Hillary Clinton expects to spend much of the upcoming presidential debate correcting Donald Trump, her campaign manger said Wednesday.
Hillary promises to Correct the Record™ everytime Trump "lies" during the debate
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Also, have you guys noticed they've taken every single negative thing about her and the MSM has spun it onto Trump?
The propaganda war is in full force. We're winning, but it's far from over. Let's hope Trump survives the debates. They're desperate and will be throwing everything they have at him.
He needs to do more than just survive. He needs to dominate.
That's going to work great, since everything he's done bad she's done ten times worse.
This I gotta see.
On streaming video with ads disabled.
We all know the debate commissioners are biased and donate to Hillary and not a single one for Trump so why the fuck is this debate allowed? What is he thinking? It's just going to be a debate where she lies about everything.
This will backfire so hard.
1 - the main criticism of Clinton is that she never talks policy. But she's going to focus on whatever Trump is saying during the debate, thereby drawing attention to him completely. This is a hilariously beta move and Trump will totally cuck her with it because
2 - Trump's verbal savagery is unparalleled in modern politics. Anything she tries to hit him on will be counter-punched into another dimension. This guy took on over a dozen of the best Republicans the country could offer.
Kek idk if you're real but give me some cool digits if you are
He went into the fucking hornets nest with a super stacked audience in favor of ¡Jeb! and still kicked his ass.
Biggest liar on earth is going to make sure voters "understand the facts" and "correct the record". What kind of gay, limp-dicked nigger shit joke is this? What the fuck are they thinking? FUCK.
So basically all Trump has to do is not lie and be able to backup every point he runs with and their main "debate" strategy falls apart.
That's what the big guy delivery moments before the debate will be for
shut up, weeb.
stupid son of a bitch.
this isn't your board.
Trump already tweeted that how hard he attacks Clinton in the debates is up to her. If she wants to try to play dirty, Trump has so much more ammunition than she does.
you seem to be confused in regards to your whereabouts, companion
She can't correct the shit from her pants
I think it's more he's afraid that the big guy will ruin (((their))) plans.
Bring it. If she's really stupid enough to take Trump head-on in his element she is going to receive the Great Stumping of all time.
I'm really, really looking forward to this.
Anyone else having drinking parties for the debate?
considering there's supposed to be a football game at the same time, I hope some "russian hackers" redirect the big screen to end up streaming the debate during the game.
Viewership is apparently expected to exceed 100million. It's pegged to be the single most watched event in anything, period. Even if there's something else on, no matter what happens EVERYONE is going to know every detail about what happened at the debate.
This is it, this is the big one. Hillary meanwhile has stopped holding rallies in order to spend the next few days sleeping instead, in the hopes that her batteries can recharge enough to get her through the whole thing without crapping out and separately, without her crapping out.
Realistically she's probably spending the time being Monarch'd in the hopes the programming can carry her through.
It would be fun to watch the reaction of Christians on this board if this actually happened
Fortunately diseases don't transfer between humans and snakes.
She's also hanging back and letting the media be a shield for her.
Remember that this week was supposed to be a week about donald trump and the "birther controversy" but he shot that down and left them so salty that they got a sand nigger to walk around new york city and plant some bombs in order to damage control and divert the weeks of hillary getting anally reamed, including the 20 mins worth of veteran endorsements attention away.
Then after that issue was "resolved" you now have fresh and center, a story blown up about a nigger cop shooting an armed nigger and BLM and "he dindu nuffins" taking center stage. It should be fairly obvious that it's only meant to take up the time of this week as a distraction.
It's going to be a legendary debate. Seriously, I'm looking forward to it more than I looked forward to x-mas as a kid. The only thing that might top it for anticipation, nervousness and pending nail biting excitement was of me potentially losing my virginity at a house party decades ago with a girl that I knew liked me when she wanted me to cuddle up with her in bed 'to keep her warm'. (fyi we fucked, and even if it was only about 3 minutes)
"Why did you delete the emails Hillary?" :^)
Can't correct something you're deliberately hiding hillary.
We have a week left.
We are not winning at all. We have one more week of memes, then the reign of terror 2.0 will probably begin.
it does have a (1)
football viewership is going down anyway because of the anti-flag/anthem debacle
And the fact it's obviously rigged nowadays.
>I know this personally
Bless her cold black heart, she's going to need a big glass of water.
Only thing she should be focused on during debates is staying alive.
so she will spend the whole debate backpedaling, i mean 'correcting' Trump.
Sounds like a sound strategy, that will showcase your policies to the voters.
I'm getting harder and harder and anticipation of this debate, even thinking of putting the projector screen down so I can get the full immersive experience while i sip my 12yo scotch and watch her have a seizure on stage.
