away for a while.

someone mind spoonfeeding me on what the fuck is going on?

something with one of shillary's goons asking real goons how to help with parkinsons, then failing at massive damage control once he's outed; while involving reddit with questions on how to cover his tracks?

please tell me this is happening

Fucking useless.

Damn, you make me feel like an infant. Oldest shit I can remember was Homestar Runner and back in the 90s some ancient danbooru-like hentai sites.

The real evidence shows one of shillary's goons asking reddit how to tamper with and destroy evidence.

The parkinsons is nonsense and obviously fake but the mods insist that it's a good thing to spread it because then apparently congress will turn their attention to SA.

I want to believe that parkinsons post is real. SA though is known to pull stunts like this to epig troll places. Is there any more corroboration for that old SA post other than the screenshot? I suppose archive doesn't really work since you have to be logged in to view the post right?

TL;DR: Combetti pleaded the fifth 150 > times. Holla Forums founded his reddit and SA posts where he asked how to delete evidence

As a result: SA is going to get FBI'd, Lowtax will get gutted if Paul doesn't squeal.

All hell will break loose once FBI looks into SA and Plebbit.

Oh do continue

It's fake. Ignore it. There are several posts that have showed why it's a fake.

There's a bunch of other stuff that relates combetta to SA anyway.

The reasoning for the fakeness is in this thread somewhere

What a wonderful time to be alive


one would think everyone from her camp would know a think or two about destroying evidence.

your pic related post seems pretty useless as well

Horry shit.


I guess he's trying to derail the thread, which utterly failed

I'm just quickly calling the mods faggots because they're the ones who like disinfo. Hardly the great derailing of 2016.

Starting shit by posting fakes is better than inactivism.

even better than I expected, thanks user


oops didn't mean to spoiler.

Are the FBI even aware though? I mean, I'm sure they monitor Holla Forums like a hawk but have we any conformation that this is actually happening? Comey was bought off after all

Trust me I knew that feeling when AOL trial CDs were handed out en masse too.

Literal summerfags flooded in and started to shit on real groups.

Trolling diluted over time as newfag and fandoms started to shit all over the fucking place.

Furries were fucking menace in Usenet days, degenerates - furries infiltrated doom wad community, spread bullshit drama and were the first SJWs of usenet with their ultra-progressive dog fucking degeneracy.

Fandoms are fucking cancer.

With ICANN handover we are going to face eternal nuclear winter of the Internet. Picture related.

Citations and evidence please, because the bullshit coming out from you is far laughable than Loretta Lynch in the hearings.
But do continue, it's quite an entertainment.

Why? Spending time spreading a lead that will ultimately lead nowhere distracts from real investigation.

We can actually get Something Awful taken down for this, make your dreams reality anons.

Low tax already passed off the feds for dodging taxes.



You actually did something concrete against Hillary and the (((globalists))). A retaliatory strike against our site is highly probable.

Double your Archives!

Save one to share, and another one from a completely different archiving site to keep for yourself so (((they))) can only take down one copy.

Here is to SomethingAwful being taken down for good, and the users BTFO.

I'm wondering why I don't see more posts here about ICANN.

I wonder why…

Holla Forums was ddosed earlier, but it was weak and deflected by the data center technicians.

Anons, do you realize that at this very moment, Holla Forums is cementing its place in US history? They very well could write about us and include our valiant efforts in US history text books. I am proud of all of you and proud to have served with you.

The internet like 4chan before it is doomed to die due to systemic flaws. I have no concept of fa/g/gotry and really suck with computers but based on common sense I can only assume that we must eventually switch to a more decentralized equivalent of it if it is to preserve freedom of speech and flux of information as well as internetculture, mememongering and the lulz.

After kikebook and twitter the internet is quickly devolving into talmudvision2: electronic jewgaloo and I doubt we can fight to prevent at this point, we can only resist and prepare a margin for an exodus of a magnitude never seen before in human history.

Would not that vindicate Hitler though?

It's a public secret that shit is about to get down in a week or so. Further threads are tad redundant.

I mentioned as a comparison.

Eternal september was the death nail of Usenet. ICANN handover will affect everything in a large scale.

Most anons including myself are prepared for the dark times ahead.

Clearnet will be turned into a politically correct goyjewmarkiplierpewdstube sponsored by none other than (((Jewgle)))

Tor was highjacked by inept kikes - the project was compromised few days ago.

Peer-to-peer invite only usenet BBS mark II is a possibility to get around this shit.

SA goons are notorious for hating anime.

Recently, my anti-semitic comments have been well received by normalfags, the world is beginning to see that Hitler Was Right.

if anything, fbi should elbow the goons the fuck out of the internet and use us as testing ground for psy ops.

How do I as a non-techfag get around this? I don't want to lose access to sites like this.

Do both, FULL GLOBAL SATURATION is required for this op.

One can only hope they won't get the last laugh this time and attempt to correct the record again.


The parkinsons screenshot is bullshit.

>reacting with anita


>Check the timeline :

There are few projects like Zeronet, I2P, etc. Mullvad is a idiot proof VPN to help luddites to cover their asses

Alternatively you could honor our ancestor and spread your shitposts as graffiti in the nearest public restroom.

Or you could go full paleofag and cave paint the shit out of the nearest habitable cave.

In case of nuclear war you could use a pneumatic drill to make permanent shitposts in solid granite. Fuck even if humanity kicks the bucket future alien explorers deserve to know that they are cock mongling faggots.

what does it mean?

Well we all knew that already, but it's interesting times we're in.

A salute to each and all who served. And to those double dubs.


Why would they break off so fast and feebly at that?

The dubs have beget dubs.



Do you guys remember the Zoey Quinn and Goon Skype leak? Here is a refresher for you anons

probably a test attack

I'd say be prepared, with the upcoming debate.

yeah we will be watching the servers. hopefully we can stay online for the whole debate

Oy vey, shut it down.

Those trips don't lie. Faggot confirmed for d&c shill.


This thread has been a complete shit show so far. I guess 4chan or shills want to derail any discussion of the topic.

So why not tip off the feds on this? Leave a little tip. I'm a foreigner so i doubt i could do it.


You poor soul, you've been taken but you don't know it yet!

