Help spread this like wild fire to the normies and watch Trump's poll numbers rise just thank to this video & the kike behind it alone.

Other urls found in this thread:

Directly posting the 480p version from YouTube.




Wew boy. This should be good

Here's a summary for those with no audio.

Explicit 'Deport Racism' Ad: Trump's "Racist Redneck" Supporters Don't Realize West Belongs to Mexicans

lol. thanks for the video user!

Pathetic really. This hypes the leftists?

You replied to yourself.

Whoops. Didn't even notice. I'm sure it's obvious I was trying to reply to

We all make mistakes.

I'm glad they made this video. It's going to piss whites off and make them more likely to vote on election day.

Also, the beaners are at fault for being on my land before I got here.

wtf i hate trump now

Fuck me, that was some strong cancer.
Spoiler that shit please.

I wanted to deport them, now I want to massacre them. Smug faggot bean niggers. REEEEEEEEEEE

checked. No. Let the normies see what kind of trash is coming into this country.

Oh no, I'm really concerned guys. Deport Racism hurt Trump so bad the first time that he won the fucking nomination hahahahaha

Good old jewish schizophrenia. If something doesn't work, keep repeating it.

I made it about 2 seconds in



So these fucks are claiming they have no DNA going back to Europe either? Are they fucking retarded?

Imagine how hard it's going to piss off the niggers.

>doesn't understand cities named after saints are named after European saints.

America is gonna nuke Mexico at this rate.

As a taco, I find this shit is nauseating

Also no need to tell me
I'm going back pendejos :^)

Alright, OK, guys this is bad. This is REALLY REALLY bad. Trump needs to get out ahead of this and condemn these actions and the supporters involved. This is the moment of truth for his campaign if he fails this test, it's over for him.

A major speech directed at his supporters, telling them this kind of behavior is inexcusable is the only way forward from this. I've been a Trump supporter since forever and I'm telling you. This NEEDS to happen!

Time for a raid?

They think they're getting their clay back? Just you wait.

Pretty sure this dude's a terrorist.

Of course he is, look at those eyes.

After watching this, I hate Beaners even more.


To be fair they aren't wrong, most of southwest america was a part of the mexican empire.
Then America kicked their fucking asses and turned them into a third-world country.
so GTFO of our conquered land you beaner scum, unless you wanna try for round 2?

no, Mexico did that to itself after letting Santa Anna wipe his ass with their constitution.

u need to git out

Trump should just run that as a campaign ad.

Normie kryptonite.

Thanks for the correction.

Aztec filth needs to be purged.

how many of these spics actually descend from people living in Texas, New Mexico, or Oklahoma? The answer is none, because Mexicans were pushed out when that happened. The border crossed you? No, the border pushed you away.

Any user with photo shop skills should do a Benito Juarez wojak shoop.

This is so perfect, it's like they're working for the Trump Campaign.

Most of southwest America was also unpopulated. Spic claims on Colorado and Wyoming in particular are total bullshit. The Spanish drew a line on a map, therefore their red savage descendants four hundred years later think they have a right to our clay.


San Francisco is named after Saint Francis, user.

meant for

These stupid fucking beaners don't get that the Texans won their independence, then voluntarily joined the US

Then Mexico got ass mad about it because they still wanted Texas and literally declared war on the US and invaded it, got pushed out, raped, and we went all the way to Mexico city and marched through it

We could have annexed the whole thing but we gave them back most of their land, didn't puppet the government, and PAYED them for the land we did take

And they STARTED the whole war

So these filthy fucking scum think they own this shit with their fucking "reconquista" shit? (look it up)

They will get theirs


Do they honestly think that they're going to be getting people on their side with this shit?


Normalfags could bite

I usually post this one for removing kebab, but it works tacos too.

That won't fix the demographic problem. They all have to go back no matter how legally they conducted their invasion.