There isn't going to be an applause allowed during the debate. This isn't good because Trump feeds of the crowd. The crowd response always makes him look better so they axed it.
don't they rig it through penalties eg: pass interference?
haven't watched handegg for a while
Stay calm and mass upload that shit everywhere.
Also, why would sport meatheads support Hillary anyways?
there's a lot of numale faggots that watch sports these days for muh fantasy team and muh vibrant dindu culture
I'd imagine they would still vote for Hillary if she shat herself and died on the stage.
Friendly reminder Cunton and her yid handlers are all already aware they are fucked, they have been outplayed at every single turn and their deck has been emptied for a while now. They only keep going because kikes are hysterical like that and keep hoping some miracle happens at the last second it won't
This whole debate is pretty much just a formality, everyone knows Trump will dominate no matter what and nothing can possibly change this anymore, we already won.
Keep your guard up and be on the lookout for last second tricks, but don't be afraid of these powerless kike losers
Why would any of those faggots actually WATCH football, though, when they're too busy trolling kikebook and twatter for people talking about them so they can rack up sweet oppression points and instablock people that BTFO them? You assume that those morons actually WANT to watch sports and don't just 'support' it because a half-nigger and his buddies disrespect the Burger-Spangled Anthem because muh oppression.
yup, they have it on in the background while they browse twitter
We could have one on here if you want user since im a bong and have noone to drink and watch the debate with
no fun allowed
That's assuming Hillary literally survives the debates.
where I'm at, the debates will be in the morning…haven't decided yet if I want to get tanked before noon
I am a college student though, so it is doable
I don't follow NFL, but in Aussy rules there is a clear manipulation of games through umpires by betting companies.
I know an accountant who was part of the organization of this.
That being said, there is still very little they can do to rig, all they do is increase the chance it goes in their favour.
The "penalty" discrepancies this year have been completely and obviously off. I've never seen this awful umpiring.
Rumour has it, your league is worse
EPL and soccer is by far the most rigged.
Leftists are fucking subhuman. They should all be fucking slaughtered.
I'm a Christian and I praise Kek.
All she seems to be good for
We can hope.
I'm going to see my muse in a few weeks, and I'll think of your story when I'm blowing my load inside her, user.
Look at the polls nigger.
Won't work: they managed to politicize it, and now people aren't watching because it isn't an escape.
Good, if all she does is harp and bitch about him while he sticks to laying out his vision and throwing some curveballs her direction to buttfluster her, he wins.
I don't trust the fucking polls, the emails showed they were rigged.
Every picture I see of Hillary lately she is leaning on something. The lady is ill. I would not be surprised if she has to leave the debate early.
If he survives, he dominates. The reason he wouldn't survive wouldn't be anything Hillary did to him directly, but rather a sniper's bullet.
"Always accuse your enemy of doing what you are doing" -Vladmir Lenin
Are we not passed the deadline to register for voting?
And all of these "distractions" just provide further and fresher evidence to everything Don has been saying.
It's going to be suicide. She's going to sound exactly like THIS.
Rigged in Hillary's favor and Trump is still winning.
Maybe that's why there isn't going to be a crowd, no real witnesses but the type of journalists that touched everything in the San Bernardino shooters place to save the rest of his terrorist cell.
IMO, this is more probably an attempt by the Hillary campaign to get Trump to focus on attacks, while she focuses on her talking points.
Besides, Hillary's record needs so much correcting, and the media has been so complicit for so long, it would take days to untangle her lies. The Busy Ditch oughta be in prison, not running for President. That fact right there shows just how corrupt the system is that's arrayed against Trump. If Trump spends his time trying to correct Hillary, nobody in the media will back him up, but rather they will side with Hillary as they slander him.
The only thing Trump has got going for him is the discernment of the American people. He needs to show that:
1. He's Presidential
2. He's got a cool head under fire
3. He's got a warm heart tempered with self-discipline and common sense
4. His policies are grounded in common sense.
5. And no one is walking over him.
Hillary won't hang herself when she's given enough rope. She's too practiced for that. Instead, she will stick to her script. Because she doesn't have a real brain left, if Trump can pull her off script, she will have lost it.
Holy fuck that is cringey. She is getting worse by the day.
I'm just chillin in Cedar Rapids
jesus fuck, her voice is like a rusty chainsaw being dragged down a gravel road behind a truck with no muffler.
Not to sound overconfident, but if her goal is simply to correct him every time he says something that doesn't match her spin, then she's falling to Jeb-tier argumentation tactics. This would be the greatest opportunity ever to see her BTFO on a national stage.
Not getting my hopes up till I see both of them on the same stage.
florida deadline is OCT 11
Did you even watch the Republican debates? For most of them they stacked the audience against him and he still did fine.
Its gonna be the Donald Trump show.
1) Donald Trump will be talking about Donald Trump
2) Hillary Clinton will be talking about Donald Trump
the Democrats still keep falling into this trap even though it has signs around it saying "trap, don't fall into it!"
