It's a pretty generic article about Trump, Farage and the alt-right but fuck it
It's a pretty generic article about Trump, Farage and the alt-right but fuck it
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that the BBC is state funded.
Anglos pay taxes for THIS SHIT.
They pay that dumbass's salary.
we scary naow
I don't think I've ever hated anything more than I hate the media, there will be no tears from me when this shit gets sorted out
God fucking damnit. I was in that thread yesterday. These faggots with no understanding of Holla Forums are reading our threads and writing articles to scare the normies.
Fuck these cucks, they will never understand Kek. Literally they just read that thread and believed everything that was said. Perhaps we need to feed them some disinfo of our own.
On the other hand… they did admit he is a god. We have memed Kek to the normies, and they fear the coming Shoah.
I wish we could trick the media into posting gore, would be great tbh.
Best repellent.
The cucks are Kek's sworn enemy
you all know this as truth
The Great God Pan is dead.
And I thought that we we're joking that they'd actually fucking mention it.
Goddamn retards are really loosing touch with reality.
What's the deal with the ridiculous spacing in online news? "But" shouldn't even be the beginning of a sentence let alone a paragraph. You're telling me everyone who saw this prior to publication just nodded and sent it up the chain?
They don’t care, everyone get’s paid regardless of editorial quality as they are funded by the propaganda tax.
Another BBC journalist whining about America's dirty little secret of evil racist Nightriders terrorizing innocent negroes. Holy shit bongs, please gas these fuckers rapidly.
Probably because editor has been browsing too much reddit.
Brits have been bastardizing the language for centuries.
This fucking faggot. We get it completely. We get that it is a completely fabricated narrative spun by the Jewish media to agitate the nigger subclass. A "niggers being disproportionately gunned down in the streets by racist white supremacist cops" narrative that has no real basis, as has been shown multiple times through empirical research.
Kill all journalists
The latest south park episode is focusing on internet trolling, is there any possibility they will make a kek episode?
The Brits and I mean the British media have a very real distorted fetish with the U.S. civil rights movement.
They don't know wtf they're talking about.
Praise be
the dude looks to be about 70. You should be happy that he even took the time to google it and stumbled on some meme wiki about how koreans type kek instead of lol
top kek.
got satan trips with rainbow dash if anyone remembers.
i hope it doesn't mean anything.
KEK , they got played again.
So these kikes look like they are looking forward to rematch from the last time.
Little do they know we grow stronger every day. I have been getting kids to repeat, "praise kek". I have been ending texts and emails with "PRAISE KEK".
I amplify his signal and praise his name every chance I get.
you will live to see the unfurled banners of an ancient pagan astral frog god over the sacked vatican city
you will live to see the destruction of mecca, all but left being the kaaba which has been divinely ordained by law to be turned into a graphic shitposting cube and signpost of our conquests
you will live to see the frog goyim tear down the third temple with their bare hands only to replace it with a 1000ft colossus statue of kek reaching up to the stars
So far we have had:
All write about the alt-right, and not one has nailed it.
They're testing the waters.
Fuck, I hope we see some articles exclusively about Kekism and meme wizardry soon. It'll be the final nail in the coffin of the (((media))) being taken seriously.
Read it and it's hilarious that these are supposed to be the top tier journalists.
I've never seen such disinformation and out of touch in an article on the internet before.
Just awesome.
Now kek is going to become ruined by normies now.
At least we can hope it doesn't because it relies on dubs.
This was one of the better ones funny enough. Journalists always appear to be wrong when you understand a topic, so you have to wonder if they're always missing the complete picture on everything else.
The acknowledgement of Kek as a deity by BBC means that there is now a small breach in reality. Kek is no longer confined to image boards but can now slip through this small crack into our world.
Praise Kek!
Good at least someone sees past our warped sense of humour.
Let's all do our best for Lord Kek!
I like he assumes KEK is something we created. We merely rediscovered a primordial chaos deity.
The more they invoke him, the more they lose.
If we can meme it, lads, they'll get cucked into oblivion.
they can't discus this stuff without sounding fucking insane
Checked. I've shown these kind of articles to friends (archived of course) and they all come back with the same reaction, that is, confused as to why Hillary and the media care about cartoon frogs, especially when there are terrorists running around.
Dude we've always been cool, man.
Quintessential paranoid Jew phrase.
The one thing we have in common with the jew.
Our last war left some scars, indeed.
What a time to be alive. On the cusp of a reawakening.
do chaos gods appreciate such things?
>P R A I S E K E K<
And with that I sleep
we did it lads
Checking these dubs. It was irresponsible of BBC to not articulate on the significance of the dubs to Lord Kek. However, by spreading his meme to new minds they have given him more power. Truly, greater Happenings than those we have seen await us.
Yes. You ask for blessings, you receive blessings.
The fuck is 'POL'?
but goyim gods aren't real, we just make sacrifices to Moloch for shits and giggles.
Im amazed KEK is now seeping into the minds of masses. Though Im not surprised.
Did not the UK recognize Jedis as a legitimate religion?
I sometimes wonder if they have any comprehension of just how fucking furious we are with them, just how much we hate them.
Do they not realize that any one of us would gladly be the one to pull the lever and loose the trapdoor? For all their attacks they level against the police for rightly gunning down the odd dindu, do they not realize those same police are literally the only thing keeping them alive?
No, they're like a stereotype parents trying to fit in with hip young kids.
It's almost embarrassing.
I wish they'd just go back to their own universe instead of making
This video is holy.
I don't want to hear any one of you say we're living in uninteresting times.
I think something that's often overlooked in this is how everything goes white and that Kek is also known as the bringer of light.
(Praise Kek!)
Jedi got its own census number at about 400k people, so we need to meme good and hard
Didn't see that, put it down to hive mind.
9 years of war against globalism.
Kek, turns out it won't be such a long war after all.
kek comes from s4s where shitposting turned "top gun" (from Workaholics) into "top lel" and then "top kek" when somebody started posting pictures of a cake called "top kek".
Source: the truth.
Another rare, today was a good day.
Yeah but the other journey is a lot more hilarious.
Yeah I realize what you did there but just in case.
Maybe its a prophechy , 2016-2023 After 7 years the imperium of kek will be created. KEK must reign supreme in the whole universe.
Hm. I don't see lel or awoo anymore.
Glad the BBC committed sudoku.
yeah and posters started do type top kek along with pepe and viola frog god summoned
Holy fucking shit, they're are talking about Kek, they shot themselves in the foot when talking about Pepe the frog but now they sound even more fucking retarded to the average person talking about a God called Kek.
They took the bait, I remember some anons talking about hoping the MSM would pick up on Kek.
Topkek actually looks pretty good tbh.
Just goes to show:
All they had to do is not mention pepe and focus on the content.
Part of us saw that the "cult" would be useful in some ways when it was beginning.
part of us was worried that the public took it seriously too
The beeb is an intelligence outfit nigger, dont underestimate them, they serve a function beyond disseminating propaganda and I would wager they understand more about..this right here than most
the beeb is basically radio free europe but more sophisticated
It's not complete till Trump is President.
High energy
Reading that in an actual BBC headline made me burst out laughing. They've really sunk to the bottom now, they're a satire of themselves.
It's a sign of a new age. The enemies will be destroyed, but the friends… hmmmm.
Is this in the UK? Fucking crazy, looks like it to me.
KEK happenings are comfy
just as planned
I think older generations are starting to fall for the disinfo on MSM. They have the utmost faith with T.V News media. And they seem to lack understanding of the internet, because mainstream media tells them it's "all bullshit, only believe in us"
Boomers will kill us all one day.