(self checking dubs)
Now that I take a second look, there's definitely some resemblance.
Guess it's up to me to spend 9000 hours in paint

Look at this fucking beanlet. 5'2" tops. Its always these little ones who act like tough guys

The election haven't even started, and I can already begin to taste how it feels to keep winning and winning and winning. It almost feels wrong, like it's not even fair just by how insane and incompetent our enemy is.

But dammit, it's been too long.

This is the kike behind this btw.

'Luke Montgomery

looks like a dunecoon.

So in their anti-racist campaign they use the racist term redneck?


Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.



Anyone have the infographic on the connection between the kike that made this shit (((Luke Montgomery))) and Clinton's campaign as well as the "FCK H8" horse shit?

You haven't "won" anything.

Nor have the rest of the moronic kosher conservatives that comprise the Holla Forums userbase.

You have two Jewish approved, hand selected kosher puppet presidential candidates to choose from who both want to help their Jewish friends bring about the death of the white race.

I understand among you lot there's this masturbatory feel good idea about your kosher "god emperor" Donald Dump somehow saving you and the white race as a whole but its not going to happen.

Whatever puppet is granted the throne by the Jews will simply keep on fulfilling the Jewish agenda.

Likely continuing on with the evil muslims theme/narrative.

Shortly after s-election there will likely be another major false flag blamed on the Islamic world but actually carried out by Mossad/CIA/Mi5 and white morons and non white alike will be emotionally manipulated and coerced by either "god emperor" "I love Israel" and "I have Jewish children" Trump or Hilary "Black Lives Matter more than whites" Clinton to go fight and die in the middle east for yet another worthless Jewish cause that only sees whites and other goyim dying meanwhile the Jews themselves as always will sit back and laugh and live the high life while you tards run around killing people on their behalf "because its your patriotic duty ooh rah!" wondering "what went wrong?"

Well the answer to that all boils down to your own cowardice.

You only get turds like Dump and Clinton to choose from or bowel movements like the Tea Party that quickly become co-opted and rendered ineffective by Jews because you morons want to stay stuck on stupid following the Republican party into your/our collective graves rather than doing the hard work of starting something new (a new racial political party) that expressly excludes Jews from joining up.

You morons will continue to bang your heads against a wall wondering why "change" doesn't come in our favor until you stop putting your faith in the latest kosher Republican party candidate and voting in a rigged Jewish game that you can't win.

You will continue to be cowards and continue to lose ground so long as the Jews continue to provide you good excuses for not doing what actually needs to be done.

As long as they continue to put worthless groups together and kosher puppets like Trump out there to "choose" from you'll rationalize to yourselves that YOU don't need to do anything more than vote in a rigged game because after all SOMEBODY (jew puppet) is already doing the big work for you.

What a laugh.

Now go ahead and call me a Jew/shill/whatever meanwhile I'll have the last laugh when Dump or Clinton has you morons dying in yet another worthless Jew middle eastern war while more illegal wetbacks flood in no Trump wall to be found or built.

Who were Spanish conquerors.

We can't change the government. We can only steer the wings. Are you implying that Trump is not objectively better?

Nobody is going to read that, but thank you for correcting the record.

Tired, Chaime? A little late for the first post.


The idea that Trump is "somehow better" is as missplaced as if a person were to say they prefer terminal cancer over a fatal heart attack or vice versa.

Sure maybe terminal cancer will take longer to kill you than a fatal heart attack but in the end you still end up dead.

Trump/Clinton are analgous to fatal heart attack/terminal cancer.

How will you be laughing when you get drafted for the war that's supposed to happen?

How many Jews have you killed? Have you started your own racial nationalist movement?

Are you a coward?


You're not a Jews/shill/whatever you're just a failure with no working alternative and a defeatist cuck. Go back to watching the US turn into South Africa while you LARP as a hardcore fascist.

Thanks for pointing out another part of the problem with the Holla Forums mentality.

That probably also explains all the mindless Trump worship around here ie short attention span and not reading/studying/researching anything and just going with your "feelings".

Sort of like Holla Forums's counterparts the SJW's in that regard.

Feelings not facts is what matters most in regards to "god emperor" here after all.