At least get it to kikebart .

Good god have the people behind trying to purge anime from Holla Forums been Goons all along?

Goons must pay

Makes sense, goons have always hated anime. They consider all anime pedo.

Goons are the Jews of the internet aren't they?

We need to gas the internet Jews before we gas the meatspace Jews.

No user. SA must burn and be left as an unsalvageable ruin for all to see, as a reminder of the folly of leftist everywhere. You cannot bring back that which is dead, its soul has long passed from this realm. You cannot create such a thing, only make a mockery of what it once was.

And in their folly, they created what would eventually end them.

Liberals always create their own enemies.


The oversight house subcommittee is about to start soon.

No, they're the Romani gypsies. The worst of the worst.

They both share nepotistic circle jerking, and pyramid schemes.

do they livestream anywhere?

Here you go.


Fuck I'm so fucking ready to watch it all come down.
Thread up:

Is these mobile suits loli?

japan makes the best american girls

Question: Didn't the subpoena apply to reddit?


What is IOWP?

This thread isn't about anime, don't let it be about anime

I think that says Iowa

I think I am shadowbanned on 4chan. When did they start shadowbanning?

Is there a livestream?


Kek bless you user, thank you very much.

It begins

Be wary, I'd wager this is a freech or Holla Forums shill. Reeks of it.

What happens next realistically?

Does Hillary get dragged back before congress? Or just her email deleting henchman? I mean, this is conclusively fucking illegal right?

Nothing probably.
It all depends on the next president.

Honestly i'm hoping Goon assrape comes out of this.

I speculated he might be a goon in the first thread that was made about Combetta. Good to see that I was right.

At least we finally see our current biggest enemy on the Internet, the eternal Goon.

Can someone explain why he'd get vanned? I understood he nuked stonytear account, but under supina (sp?) what could they get out of him since its "private business" etc. I heard that shit all the time when "freeze peach" shit comes up too, "It's a private business only government can censor"

The State Department won't let anything happen to Hillary but we can still feed SA to the wolves. I doubt Obama will be happy an internet club is hurting the Democrats by with their incompetence.

Redirect thoughts to sending out info of outside deletion of Paul's account by his SA website forum friends.
When the investigation reveals the ip who deleted his reddit account, the investigators must be informed that Paul's online friends are implicated in destroying evidence. What is Chaffetz's email address? Its not in the thread yet.

If the Goons go we'll be the only secret Internet Illuminati left.

That's why we need to make SA the scapegoat in response to protecting Hillary.

A good prosecutor could go after him for allowing information to be deleted after it came to light that it was important in a criminal investigation.


I actually like SA for talking about hobbies. Politically it's pozzed tho

Don't talk to me or my rice calculator wife's son again!


Fuck off 10bux faggot

Where does this Awoo shit come from, I've literally never seen it on here.

Momiji you fucking newfag

More gay 4chan shit

That Zaku II is clearly underage

Oh shit. Please don't call the FBI.


there doesn't seem to be a single post in the thread that's about what the thread is about

what's going on help


Goons are involved in Hillary's corrupt shenanigans.

Are you blind?
Shit's chaotic because lots of things need to be stickied for lugenpresse faggots, and we're doing war with goons.

I was wondering if someone was going to mention the queen of the goons.

Also, this site here is great if you want to learn SA's dirty secrets: somethingsensitive com/index.php?board=1.0


thanks though

My lord, how does anyone stomach going to NeoFAG?


how fucking new are you

this predates Holla Forums entirely

Goons hate anime because it's romanticism, focusing on beauty and ideals. It's incompatible with their edgy nihilism and nose-in-air above-it-all attitude.

Moe burns them like sunlight to vampires.

How can you not be entertained by this?

I'm waiting for the day Comey gets brought back in front of congress to address the question of why a bunch of frog worshiping shitposters are more productive than someone who has the entire alphabet soup at their disposal.


Name of song?

Half the people in the FBI want to support the people, not the govenment.
The other half are shabbos goyim.
Thus, no one ever accomplishes anything since they all work against each other.

And doesn't the CIA and FBI get in fights all the time?

That too, each of them wants to be an independent monopoly on governmental power, like 2 kids fighting for daddy's attention.
They do the same stuff so if a job gets given to an FBIfag, that means the CIAfag misses out on the pay (and on the action).

kansas fag here

lee's summit is 30 min from me

you do know that only works with Holla Forumsedditor right? because /r/gaming hangs out there in large numbers.

So you fire the half that get in the way and do some real work. Easy.

Holla Forums is pretty redpilled, try going there.
Also though there are women there, most people hate and bully them.

Holla Forums is probably the best online community I've ever seen tbh.

they fall for stupid shit, ctr has been trying to lump and destroy fetish boards with stupid slapfights on Holla Forums which puts offsite meta on that place. they resemble like the Holla Forums vs Holla Forums
intl fights on Holla Forums threads.

goons will constantly push it because the people on /monster/ hate faggot furrygoons like combetta, they even ripped apart his fanfiction of him fucking hilldog.


Do you mean
a) (((they))) fire our half
b) Trump fires the shabbos goyim half

It's not that easy though, user.
Unless you monitor every single employee 24/7 you won't know which one is against the jews and which one for.
Resistence can be as simple as being 20 minutes late for a meeting with the higher-ups reporting on data gathered about the Syrian airstrikes; or inhaling chalk, claiming high fever and taking medical leave while "being too sick" to email the info/data dump you gathered about X (e.g. online hate speech) in time, thus delaying the investigation by 2 days.

Idk, I've been there recently.
>they know the BO is a fat obese jew
Yet they still manage to be very friendly to each other and create a cozy, familial atmosphere.

It's pretty much how I wish the real world would be.

If you go over there, then keep an eye on your tards, point out the shilling when you see it.

We must be going to different Holla Forumss then.

Honestly sometimes I wonder if since imageboards reveal humanity for what we really are iv'e often wondered if it speaks good or ill of humanity.

But then again I remember that I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here and I regain a little bit of faith in mankind.

I don't find genuine, blatant ignorance to be very funny.

Yeah, because its not like kikes put themselves and their puppets in positions of power to prevent exactly you've proposed from happening.