Reminds me of scene in a horror
movie where a couple of kids find
an old manuscript book of
magic and start reading out
a spell. However, not knowing
what they are doing or what
powers they are dealing with,
they garble the spell and release
forces they can't control which
threaten to destroy their world.
I don't feel that should excuse good investigative journalism, if anything, he ought to be better than this.
Bad, that is. I want good journalism so bad my brain broke.
Have you learned nothing sweet child? Our memes cannot be contained. Why contain them?
Only we can check dubs, so only we can commune with Kek. But if Kek wants to make his existence known to the masses, we are surely powerless to stop him.
This is blasphemy. Your Lord God is fuck.
I mean his name is fuck not your frog bullshit is stupid.
Horror movies are cautionary tales for bad goyim.
It's probably something that happened that's an inside joke for most people who know about it. It's like urban legends or something.
Mark mardell is quite a major journalist over here as well, fucking hell.
Fuck is no god of mine. My god is Kek, and he is a powerful god.
Hey, thanks, BBC. At least they didn't portray us as the usual Mountain Dew guzzling nerd stereotype.
What does a normie think when reads this sentence?
I'm being serious. Fuck is the name of the God of creation. It's name is shared by the definition of 7. In Hebrew 7 is to fuck or penetrate. That's why 7777 is God's number. He is literally Fuck.
Even your stupid Pepe had his sign engraved in his hands showing you that Fuck is your Lord.
I'll have no part of your perverted like God worship. My digits have vindicated my faith.
Praise Kek!
*perverted kike god
Will Kek punish this nonbeliever article writer and the BBC for using the Holy Name in vain?
Perverted? It's the God of creation you stupid Satanist. The first thing you do is fuck your mother with your entire body as an omg underage baby. Fuck you you stupid nigger.
Begone demented kike worshiper. This is a place of Kek.
Let's practice
What do you say?
No, the Lord God fuck doesn't worship the kikes. Where the fuck did you get that from??
By participating in this Pepe bullshit YOU are worshiping the kikes. I can't believe how FUXKING retarded you are.
Dubs of lies. Kek is an Egyptian god. The Jewish god YHWH destroyed his people, and he was sealed in an ancient temple. He was released when ISIS blew that temple up.
This seems like desperate shilling to get us to abandon bountiful Lord Kek. It won't work.
Right. The fact that it's being associated in main stream news and Donald Trump isn't a huge fucking thing you dip shit
Your use of the Hebrew language as scripture betrays your true nature, neurotic kike worshiper. Gas yourself, or reounce your evil false faith and Praise Kek!
The pepe images have fucked up shit in it. That's not what the normies would figure. You wonder why it's being promoted with trunp you fucking piece of garbage??
Gods number is 7777. In like language it's fuck. You worship their dumbshit frog what the fuck are you on about
Filtered and gassed.
Kek has proven himself worthy by merely appearing in a BBC article, the normies are giving him strength day by day, he will raise up and slay jehovah
Get the fuck out kaffir, the lord KEK is the only rightful owner of this universe and Pepe(pbuh) is his prophet.
They get really mad if you point that out too, i guess they just want to believe that knowyourmeme is the last bastion of truth in the modern media machine.
Then why are references to fuck hidden in your stupid Pepe images??? Ingrate
Kill your self jew boi
Starting to think you're the jew boy and you should probably recognize your God before he kills you.
First of all, that is never a good reason to censor yourself you faggot. Pic-related
Secondly, you're assuming normies trust the media. They don't. And now the same media that they don't trust is going to try to tell them that the stupid frog meme they've seen on Facebook and Tumblr, and that was shared on social media by people like Katy Perry and Nikki Minaj is some kind of ancient Egyptian devil magic.
Who is it that's actually going to look stupid?
Throw this cuck to my third grade language arts teacher.
She'd flay, boil, and castrate him for starting so many sentences with "but".
This a classic sign that we've got faggots that don't belong in our group.
I like how he stealthily throws it in that civil rights are something to be "gotten over".
Not over yet, this can go further. When Pepe makes it to the front page you have my permission to rest.
You're at the wrong door. GG is two doors down.
You're not even from around here, otherwise it wouldn't be a question like you are now just how hilarious and out of touch with reality they seem to be openly stating midgets in clownsuits (autists on an imageboard) are beating them.
These niggers would spin us to be evil Nazis who want to kill all non-whites even if we literally sucked mud slime cock.
Shamelessly calling attention to my own post here, but I believe it's important we practice at this. If someone asks you what Kek is from now until the election
I'll get you guys started
Now make up your own origin story for Kek. We need to confuse the shit out of journalists. The more each of their individual accounts of Kek worship differ, the more paranoid and idiotic they look.
It's written that way for the convenience of editors and news readers. Never for you, the pleb.
t. former gerbalist
Then you are referencing fuck.
This sort of shit is why God spawns. So he can fucking wreck it.
There are no actual journalists these days under age 40.
What you read are content farmers.
Why are you giving boomers the benefit of the doubt? Their generation started the slide into degeneracy when they fell for the communist memes in the 60s. They're no better than their Gen Y or Millennial colleagues.
I'm just glad they'll live long enough to see everything they worked for since they were pot-smoking hippies in college be torn down right in front of them. They deserve it.
Path of light
ah ok.
that's what it meant.
Pic related.
Ponies are bannable :^)
What do you think getting DUDE WEED legalized was for user?
It's not against muh degeneracy, it's so these fucking busybody especially will be playing cosmic shuffleball and shit instead of starting wars.
I've used kek (from WoW) before I even knew about top kek, just like I sometimes used Bur
Also, I've seen Top Lel before I've seen topkek.
Maybe it's actually both
His name alone causes chaos.
I literally burst out laughing. I like how it's actual disinfo and also the BBC wisely didn't try to rile us up too badly. Isn't that right GCHQ?
sorry. i may be going insane. well, the world is, so why not…
Our Father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.
There. "Oaths broken" and spells demolished in Christ Jesus' name.
What would Jesus have done if there were no followers and mind control was a common technology for the elit??
Isn't it debts here in the bearshekel universe?
he was part of the mind controlling elite you dumbo.
he was just a party magician working for the jews
There's more than one Bible translation, bruh. I don't which one uses debts, but King James Version uses trespass.
Who said anything about boomers?
I am mid forties and was until ten years ago working journalist. It was always lefty but something happened with the kids born after 1980 or so.
Throwing money lenders out of the temple and shouting at the priests to come down from their balconies. No he rebelled against the Jewish establishment of the time. Hence why he was not acknowledged as the Messiah by them.
What kind of well-adjusted normal person would doubt the media when they report that a group of Nazis from the secret internet are worshiping Egyptian frog gods?
[8chpas]I love how oblivious they are that they're priming the normies for Trump's unveiling of Clinton's participation in, organization of, and money-laundering for Rothschild's kiddy sextrafficking and human sacrifice to Moloch ring. Many keks will be had come October.[/8chpass]
Yea that's why they crucified him after he rejected Lord Satan's kingdom. Try again
well. I can't deny the possibility that he was the Trump of his time though.
We love fucking with each other's psyops. It's a form of banter.
According to Hindu religion he's the reincarnations of a certain god named vishnu. Before Christmas he was buddah.
I hate to say this because it's dude but thats the exact same reason the tower of Babylon didn't exactly work out for everyone.
Are you sure?
Tell me this cuck didn't feel like a looney writing this
I sure hope he did
That's the Authorized King James Bible, user. Then there's the King James Bible.
