OMG this board makes 4chan/b/ look like Mensa! You realize everyone across the internet is laughing at you retards, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
I am honored to be disliked by those who are bad. it means that I am good.
lbh there are some rather stupid characters here
Ccluster .com (Masterchan, just renamed) is more laughable tho
what the hell is that supposed to mean
mean ur mom a gay
4chan is honeypot owned by FBI, they even block Tor and proxies
That is exactly the kind of "logic" that people are laughing at, dumbass. Way to feed the fire.
this used to be a good board
most of cclusters userbase posts here as well as there man
yeah when you weren't here
why is it you guys are always so unaware of the other alt chans in general?
How does that negate the truth of what OP said?
All it does is make us look even worse!
Are you fuckers being this stupid on purpose???
Been here longer than Jim, so fuck off.
Blocking Tor and proxies is the only smart thing 4chan ever did.
This is how retarded you are
that and the 4chan pass
the puppy made it out okay tho right?
smart? maybe from the money and advertising point of view
only normies post on 4chan with their windows 10 PC's using google chrome
and all their posts are recorded
reddit: dumbcunts pretending to be smart
4chan: smartfags pretending to be retarded
8ch: retards being retarded
1 in 60 proxies work on 4chan you just have to go the trouble of finding a proxy that works if you wanna proxy there.
>it shows (((google))) captcha on every page
can buy better proxies? where?
can have proxy auto-checker?
can pay someone anonymously to post for me?
buy a 4chan pass
or spoof your mac and crack a nearby wifi pw
you dont need to pay for proxy lists but you can if you want go look lmao
sure thats easy to find go look lmao
if you want to i guess.
English isn't your first language is it?
how much fuck many donkeys you mommy fat?
me like fat mommy donkey. you?
can buy anonymously?
will work with Tor?
but problem is, all my posts would come from single accoun█so maybe will have to buy many of them
that doesn't sound smar█4chan and FBI will see location of the wifi █ on IP and (((google))) tracking (google has GPS location of all wifis in the world, thanks android and normies)
yes I know but free ones are shit, tested many times
was hoping premium ones would be less banned?
then where are those people?
should be:
nigger site
I'm a former mastercuck
That site is a joke now with its remaining literal faggot userbase
Gadmin, that faggot cuck betrayed the original userbase
Tell that fag to kill himself and shugdown his laughable cucked website now desu
most premium proxy lists can be found with some looking around on torrent sites man.
If you wanna pay someone to post for you you can pay me a bitcoin a day I'll do it g█ly.
look at this one
Meme is gay now, you're just spamming now, kike.
Triggered ameriniggers need their safe spaces away from the mean memes
Geez and I thought it was just the amerimutt vols on Holla Forums.
Hi 4chin PR
Troll harder, nigger
which mensa?
4chan/b/ is 70% porn and the rest is the same old shit, ylyl, cringe etc. and normie rate me, that belongs on reddit, your newfaggot is showing hard.
Why is it? In the old times it was quality discussions, raids, actions
Who had the interest to shut it down?
Why won't 4chan ban or limit porn on Holla Forums ?
pick one
I remember when it was pc master race chan. Then master chan, now cc luster. I go there out of morbid curiosity now just like I do to a few other dead chans. Everyone told gad already man, its over.
it descended into generals really fast with all the genenrals and roll threads that place is really fucking repetitive
If that is true, then the only difference between there and here is that here there is less porn.
This thread is compelling evidence that OP is righ█2BH
you must browse a different Holla Forums then because I rarely ever see any ylyl, cringe or rate threads here
It's too underground for 99%of Internet users making a meme on Facebook is seen as edgy let alone this or 4chan
The reasonable explanation is: Most people here are pedos and are not interested in granny porn with old witches. But rules forbid CP so its mostly shit post text
Yes no traps here
I have seen a lot of these sorts of references on the onions I hang out at lately. 8ch/b/ is becoming the latest meme for stupidity.
The hell there aren't.
Not as many is 4b, but there are at least 2 trap threads on the catalog right now.
We all know why
Most people here are trolls who pose as pedos to trigger gullible and retarded anons who believe whatever bait you set in front of their face.
Yes, we do.
pic related, it is King of the Retards
Most people here are pedos.
oooh, aren't you the cool guy
wanna suk my dik?
False, they're a loud minority
False, they're a quiet majority
█ █
If you've ever been to a mensa gathering, you'll realise this isn't as high a bar as you pretend. Oh, right, I forget my audience. Carry on, faggots!
You are not just retarded, but you are butthurt as well. Wanting a guy to suck your dick makes you a faggot, so congratulations on hitting the trifecta of failure at meeting the defining characteristics of your species.
I'm ephebe. No pedo here boss