Based White nationalist Alt Right girl BTFO's Milo faggotry and says she wants a future for her White children.
How can the anti Whites ever recover?
Based White nationalist Alt Right girl BTFO's Milo faggotry and says she wants a future for her White children.
How can the anti Whites ever recover?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off attention whore.
We need more presentable intelligent women of character like her to take our side. (less womyn like Evalion)
It (unfortunately, due to the way our society is today) offers huge credibility that a woman who has her shit together is on our side.
Heed my words, brethren!
This bitch is cringey and autistic as fuck. Pure meta-attention whoring, worse than Evalion. Sage
Thats not an argument you bitter fuck, lol. She's good for the White cause.
Is she jewish? She has a bit of a Semitic look to her.
You type like a fucking woman too. What a surprise.
You (((cunts))) need to fuck off.
No sane woman would appear in public with a pair of crazy person eyebrows like that. Kill yourself.
She's based. How is she autistic? She doesn't ramble in an autistic way. She attacks feminism and SJWs and anti Whites and even mentions that Breitbart is run by Jews.
Have you even watched her for 60 seconds before denouncing her? Really you're being stupid.
She talks against Jews in her video, says they're not White. So probably not. She's probably Italian.
Unlike every other female I've ever seen saying pro-White stuff (besides Lana Lokteff), she's actually not a complete fuckup of a human being.
You have been visited by the shill who promotes white identity.
Please Holla Forums do your part and have more white babies. Even if it's with some Bernie loving liberal cunt. Meet her parents and find out if there's any mud in her blood. Then have children. Even if it doesn't work out and you're stuck paying child support, IT'S WORTH IT! You are helping the white race!
I have 2 beautiful white children with their mother's eyes (Bluer than the sky) and I can't express the happiness I feel when I wake up to my white children's smiles.
Please Holla Forums do your part.
Polite sage for off topic spam.
Well she says Jews aren't White. Sauce on her being White I think people just say that because she looks darkish. She could be like a Serb or half Greek or Sicilian or something.
Whatever. She's a smart girl, she stands up for White nationalism and says Jews aren't White.
That's based enough in my book.
Shills dont like a well spoken white nationalist apparently. Imagine that.
That's not what she said Shlomoid
Implying this is off topic… at all….
im not a fan of shilling videos but I like the fact so many fashy goy nazi types are starting channels to declare the white race is great and shit
I'm not sure if they're all shills, some of them are just… bitter. They see a glimmer of hope (a nice, intelligent White woman supporting White nationalism) and fill up with disgust.
It's really messed up…
No, she said so herself in one of her videos. She says a lot of good things, and I don't dislike her, but keep in mind she does have Jew in her, even if it's only a small amount, according to her.
How is she a shill, at all, though? I don't get it.
you guys should probably get laid lads. If you need help picking up a girl just ask
not knowing what alt-right is.
you mean alternative right?
(((alt-right))) and alternative right are two different things
She's clearly mental, it feels awkward to look at her when she's speaking. Like standing next to a crazy hobo on the tube.
Sad to see that some guys on here don't seem to have any standards.
Fuck your lower-tier e-celeb.
not her I just meant spamming videos on the chans. It only ever brings negative attention to the person in the video anyways
Well the fact is that she says repeatedly Jews can't be White, so she's not loyal to Jewishness, at all. I still don't believe she's part Jewish. For now, it's just a rumor.
just make some white babies you fucking sperg
jews always claim everyone else is a jew
she said it herself
one of her grandparents was a jew
another was indian
Why do people get so fucking butthurt though? Helping a good video like that reach more views can only help us.
The people hating on her are just pathetic and shooting themselves in the foot.
So you say
I don't have any reason to trust you on this. I have to see the evidence myself.
you are right! i will look up the video and post it
before i watch this videos, i need to know if she's jewish or not. thank you.
No one knows.
She says Jews can't be White. But there's a rumor that she's part Jew.