Oh KEK please grant us continuing lols
So that our sides may be blasted into eternal oblivion.
i'm replacing this image in my folder… with this one.
the name.
I always thought 14 meant AD for Adolf
remember when kek posted a lighting merchant on trump tower
I think WoW probably is part of what popularized it since it's what lol gets translated into in the game. I don't really get how they came up with the Korea bit though.
No. You're right. I suck cocks. People sometimes think it's trespass because trespass comes in the passages immediately after the prayer, but trespass is not actually a part of the prayer.
I was already planning to put Cult of Kek on my census records. Perhaps we can make some door-to-door fliers for the religion of kek, or some jewtube content.
That's what it translated to in Korean
dam son
i don't even know how to meme properly.
all of you are better than me in every way.
i don't even know what's going on anymore.
Why user. Didn't you hear? It's just madness everywhere
Its both, also forgive us our sins.
You guys make out there's only one way to translate ancient Hebrew
I thought it was lol(common) is kek when heard by horde
or it was bur
either way, when alliance hears a horde player saying stuff, it gets all jumbled, the other way around too
one of them 'translates' lol to kek, and the other lol to bur, but I can't remember which is which
The korean thing is just a super crazy jump because it happens to match or something
dont give up user
koreans use kekeke as a laughter onomatopoeia
For me it's the fact that I've read that passage from that copy I have before and it used to be trespasses in that spot. It's changed. Just like how they replaced lion with wolf.
tbqh I have been using 'kekekeke' on the internet for derisive laughter since early 2000s, and I picked it up from SC matches.
kek is orcish for lol, what korean language has to do with this?
top bur
no, i'll be here, caring about everyone.
no worries
I have been using
it's very fast to type, since you don't have to care about order, it's just a repeat of the letters in any case and any order
I wonder what it means when even Holla Forums can't agree on a meme's origin. For Kek, it's either:
An Egyptian frog spirit
Korean laughter
Orcish for 'lol' in World of Warcraft
or a cake
He's a god of chaos, obscurity and infinity, it's only fitting that even us don't know exactly what it is or where it came from
Seeing as the Egyptian frog god is the oldest out of the three i would suspect it to be the origin
So what you're saying is, is that there's more than two Berenstain Bears universes.
you know, i randomly pulled up that crying pony and i wept. the expression. the character.
then i looked at things a little more carefully and it popped.
We all know the kikes worship Moloch performing rituals and sacrifices to them
more and more we see them trying to shit on Kek
It's as if they really feared the ancient frog god…
Maybe we should start memeing kek fuckin bulls and owls (((Moloch))) up the ass for maximum kike triggering
Truly fitting, isn't it?
It did, the 14 words are much more recent than 14/88 itself.
lets not stop loving kek.
i think he's chaotic good.
Normies only respond to the lightest and most easily digestible type of reading, God forbid they read at all.
At least the filename has a correct name
**what happens if its all of them
The frog god was discovered years after kek was mainstream. So it is not the origin.
Although it's fun to, I don't actually believe in yokais or other stuff that literally 'pops up into existence because enough people believed in it', at least not in a physically worldly thing.
If this was true, then the christian god would actually be measurable. Unless people only 'believe it' ironically**
**that's where you got it wrong.
when was thing made != when was thing found out.
kek came into existence as a god in our minds about 1-3 years ago (fucking time goes way faster than you want to accept, I don't even know when it was anymore). Before then it was just a common word that means laugh.**
fuck ignore what came before this, or I will contradict myself, but I came to the realization of what's below thanks to typing that shit out
I keep changing my mind as I type, so fuck deleting any more paragraphs and concluding:
Kek as a laugh came from:
a) world of warcraft horde saying lol -> kek
b) [lots of laughs/laughing out loud] -> lol -> lel -> regular lel -> top lel -> topkek -> kek
both origns converged into the same thing, It's a way to laugh
Kek as a god came when some user found out about the Egyptian god, it was not a god until this moment, it was just a way to laugh.
Kek as a god did not exist until the user found out about it. all Egyptians who knew about it were dead, and kek was dead with them, for there were no minds for the meme to live on.
If thoughts and ideas can change the reality beyond just making people converge to those ideals or not, it's to be proven (fucking particle physics).
I fucked up the spoilers, fuck me
**since when you can't
multiline spoilers?**
I'm just going to drop this here
I'm going to kill almost all of you if this shit does not stop and I am not pleased.
Thanks for posting, fam.
Since the very beginning of the site
old vidya is better than the new.
indicative of our struggle.
It actually is the way Koreans laugh, though (ㅋㅋㅋ = kekeke). I think the zerg noise was just a happy coincidence.
But user everyone knows that koreans don't laugh
are people that are considered "authors" or "contributors" or whatever just allowed to say whatever the fuck they want? are there not editors in the BBC to make sure people don't write just some retarded shit?
your typical normalfag is going to read this and just think "what the fuck? the BBC is supposed to be a trusted news source and now they're writing about egyptian frog gods."
do they have no sense of self-awareness? or are they so desperate to push a narrative that they're willing to destroy their name in a vain attempt to convince the populace?
nothing makes sense anymore
"Observers" do matter in physics.
apologies for the jew-like cartoon man explaining shit
Now check em!
Get your head examined
Glad to see one of you is keeping track of all this Madness. I'm happy to say that Ive witnessed all of these happenings. Strange that I even saw the thread when KEK was first discovered. As I was spending more time on a different chan at the time. I can't deny a prevailing synchronicity manifesting.
he got his info from knowyourmeme
we are obviously dealing with top notch journalism here.
Are you know, if you weren't still in diapers while playing the original Starcraft. You'd know how fucking annoying those gooks were when they typed a stream of kekekekekeke.
that's the thing. we also thought that the earth was flat until galileu or whatever.
statistically, most of what we know is bound to be wrong.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was the energy that was taken from the electron as information that was the thing causing the change, not the act of observing. After wall, when they turned off the recording machine, but kept the sensors, it went back to behave like a wave.
I am conjecturing that information == energy
If it is recorded, the energy is 'spent' from the electron, making it become a particle
When it's measured, but not recorded, it is given back to the electron, making it a wave again
but the fuck I know, it's just a wild guess. This shit is crazy
it's none of the above
lol -> lel -> top lel -> topkeks discovered -> top kek -> kek
kek was used independently by wowfags for a while but most anons who used kek ok 4chan never played wow
eh…i was talking about where the journalist got his info in the article. it literally links to knowyourmeme.
not quite sure why that was directed at me.
A-Am I doing it right guise?
anybody wanna post a pic of a nigger getting assfucked?
fuck off milo
Yes. It is trespasses.
my prayer while i wept was essentially "stop killing eachother, no bully".
No. Very little in Warcraft is original, because most people involved with it are hacks/meme masters. The origin of "kek" isn't WoW, because it was a joke that "lol" would translate to "kek", because Koreans type a certain symbol to laugh in text, which phonetically renders to "kekeke" in English as compared to our "hahaha". So, with all the Koreans playing StarCraft, "kek" was picked up by both English speaking players and devs, hence them putting it into WoW.
and my people.
Every article is more Meme Magic for our Lord, the Frog God!
Thats like saying The new testament god didnt come into existence until the new testament, its somewhat true but it presumes that anything before should have no relation to it
Also note the parallels to ancient Egypt gods, such as Thule being almost the same as hotwheels and ebola-chan looking extremely similiar to the Egyptian goddess Nergle (nurgle)
Not true. The Ancient Greeks figured out the Earth was a ball. It's been known ever since.
