Only right wing SJWs have a problem with this casting
Only right wing SJWs have a problem with this casting
the only logical reason to not see this film is cause Stephen King is shit and a hack. all other reasons are stupid and you need to get over yourself.
Fuck Stephen King. Faggot lobbied for his casting.
Leftist buzzwords and terms are getting more ridiculous every day.
Not surprising, considering their end goal is to confuse and mislead people like they do with common core.
Reported for WeWuzKangzism.
You are not welcomed here picaninn.
This guy gets it, glad to meet a fellow scholar on this board.
This picture is infuriating.
If it's not white it's not alright
Stephen King is a cuckoo. He's become more and more political as he ages. And drifts further to the left over time. I suppose he thinks it gives his life meaning and importance. Having cuckoo political opinions and lobbying for his latest film to have an element of race mixing. Instead he could have just been know as a great writer. Now part of his legacy will be. He really didn't like Fronald Frumph! Sad!
Pretty much this, I wanted to read again The Talisman and then I have red his political commentaries, I will never read a book of this son of a bitch ever again.
Plus I think the writing of Dan Simmons's horror books is far superior.
Good bye Stephen Cucking
lol no. he writes penny dreadfuls. badly.
Oh shit nice. I read his Hyperion Cantos books and liked them a lot. What books of his would you recommend?
Trump did this.
Summer of Night it is the first book in the Seasons Of Horror series. Far superior in writing to Stephen Cucking especially the pacing which is not wacky as this fucking old libtard.
if i decide to breed i'm homeschooling my kids.
It's just an overcomplex way of fast mental adds
You imagine a 8 + 5, round it to 10 and then add the rest
Like 13 + 9, you round it to 20 and add the rest, in this case 2, so it's 22
But that's a very personal way of doing it, it's learned implicitly by doing technical stuff, like an own technique. Trying to teach it seems to be counter productive, as it implies add ons have steps, THEY DON'T,AMERICANS
Burgers are too stupid to understand this.
But the answer she it gave didn't add up to 10, it was 13…
by that retarded logic you would get 10 no matter what you did… 8+1+1+1=10
I just can't believe Holla Forums and other assorted goons and shills try to push let right wing assume Jay dubya while the meme in your pic has been around for two years.
Why can't lefties and shills meme?
common core! :'^)
Like said it's just trying to put on paper what you naturally do when adding numbers in your mind and by that making the whole process more complicated than it needs to be and confusing the children.
Considering it was created by a white hating yid (is there any other kind?) wanting to end "his" white privilege it should come as no surprise to realize the goal is to lower everyone to the level of niggers (that don't understand any kind of math anyway).
changing a characters race indicates that you believe the character is so shallow that such a major change won't affect it. If stephen king okayed this he is literally shitting on his own work.
Fuck off Sargon.
That'll show them. Haaaaaah. Take that Redneck America!! I am Stephen CucKing! The great and wise writer! @1@!!!!#:!!!!
Here me rawwwwwr. Grrrr. Take that.
B-but Kekistan! Aren't I so funny!
Trying to transform cultural, national and racial suicide into meme form turns it into gibberish that have to be forced because in the process of distillation all the internal contradictions of the ideology make any good memes impossible. Even the "getting cucked is a spook" Stirner memes fail on a basic level.
It can also have to do with the fact Holla Forums are mental cripples.
I lol'd ^^
I can see why you think this is a comeback by insinuating groupthink in all red caps considering Liberalism in the 21st century is parroting failed social schemes as the panacea to all of society's problems. Truth is, you can't meme because you love sacred cows instead of barbecuing them like the rest of normal society that has a well-developed sense of humor.
Keep trying. You'll get there one day.
trying way too hard man, go back to bait college.
There's no such thing as leftist buzzwords. Only stolen memes. Every single phrase they throw around is just an insult used against them with one word changed to suit their own position because they are completely unable to come up with their own thing.
For example: Shitskin becomes cumskin. SJW becomes "you're just as bad as SJW's two sides of the same coin". Cuck becomes rightcuck or any variation of such.
This is what they do, because they do not understand the insult itself. So like newfags used to back in the day they attempt to apply the insult to absolutely everything in a desperate hope that one of them is somehow used correctly. The same thing also happens with memes. For people who go on about being much more creative and intelligent they really don't actually create much of their own. Very ironic for people who constantly whine over "cultural appropriation". Irony which will ultimately be completely lost on these people.
in honor of this magnificent casting, post your best black pornkino
where are all his bullets? He only had a limited number and that was important. they were all on a belt he had. Where are the bullets?>??
Sold them for crack
probably in the gun's chambers. sounds crazy, I know.
I don't understand the burger educational system..
8+5=13, why ask for the answer to be 10?
I've seen common core shit about giving an estimation instead of a real answer, is that true? If yes, do they want children to stay dumb?
It is a mystery
It's just a misaimed attempt at teaching dumb niggers efficient mental methods for simple math. Of course it won't work, because dumb niggers will be just as confused as normal human children.
If it wasn't Jews pushing it, I would say Common Core was an actual esae of "everyone is dumb except me" explanation for conspiracy theories.
No shit. As far as I can tell, the only thing yuropoors understand is coddling terrorists and taking away the right to bear arms.
I meant "an case where it would be fitting to use the". I feel I'm getting a seizure soon.
But I forgive you, user.
Idris is a bad actor and his accents are atrocious.
They have to be, otherwise they couldn't believe in idiocy like socialism.
kill yourself
-The Gunslinger is specifically supposed to be based off of Clint Eastwood, he's referred to by the nickname "Old White Daddy" and every single cover showed him as white.
-There's an entire subplot about him "invading" the mind of a black woman, and her reaction makes absolutely no sense unless he's a white guy.