Anonymous imageboards are the true voice of humanity, unhindered by restrictive social norms.
Anonymity strips away the inner censor of all people, and it's frightening to those who seek to censor.

Even in an authoritarian state there needs to exist some form of anonymous imageboards.
In a perfect nation, the state would fund a completely anonymized imageboard.


When his body is found, it will be in a puddle of urine.

Forensic analysis will show that he…
peed a fifth
…of tequila.


Or maybe you need to lurk more kike
Gook toons are an ally of KEK


I hate this nigger

He's using quotes from Hillary's emails… Twisty cunts.

It would be fun to find out what suspect connections he has

No, there aren't, you gullible fuck. Ayyyyy lmao.

Cons: SHILLS and relative naivety of the community about the

Holla Forums is shilled to shreds, most notably by CDProject. Any thread about Witcher games and you can bet the majority of posters including OP will be CDPR shills posting about how great GOG is, how Witcher 3 is the best looking open world game and how their opponents are Bioware fans. Speaking of which, I feel like EA has given up shilling on Holla Forums for quite a while now and the CDPR shills still fight that windmill. Mirror's Edge Catalyst beta threads for example were practically shill-free, everyone just posted emerging gameplay snippets and agreed that it missed the mark. We kinda forgot about it before it even came out, the way it should be. Aside from CDPR the other big offender are goons/anti-gamergate SJW faggots. They STILL try to force their SJW meme-game on Holla Forums and post "being against SJWs is like SJW" and "back to Holla Forums". There is no thread about Tumblrtale right now but they will be back, I'm sure of it.

*about them (shills)

There was a thread about undertale and the consensus was that it sucked balls.

There was a girl in there and I bullied the fuck out of her (she started it by saying to a guy "I didn't know /r9k/ virgins post here". I got triggered)

There was recently a WoW Legion shill op and most posters called out shilling and said they'll wait for post-release videos and reviews.

In both threads, the majority of posters sage'd.

I recently saved this from Holla Forums

Yet he conveniently ignored Shillary's pay-to-play schemes.

Then again this faggot made a death threat in the previous hearing.

aren't catgirls and awoo furry? also we have pepe

No, they fall under the monster girl territory.

The consensus of whom? Holla Forums frequenters who played Tumblrtale?? There are none, noone fucking played that game. It's a complete SJW collusion clique hoax. In order to call it bad someone would have to play it. What they are actually doing is they are playing the long game, slowly increasing the temperature so the Pepe doesn't realize he's being boiled. They know they can't go straight to praising Tumblrtale as it was violently rejected by Holla Forums at launch. But by posting about it, even negatively, they can create the illusion that the memegame was relevant at some point. Tumblrtale is probably less important than that empty piece of shit Ark or any of the other broken trash early access / indie games that come out by the dozens every week. You will never see threads for them on Holla Forums but Tumblrtale? Different story for some reason. And that reason is SJW goon shills being obsessed with the idea of creating a SJW "classic" game to cement their status in gaming. Soon you'll see the opinion slowly shift to "it was okay, whatever", and after that comes the "now that the dust has settled" phase where they start openly praising it, saying something along the lines of

Just wait and see.

No, there wasn't. This is not funny anymore, quit playing retarded. There are no girls on chans, just neckbeards larping for attention.

Standard SJW goon. Shaming is all they know.

Arguably and indirectly

Pepe trascended his furfag vore fetishist creator years ago, ergo he isn't furry. He is Kek's avatar.


I played Undertale.

I liked it.

Fight me.

From what I have felt Legion wasn't as successful as it was hyped to be.

Blizzard cucks still refuse to release subscriber data, which in itself is a massive hit.

From what I gathered the shills are insecure WoW addict who do not want to live in reality and justify their addiction to others.

Trump needs to call the mainstream media's bluff and make this his campaign theme. #MAGA

No need. Everyone who has been here for a while takes one look at your post and immediately recognizes that you do not belong here.

*Hint not hit

That's neat and all, but I have one question here:
Will Donald Trump change the unofficial party animal of the GOP from an elephant into a frog?

Seriously, though, nice infographic. /vpol/ a best.

That's because undertale IS important as the whole gaming industry wrote articles about it being the greatest game.
The problem is that normalfags actually read kotaku or eurogamer.

It would be like ignoring Clinton and CtR and saying they are irrelevant.

I guess the anime D&C just doesn't work as well for you guys anymore? I mean, fuck, I didn't even try to tell you you were wrong and it was an objectively good game; I just said I liked it.

Also, there are women on Holla Forums. /cuckquean/ is a board almost exclusively for them.

Fucking gas yourself, goon

well it would be the equivalent of saying "I watched cuckbuster 2016 and enjoyed it, what are you some kind of shill?"

Fuck off, Reddit.

Corrupt, colluding shill press, you mean. And since GG you should know that they do not boast the numbers to call themselves representative of anything. Normalfags do NOT read those sites. Those sites have a very limited audience

Basically teenagers and SJW adults who are somewhat ambivalent about their gaming habit. Not the vast majority of dudebros, not the vast majority of PC gamers, not the vast majority of gamers in general. Just tryhard hipsters and teens who don't know any better yet.

You really can't compare the starving, desperate gaming press to well-established TV networks. I doubt all of Gawker's gaming sites combined ever amounted to one TV station's ad revenue. Gaming press = third party advertising firms for the publishers. They exist to churn out numbers and quotes that can be printed on game covers.

Nope. Someone post that "girlgamers on reddit" pic, it was gold. Story of an alleged woman who went on a subreddit for "girlgamers" to find out via voice chat in game and stuff that it was basically entirely populated by trannies and thirsty whiteknights.


They attempted to create "the beatles" of videogames to set it as an unquestionable example of "quality" to shape and influence all future devs and player tastes, even if the game was literal trash, like the beatles.
Speaking against it is a double edged sword, because if you don't, faggots like spew their bullshit unchallenged, but if you do, as the user you replied to said, you give them the attention they so desperately need to validate it and its "nothing wrong with it" status, this tactic is common on sjews, when they realize they can't blatantly lie about the nature of something, they back down and try to divert judgement from that and redirect it to the people that enjoy it, same thing happens with steven universe, hords of sodomites pretending the only thing anyone can judge with the media they consume is they themselves, nothing wrong with the content.

