To be brief (because I need to shit):
I know this landwahale from
Redpill Me On Fat Girls
I sure fucked that post.
TL;DR some 300-pounder from work wants my dick. How do I proceed, if at all?
You're on Holla Forums so it is fairly obvious you are also overweighI say go for iJust make sure she gets tested firsRegardless of what you may think or the myths that nobody fucks fat girls or that fat girls don't have standards: ALL THAT IS BULLSHIT
Fat girls are some of the biggest whores around because they have to be. They can't be as picky as pretty or skinny girls. Fuck her but be very cautious.
Oh yea um…
My experience comes from taking a 300 pound Latina girl to prom because I thought she was quite unattractive and figured she would be a virgin since nobody else asked her to Prom. I thought I had a guaranteed lay.
She later stole my l and went to an after-party with all of our guests/classmates and didn't even invite me or take me and she got double teamed in the living room while everyone at the party watched.
Turns out nobody asked her because she was the school whore.
I banged a couple fatties. I can definitely see how it becomes a fetish
I don't know if I recommend but it was interesting.
You're fucking pathetic
Nigger I get that you're desperate, but landwhales aren't just repulsive, a lot of them are crazy. Does she have problem hair or problem glasses?
Nothing wrong with a girl that has some extra pounds. As long as there are no actual fat folds it's fine user. You need a reason?
1) You can treat them like total shiand not only will they expect iNo one cares if you do. I've called fat girls "worthless fuck puppets who's only purpose is to take cock" and still had them on my dick.
2) They suck a mean cock….because they have to.
3) If you actually want a gf you can get them to do crazy shiThe low self esteem makes it so you can get them to have three ways or make you dinner with almost no effort.
4) No one cares about them, so if it gets out how much of a dick you are being her friends just say, "Well she needs someone."
5) most big girls have big tits, and big tits are fun.
I prefer FART girls, mysef.
Fat girls are ugly both outside and in. The only appeal is if you're a sociopath who wants someone to treat like shit with no repercussions or remorse.
Basically, only deal with fat chicks if you're some kind of sadisOtherwise stay the fuck away.
They're really good for sadists, I like to choke the shit out of them during sex.
Nope, I was about 330lbs back in 2015, now I'm 190, and pretty /fit/ overall. I had surgery to do away with the loose skin and everything.
I know that much, but honestly, this girl gives me the impression she hasn't seen a dick, or received any sort of male attention in her life. The girl comes to work every day, gloomy as fuck, quiet as fuck, NEVER talks to anyone except the old boomer ies who make up the managerial staff. We've been working in the same department for a little over two years, up until the last five months, I hadn't heard so much as "hello" from her. Nowadays, I can't ever seem to shake her. She's horrendously shy, which means a lot when it's coming from a top-tier autist like me. I've known a few like her, I highly doubt she's used goods. She comes off as more desperate/lonely than whorish.
I'm just not attracted to landwhales. It's a shame because this girl is one of those fatties that you can tell would actually be really cute if she just wasn't so goddamn spherical (I've even told her as much), such a waste of such a nice face. Perhaps going no-fap would change my perspective on things?
I'm really not though. Full disclosure - I'm a kissless, hugless virgin but, I don't and have never really cared about sex - not casual, meaningless sex, at leasI want a gf, not just a wet hole to jizz in. I say all of that, but, I can't seem to get over this hurdle of, quite frankly, just not being attracted to this girl. She seems like a genuinely sweet girl, and she's been trying so hard with me, but I am simply repulsed by hambeasts. I've never thought 'myself to be so shallow, I'm conflicted.
Nope, but I suspect she's merely cloaking her power level. She speaks like one of them. She has a habit of making things political, but the moment I express even the slightest hint of disapproval and begin prepping the redpills, she immediately backs-down and capitulates with whatever I'm saying in an almost comedic "pls no bully" fashion, and tries to change the subjecIdk, I'm not sure what to make of it so far, .
I wasn't fucking around when I called her a 300 pounder. She's very self-concious about her weight and makes no secret of iShe's always asking me for dieting/fitness advice since I've been so succssful with my weight loss. I've been half inclined to just start taking her to the gym with me and offer to be her personal trainer of sorts, but I don't want to do anything that can be interpreted as 'asking her out' unless I'm commited to doing just that, but I don't want outright friendzone her either, not after I've been stringing her along like I have. Maybe I'm just being autistic.
Maybe you can convince her to get fit.
If you can get her while she's fat and take her with you to the gym, you'll have a girl with all the psychological issues of a lonely, fat girl and none of the fat.
Yeah, but, in the meantime, I'd be dating and, presumably, dicking someone who's two thirds my height and nearly twice my body.weight.
though, I might just do this.
Well user, from the way you are talking you got a perfect situation. Here is a fail safe plan.
1) Hang out with her just to see if you can deal with her bullshiIs she in anyway interesting or fun? The point is to answer one question, "If she was thinner would she make a good gf?" If the answer is yes proceed to step 2.
2) If she is fun than hang out with her. While you do this make sure you constantly remind her that it isn't a date, and saying that you enjoy spending time with her. The idea is to shame her and make sure she knows her place. If she calls you shallow for not dating all you have to say is, "Look I'm sorry, but I just not attracted to you like this." Attraction has be part of dating.
3) if she sticks around at this point, she is in it for the long haul. Teach her to get fiTell her you aren't going to fuck her. And whip her into being the submissive, more attractive gf you deserve.
All relationships are work. How much are you willing to put i to get a good gf?
Plus you can get constant blowjobs from her while you are getting her fi
Just make sure you keep her self esteem low. Because once she has a good self image you are screwed.
Don't date fat girls. They're fucked in the head. They know their body is worth a fortune yet they can't help fucking it up, and they'll similarly fuck everything up in their life and yours. They're incapable of handling things. Don't even breed them as they might have bad genetics.
It also matters how young she is. Girl in this pic was FAT up until college. She put the effort in herself and got cute…..but because she did it she's a cun█
Op post pics so we can see how fat she is and judge her appropriately that's what we're waiting on ffs
I've had sex with 2 fatties, and both had tiny a-cup tits. I was so disappointed.
did this once, came in right as they lost weight themselves. Fat chick prices for hot girl I told her.
You fucking don'█Unless you think she's marriage material. You'll regret it for the rest of your life
regards, user who chubby chased once and ONLY once
fat pepe
The best thing about chubbies is that they have tight pussies because all the fat smushes everything together.