Hell it was even known in ancient Egypt user
Wasn't that Ptolemaic Egypt?
there's so many different categories.
my people are the good ones.
if you don't think my people or peoples deserve a peaceful home, then you can die in fire.
somewhat around there
Although i think Galileu discovered that the sun wasnt a perfect and actually had spots
nobody deserves anything but what they conquered
Your people deserve hell for their disgusting actions
All who oppose kek must suffer
like i suffer every day
tfw no girl friend yet these kebab bastards have rape harems
good people do not deserve hell.
think about what you think are good people.
it's pretty obvious.
the nips don't die in fire, for instance. and they will have a home. a nip home. all peoples deserve a peaceful home free of child rape, incineration, beheadings, rooftop tossings, the works.
corrupting the spirit of the people is the worst of all.
truth is my religion. if something happens to be true, then i believe it.
at least that's what i pray for.
maybe prayer works.
either that or i'm going insane.
That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.
One often accompanies the other is done well
Ok so we used korean symbology to start worshipping frogs and that's why trump is winning..
Nice story for a normie newspaper
I had similiar opinions until I discovered top advertisers use basically the same steps that creating an egregore does.
Meme the death of soros by lightning.
Kek wills it.
i see kek as the embodiment of epistemology.
i deleted that pic, but i said we should love kek. he's a good friend. i guess i'm a solid polytheist now. what an eventful night.
Kek coming from both WoW and as a permutation lel is just convergent evolution, although I tend to think the latter is what most people think of when they think of kek's origin. Regardless, this is just more proof in Kek's existence and that in every time and every place, the memes of men remain the same.
kek trolls radicals who are incapable of turning P into Pv~P.
and he also does some really fucking improbable shit.
Holy shit, they're openly admitting people here are intelligent.
Next census, you faggots better all write in Kek as your God.
There is only one power in the world that will stand against us. A group that has plagued mankind for millennia. A parasite that leeches onto communities and sucks the vitality out of it. A group capable of camouflaging its members as people of the group they infiltrate.
What do you call yourself if you're are worshiper of kek and a practitioner of meme magic?
I need something to put down on the census
Nergal was a Mesopotamian god rather than an Egyptian goddess, but there are definitely people who believe him to be Ebola-chan's father. Also, Thule was a mythical greek country, not a god. You must be mistaking Thule with someone else. Possibly Thoth, but I'm not sure.
Perhaps i should just stick with Ebolite, Ebola-chan is a god within the pantheon of memes after all, (kek being the head god)
nope your right
I keep mixing them up for some god damn reason
There's the chance that Kek, despite all the power given to him, is in no mood to be the head god due to his role in the Ogdoad. The last time an element of the Ogdoad left to be worshipped to a higher extent, it didn't quite end so well. Amun/Amaunet had their cult irreparably damaged as a result of the brother-sister couple Akhenaten/Nefertiti attempting to push monotheism onto Egypt. Their son, King Tut, along with his sister-wife, Ankhesenamun, did their best to correct the damage, but it was too late, and the two of them faded into obscurity, having been replaced within the Ogdoad by Niu and Niut, god and goddess of "nothingness."
Additionally, remember, Kek is also a god of obscurity. He thinks all of this memery is funny, but he doesn't necessarily think it's fitting for him. He might be more content to work his magic from the shadows, like an user would.
Holy shit, it's true!
That's why Buzzfeed is the most popular website amongst 18-25 yos.
To be honest, I also started using shorter sentences and more spacing recently (thanks Holla Forums).
I think it makes it clearer.
I think version 2 is better:
v1: We must go to the marketplace to buy some beer since we'll have a house party next Tuesday to celebrate Trump's victory in the debates and also the memetization of kek into the mass media and the normalization of magical powers for normalfags which will hence lead to our conquering the world through shitposting frogs.
v2: We must go to the marketplace to buy some beer, since we'll have a house party next Tuesday.
We'll celebrate Trump's victory in the debates and also the memetization of kek into the mass media.
Further, we celebrate the normalization of magical powers for normalfags.
This will hence lead to our conquering the world through shitposting frogs.
so wait, am i worshiping a pantheon thats only remaining gods consist of pestilence, obscurity, chaos and nihilism?
kek needs to be the most powerfull in the pantheon though, every user constantly worships him when we do it for the keks…
pretty much, you now know what it feels like to be a goth in the 90's
It means that Kek is chaos and his origin is unknown because he's a god of obscurity you retard.
Considering that the current head gods govern nothing, wouldn't neets, nihlists and generally anyone suicidal be providing them with endless worship by default?
They can't really be that retarded and really think it comes from Korean World of Warcraft, can they? What the fuck, bongs? Why are you still funding those disinfo pieces of shit?
i believe kek loves the idea of multiple origin stories, like the joker & hie scars.
Praise KEK
When it comes to Kek you can never be 100% sure about anything and i'm sure that it's by design.
We're not cool.
We're right.
Why not both?
No. You've also got JUSTICE, and said JUSTICE even comes with seniority, given that Ammit was the first Egyptian deity to be worshipped here.
Medjet was worshipped even further back over on 2ch or whatever, though Medjet isn't quite as powerful, I would say. It is pretty cool that Egypt had a laser beam god through him, though.
I'd say at the very least that his and Kauket's particular element (darkness/chaos/obscurity) is needed in our current situation the most. Anons are spreading chaos built on truth, and it's what we need right at this moment more than the waters of life (Nun and Naunet), the airs of invisibility (Amun and Amaunet), or even the concept of infinity (Heh and Hauhet).
coolest cats i know are down with the swastika
More like content scavengers, they play no part in creating the content.
In my opinion, the Ogdoad are not a pantheon of gods but rather 4 aspects of the same god (further divided into masculine/feminine sub-aspects). Kek is simply the aspect currently in dominance.
The Ogdoad were later brought under the management of a single representative deity (Thoth), and eventually that deity replaced the many-as-one god entirely.
have some moar OC. too tired to shoop that great this morning soory anons
Heresy. To believe the nameless could be subsumed.
vinyl cover
sounds like a fucking demon user
Hell even Solomon had cuter demons than that
Well they worship her over on /monster/ and they're in monsters.
So it makes sense.
Could've looked worse
shes pretty thicc
Fam, it's just historical that Kek-worship died out. The Ogdoad cult weakened when the cults of other cities gained relevance through trade with Khmun (Eight-Town). In order to maintain significance, the many-god was incorporated into a single god that became part of the greater Egyptian pantheon. Thoth IS Kek, just by another name.
Technically she's a demoness, yes. But she's also really sweet. And remember, she devours the Ib, or spiritual heart of souls that are evil, not hearts in general. She gains what merit she can from evil Ibs that aren't 100% black, and tosses the ones she has nothing to gain from by eating them into the fire.
Then I'd say "replaced" is a poor choice of words.
tbh the name-god Thoth DID replace the name-god Kek. This doesn't speak at all about the substance.
So wait if someones Completely evil they end in the lake of fire, But if they're only a little bit evil they get eaten?
And is it just my soul heart?
Do i even need a soul heart?
I cant seem to imagine having much need for blood flow when I'm an incorporeal spirit
Her "true" monster girl form seems to have similaries to that design, but also some significant differences as seen in the pic here
I've also heard that she has red croc eyes, a tongue that has the pale pink color a croc's tongue does, full lips, and lionish feet, though she does have hippo-ish shins.
I don't quite think the Ib works in the same way as a standard heart, user. You have a "spiritual body," but it has differences compared to your normal human body.