I played the game, It's riddled with kike degeneracy propaganda and it's not even mildly amusing as a game, you are a brainless faggot with no taste.

What about >>>/girltalk/?

Double dubs confirm, undertale is a lose-lose scenario for us.


Thank you!

There is only one surefire way to stop them.
A bullet.

Both Holla Forums and Holla Forums are shit places filled with shit people, only a select few are worth talking to and even then, they are subjected to change for the worse, being this infatuated and belonging to curren't Holla Forums only evidentiates you are a underageb& newfag.

I smell raccoon fur.

The anti-anime artfag has his roots elsewhere than freech. Some say he's been part of the GNAA. others say EDF. But if one thing's for certain, it's that all we know of him is that he's a shill.

I see your tenbux and raise you a stock in jewgle.

Then why are you on here?
Also, you just admitted you're an underage newfag.

Is he the one on the right?

I hear that lewder smugs invoke more asshurt.

I mean the Encyclopedia Dramatica forums.

Not just allowing, purposefully deleting information in an attempt to escape investigation.

When in doubt, consult the chart.

Nope. It's not a trick, or shilling. You're talking to an actual full 14/88 Holla Forumsack who actually found things to appreciate in Undertale.

That said, every criticism of it in this thread is 100% valid.


Boy Scouts will be renamed Wolf Scouts and they will have a badge for shitposting and AWOOOOOOOOO

I'm pretty sure any non-retarded prosecutor would do that.


wtf I love hillary now.

Plebian taste.

So wait.
Isn't Something Awful on OUR SIDE?
I'm getting mixed signals here.
So is SA good or bad?


SA goons are all commies, they always have been no-fun faggot commies, and they should all have a long drop on a short rope.

Nah man, a long drop just means a quick snap of the neck, either you give them a really long drop so their head flies off, or a very short one so they choke to death.

Remember, every extra second it takes to kill a goon or jew is a second you could be spending killing the next goon or jew.

I have no clue what's even going on anymore

No they don't, simple animal girls are basically human with decorations. Monster girls are freaky shit.

undertale ends with monsters entering back into the human world.

congratulations on liking refugee propaganda.


It has been years when I saw Crazy fucking Hassan last time.

I need to buy used camels


Can I get a source on that image?

Holla Forums nuked from 8ch

Wew lads! My dix is so hard… goddamn Third Reich is best Reich

I'd say it's pretty obvious they are lead by goons just based on their ideology. They're not redditors, they're not cuckchan, they're not fullchan so what are they? Probably goons.

It's not even about free speech anymore, this is about ridding ourselves of obvious enemies. This site should be off-limits to leftists; they have everywhere else on the internet where we're censored and they're allowed, including cuckchan. They can fuck off to one of those hundreds of sites.

Reminds me of that one Senran thread they had on the Games sub-forum. All the OP did was actually talk about the game and it's mechanics, never once did he ever bring up anything lewd. HOWEVER, the goons spent up to 300 pages crying about pedophilia and how gross the game was. Also "shitposting" about anime fans and waifus.

I'd just like to thank the user from the last thread that suggested I watch Kiniro Mosaic.

It's been very healing for me, thank you.

would anyone care to tell m e what happened in the last few years with lowtax, Something Awful and if anything happened with Retsupurae?

I've always enjoyed Retsupurae, Lowtax's LPs were enjoyable to an extent. Anything happen to either?

It's so weird, all the shit with SA goons. I used to use the forums waaay back in the day, like 2001 to 2003. I honestly don't remember cucky SJW stuff going on. Maybe I just see the world through a different lense now but I just remember a lot of weird edgy humor. People posting that goatse image of the man stretching out his asshole is the only thing about that place that sticks out to me. It blows my mind that those people started working in government and that vilerat got snackbar'd in Benghazi.
Apparently Jim is saying that Goons bought halfchan.

So basically nothing has changed other than it being official now?

It's fucking nothing.

Fuck off back to cuckchan with your autistic memes.

Whats going on in this thread, I just saw it?

Possible second Holla Forumsharbor. Expect shit to hit the fan really hard.

I'm already seeing tons of cuckchan posters all over.

So much basic COINTELPRO ITT.

Whoever made the infographic was either trolling with that part, or a retard. Butts and Quinn are goons, that is all I need to say.

So when are they going to have a full hearing about the new evidence that we brought up, Reddit, and SA? Iv'e been hearing everything from Friday, Saturday, to Monday.

I really want to see all PedoGoons go down and all of their networks to collapse.

Luckily, Trump is making anime real so I won't have to choose.
But anons won't you think of LowTax's children? Please think of the children.

every time

Holy shit. Trump can now legitimately nuke the SA Goons after he's elected.

This is the best current year ever



Addendum, if the purge of the SA Goons start on June 30th 2017 we will have proof that Trump is literally Hitler. Night of the Long Knives Episode 2.
I'm pretty sure that we got LowTax.

LowTax is kill

you fucking retard.

LowTax is 100% kill

Exposing Goon pedophile rings when?

Friend of mine sent me this..

Its trending on Facebook.

Someone get me some popcorn.


You Goons are going in the fucking oven you know that right?

0chan is the fail safe bunker. Zeronet is easy to use, and out of global jewry control for now. The admin is one of us.


And yet normalfags are infinity worse than us. And Goon faggots like you are below even normalfags.

Most likely a Goon. GNAA are Goons, SJW's are Goon derivatives.

We need to start blaming Goons like we blame Jews because the majority of the time we'll be correct.

Goon bullshit
-Goonswarm (obviously)

Feel free to add to the list.


Now, just what the heck is going on here then?

Let me guess. Combetta (unsurprisingly) has yet another account, under the name StoneTear, in the forums. Ordinarily, this would be just another window on his general geek/nerd/furry/BSDM/incompetech pursuits.

However in the particular case of SA, amidst the general goonery, autism and usual internet horseplay / helldumping, there is also a slightly more …. hypergolic element in the context of a bone fide political scandal.