I'm still waiting for you defeatist faggots to offer a candidate.
Don't give me the 'hurr voting in current year' bullshit. That solves nothing.

Give me ONE candidate that is objectively better than Trump.


Actually, we can. That's why we have guns, stupid.

Top Kek. I almost want to give props for being this W O K E, but unfortunately nobody gives a fuck.

I, for one, couldn't ask for a better way to go than to be drinking leftie tears like expensive wine and dying young and early. Hopefully I can take a few snackbars with me.

Welcome to new 8/pol/ faget, enjoy your stay :^)

I posted a viable alternative you moron.

You people here keep proving my point that I am 1000% correct about you ie short attention spans/not desiring to read anything, etc.

Again this explains the "god emperor" worship.

Anyway enjoy god emperor's next big war which you'll likely be fighting and dying in…that is if one of the millions of fresh illegals Trump doesn't build a wall to keep out don't get you first.

War with who? Clinton already said she wants to go to war with Russia and Iran and North Korea. Trump would rather ally with Russia and have Putin at his side than behind the table.

They think it's fine to make fun of lower class white people? Let's turn the tables.

too long didnt read

Is there a group of people obsessed with shit who have a vested interest in stopping Trump? Cause that's three fecal references in one sentence

it really makes you think


Back on track, send the wetbacks back. Operation Wetback II, only this time, we simply air drop them back over the wall.

Free helicopter rides or are we talking cargo planes?

We're going to need a bigger aircraft

Well, seeing how you can fit about 30 spics into a minivan, imagine how many could fit into a single C5 Galaxy. We could take care of the spic problem in only a few trips.

Huh…pretty quackin crazy.

Good eye user, didn't catch that one.

Who should we vote for?

What if they are?

Vote from the roof tops.

That's some trans-dimensional 5D chess, right there.


dumb spics

I hope the mexishoah happens so I can warm up for the real holocaust.

Lmao, I'm dying

I guess they forgot that all those cities were named by the Spanish Missionaries and Conquistadors. I guess they also forgot there there are no Native peoples of the Americas. I guess they also forgot that white settlers were also discovered in America dating back several millenia. I guess they forgot that their entire culture, lineage and history began when the Spanish and Portuguese came and tamed their Savage and primitive nature.

Manlets, when will they learn?

Don't you know shitlord, we all came from africa so thats why white people can't claim a land of their own and can't go to africa and why mexicans and blacks deserve their own land that happens to be your land. Also the jews.

Fixed that for you

His name was changed to Luke Sissyfag previously.
Everything about him screams nu-male omega faggot.

Tip to the rest of your shill friends: Don't write with Reddit format.
Becouse it's obvious that your posting pasta.

Oh please would those eyes lie to you?

looks like he has raped at least 10 people


These idiots are trying a tactic usually used by us, "shock" value type things. Thing is that when we create "shock" value media, the only shocking part about it is the hard truth, which upsets tons of people, making them spite the opposition out of pure, emotional, angry jealousy of not being able to respond with a proper argument. The end result is this fucking garbage that is entirely emotion based, literally zero logic, even some of the "facts" they bring up actually work against them, instead of with them. This is delusion is the highest order and is extremely difficult to cure because of the fact that if the person knows they are trying to be cured, they will actively and knowingly resist, even if they know they're wrong.

T. Pessimistic mongrel who hates spics lel

Yeah, that'll win people over. Sure.


Nobody will see this thanks to the torrent of dislikes. Youtube automatically suppresses disliked videos from it's suggestions, so unless they get linked to it or specifically go looking, normies won't ever know this happened.

