This is a very suspicious looking place I have to admi

This is a very suspicious looking place I have to admi

That's a high frame rate gif I have to admi

kike kiwis

this pic is so cute

yes she is a very cute girl

what means by this

beaner saltines

nigger tacos

annoyed mexicans?

nip chicken


What she from user?

wut nigga

she is my gf

Just tell me

she's from an japanese cartoon

It’s actually Chinese

sorry sweetie it is made in Nipon japan :)

You need help, real help user, its time to unplug.

i am bcoming a forest wizard tonight actually read my thread

what thread?

this one

your going to die this winter

god i hope so

if you wanted to drop out, overdose or hang, no need to freeze

drugs make me feel worse and i like nature even if it kills me slowly

This thread makes me moist


that beard is fucking based