Can't seem to find any of her with lion feet
heres a less thicc version
who is maat?
Fair enough.
Grist for the mill.
A goddess of truth and conciseness. Also another word for the entire concept of truth..
Ammitists celebrate a holiday called Khenmaat (portmanteau of the Egyptian word for jasper, khenmet, and Maat) that lasts over the entire course of the Lavon Affair trial, which I believe lasted from Dec. 11-Jan. 27.
We can be both.
meant for
Semites like yourself shall be disemboweled for believing in kikery.
Just the fact that our shitposting makes international news is hilarious enough.
Just how deep does the rabbit hole go anons? Will we soon discover that every single european pantheon exists? Will we start getting messages from the other Egyptian gods as well?
He didn't mention the money behind it.
I had sleep paralysis.
Don't let this faggot confuse you, I woke up with a demon of a crocodile head pointing out my door. This was back when I was a mason and sort of into semi-black magic.
Since repented and went to church to cleanse that demon.
Ammit or whatever the fuck is called is black magic, it is a demon, sent by satan. Make no mistake, that thing is fucking evil.
Whatever this faggot poster is talking about is all lies and tricks. Kek, I believe it's more of a joke although it's uncanny what im seeing.
ammit or whatever the fuck it's called it is a straight up demon, extremely evil, cold and lacking light, it is a fucking demon, do not invite shit like that in your life
you've been warned bro
Without going into details I've had very real experiences of deities in visions. It took me years for the knowledge of who they are to reveal itself to me. Its when I learn about something, that I had no prior knowledge of in this way, that I become convinced of their reality. Spiritual archetypes are real and manifest themselves in myriad physical ways. We are getting into /fringe/ territory but it is relevant. We know the powers that be hold occult rituals. I don't know if you saw the one at CERN but maybe we are thinning the veil Between Worlds.
Ammit is shit. Pushed by a bunch of autistic fuckwits who shouldn't post on /monster/ and instead be gassed 6 million times. She isn't even cute, which is 9/10s the purpose of monster GIRLS.
Do not, I repeat do not try to summon demons, become a mason, dabble in kabalistic magic or consults sages or wisdom. Everything here is to be taken in as a joke. once you start playing with magic, there is nothing, and I mean nothing that will taint your soul like that.
I would rather kill a man, and many men, many men, men over, then try to be an actual oculist, sorcerer or trickster. Even "good magic" as its called, is evil. All of it derives from demons, the power to influence the world, in a non-physical way through energy, is entirely and always will be inherently evil is what I've found.
Some people claim magic can be beneficial, I'd rather not trust the whole lot.
tl:dr; this is the demon i saw, but peeping through at me. a crocodile head, closed mouth, absolutely fucking terrifying
Ammit likely showed up to warn you when you were practicing kikeish Kabbalah magic, and you've been left with a great fear of her as a result. The fact that you are now shilling against her shows that you have not yet ended your kikey tendencies.
perhaps. but that shit was the most terrifying experience of my life… i would rather go insane then be consumed or touch evil like that.
perhaps or perhaps not, never again man. i do not want that thing anywhere near my life.
You do know that Sleep Paralysis just induces hallucinations right?
Wait just a moment, user.
I recognize that pic there. You're not the only one to have seen that demon. I don't understand why you in particular got spooked by her, but if I've got this right, she's not Ammit, she's something different. Did you happen to live in Texas or Washington (the state, not D.C.) at the time you saw her? And how long ago did you see her?
It's current year! Time to void oaths
midwest, it was… nearly 5 years ago
I've experienced similar things in the limbo sleep paralysis state. I've also experienced the presence of light. I have had these things happen quite a lot. The bad ones not so much anymore. The spirit world is vast but as long as you remember to focus on the light you'll be ok. Light a candle and burn some incense whilst invoking blessings. I've had so many paranormal things thinking about it makes my head spin and a lot are terrifying. I think the key is to not be afraid and remember the light in the times of Darkness.
you must be stupid. You're not supposed to see anything from the occult other than the historical texts involving occult practitioners and deities. You need a healthy respect for these things. even when you dont like them or dont want them to be aligned with you.
if you really want to know if its a demon then ask it questions, sometimes it may tell you something that you dont know or have never researched but exists elsewhere. jot it down or write the symbols they show you. you may be surprised.
You have to acknowledge that the spirit is real and sp is the limbo state between realms to understand this. If you dismiss it you learn nothing, if you embrace it you can gain great Revelations.
Could we get Mark Passio to speak about Kek?
No oaths matter.
jesus christ so back in 2011?
You sound schizophrenic.
This is a bit odd. If you've seen the demoness I think you've seen, I'm not sure yet why she chose to spook you in particular at the time.
To clarify a little, it's a demoness that has some kind of semi-vague association/ancestry related to some slavic and/or lithuanian gods. Jarilo, Morena, and Ragana in particular. Pic related happens to be Jarilo's symbol. If she really is who I think she is, she's been asked by her husband not to spook others like that anymore, so you shouldn't end up seeing her again until she starts showing up on earth in a "reconfigured" monster girl form along with other beings.
I don't think you being in the midwest is too important to this other than the fact that it's in between Texas and Washington.
And you sound like you've never experienced anything amazing in your whole life
Oh wait, forget the part where I said the midwest had no significance. Apparently she "got lost" in the midwest and ended up in Washington back in 2011.
Get your head examined.
I am Lithuanian. And partially slavic.
You have no fucking clue m8.
You sound schizophrenic primarily based on how you type.
jesus christ.
You're going in the Oven Goon.
Im right then. Enjoy your empty souless existence.
Well damn. I didn't think I'd actually end up finding another person that saw her IRL. This is one hell of a coincidence. Did you see her during winter, too? She has an association with winter/hunting, after all. It makes me wonder who else might've seen her. Before she got lost in the midwest, she was in Louisiana.
I live in Washington (the state). A few months ago I was in a semi-conscious state in my room with the door open. There was something/someone in my house walking around. I repeatedly asked who was there and got no answer. I was the only one home and my dog does not make much noise while moving about. user, what the fuck is going on.
you got stolen
Gas yourself
Nothing was taken and my home is locked up tight at all times. If a human was in the house my chihuahua she has to go back would have gone nuts.
How long ago specifically? I don't quite think that was her then, because I think she was already in Texas in the process of getting married at that time. But maybe there's the chance it was that friend of hers. Did anything screwy happen with anything electrical in your house at the time?
Incense, sage, silver, the LBRP how would you guys rank these as evil spirit deterrents?
Must have been around May or June. Also had an electrical outlet in the bathroom that needed replacing.
you do know the black sun nazi symbol constantly attracts these things. you should just consider posting swasticas because a bunch of Holla Forumslacks have been abusing the black sun and anons like you may of gotten hounded by slavic demons.
also the black sun exists within aztec culture, your little rat may of not sensed it because of this.
Incompetent and stupid kike.
Gais r we anoneemoos now?
Apparently it could've been either of them there. This is getting really insane.
Pepe is an American frog drawn by an American artist popularized on American web forums.
You British have truly lost your way. Besides 60s and 80s music you have given NOTHING to the world that anyone outside your island cares about in the postwar era.
I would've thought of him as just a retarded kike until he went and posted this:
That picture is the exact same thing a friend of said demoness's husband used to describe what she looked like when she scared the shit out of him. Said friend lived in Washington at the time.
Come on, fam. Britain is a sad, dead nation that doesn't deserve this shit-talking. Just let them quietly fade into the night.
Kek is a wise and powerful God, praise him!