For you see, SA has a surprisingly "near" near association to of all things, the State Department, in the form of its former moderator "Vile Rat", now deceased, who was in fact Sean Smith, one of the four diplomats killed in the Benghazi Embassy attack. At first glance, a loose relation to the matter at hand, but once we realise that Smith's SA forum connections were apparently influential in obtaining official government positions for certain forum posters, things become a little, more interesting.

Because, it cannot have escaped the notice of many that Mr Combetta, despite being an IT admin, was not in fact very good at IT administration. Not only was he poor at administrating either the security or the … sanitisation .. of Hillary's email server, he in fact had to go online to directly ask for advice on matters (blackberries, etc) a good googling would at least deliver an overview of. Not only that, he actually forgot to delete on of the email backups after the Federal subpoena for the data, an enormous gaffe revealing of a disorganised mind and more to the point someone apparently unfamiliar with the basic legal nuances of data protection in systems administration.

In short, how is it then, just how is it, that such a person, seemingly not especially outstanding in either their personal organisation, or technical abilities, came to be the administrator of the personal private email server of the sitting Secretary of State of the United States of America. An obscure Colorado based admin, somehow plucked from obscurity to a post at the very table of the highest powers in the land? What fortuitous connections brought Mr Combetta to the attention of her staff, or perhaps even Hillary herself?

Which brings us back, again, to Smith. The much eulogised former SA moderator, fleet director, "internet" diplomat, and I think perhaps Goon Go To Guy for Government Jobs. How many posters had posts, contracts, connections, or access to the State Department (or anywhere else) as a result of Smith's influence, or indeed just a general internet old-boy network.

Speculative, but the dearth of explanation for Combetta's hiring and presence invites, well, speculation. And while though he's deleting Combetta's public posts, I would wager that Lowtax is far less publically, and far more meticulously, deleting Combetta's private message and a lot more besides.

Everyone's just had quite the big scare. Clinton, Combetta, the State Department, Reddit, even poor old Lowtax.
It's time to clean up.

His SA name is StonetearX2, but otherwise you have the gist of it.

However, each post that Lowtax deletes is one more obstruction of justice charge.

o…oh oo…k

why not just make a short simple easy-to-understand summary of the exact true purpose of tumblrtale's creation and how it will give these goons/sjws the footing they need to twist and corrupt videogames and its creation, along with the minds of future devs and player tastes in favor of the NWO/agenda 21/Common core/MKultra jews?

Take the ellipses and anime bullshit somewhere else.

How much of a connection is there between Encyclopedia Dramatica and Goons?

One and the same. Also they're the promoters of Discordianism.

To be fair I didn't take that screenshot.


Now that I think about doesn't it feel fucking great that Trump paraded around that dead Goons mother to help his own campaign? He of course was a massive liberal so he got cucked from beyond the grave by his own Mother and the Goons since they're backing Hillary.

Is such a level of cuckoldry even possible?

this truly is the best current year of all the current years

is that satire, or is fyad now shitlord central again?

Reminder that NatSocs was created as a reaction against post-War (((German))) communists
Italian Fascism, too.

We are channeling the Interwar era!!! This time with America as Weimar!

He didn't marry Tabitha.

Trust me, we ALL know about Tabitha.

t. Actually knows Scott T (the blind fag one)

Yes but everyone except CTR shills gets b& there.

Like pic related, goons always maintain frame as a psychological tactic even if it makes no situational sense.

Also, by the timestamp I guess this means my backchannel message got through.

You're goddamn right they are.

Hi Mel.

What did LowTax personally do?

Obstruction of justice by deleting Combetta's SA posts.

Did he do this after getting a court order to preserve them as evidence or something?

Or is it an obstruction of justice charge if you delete stuff because you're worried it will get you in legal trouble (before anyone asks you to keep it)?

They're still landwhales but the glasses adds a whole level of cringe. Ewww.

If you knowingly destroy potential evidence of a crime, it's called obstruction of justice.

He knew Combetta was getting investigated.
He knew Combetta's Reddit posts were getting subpoenaed.
Despite knowing that there was an investigation into Combetta, he has deleted Combetta's posting history.
That's obstruction of justice. You're getting V& lowtax, and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it.

Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.


Why would they shutdown SA doe

Apparently Valkenburger thought *only* goons did. Heh, boy was she wrong.

Because they'll start finding all of your cheese pizza, Goon.

18 U.S. Code § 1519 - Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy

US Code

Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

I know. You said that. Why would the servers be taken down in the process


they won't, it will just turn into a honeypot and a year or so later all the user's will get v&.

It's effective because retards think this can't happen and never heard of forums being taken over by feds to take down whole rings of online criminal activity.

what sort of criminal activity happens at SA

Child pornography and money laundering.

Karmic return.

offhand I know that a number of them are pedos (fucking lurk more) and they coordinate in hijacking online gaming accounts.

Why the fuck do you think the owner was advertising eve on an email server that he fucking runs? None of that shit is encrypted, it would take no effort for him to cherry pick accounts that have value and hand over login info to his e-friends that would do the dirty work.

Individual cases feds don't care about, but if they can sit some rookie in as a mod, log all the IP's and run a script that gets triggered on certain dialogue, they'll know who to watch and try to get a lump-some of faggots after logging their activity for a year.

easy in easy out, they do this shit all the time.

As we rise up into prominence we must not repeat the mistakes of the past.

I've been away for a few days, what the actual fuck is going on?
Is something actually happening?

read the stickies before shitposting.

Paul Combetta aka Hillary's IT guy aka Stonetear (reddit) aka StonetearX2 (Something Awful) aka "putergod" is about to lose his immunity for lying to the FBI, and Lowtax is about to get V& for obstruction of justice.

Backchannel message to Chaffetz?

that's a good point actually. If any of these faggots are lolweed dealers or sell synthetics, they'd be looking for friends to help them launder their income. This would involve the DEA, and the IRS would straggle along like a nosy kike looking for any pennies they can pick, like a vulture feasting on a corpse.

Yep, This is the closest we have to usenet, which was probably the pinnacle of online life in the 80s and 90s.

There will be many more places where unlikely flowers bloom. Personality is cancer, just remember that.

EVE online and buttcoin. Also Patreon. People should seriously be combing over the DNC db, Patreon db and Ashley Madison db. Then look for shit on EVE, however that would work. I'm sure that Goons and their networks will start popping up like crazy.

it think this song sums it up well


dubs confirms

if only LE had the technology and wisdom we have

Can anyone do this? I will pay you in pepes and lewds for this to become a reality!