This statement pisses me off so much. How can this mixed race spic claim their land. They are neither white or native. They have no proof or facts besides some
tier arguments.
Strange how they all have Mexican accents regardless how they claim they were "born" in the US. Just as if they came from MEXICO.
Also these mixed mongrel monkey stone age niggers are comparing "native" people to the fucking Spanish. Spanish are WHITE. They named the cities. They had fucking military outpost and religious settlements in the south to expand their sphere of control. These fucking mongrels AREN'T. PIC RELATED. 1600s SPANISH WOMAN.
also who the fuck is that asian faggot claiming he's mexican. is this chinese chink trying to dodge paying taxes from china?

vid related




No, we want them all gone

Daily reminder that these spics don't understand that they lost the war, and the only way to remind them is to reenact it

And as a fun fact, by the time the Aztecs built their first city, Oxford had a royal charter and had been teaching classes for over two centuries

Another point is that there was essentially no mexican population in those territories at the time of the territory transfer either


Fuck off back to Reddit.

By the time Oxford had a royal charter, Mayans had calculated the most un-aided complex star calculations to date.

Mayans or the "gods" that hung out with them ?

Isn't this them basically admitting that either they're illegal or somebody they know is?


without trump its just going to get worst. think of how many smug piece of shits will "come out" and just "admit they're illegal". not only that but many schools and churches actively hide and protect these fucking illegal aliens for government gibs.
catholic churches especially protect these fucking sub human bastards from giving them refugee to avoid them getting deported.

Don't forget they started the war by massacring an army division that was near their border, still on US soil.

I kek'd. -1/10.

Is this all your English degree amounts to? Sad.


How fucking stupid can someone be? Does libshit delusion really go this deep?

They're off to a great start

All americans should put this on facebook, it's one great Trump ad.

You'd think that with a slogan like "Deport This" they'd be showcasing people that you wouldn't want to deport just based off their shit eating grins.

Every single time.

Haha exactly right my fellow chanter! Why aren't we just waiting for Hitler!

Is there anything the God Emperor does that isn't a domino effect?

I fucking hate mexicans so fucking much, they do nothing but bastardize the spanish language and spanish culture
t. Spaniard

This election redpilled me on spics
Every mex in my area started chimping out about trump and I realized just how many were actually illegal. And then they started with all these complaints and basically proved that they will always be loyal to mexico and just use the u.s. for gibs and comfort

Yup. Listening to Spaniards speak, they sound like white people speaking clear Spanish.

Mexicans slur like fuck and mutter random words.

I'm British and I can feel the difference between Mexico and Spain.





Native Americans weren't spics, they lost that land in battles and America has gone from 90% white to 60% white in 50 years.



Don't forget how that "11 million" figure are just the confirmed illegals and it's far more likely in the 30,000,000-60,000,000 range.
Think about that, 60,000,000 spics gone.


Once again liberals completely fail to see the point of propaganda.


According to those stats they're unhealthy as fuck too.
Fuck, I'm 6'1 and DYEL and I weigh 160

Holy fuck, I know it's /fit/ shitposting tradition to act as if people below some insane height like 6'6 are manlets, but 5'4 is legit manlet-tier.

It also means half of their adult men are shorter than that. Mexico is fucking Munchkin City.


These videos are so great

pic related, oc from the last one

non-white countries are hilariously short




Spics are fucking stupid, user. They have no idea that the Spanish consider then mongrels.

I like the racist caricature of the white redneck in contrast to the the hyper-spic vibrancy.

even though it's retarded I can understand why cucks are attracted by the Dems are real racists argument. they really do see it as a race vs race situation and they're not even trying to hide that they're taking sides anymore.


why does the world have to be so stupid?

Exactly. Their race is a consequence of ours. They have less claim to this land than we do, as we were here first.

Too obvious, shlomo.

Anti-racism is a codeword for anti-white.

If only

False flag?

Me too. They then proceed to bitch about it in either English or Spanish, which are both European.

Why don't they go back to Spain? That makes as much sense as telling us that.

This is going to backfire so hard.

It's backfiring already.

This is literally why the 'red haired white skinned giants' that they murdered were considered giants. They were fucking normal sized.

Does anyone want to run this by the Navajo? I bet we can get some very large counter

Don't forget:

He who laughs, laughs best México, el que ríe último ríe mejor, fucking ungrateful cunts

It's okay, you didn't want those mongrels anyway spaniard user.

