If leftists owned 8ch, they would delete Holla Forums and all other boards that didn't adhere to their baseless nonsense, just like reddit, twitter, facebook, etc…
I think it is time to give them a taste of their own medicine; permanently delete their degenerate board.
Leo James
and Holla Forums would do the same if they owned it, so what's your point?
Carter Reed
cheep cheep plastic explosives in their assholes tea.bee.aytch no-piano
Anthony Moore
I say, let's delete both?
Tyler Howard
slovenia is a real place? i thought it was just a made up country for the avengers
Robert Richardson
ye it is made up tbcfhwy should have been named carniola but that was way too acknowledging of our history to be allowed to fly
Logan Hughes
Don't lower yourself on their level.
Jason Cox
Just to add, they will learn nothing out of it because they are already the dumbest people you find on the internet.
I say, you go back to reddit and facebook where you belong
Levi Jenkins
That's a valid point tbh
Michael Sanders
well look what happened to /fatpeoplehate/
Juan Perry
It looks like the reddipol problem is solving itself tbh. Ever since they split and their tranny BO sucked cock on video they went from 1/2 of Holla Forums's UIDs to below 1/3, and it's pretty likely those are mostly bots and shitposting Holla Forums faggots.
Charles Morgan
Im gonna bump the shit outta this thread tbh
Xavier Sanchez
mods on Holla Forums are trying to bury this shit.
Look at this thread, it is shadow bumplocked. It doesn't have the anchor symbol next to it but it doesn't bump:
Colton Martin
so is this thread (amerimutt thread)
Nothing is being buried, the mods are just sick of seeing this stuff shit up Holla Forums it looks like