I hate pedophiles. They're fucking sick cunts and should get the death sentence.
I'm 13 and masturbate to pictures of 13 year old girls but I feel like a pedophile but I'm not because the girls are 13. What do???
I hate pedophiles. They're fucking sick cunts and should get the death sentence.
I'm 13 and masturbate to pictures of 13 year old girls but I feel like a pedophile but I'm not because the girls are 13. What do???
You're not smarter than you think, just groomed and brainwashed by pedos. Congratulations dumbass. Think.
Have you tried burning your doll yet. For fun
Fuck off with this bait.
fuck off you unhelpful cunt. this isnt a fucking joke
If you're op respond to
I don't even understand what this fucking means, I just need someone to tell me I'm not a pedophile so I can live without feeling like worthless trash
You're a pedophile, you should be masturbating to women who are at least 18, otherwise you're going to go to thought jail.
Just learn to love yourself and your life will be easier. No one needs to die because of their sexual orientations.
Pedos made you feel worthless no doubt. Your mind is already fucked up.
Sexual orientations come naturally. Pedophilia is not natural. You were groomed by Holla Forums end of story
You may not be a pedo, but you're still a hebephile. It shouldn't make any difference however.
And who groomed Holla Forums?
but im 13, isnt it normal to be attracted to the same age people?
It's normal to be attracted to people of any age.
Holla Forums was never groomed just built by pedos
Ok, but someone has to have groomed these pedos first per logic. If pedos only come up because of grooming, then someone has to have started it all. Either that or pedophilia is natural and anyone can manifest it.
I could see a 13 year old boy being labeled a predator for that. Anyone can confirm?
i can confirm
A 13 year old boy could be labeled a sex offender for being attracted to girls his age? Sauce?
These threads are ridiculous in the extreme.
This is the best I can think of, but I'll be lurking. This thread has potential
Oops, wrong thread
If they have boobies and puccihair it's fine, in fact you're a faggot if you don't think it's fine.
It's not easy being a 13-yo girl and a sex object, you know?
Why the fuck would you come to Holla Forums for reassurance this is the most bait fucking post ive seen yet
You must be significantly older than the child one to be a pedophile. DSM-5 and ICD-10 both say you must be at least 16 years old and five years older than the child to have pedophilia disorder (DSM-5) respectively pedophilia (ICD-10). Nonetheless the morality is questionable if the kids are displayed in a sexual way.
If they're your age, you're not a pedo. Now get out of Holla Forums or be banned for 5 years.
Pedophilia is defined by actual psychologists (not dumbfucks who want to witchhunt others) as being attracted to someone under the age of 16 AND being at least 5 years older.
You'd have to be 18 and masturbating to 13 year old girls to qualify as a pedo.
Don't worry about it though, what you're doing is completely normal. Don't beat yourself up.
However, you may find yourself going back to girls of that age even when you are older.