That's debatable.

He who laughs last, laughs best I meant.

It's a shame though, the Spanish guitar really kicked off a global recognition during the time of Spain's rule over Mexico, and nearly all of Mexico's fame nowadays (music, dance, good food, some pretty old buildings, hardworking ethics) comes from Spain.

It's pathetic that Mexico has hardly done anything of global cultural significance in most of its independent life, but it's sad thinking about what it might've become.

Then again for some reason Spain always loves mixing itself everywhere it goes, which is probably a key point here.


I think that you answered your own question

That is, in fact, where I know all of those things from. Those illegal bastards.
I will admit to you that I find Spanish the language in general revolting now, because it's always in connection to the beaners. There are times I go somewhere and that's all I hear.
Have you seen the recent articles on Vdare with the super white looking ruling class being absolutely assblasted about Trump's Mexico trip?
It absolutely is. You needed to take some women with you, like we WASPs did when we settled America. Then again, it's not like either of us knew what we know now about genetics.


report it for racist content

funnily enough I met some "mexicans" with families before they were crossed by the border, they hate spics with as much fury as any Holla Forumsack

you honestly think we want mestizo subhumans here? i would rather have moroccans flood this country

How? They can't vote

such stale pasta, but good for outing the newfags

It's really easy to cheat the election system in the US
and in a lot of SW states, illegals can vote since they can get IDs

Where does this myth of the ignorant, white-trash "racist" come from?


Hollywood adding brain-dead rednecks to movies even though they have absolutely nothing to do with the story so they could boast about how much smarter they are than Southeners. The word redneck itself used to mean farmers that would work in the fields long enough to get sunburnt and used to be a positive expression, which changed by equating anyone not drinking the kool-aid to a filthy peasant.

jewish propaganda

Jews got extra pissed when stuff like like Bonanza was getting better ratings than their blacksploitation horseshit so they burned it all down and have been spending the last 40 years pissing on the ashes.

These fuckin' cunts.


wtf I hate voting now

History really does try to repeat itself, even beyond what records are left.

Wasn't this proven to be funded by Hillary but pinned on Bernie?


it's esse with a squiggly over the second e.

you're not really trying to hide the fact you're from reddit.

At this point, I just want them to all be exterminated.

We can go back to fight against each other after we murder everyone with brown skin.


What the fuck does esse even mean?
I'm an argie, so spanish is my mother tounge, but have no clue why the fuck they use esse like dude

it's the word for the letter S. how that evolved into a subject I don't know. maybe it's short for something like when the negros of yore called each other "G's".

I blame spaniards dick's for this, or the sucessive spaniard for not going full genocide like they should have, At least Roca genocided most of them here, before they were imported from neighboring countries

Your not a jew/shill your just a defeatist cuckold that is waiting for 'another Hitler' that isnt gonna happen. Go ahead and sit back and watch your world come crashing down and do nothing you spineless faggot.

We're meme warriors, user.

can anyone tell me where that pasta actually came from? I've seen it a million times and I'm still not sick of it, but I don't know what the origin point was. Aside from a fucking shill running his mouth months ago, I mean.

I know you don't. I'm saying it makes no sense to tell even the purest of English only blood American WASP to go back to England. It makes just as much nonsense to tell them to go to Spain, because that is objectively where they have their language and some heritage.

I still think people should spam this to the Navajo, there were no spic mestizos (or even indios) in Arizona.

It sure does.

tl;dr: Wait for Hitler

wtf im voting for hilary now

I am 100% convinced that these ads are made by right-wingers to false flag leftists and spics into looking retarded. It's like they're specifically designed to be as obnoxious and unlikeable as humanly possible.

This. Mexcrement is more than welcome to start another war to take back "their" lands we conquered. We'll just slaughter them all and nuke Mexico into oblivion.



Those in the video will be the first to go

Easy, just get rid of all the actual spics.

I know you're under a lot of stress lately, CTR. I just want you to know that everything will be okay.

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Oy vey! Enough of Trump!