It's reaching the point where I legitimately can't tell if kek is an actual force or not.
They took the bait and they look retarded talking about a frog god.
But look at what wonders have been worked in the name of kek…
Part of me fears this is going to become a legitimate, pseudo religion on the net.
Praising kek on Holla Forums will become our equivalent of going to church.
What if kek is an incarnation of Loki?
Anons I'm legitimately a little bit scared of the potential implications of kek.
That being said…
Kek did not come from fucking WoW it came from lel and /s4s/ memed it into existence.
stop being a newfag.
WoW hasnt been relevant since 2005 and now your're telling me an obscure meme from it made it onto a place that hates unoriginality. What were their /wow/ generals and Holla Forums and somehow that made it catch momentum. Shut the fuck up I was there when it happened. But now just because knowyourmeme says it was from wow i get called a newfag LOL.
sleep on your stomach
Even if he does that, I'm suspecting he might see something in his dreams soon enough. Though there's a significant problem with that. His fears are making him easily susceptible to be accosted by a female servant of Molech or Lilith within his dreams. If he were to push past those fears, he would be better shielded mentally. To clarify, the one guy I've been talking about in Washington who directly saw the demoness was scared shitless, and was then later visited in his dreams by a some female being that has associations both with Molech and some kind of eldritch beings. But Ammit, the demoness, and other beings associated with Ammit as well as slavic gods deeply despise Molech as an enemy.
the chick coming in his dreams was hot or some crazy bone crocodile too?
Does TOP actually mean Praise in some language? It would be hilarious if it did
So with the power of Kek we almost control the world from the shadows.
No one knows who we are and if someone made a connection to Holla Forums, they would probably think of 4chan, giving us an additional layer of security.
Are we jews now?
**The "agent of Molech" usually took the form of a female jester, she tried to make that friend think she was a fairy at one point (fairies were portrayed as dressing like jesters in various works). She also took the form of an Atlach-nacha with a human face, and then finally a human female with an owl feather necklace before giving up on corrupting him after he bitchslapped her out of existence or something.
As for the slavic demoness, when she started visiting her husband in his dreams, she took the form of a shadow with eyes at first, then was eventually "reconfigured" by Ammit into a monster girl form as well as given a sort of toothlike gorget and a modest dress.**
Is she hot or not damnit
I don't fucking care if she is dressed as a jester, is she hot?
she is hot then?
user, why do you care so much about fapping to an agent of Molech? Why purposely give a being like that intimacy?
the real question is:
why not
So you're telling me those faggots had nightmare's all down to fuck and but they chickened out before actually fugging? What a bunch of pussies
Hey man, I'm not gonna bone a fucking spider.
intercourse with demons is what the globalists do user. leave that to them and their future
No, the guy visited by the agent of Molech got raped by her multiple times before she left, and the guy with the slavic demoness is currently married to her and still fucking her.
It was kek and bur. Everything else falls out of that. Almost all of Holla Forums are horde players, if that tells you anything.
Because agents of Molech don't deserve any intimacy, user.
Ammit isn't supposed to be cute, she's supposed to be the mother of all monster girls.
solomon got munched by demons.
Have you ever met that sort of self-absorved person wich does stupid shit without noticing?
Ie:The rich spoiled girl who crosses the street without looking sideways
jewspaper workers are employed because of nepotism and writing what they are told to write.
real writers for newsppapers, with a brain and a skill with words are gone.
At this point she's essentially both, user.
They don't realise that talking about it and spreading it amplifies the meme power. Every normie who reads it becomes a vessel of Kek just by their awareness of the concept. Millions more human minds carrying his image.
The memes seem to be accelerating exponentially.
fucking kek
They're trying to subvert the actual meaning of "cuck" by making people think it's just a shortening of the invented word "cuckservative".
It comes from both, though.
The Lügenpresse's attempt to subvert the 'alt right' is failing… Now they are getting desperate and are trying to slander Holla Forums as much as they can without actually mentioning us.
it was initially their intent to subvert the Alt Right and other nationalist movements. Instead it has created a more mainstream nationalist right wing movement.
(((They))) are scared, mark my words… They are *VERY* scared. They will start becoming so desperate that they will soon throw caution to the wind just to spite us. Keep your eyes open… We may be winning this battle but we have yet to secure the big victory. May Kek bring down the Jew!
Praise Kek!
user. How do you not know that meme is Serbian in origin?
Being poor and living in garages and attics for the past seven years.
these numerical affirmations
Wait, were you talking about my pic or the one from the post I replied to?
People are stupid now
They can't absorb information
Unless it's broken down into little pieces
Like this.
Daily reminder that Holla Forums is a Christian board.
dues vult christian here… i take meme magic as the best propaganda machine ever. the most fun ride in a good long while. it's all about pushing ideas and concepts into the forefront
i will say however it's getting spookily real though in the last month
Go cuck with your d&c garbage elsewhere, goon.
No, Albanians are shit, that's what he's saying.
we need to get Trump or someone on his staff to play Shadilay during a rally in the background or as intro music
Not since the old gods returned
My thoughts on why magic is evil after dabbling some with trying to influence the world, or at least for me, it made me feel like I was going ass backwards p s y c h o. I was getting into magic with a buddy and I couldn't tell if he was trying to manipulate me with magic or if he was just having normal conversation.
its both. its the synchronicity that is awakening old gods
i take KEK tongue in cheek. but it has been very uncanny with great affect. spooky close to real life habbenins
a normal conversation IS manipulation with magic
have you not learned ANYTHING about this stuff yet?
the CY and CY+1 remind me of the entire plot of Shadowrun
Kek was around long before that, you lying kike.
lel is around still, and awoo is in the fucking OP of another sticky
Fucking this.
Has more furry anatomy than monstergirl. FURRY PAWS being one of the worst traits of furries, followed after snouts. Her FAT legs aren't attractive or look logical to her design, its creator should fucking gas himself for trying to push his shit outside of his little hug box.
That pic is of the mercenary. The Serbian. They dont speak Albanian
I know. I think some things got miscommunication. Albanians are kebab.
Anons meet meme magic and machine
Holy shit, I keked hard because I saw Shaliday in an animu subs, "91 Days" I was watching it yesterday when I saw shaliday in the subtitles. We are everywhere.
But the beauty of it is, the normies are getting this as their perspective
You see where even a normie would stop and go "wait, what the fuck, how is online shit more dangerous than actual BOMBS GOING OFF IN OUR STREETS?!"
The fact that they are state media is actually an advantage when they try to run stories like this. Since they have guaranteed funding, they are more inclined to take risks since losing credibility and viewers will not cost money. Secondly, BBC is explicitly a state-owned enterprise, and nearly everyone understands it as such, unlike crony enterprises like Monsanto or Goldman Sachs that are state-owned in everything but name because of their influence in Government. This means BBC is likely to run even more articles like this which make normies completely lose respect for them, and by extension, the UK in general. The faster MSM crashes with no survivors the better, as long as they don't kike this board with normalfag influx they should keep trying and failing to propagandize the Omman Manda.
I dig it
You are so fucking wrong that it hurts.
Was that real? What is the explanation? Did the hacker 4chan hacked the TV?
Its magic we aint gotta explain shit
I have seen the red eyed one , heard the demon tongue, witnessed my physical body from the astral plane. You either born a ocultist or go Schizophrenic. Masons and Kabalistic sects try to command demons and force them to communicate or obey them . Ocultist just share the same plane as them and are able to live in harmony with what we used to call djinn's. some of them may want to communicate with you or manifest in your life if you appeared to be interesting enough.