If his boxing match with Uwe Boll is any indicator, Lowtax is in for some trouble in the prison yard.

And nigger, they have steam groups too. Can't forget those.



So is it possible that the whole Goon cartel will collapse if LowTax is v&?

Weren't anons giving the feds information on the Goons EVE money laundering and CP rings while we have their attention?

Are you saying that anons have pervasive government connections as well? I mean we'd never know it because we're all anonymous but I always assumed that it was the case.

Iv'e always thought that we must have converted at least a couple agents sent to monitor us.


It's real man.

Three in a row.


Seriously, it's fake. There is no archive of it, no nothing. They're trying to spread shit to make us look crazy.

This isn't proof of anything. Fuck off goon.

Goons are kinda like linkedin for grown up gamers who are bored in their free time and like to piss off other people, but when ass fucked, they cry like babies.

I remember posting a torture video on SA few years ago. It was from Azerbaijan, showing a russian girl first being raped from behind while one dude cut up her stomach and her bowels dripped down to the floor and the dogs started eating it while she was still alive and being banged by haji.

Goon faggots puked and "omagerd" all over the place. I used the Wi-Fi from a neighbor to upload it. He was swatted 3 hrs later. So these faggots do report shit which is beyond their 'scary twitter trolling'

t. russian user.

StonetearX2, not StormTear you fucking goon.

It's from something sensitive you dumb nigger.

This is the part that blows my mind completely.

I take your point that he got in via some dodgy connections or whatever. But dont they check applicants skills and qualifications to make sure they can do the job?

Its frightening to me because if things had gone slightly differently this moron could be in charge of cyber security for the whole fucking country or something. I can imagine him asking anonymous questions on reddit how to protect a country from chinese hackers.

What matters is SA servers getting raided, and Lowtax V&. StonetearX2 has guilty posts, for sure. Parkinsons post or not. Then the rest of the dominoes start falling.

Why are you suggesting that release?

There are archives of StonetearX2, archives of links to "putergod" and Paul Combetta, and archives that he posted enough that SA needs to have its servers seized and Lowtax needs to go to prison for 20 years for obstruction of justice.



There is no reason NOT to redirect the Oversight Committee's eyes to SA after we've achieved credibility with the Plebbit posts.

Especially now that Lowtax has BOUGHT 4chan

They were 13 years ago, no one has browsed SA sans proto-SRS when the pay to post stuff happened

Fluff you say?


I think that we're far more immunized due to the anonymous nature of our community but should still be wary of IRC cabals and name/tripfags in general.

And there's always Hubris, which seems to be fucking the Goons real good.

It's a 404

I stopped when they nuked the porn boards. I'm planning to finally suicide that account whenever Lowtax gets a ride on the party van. Only have one opportunity, so I gotta make it worthwhile.



Sometimes I wonder if there's a connection between Goons and CTR

Goons do it for free

Its bizarre how (I assume) a younger generation sees SA goons as some force for anything. They are people who posted on SA, which was reddit/4chan before either of those existed. Its not some shadow organization, its old nerds.(USER WAS SENT BACK TO HIS CUCKSHED FOR THIS POST)

Hell, the guy who owns mypostingcareer is a goon, his site started as a place to make fun of other goons.

That would explain a few things.

You mean -$10.

This is why you should archive it and upload it regularly. So the log serves as evidence.

Isn't Lowtax making jokes about buying cuckchan right now?^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

I would presume you cant archive something that the archiving bot needs to be logged in to see.

Not falling for your panicked containment tactics Goon.

Best prepare your anus because we're going in hard and deep.

All goons report to the oven

I bet those goons are secretly skeletons in disguise

And this is where the Gamergate connection comes in.

EVE, Patreon, Kikstarter… you know why they called him 'lowtax' right?

You should reformulate that post and turn it into a letter to Chaffetz and send it to him ASAP.


I think the DM screencaps and the post about Parkinson's are likely to be fake. Standard goon operating procedure is to infiltrate groups, spread disinfo, then go back to your real persona and use it as "proof" to discredit them. They did this constantly during GG. See how lowtax had a "lol" tweet about the infographic up so quickly?

Save them just in case, but all we really need to push is the fact that Combetta had an SA account and lowtax deleted thousands of his posts after the investigation started and he was found on reddit. There could have been literally nothing of interest in those deleted posts and it could still count as obstruction of justice.

I'm really hoping that was a joke. It would be funny to watch 4chan crash and burn for all of 10 minutes before the rats leave their sinking ship to shit up our cozy little website. If Holla Forums does go to shit, it's been nice knowing you guys for the past 2 years. I had nearly given up on chans when GG happened and since then has been some of the most fun times I've ever had on the internet.

Highly likely. The goons already used their connections to get jobs for dumbfucks like Combetta, I'm sure they use CTR to funnel money into even more worthless shitposters.

Rock-solid OPSEC this time user.

I've never visited that place, and I used to have an email with a bang path.

Wut? Is he planning to use 4chan to pay his ex-wife's monthly alimony?

I'm pretty that that was just Jim joking m8. I doubt that Lowtax is going anything right now other than trying to cover his own ass.

goons are notorious for trying to play everything off as a joke or "not a big deal"

How fucking new
The only thing worse than newfags from 4chan are newfags from Holla Forums pretending to be old

Meet my pot dealers.

Not working anymore Goon.

You guys always get lazy near shift changes.




lmao retard

SA hasn't been on 4chan's side since 2008 or so, iirc the were actively against chanology
Just to really make you think, all the main leaders/admins/mods of SRS became SA goons in 2008, when pretty much all the Tentacle Rape userbase had migrated to 4chan and other chans
Also, pretty much all your points are bad try's and plain lies from lowtax to keep his dying pay-to-post forum alive

send them this too

newfag here, not really on topic, but what happened to newgrounds?

was it ever on top of the meme game or was it always tumblrtier? how relevant was newgrounds on halfchan and other relevant imageboards?

If you forward this to both rowdy guys, you have to connect the dots for them.
If it isn't spelled out for them, they might write it off as nothing more than spam.