Are beaners actually trying to appropriate "reconquista"?

That actually makes my blood boil, that term is reserved to Spaniards giving the boot to mudslimes.

These are the same people who said the UK economy would go in to recession after Brexit.

It's called the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, you fucking idiots

I can't wait until after the election when we find out Trump was financing these guys. This is just too ridiculous to believe.

wtf I love rednecks now

There is something hilariously wrong with beaner genetics. I'm 5'7" and I fucking tower over the beaners at work

Guatemalans are even shorter in my experience. sub5' is not uncommon at all.

Yeah I don't know how or why they think this makes them look cool.

And yet the left is supposed to be the party of the working man…

My uni had a group of beaners demanding an "undocumented students" scholarship. They wanted to make a mandatory $5 fee appended to everyone's tuitition. I didn't even know illegals were allowed in the fucking school in the first place. They staged some rally and marched into the president's office with a list of demands but he just told them to fuck off.

Couldn't someone just call ICE on the rally and get them all deported? They're not even trying to hide it. "Undocumented and proud!" How the fuck is that allowed?

They also tried to manufacture some controversy of hate speech prevalent on campus because people were shittalking them and using the term 'illegal' on yik yak instead of undocumented. That's the accurate, technical legal definition, "undocumented" is extremely disingenous, fuck.

Use their own shitty libshit arguments against them, then perhaps Jewtube will bat an eye to your faux cuckolded statement and shuddit down for your faulty reasoning.

It shouldn't be

the exact origin was from a thread about the possibility of a false flag. Trump supporting terrorists would come out and kill innocent BLMers. Someone then posted that pasta for the first time, and history was made.

all this shit just points back to the age old truth… whites are superior to browns. All this whining about whites doing this and being responsible for that and how much they've imposed their will on browns. Funny they don't want to discuss why or how they got under the white boot in the first place. They are inferior.

Why did they hire all these prostitutes to star in their video?

Obama made it almost impossible to deport spics by underfunding ICE significantly or something.

It was only by making them comply with dumb rules. No matter how much money you put in with these rules nothing will happen.


suddenly my vision is filled with swastikas
all I can think about is gas chambers, anons, is this normal

Fuck that. No more beaners, kikes, spics, chinks, Arabs, etc. Only whites from now on.

Nice trips, Vader.

Thank you Mr. Skeltal

Supposed to be, but they are all wine sipping upper class faggots who attach themselves to a cause to feel relevant.

Better than normal. These people want to literally steal our country.

i didn't realize Mexicunts were still salty about us dropkickcaving their asses in the 1800s

Fuck all of them. This is the White Man's land.

All fucking land is white man's land. We GAVE IT BACK last century. We're indian giving. Deal with it.

off by one



So you're not getting deported, It's really mind boggling to me how these people seem to ignore literally everything about the specifics of Trump's policies and then complain that Trump hasn't given any specifics, its less than 50 days to election day, do these people still actually believe Trump is deporting all Mexicans/Muslims out of this country, no exceptions? Then again intellectual dishonesty is nothing new for the left. At any rate, no, you're not getting deported but you fucking should be and will likely scurry off to family in mexico when Trump gets elected because of some misplaced fear that Trump is going to do anything other than deport illegally immigrated individuals

Both are me though.

I know.

admit it….

you've just taken this screenshot you weaboo autist.


"Deport This"



Indian giver
Indian giver is an American expression to describe a person who gives a gift and later wants it back, or something equivalent in return. It is based on the experiences of early European settlers and pioneers like Lewis and Clark when trading with Native Americans.

they really must have thought that they had a good thing going with the little girls spouting profanities. because they get more and more vulgar every ad that comes out.

more fuel for the fire, i guess.


One video had two young boys making out with eachother

Not good for them

Thank you for not being racist scum.

they're making it way too easy to make a 'strawman' pun

This is just gonna make it all the sweeter when Trump does get elected
Don't let us down America

fckh8 is literally under the impression their views are the politically incorrect ones, They're trying to bank on youth rebellion to push their movement.

