Can we please get the 56% thread unlocked? It's not my fault I had to re-dump all of the pictures at once.
Can we please get the 56% thread unlocked? It's not my fault I had to re-dump all of the pictures at once
Other urls found in this thread:
mailman is a gay
Meanwhile, in London…
You really seem assblasted, Yurop. Did you have a bad trip through a no-go zone or something?
You will never be as Aryan as I am, Muhammad
he's a shit skin him self from /commiepol/
You really shouldn't get so worked up, Yurop. If you should take your frustration out on anyone, it should probably be your wife.
a rare video of dysnomia:
lmao look at this butthurt amerimutt stalking me across the board. dont break your refresh button schmuley
Any other mods than mailfag here? Can someone please unlock the thread
Jesus Yurop, just confront your wife about her fucking Ahmed. I'm sure if you make sure not to say anything bad about Islam you'll only get a few years in prison.
I've seen all of these before europoor.
that's what "your" cities look like every time a cop shoots a dindu, mutt
So what's your opinion on Rotherham, Yurop?
mods can you please remove the bumplock for this thread
Shouldn't you be at your afternoon prayer?
Keep your unfunny dogshit on halfchan.