You must show them without a doubt that he has ties to SA.

Unless lowtax can sell it to some Hillary goons (which they won't buy now with it being involved in a federal investigation against Hillary) there won't be an admin for it
Probably legal fees will bankrupt lowtax and SA by extension
And that's not even considering the CP/raid/dox/money laundering that's goes on there, and that keeps SA alive, either it dies in a few weeks or it dies in a few months from lack of revenue, most of the userbase will be scared shitless now

Tax evasion?


see and the whois info posted below it

+ whois info below it

Paul Combetta - Stonetear - Putergod - StonetearX2

Gerald Butts was at the Bilderberg 2007 meeting.

I'll get someone on cuckchan to make an infograph.

I don't think the stonetearX2 thing is anything besides wishful thinking and a photoshopped screencap.

Did you even look at the links?

The reddit account is linked to putergod, so is the StonetearX2 account. It's all archived. It's all the same guy. As far as the "parkinsons" screencap, IT DOESN'T MATTER, BECAUSE WHAT MATTERS ARE HIS 2500 OTHER POSTS. Stop getting hung up on the red herring. What matters is what are his 2500 other SA posts, and if Lowtax deleted them then Lowtax is guilty of obstruction of justice.

All of those left for 4chan/7chan/420chan/krautchan/and the other shorter lived ones long before reddit was even a thing

He's mostly a goon saying "no Goyim it's nothing there's nothing to see here move on citizen"

I didn't know about the archives, only the screencaps. I fell for the red herring.

I think he's mostly a misguided newfag, not everyone has been here all summer like us.



leftypol are definitely redditors, they just consider themselves edgier and support gun rights


If their entire network collapses is the shilling against going to collapse as well?

Maybe he did it because he didn't want the FBI to investigate his site or maybe he was drunk when deleting them or maybe he was told to by someone else.

But I agree, intent is pretty easy to prove here.

The posts were disappeared after the link between Paul and stonetear and putergod was found.

It would take multiple Comeys to not charge him with something, and multiple players not accusing him of something.
The kikes at Conde Nast could go after Paul in a civil case because his illegal activities caused their shareholders to loose faith in them.

SA could be attacked by the media for allowing nasty shit to happen on their site.


Makes me want to resub to EVE just so I can kill goons again.

So glad to hear those cancerous betas will soon be meeting their demise as an organization.

I remember getting in a twitter spat with that faggot The Mittanni during gamergoy, they really are all insufferable beta pushovers at the end of the day.


We are the ghosts of the past come to right the wrongs that were permitted to manifest unchecked.

An echo, which will bring such a mighty roar it will shake the foundation of this world forever.

And it all came through shitposting and memes.

What a strange universe we inhabit.

couldn't agree more



My sides. I hope this side of the internet never dies

So when's the hearing for Paul and the information that we've uncovered? Does anybody know?

Someone said that they would have his hearing by Friday, so maybe tomorrow. I have no idea where they got this though and it could easily be wrong. There's nothing on their calendar about it.

Underrated post.



nice confirmation bias but anime is still shit
God you're a fucking loser.


You are making too obvious:

Jews lost their connection to Yahvee back in 160AD.

people who watch anime are closet paedophiles and need to be gassed

Too bad. Give the devil our regard.

Hey guys if you are going to make infographs and send out pics to @jasoninthehouse send out something that isn't disinfo. Something like pic related that came from archived copies of his posts. (Also that fake post is dated well before he was hired by HRC.)

kicking a half-dead body ain't bad


Pomf uploads are done, making twitter accounts soon.
Image with a limited list of mirrors will be posted in both threads at roughly 09:00 PST.

[This post is fake]

Is on the infograph for reason, you know. It would be noteworthy to add that on Holla Forums made infograph,

Goons are desperate and they know it most of us know better.

I meant to respond to this user

You fucking tool

Remember that jews love feces. If there are feces in a post, it was almost assuredly created by a jew. They throw scat in everything. They think it is hilarious. Only a jew would find these images save-worthy.

Hello faggot goon.

If you're wondering what'll happen when cuckchan faggots come over here, this thread is the perfect example.

Whole thread derailed by weeaboo faggots posting their autism left and right, and going full damage control when they get called out on their crap.

Remember this?
The SJW menace finds all forms of anime detestable.
SJWs were made mainstream by SRS, which was started by goons.
4chan was created to let goons post anime in peace.

Now the problem stems from dosing.
How much is too much, and how little is too little?

Post related.

4 hours.

Explain Japan's fascination with same-sex relationships then. You know, trash like yaoi or yuri?

yeah now get out

Do you have any statistics on actual homosexuality in Japan to back that up or do you think that anime reflects reality?

nigger, this shit is going thermonuclear, take a holiday before it dies

Faggotry being tolerated slightly better than it was in the west (pre New Wave & Free Love) was a major talking point. Their religions didn't ban faggotry, promiscurity or polyamory.

Anime is escapism, a hobby, and should not be considered redpilled due to the involvement of jewish megacorps in the production of said entertainment. Anime reaction pics don't do any harm, and draw out Goons. Never go full retard unless the thread is dead anyways.

No I'm just pointing out how disgusting it is that their media even has that. Not like they're any better than whites really.
Also they have a really high suicide rate since their culture is so trash. You can stop worshiping gooks anytime weebshit

now that's an avenue worth approaching.

i think it's safe to say that pretty much any liberal that's been in politics for more than two years is covered in shit that we can use to pin them down with.

the time is nigh when we will truly go on the offensive. once the Emprah wins, we need to have some evidence available for him to begin purging the degenerates from the gov. you can also bet your ass that most dems, and definitely all of the ones more than 2-3 years in office, will do their level best to obstruct the Emprah's divine plans at every level. so now is the time to play their game; we get as much evidence on as many of them as we can, and forward it up the chain to the relevant parties, and we use their own degeneracy against them to keep them in check until such a time that they can be removed for good.


Holla Forums is under attack

Hey guys.

Turns out a lot of the goons believe us if you scroll down far enough.


[shit I accidentally posted this on sudo first]

I definitely know people scraped everything from SA last time it was open to further look for connections between shitlib journalists, Goons and Weird Twitter. Somebody is bound to have that shit lying around.