So she's going to sealion Trump?
Not even fine, he blew them the fuck out on every single one. Even his worst debate just started out weak and ended strong.
Meanwhile, Hillary looks like a fucking tool in debates with comrade Sanders. It's going to be glorious.
Like soon-to-be Hillary Clinton?
I remember her strongest moment in the one dem debate I could manage to stomach watching. It was when that Jew commie stooge said nobody cared about her emails.
No third podiums to help her out this debate. Moderators covering for her will be terrible optics, especially as people have more and more been waking up to how biased and in the tank for Hillary the media are.
have you heard of the expression a frog in your throat it means to have a persistent cough.
I'm slightly upset
you'd be surprised. I don't know a single red-blooded guy under the age of 40 who watches any sport. it's all nu-males trying to co-opt it.
I don't think I have to explain which frog I mean around here.
Hail Pepe
Praise KEK
Good, I'll be channeling destructive meme powers through the weekend
Yeah looks like the plan is to annoy Trump, and hope Trump explodes (temperament) or says something that can be twisted by the MSM (fit). So itl will be back to birther, Khan, gold star sacrifice, McCain vets,know more than generals,handicap people, all the shit in her commercials Trump U etc….
Trump doesn't explode. He twists you up in your own lies and then surgically slices you to pieces.
Hillary is the one known for losing her shit and throwing tantrums. I'll be surprised if she doesn't get so flustered that she yells "fuck" on live television.
People have this idea that Trump has a horrible temper or is a ranting madman who gets red in the face and spittle flies everywhere. I believe it's the same phenominon where a woman will remember you as yelling at her when all you did was say something that made her feel bad.
We are your friends.
Only very stupid, disengaged people.
it's called "I never had a proper father syndrome". rather epidemic among the young.
of course
with you guys
I never had a proper father but to my knowledge have never experienced this phenomenon. Am I just lucky I didn't catch that flavor of stupid?
I want to see Trump point out at the debates that she lied that the nigger was unarmed and in doing so drove a wedge between white and black and fueled the riot in NC.
I know.
sage for derailing and offtopic
You fucking shill, we're winning be a large margin.
Hello 12 year old scotch guy. I hope you really enjoy your drink.
Trump will lose the debate if he spends the entire time repeating the same mantras. I hope to fucking God he knows this.
This isn't a Republican debate…. And Hillary is a real black magic witch.
So I hear the Left Spout Trump always lies, and yet I never hear any proof, sure he spouts rhetoric without backing it up with fact a lot of the time but it's not like it's all he does unlike the left
I hope Donald is prepared for this. I have a bad feeling about this. We'll see a different Clinton than usual
Honestly the fact that you weeb faggots, fuckin loser homosexuals who actually live out the no gf meme, don't do anything positive for anything related to Trump.
Cuck wilson was even right about a lot of you faggot. The only single place to discuss Trump uncensored and without relent and it's filled with fat virgins spamming their gook art.
Reminds me of mentally ill trannies.
Kek almost agrees as well
Nice singles.
Oh, so want more smug animu? Coming right up.
no digits for a fagmotron like you, friendo :^)
Best part is these faggy anime shits actual manifest a tiny bit of social validation in your dull and dim lives.
You have to go back.
I'm not mad I'm just disappointed that there is no escaping mega faggots like yourself. You go everywhere spreading your virgin values and homosexuality.
But since you are a faggot yourself you can't tell the difference.
Cue the autism
check em
Well okay there user I'll go back to being a faggot and post cute anime girls on the internet
you've been somewhere else for a while.
or a goon or something.
I never was a fan of gook faggots to begin with but mentioning it ignites a burst of autism everytime like nothing else.
There really is some sort of emotional attachment these faggots have to shitty chink art.
Alright and I'm done
Also be careful their user, your close to anime posting you don't want to be labelled as a hypocritical homofag
i invite you to cease disrupting communications, lowly filthy.
Nice posting you got there why don't you go show your friends how clever you are posting pictures of children's cartoons.
Or maybe im a faggot for assuming you even have friends
the both of you are implicated as taking the bait is 101.
You know that Hillary did something because about a week before it breaks she will accuse Trump of doing it.
Posting ancient, stale memes is low energy.
If anything, doing this over and over is making you look more and more retarded.
Still nowhere near as retarded as weeb fags who save children's cartoons to their PC
Shhhh, Rick better tovhave no children than a nigger grandson.
Christ-chan is cool guy who killed all the bad guys tho
The autism of the weeb is always simmering under the surface, waiting to explode from their greasy keyboards
OH NO, Trump told an obvious exaggeration that everyone knows is not true to get his point across. HE'S A LIAR!
What? No he doesn't.
of course hillary will try to correct the record
She's got a microphone ear peice and people talking in that are helping her win
DO you guys think she'll really try this shit