Bear in mind, the whole premise of social justice is centered on power dynamics. "Power" is how they justify claiming that whites cant experience racsim, men can't experience sexism, christians can't experience religious bigotry, etc. Them being in control of the dominant narrative undermines their entire ideology, so they delude themselves into thinking their voice is the one being shut out. Ironically, they see every disagreement with them as "evidence" of their own marginalization so they work to shut down any dissent. Hell, most BLM activists are literally under the impression that the mainstream media is against them.

In short: they think kids cussing is riling up the establishment. It is not.

they can in commiefornia. and it's a damn shame. the rural/suburban areas of CA are so hyped about trump that they would probably swing the state red if it weren't for illegals voting.

you will be laughing if the US gets in worse shape? so either:
a) you aren't from the US, so none of us gives a flying fuck what you think about our election
or b) you are a goddamn traitor

if b, I have a nice necktie picked out for you for inauguration day

I couldnt get past the tattooed up dyke spic.

Send them all back, every fuckin one of them.

holy shit! you really are a redditfag!

get the fuck out of here and go back to r/politics. maybe if you upvote enough hillary propaganda, she will get some electoral votes besides CA and DC :^)

Aryanos vs. Clinton's Brown-Faced Shitbuckets


This is a retarded move by the beaners. If the want to hasten the racial civil war, this is the way.

White European Solutreans were in North and South America millenia before anyone (before being genocided by indians).

I don't know what Luke Montgomery thinks he's doing or who pays him. That FCKH8 shit backfired super hard as far as I could tell, and DeportRacism is more of the same. I'd love to see what's in his email.

3rd pic should take population density into account.

Big mistake

Maybe it's time to rethink the whole thing, just sayin'.

So I'm curious, he seems to only submit these to right-wing sites. I assume the game is to try and get the right mad enough to do a few manual deportations. What would happen if we expose the left to this "make America Mexico again" message? Should I do it?

For reference, note how this has been pushed exclusively on right-wing forums:

They'll just shrug their shoulders and say "they don't represent us." Same way they avoid discussing any psycho they agree with.

It'd be worth seeing if they can be put on the defensive about it. Imagine watching them have to defend that in an interview and what the viewers would think. I've submitted it, we'll see.


Prase kek .

0/10 B8

Wow it is almost like nobody was using the land, so white settlers came and started using it, and the mexican government let them. Then when disputes happened, it escalated to a war where mexico got its ass handed to them by settlers, then by America later on.

Update: they've started upvoting it. They might have just read the title and upvoted based on that (I removed reference to DeportRacism).

Jesus fuck, I can't even wrap my head around how butt fucking retarded that is


Where do spics think they got the Spanish language from? Where do they think they got Catholicism from?

God dammit burgers, i didn't know this was the kind of human shit you guys had to deal with
What the fuck happened in Mexico?!?!
What the fuck are all those deform genetic avominations?!?!?!
God dammit i wanna puke just by watching their faces
I try to have a teflon skin in the internet but as an Argentinian being lumped with these subhumans under the same label of "Latino" sickens me
May glorious god emperor Trump save your country from kikery
I'd like to visit it one day, but i wanna see the REAL Merica, not some spick/dindu/kebab/kike infested globaliced hollow shell of a once great country

Let me lay it down for you. Strap yourself in.


Here's the part where I get really fucking angry at spics

If they just stopped here things would've been good for them, but no, they kept fucking going

Now remember this whenever some dirty spic tries to tell you BUT THE USA TOOK TEXAS FROM US ILLEGALLY :( or some stupid shit

There, I just laid out Mexico's retarded fucking Post-Colonial history with the US for you. Screencap this if you have to.

This is why Spics are so fucking insufferable. They're the greatest fuckups the world has ever fucking seen, but they blame Whites for all of their failures, just like your average nigger.