Mittani stuck his dick into the STD cauldron known as Zoey Quinns vagina.

schoolgirl lesbianism also happen in traditional, pre-Kike brainwash culture such as Victorian England and Medieval nunnery.
Why? It safeguard the (more) slutty teenagers from eloping/pregnant with random men.
It works.

Now, yaoi… meh, just targeted to faggots and desperate cat ladies, so…

Mobo Moga

Homosexuality is just considered a fetish in Japan.
Fucking Hardgay has a wife and kid, even.

Now I'm brimming with fury, and I'm not even english.

Shameless crosspost.
'm sick of waiting, and people seem to be dropping into the thread again.

Image is a concise compilation of

You want to turn normies on SA?



underrated post.



Excellent points. You're still a faggot though :^)

So people were saying that Combetta was going back to congress today, is that still true?


Now how did I know Comey would pull this? Unfuckingbelievable, yet somehow entirely anticipated for anyone attentive for the last plenty of years:

Yeah, nah. I have over 30 posts in the original StoneTear doxing thread, but thanks for playing.

To everyone else, if there is no archive: it isn't real.

So how kill is Goonswarm in Eve anyways?

Fake and gay. The archive link mentioned in the image doesn't contain anything that proves the post is real.

>Goons are pushing anti-anime [email protected]/* */ in a thread based entirely on purging the Goon menace
This stupidity just utterly reeks of desperation.

Comey has always been a packload of tall-tales. They all miss obvious proof or more accurately refuse to utilize it to prosecute Killary which should have been seen coming, given years of these degenerate faggots, and no wonder he wants crypto backdoor access - a fugly-awful 'idea' built upon by the same alphabet-soup agency complex that tried silencing Binney and the like. They just want that backdoor access to meddle with and intimidate any brave soul who dares to uncover corruption at the highest levels of not-so-public office:

Spotted the Goon

Let lowtax know I've dropped more info.
Making goons squirm is fun.

Good job user.


I hate to be the one who hypes up our importance, but isnt the following mostly true?

and culturally speaking we are no small force. Under the umbrella of total nuclear annihilation. We come from the ponds and the swamps in droves, croaking our modem like sounds until nothing but our communal song is heard.

Not too far off.
Chan culture is infectious.

I have no idea how my twitter account hasn't been banned yet.

How about something better?

That's precisely why he did it but he was too stupid to realize that he committed a serious crime.

That's not an attenuating circumstance but maybe his lawyer will try this line of defense. I remember reading about a teacher who was caught sexting one of his 13 years old student and he blamed his diabetes medication. I don't think it worked.

Fair enough.

The guy who made that was doing it to defend himself from being called furry. And he ultimately was caught browsing furry. If you don't want to admit that cat/dog/whatever-girls are furry, you at least have to accept that it's a gateway-fetish to furry.

It's been proven that places like Facebook and Twitter can pull strings from the backend and remove stuff from their "trending" list.

There's actually some fun to money laundering: you can sell drugs or CP for BTC, buy WoW or RuneScape gold with the BTC, then sell the vidya money for dollars.

fucking retard 4/tg/ used his art to fuck with people on their board this was years back probably before you browsed cuckchan. it eventually became a standard. I dont even think he drew something again after that fiasco.

I love you faggots.

Furry porn, stupid. It was referenced in old ED articles. /tg/ uses it just because it helps an argument put forth, just like every other time it's used.

Hilariously, I've seen /tg/ do furry shit from time to time in most systems, just not 40k because mutants deserved to be purged.


newfaggot detected.

We're all friends here, man. You don't have to get so flabbergasted over some bantz.

Nope, you're wrong hon, femanon here. But I rarely, if ever, post. I've been worshipping KEK for 10 years, I will never post for attention whoring purposes

Google it you dumb fuck.

There are no brakes on this planet

Some Jewish sub-religion/philosophy that believes enlightenment comes from confusion,or something equally gay like that.

By the way, wtf is this DOOT DOOT MR SKELTAL shit
Who made that ?

checked but..
still terrible b8

I think is right, you're a newfag

What would you use as a source, Wikipedia?


fuck off back to >>cuckchan

sounds legit

how did nobody check these gets?

It's reddit tier humor.

You SA faggots better prepare yourselves for a gutting when we get into power ourselves.

Regrettably they have recovered somewhat from their previous defeats of a few months ago.

However, their capital fleets took a significant beating and their coffers are still severely drained.

They will continue on as an entity in EVE by the looks of things.

Though it will be in a less monolithic capacity, as a far number of their allies have long since abandoned them.

It still looks like they're rather weak overall it looks like Shadow of xXDEATHXx the faggots like a teenage edgelord name have more systems than they do.

Le laughing to seem less uncertain and nervous tactic.

How insecure can they be?

I'm living in an age where frog memes control political discourse and something awful turned out to be so fucking cancerous that they're a threat to national security.

Am I fucking dreaming?


What if the real world was always this fucking silly and other secret societies were started as basically an inside joke as well?

Either you're dreaming or abusing perception-dulling substances. The second SA found to be a bunch of faggots that enjoy playing an MMO about being a backstabbing corporate jew and Goonswarm members were among the casualties in the Benghazi embassy attacks, it was clear they're the most cancerous thing on the Internet.

Is this really worth freaking out over?

Is it me or do goons use this word a bit too much?


This guy is now shilling against this on both Holla Forums and here. He's really scared he's going to lose his investment of tenbux.



I'm not shilling against anything, I'm asking for actual proof.

"If it has a snout get out". It's not that hard to get.

Goon you're going to jail.

Prove I'm a goon, user.

Did not know England is still Victorian.




Not the decrease in use after 4chan.



Might as well not assume that you're a faggot because I don't know exactly how many dicks you suck a day but i'm still assuming that you're a faggot.



Or maybe you could actually use your brain for once instead of crying "GOON SHILL" at people asking for more proof?


They must be really desperate.

Or maybe you goon should stop resource burning and read the fucking thread?


The thread is full of unconfirmed accusations and theorying. None of it is concrete proof.

Goons are going down and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

As much as I would like that to happen it isn't going to happen without actual proof, user.

Teens are hornier than rabbits, they need to channel that out safely.


Final post