-Idris Elba is a huge douche for constantly taking roles of white characters.
-By trying to attach the label to right-wing people you're covertly admitting SJWs are a bad thing widely hated and despised and telling everyone you know your ideology is complete garbage by trying to attach it to the other side. Thank you for telling us all you know marxism and progressivisim is retarded, you stupid, stupid fucker.
Actually, I know behind the scenes King was pissed about this. I remember when it was announced black people were flooding his twitter demanding he come out and endorse the decision, and he's remained totally silent.
those puppers are dead, they stacked the dead doggos like that
There are a small number of Stephen King movies that are good. Most are crap. Based on the trailer, it's turning out to be more Last Action Hero but shit. New IT looks like it just be jumpscare the modern horror film.
Are all cowboys required to be niggers now?
That's the point you moron. You are literally too stupid to understand math designed for nigger IQs.
Then the teacher got the 'answer' wrong then, the corrrect answer would be "you would get 10 no matter what you did"
This is the reason for all new public education 'innovations.' But it will be a cold day in hell before even a single public school teacher publically admits that America's education problem is actually just an element of the nigger problem.
yes. a dumb population is easier to control
a baffling timeline we're in
Stephen King has always been a fruitcake. The basic underlying theme of his writing is he likes Americana except for the people and fetishizes the Other to make up for his rootlessness. His dad probably diddled him or something.
in the story he had like 90 bullets left and he wasnt getting anymore so they were important he had a specific reloading style that used the bullets on his belt to quickly reload his guns
wherea rehtey
Social justice is an inherently left wing belief, if you're an SJW you literally cannot be right wing.
The world laughs at you and not with you.
This, you can most clearly see it happen with snowflakes. They throw that shit around and have no idea why the fuck they were called snowflakes in the first place
patently false. conservacucks are so pathetic.
I cant even imagine being this tender & new to the world. I envy your youth, but not the rough road ahead of you.
It's not like this crap will manage to get sequels, so they can safely ignore those overarching plot points.
right-wing SJW detected.
back to your subreddit.
Someone has been deeply perturbed.
Pick one. Are you misinformed, or just Jewish?
Leftism is the opposite of wisdom, chuckles.
right-wing cringe thread?
grow some skin, son
wuchu sayin we wunt kangz nigga, we wuz kangz, fuckin crackaz thank da cowboy wuz white hell naw he a nigga, you think you seein white ppl on tv NEmore nigga, hell naw, you a nigga now, we takin over white boy, we gonna do a 187 on trump, racist ass crackaz
they are the same thing lad how old are you
drippolds btfo
This is the most retarded way of doing math I've ever seen. Why not just know that 8 + 5 is 13? Why do you need a "trick"? Do you need a trick to know 2 + 2 is 4 you obviously shitskinned person?
Holy shit it never occurred to me that these viewpoints are actually the same, thank you based sargon.
STFU lefties can't meme don' t teach them where they make mistakes
I don't understand goon logic either.
Either this is yet another stolen Holla Forums meme reworded, or the guy who made it unwittingly projected his own hipsterdom onto his attempt at an insulting image.
What is a goon? is this a term for someone from a specific site or something?
don't even lurk moar. just go back
Wew lad, nailed it
Spoken like a true goodbersnatch.
Is the goon the eternal jew of the Internet?
lol goobersnatch doesn't know!
What is the deal with you goons talking like kids?
goobersnatch thinks goon doesn't sound as stupid.
he forgot the face of his father.
he never met him
If I remember correctly he is also a father figure (or real father, it's been a while since I read books) for Jake character. Are they making him black as well?
SomethingAwful user
Only weebs care about this movie
LMAO, i bet your a virgin and never even talker to a real woman kid
it helps…
That comic was made by a woman though.
Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!
are you dumb?
Ha Ha terrible post! Poorly meme'd my friend!
Where did you get those () from? :^)
It doesn't make any sense to use it with such small numbers, but the method is nice if you need to mentally sum up larger numbers. Say you have 865+477. You could do it the old way by first doing 5+7=12, leave that 2 in the units and carry the 1, 6+7=13 plus the 1 it's 14, so you leave that 4 in the tens and carry another 1, then 8+4=12 plus the 1 is 13 so the answer is 1342. Alternatively you could go:
How much do I need to turn that 865 into a 1000? 135. Good, then I do 477 minus 135 and the answer to that plus a thousand will be will be the result. Or, if this makes it clearer:
Occasionally I'll do something like that when adding mentally, sometimes it'll make it easier but not always. Also, it would be really dumb to do that if you are doing the math on paper rather than mentally. It seems that a lot of this Common Core weird math is based on taking the tricks that some people use to make mental calculations a little easier and teaching that to children instead of the usual way of doing things, which really seems to be putting the cart before the horse.
Hopefully they will make Detta Walker scream NIGGER every thirty seconds.
But who the fuck am I kidding, this is going to bomb.
I'm just wondering why people are going crazy over this actor. Everyone's calling him an amazing artist and a privilege to star in some random movie. I don't get it. I understand that they like him as an actor but they go to dick sucking levels when they hear his name.
Goon is their term, you silly.
I think it's pretty much exclusively because he was okay in Beasts of No Nation.
I honestly had never heard of this guy before that whole Netflix drama where movie theaters refused to show it at all because Netflix was offering it online.
Why don't we just take things to the logical extreme and make all characters niggers from now on?
It's painfully obvious that this is the end game so why don't we just get it over with. If all characters are niggers can we finally stop hearing about them being underrepresented?
t. calculator cuck
who cares? it's going to be hollywood shit with extra cool music & slo-mo bullets, witty one-liners, etc.