Mexico lost everything it had because they thought they could fuck over democracy, because their cruelty to those brave White soldiers only inspires the hearts of more brave, White soldiers, and because they had and still have no fucking clue how to run a decently functioning country. When they couldn't push us over, we kicked their asses, and after we kicked their asses and still paid them for the trouble afterwards, they continue to spit in our fucking faces today.

Fuck spics. Burn them all.

Is it true that this is from an Argentinean children's show?

(no embed because used elsewhere, like wtf fix that shit whoever took over after killing kikewheels why the fuck do you care if its used elsewhere)

1) Tacos are not Mexican food they are Texmex, so Texan. All that popular "Mexican" food is really just from Texas just like how all the ethnic food from India is actually Brtish in origin, yes especially curry.

2) Tacos taste like shit.

3) Actual mexican food is so foul that the mere scent makes me puke, much like any food not developed by whites.

4) You're a dirty mestizo/indio and hence not a human

5) Be grateful we didn't conquer the entire country down to the Yucatan and then throw everybody we found darker than a lily into the sea. Which is what we should have done.

6) You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.



Minorities don't matter. Organizing whites does.

Would you not did for a new European nationalist movement? I do not care if I lose, or I die.. I wish to die with glory and honor.

I do not think anyone should forget that this is what is being fought for, in a war of ideas. The Jew has stolen the definition of honor for himself and perverted it.


… you're retarded

tacos are mexican. not the hardshell stuff, but just the concept of meat wrapped in bread isn't that nuts.

And generally people are eating rice and beans anyway.

Additionally, curry isn't british. Well, some are, but the concept of using turmeric, coriander, cumin, and other spices in food isn't anything revolutionary.

I mean, this is probably bait. and I bit. But fuck, you'd probably puke at any food that has spices in it.

Not unless you're an illegal. Ah-hem…

I knew I heard this before, it seems surprisingly common. People just don't respect treaties anymore, and instead of negotiating they bitch about it and try to abolish them through peer pressure

Yes, because they colonized it. I wasn't aware that you suddenly approved of colonization. Guess you'll stop bothering us about the Indians, right?
So over 30% of all Latinos in America are illegal? That alone sounds pretty bad.
I thought we just established that colonialism is good. Or is that just when minorities do it?
Remember, we're the bad guys here. Not the ones trying to practice black magic in order to bring physical harm to political candidates.
My race is my deed, then. Get off my land.
Because Spanish People are from Patagonia.
Latino support for Trump is at 40%. Try again.
That's kind of part and parcel with being an illegal immigrant. It's not like we kidnap them and dump them onto orchards. If they didn't want it, they wouldn't come.
This wouldn't be complete without embarrassing vulgarities, would it?

*the south


Capped for any newfags who dont know and want to know about this to BTFO of any spics and traitor whites.



hod do i delet post xD


I hate beaners more than niggers believe it or not. Most niggers are basically violent animals but are pretty easy to manipulate due to very low IQ. We can manage them. Furthermore, they are so different from us they will always be separated. Beaners on the other hand are some hideous mongrelized race. They are quickly permeating into the american genepool and every aspect of society. All they do is slowly make everything worse and worse. Its not as fast as niggers, but it is still certain. And worst of all is they are just smart enough to push for their own interests unlike niggers. Beaners are a direct threat to our cucked society, only a strong white united nation can remove the beaner infestation at this point.

I can't really blame some violent, low-IQ humanoid for acting like shit. The Mexicans in this video talking about how they want to retake this country from whites are (slightly) more intelligent than that, however. It's like there's an actual mind and attempt at a justification behind the hatred, which makes it easier to humanise and therefore hate. Hating blacks is like hating hurricanes or droughts.

You got it buddy. Trust me, others think like you.

also niggers are way, way better cooks. I've never met a spic that could make barbeque worth a damn.

Hi, Graham. Still trying to shill your shitty OC you made on (((Twitter))) for Sargon of Cuckad all these months later?


Friendly reminder that the FCKH8 faggots all need to be deported to the rapiest part of Africa.

Bulletproof logic




can we use this argument to say that niggers have no business in europe?

they are all rapey