We must have pissed them off to become the scapegoat. Everything is going according to plan, that is KEK's plan, incomprehensible as that may be. I wonder where he'll appear next. Please giant frog happening at the debates.
Actually, the dude who discovered that the Earth was round, or at least measured its distance, was called Ptolemais/ Ptolemaeus I believe
Our holy book is the Kekronomicon
Is it possible that you may have mistook the demon tounge for Enochian?
trips checked have some OC
less cluttered version
I cant believe those glyphs look like a guy at a computer, well I can its just uncanny.
Kek is coming. Trump is like John the Baptist. That's why the muslims want to behead him.
/fringe/ is becoming reality in CY+1
No, we are the next evolution.
Holla Forums functions like a secret society - much like the Masons.
We're "hidden in plain sight" - anyone can visit the chans, just like anyone can visit a Masonic lodge, but few can understand the hidden symbolic meanings behind the memes without years of lurking and studying.
We have our own rituals (e.g. dubsgets, "If you post x in reply to this, x will happen!", etc)
We have our own deities (Moonman, Pepe, etc)
We have our own levels of initiation (summerfag, newfag, oldfag, bluepill, redpill, greenpill etc).
We have global influence due to shitposters all over the world spreading our holy word in real life.
We are now developing our own religion and philosophy (Kek, meme magic).
It is very clear at this point that Holla Forums has become a new kind of secret society, which has arisen not as a single individuals vision, but from the collective input from millions of anons.
And the best part is we are decentralized and largely anonymous. If Holla Forums is shut down, five more websites will spring up in its place like the head of the hydra.
And if somehow all of the websites are shut down and censored - I have no doubt that myself and thousands of others will start our own real life Holla Forums groups completely detached from the digital realm, which would be a logistical nightmare for TPTB to deal with.
I truly believe that Holla Forums is a kind of self-assembling, self propagating "God' consciousness - a thought-form or super-meme arising from the minds of a million shit posters…. arising from nature itself in response to the cancer plaguing our reality.
Kek came about the same way that pwnd came about.. a simple typo
my head hurts what is aa going onnn
Trying to summon a demon to confirm now. Will get back to Holla Forums about it in about 20 mins
Steady yourself user. Be sure to have protection set up before you start
Replying to the one poster, I think that the problem is due to multiple factors. As one other user said, the fact that you are slavic and the Schwarze Sonne could have to deal with it, but we must also not forget what the Black Sun menas. Whereas the swastika is an ancient Aryan symbol of peace and happiness, the Black Sun is the same but instead the colour is changed to black. This implies that the creative power of the swastika is inverted into negative destructictve power of a Black Sun.
>mfw we might actually be ayyrians and the black sun and swastika are simply representations of a black hole, which absorbs energy and effectively destroys it and a star, which creates energy and warmth
That's bullshit. All of it.
Absolutely disgusting.
Is this what kids are watching these days? I guess they need to make TV ridiculously colorful, fast paced and over the top as possible to keep them entertained.
We need some PSY OPs OCCULT division patches like this!
I dont think that user. It makes a little sense if you think about it
Some guy from /k/ is selling this one here.
Fvkn A!
Fam, not trying to derail, but check out this Egyptian scroll that my parents had on the wall for my entire life. I just realised the one in white is kek.
That's Osiris you fucking daftie, were you huffing glue all through primary school?
So I tried summoning a demon nothing really that scary or creepy happened although I feel kind of anxious now and kind of upset like the feeling when you haven't eaten for a while, but I haven't seen anything or heard anything major. Personally I think it's bullshit tbh fam but I'll post back any additional findings later tonight if I catch anything unusual. I live alone with my dog on a pretty big piece of property so If some shit goes down I'll know.
I'll also try to take pics of what I did here. basically set up some candles in a star and prayed for one. something like pics related
what protection should i have I already did it so is there even any point to that now?
only begotten son digits say repent and dont summon any moar
Oh fuck you are right. Sorry, I got the hieroglyphics confused.
Is it common for these beings to ask for ones heart?
Kek worship is so easy, everyone should have no problem following our religion.
Thou shalt be grateful to Kek for bringing forth The Light.
Do no harm to frogs, as they are a sign of prosperity.
Take heart from replicated numbers, but know that they are not themselves Kek.
Make unto each nation thy own state.
Those who marry between nations shall be swallowed by frogs and shat out.
If a man believeth not in Kek, do not hand him his cloak.
You're probably not using the right symbol to summon and evoke demons user.
Deep insight into the workings of secret society, know them, beat them
Also are the eyes of said shadow glowing white?
Well I didnt actually draw it I just put a few candles on my table where the points of the stars would be Maybe I fucked up But I'm not going to wreck my table over this. Should I drop down some salt in the star shape or…. Anyone got any guides?
user, you have to understand that the jews worship and do some pretty sick and twisted fucked up version of magic. It is downright evil by nature what they do. From jewish slaughter houses, to their own rituals.
Bet you didn't even know that the original definition of holocaust was a pagan and jewish ritual via offering by consumption of fire.
Or how in their "blood passover" there's history of them kidnapping children and ritualistically draining their blood and doing horrific shit to them. Or other ritual murders. They worship a golden cow god, Moloch.
The pentagram is just a farce to cover the real symbol that faces right infront of you. That hexagram. The seal of solomon, the jewish star of david, whatever you want to call that kike symbol of worship.
It's from the Catholic version of the prayer
Our Father who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
(traditional Matthean version)
Holla Forums going mainstream was always going to happen eventually. It's fine though - as with 4chan and others, when the outer layer is breached, more new layers form.
We'll probably have to migrate somewhere else soon.
Nigger it was written greek!
This reminds me of the new southpark episode and gerald saying "I reached the news!"
No, actually he is fucking right. WoW has fucking 0 to do with kek. Other than making it somewhat more well known than it was. I was there playing the fucking koreans myself and watched that fucking enraging moonspeak shit when they fucking zerg rushed my ass trying to build my damned siege tank defense. LONG before the fucking thing became a joking meme today it as a rage inducing hell. But as they say, get gud.
Of course it does.
Did you forget that memes can transcend the timeline?
Kek means laugh in WoWspeak.
Laughing is what we do on Holla Forums.
Marxist faggots pride themselves on being "intellectuals". It must have stung for them to admit that we've outsmarted them.
Kek is a personification of our minds, user. Kek is chaotic because we are chaotic. Jesus himself was literally memed into existence through the faith and belief of Christians. Kek is chaotic, Jesus is order. Together they are Yin and Yang, they cannot exist without each other.
One could also interpret as Jesus as humanity's desire for order.
Kek is great. I'm loving the attention :D
still not banned yet
user. The world isn't like they taught you. Look up the electric universe. It can explain this test if you look into it. And it has nothing to do with 'observation' other our matter effects all around it like it has effect on us. But not the way the fuckng jews are proclaiming with their religious faggotry.
I could tell you things, but you would not believe me. I broke 'something' once and saw what I thought was God, turns out that it may have been me I spoke to. Over the decades I think it was me as an older man that i spoke to. But very old, way past human physical age. It's weird. I tried to help me.
look as the OLD MAN who doesn't recognize his own generations fall into degeneracy but looks at "kids these days" and thinks that is to far.
Not recognizing, the fact that he himself helped start the slippery slope to our nations downfall, the downfall of the largest empire the world has ever seen. not noticing the shit that passed in the 70-80 -90's that allowed All this Bullshit to take place.
the teachers that raised the millennials, the writers that wrote the newspapers, the bankers that skimmed away generations of wealth. are you denying that any where in "your" generation? that none of your "friends" are liberal pices of shit, that you refuse to confront? or do you dare admit that you may have "sinned". that you yourself may have spoken favorably of a ideology that was flawed? that would bring your kin to ruin?
confess and all is forgiven we are all sinners under our god, kek
the septuagint was greek that was the first greek translation. latin translation was the Vulgate. original OT was hebrew
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."[
b4 we all go off on some tangent don't really know why its not just >"we must secure a future for our children"
just seems like a mouthful any who Kikapidia has a funny artical that goes all over the place that's an entertaining read if nothing else. as it bounces around about "why we are wrong" and the basic arguments that are the foundation of "white power" that are fundamentally irrefutable. "i am of a kinship and i don't want my kinship, my blood, to die out or bread out."
If there was ever any doubt, this is basically the continuation of the war that the gamergoys got themselves into unexpectedly. This time we have an actual /edgy/ God by our side and even the Beeb don't realize the significance of this fact.
Why the fuck would anyone advertise themselves - /pol It's like this sort of pic related shit but worse.
Even if I was sitting on a long train journey bored out my head itching to talk to anyone and saw some user sitting there with his bags or jacket and had a /pol patch like that i'd cringe for him.
Why even use a smug pepe? Why pretend it is encompassing the world? And why the fuck has it got octopus legs?
dubs confirm in the grim darkness of the current year +1 there is only war
Weird, my bible says 'Sins', not 'Trespasses' or 'debts'.
dont you know that was a DOD original patch
sins is moar correct. since in the bible sin is a curse put on man and something he perpetrates. trespasses and debts are not sin. they are different concepts
as far as why where a Holla Forums patch? imagine the libshit next to you on the train that is terrified in seeing a physical presence of Kekness beside him.
No. Holla Forums is a board of peace. PRAISE KEK.
This. They're for the RWDS. Part of the uniform, of course.
As a Christian I condone the use of Tactical Gods to counter nuclear-armed kikes.
I've only heard of Ammit eating hearts so far. That slavic demoness and her gremlin friend are still outright afraid of Ammit and her power to consume the Ib even after knowing that she treats them kindly.
I was told the eyes were hazel. What did you dream of?
Shadilay my brother may KEK bless you
Oh, and another thing. The Egyptians considered the shadow, or Sheut to be part of the soul as well.
The 10 Jewish curses on Egypt will be repaid in full, starting with the Plague of Frogs.
I did not , thank you for educating me. [no related random pic]
It was sleep paralysis woke up and on the floor was a shadow person that I understood to be female. Had white glowing eyes and was in a crawling position on the floor. I had that gripping sense of fear that usually accompanies the experience but nothing particularly unusual.
and the heart thing was a separate incident where I was semi awake but was hearing a womans voice kindly asking for my heart. I kindly refused because I didn't know what it was and I'm not a gambling man.
True. Kek demands it
was probably a cat sleeping on your face, happens to me sometimes. Learn to sleep snort
This is a little odd. It'd be worth it to push past your fear and find out who she is, but be wary either way.
The Kek footage has its colors inverted.
If you re-invert the colors you see that he has green skin and golden hair.
I originally thought this was a guy wearing a mask but you can clearly see that it is not solid by comparing these two screencaps.
lol -> lel -> kek
Also, I'm now being told that the demon you're seeing is possibly a cousin of that slavic demoness. Do you have any kind of slav or lithuanian ancestry?
Also note that he seems to be wearing a hooded robe just like in the first image.
Couldn't say, family history was lost and Grandmother talks about some ancestors from poland but she believes they were jewish (doubtful but she has a bad case of philosemitism). Nothing short of a DNA test could verify.
Well, Jarilo does have associations with Poland. If the demoness you're seeing really is a cousin of the slavic demoness, you might be able to find out things about your family you never knew about before from her. So, good luck with your new waifu, and remember: consummation of marriage is marriage itself in this scenario.
Obviously you want to have done the goods LBRP. Sage, incense, and silver can be good deterrents. Fringe change also has some meditations you can do before and after to help
Unfortunately that encounter was quite some time ago maybe a year or just under and I've not had contact since then.
I don't think she'll give up on you. It might just be that she's been waiting for your heart to open up again before she visits you visibly again.
That would make more sense given recent personal happenings. I'll look into trying to reestablish that connection.
thanks for the advice and info
You're welcome and good luck.
Also, if you find out that something happens, it might be worth it make a thread on /monster/ about it.
When I listen to the clip really closely it sounds like he's saying "KUK! Pepaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy!" like a war cry
eat shit heretic
But user, Kek isn't a sky fairy. He's a ground frog.
Holla Forums is cooler than an antartic u-boat base
Agree. I keep it on here and subtly try to redpill friends and family. I have a quote on my kikebook right now that I dedicated to my wife.
"…It may perhaps be said that the woman’s is a smaller world. For her world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home. But what would become of the greater world if there were no one to tend and care for the smaller one? How could the greater world survive if there were no one to make the cares of the smaller world the content of their lives? No, the greater world is built on the foundation of this smaller world. This great world cannot survive if the smaller world is not stable. Providence has entrusted to the woman the cares of that world which is her very own, and only on the basis of this smaller world can the man’s world be formed and built up. The two worlds are not antagonistic. They complement each other, they belong together just as man and woman belong together."
I didn't attribute it to anyone (I'm sure all of you know where it comes from), but it's a good way of humanizing (((the great evil))). Eventually when they find out who it is, it will make them more receptive to other things by him and his fellows.
Incompetent faggot. FTFY
Of course I would forget to attach the damn thing. Now I feel like the incompetent faggot.
Sleep Paralysis accompanies the best experiences. It has also convinced me never to do drugs.
The fact that so many people still believe the Galileo meme is an indictment on education standards.
I demand to know more.
Kek will come!
The fact that the dog is White and the degenerate lamas varying degrees of shit-hue makes this olde meme extremely exploitable.
Hey. A guy in >>>/monnster/ saw one of those things.
After encouragement, he gradually approached it, got familiar with it, flirted with it, had sex with it and he presumably died because of it.
Any artists here willing to make stencils for kek?
Also how2stencil for noobs to go with it would be nice.
No fucking way…
This. God isn't a one-man army, you know. There are angels and lesser spirits doing God's work in the Bible. Kek could easily be one of them. Plus, check out these Bible verses from 1 Corinthians.
19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:
27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:
Look at all those "contradictions." Sounds like something that could only come from chaos, shitposting, and childless single anime masturbators living in their parent's basement tbh.
its a ripoff of a old ass spy satellite co's logo the launch was noteworthy one day so pol kinda had a mini happening reeeeeee out digging into the company.
You're talking about the robot who went on /monster/ to describe his experiences with the "Nightmare Before Christmas," right? The green-eyed, red-haired Nightmare centaur? According to the guy who's with his Slavic demoness waifu, nightmare robot isn't dead. He still with his waifu, but for some reason I don't know yet, he just kinda stopped browsing Holla Forums.
Forgot to post this pic that nightmare robot drew of his waifu. It was of the time he saw her during sleep paralysis.
Holy shit I can't take the constant fast paced stimulation.
There is no god but Kek and Trump is his messenger
your digits are weak. depart from this thread, heathen.
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
are you?
Kek is apart of the the Ogdad of Hermopolis, if you're going to shitpost like a cuckchanner at least learn something about what you're parroting.
So you are pretending to be retarded.
Oh, and here's an archive of most of the thread that happened on >>>/monster/
>not bangable