I think people are just saying that because every public pro-White person gets shat on for some dumbass reason.
let me rephrase maybe?
is she jewish by birth, jewish by religion or both? none?
ok thank you :^)
We have many undercurrents of diffrent types of people. Christian fundies is one for starters. But since the beginning of pols slip into the right we have had self proclaimed "pick up artists" and "men go there own way" guys lurking about and most of them are cringe worthy and autistic. Any video with a women or topic on women will receive spam from them about how all white women are awful they have failed and love dont real. You have to get use to it or stop browsing.
I thought she was a quarter Indian or something?
She's really gross for some reason, can't exactly put my finger on it. Not only unattractive, but outright repulsive.
anyone who has there shit together representing us does wonders for us. We need less skinhead mechanics and more lawyers and doctors, but we dont. Got to fight with the army you got not the one you want.
Fuck you fag lover.
Bump for a good woman.
I have no idea about being part Indian; I just remember her saying she's part Jew, albeit only a small percentage.
if you saw her irl you wouldn't think that
She's a bit odd looking is all.
To be honest, I'm a bit unsettled.
I haven't watched the video, but let us consider she is a Jew. Perhaps not a Jew by religion, but one by birth. This means her culture is likely that of religious Judaism. Her parents likely religious Jews. Which means she must first rid the Jewish garbage from her own psyche before she can hope to help anyone else overcome any other Jewish sorcery. Has she gone through such an inner transformation? Only she can know. Ever. Its impossible to tell. And so, I propose that until Trump exposes and conquers the Jew, we not permit anyone of Jewish ancestry to promote any views within the "altright" or any other manifestation of Nationalism. We simply can not know who is an enemy and who is not. After Trump destroys the Globalists, all surviving Jews may then swear their allegiance to Trump, live happy lives but ultimately be outbreed just as theyre doing to us.
Didn't she have an older channel?
This. Her whole video is an attack on kike Milo. She's based.
Being jewish would explain it.
the rumors state she is part jewish
but again there's no evidence, just rumors because for some reason just seeing a woman talking nationalism, even if she's anti feminist gets her hate
she looks jewy
She does have some overtones …
it is hard being a woman ;) she could be a great person and completely on our side. its tragic i cant know for sure…
but good luck with it. didnt mean to be a downer. hope you're real tho :^)
I didn't say that. Women have it easier in life, usually. But there's no reason to reject this woman.
She's anti Jew and anti feminism. People on here are so suspicious that they immediately think she's a kike shill.
To 99% of White people she'd be considered like an evil fascist nazi extremist, do you not get that?
an e-celeb who doesn't get her threads deleted
like 1% of jews could be considered "like an evil fascist nazi extremist." she may be the minority. the rare occurrence. but 99% of other jews are our enemies. and theres no way to actually know who is a friend of jewish descent and who is an enemy of jewish belief.
if youre having a hard time marketing, you may want to consider switching your approach.
Just when you thought Sinead is terrible enough, someone takes the cake. Social outcast women should stop using the (((alt-right))) as a means to draw attention just because they're not able to compete with normie women.
If women want to help the movement, they should just stay out of politics and refrain from giving birth to niglets.
She's not fucking Jewish, though, Jesus Christ.
How is she even slightly social outcast-like? I don't see it at all. Listening to this woman, she's very sane, measured and calm. This is like stupid anti-woman stuff here. I fucking hate cunts for a variety of reasons. Most of them are totally worthless.
But believe it or not, actually, sometimes, once in a while, a woman is actually OK and is actually smart.
fuck it! she deleted her old videos and i cant find it on my storage (because i have too many videos)
in one of here videos she told that her great grandparent was a jew and her grandparent was an indian.
she is also a vegan and exercise some kind of sprorts
her family is pro immigration and doesnt likes her for being pro-white
she also said to sterilize all niggers and sand-niggers inside of uk
OK, well even if that's true, which I don't know, she's still helping our cause by speaking out.
I'll believe she's part Jew and Indian when I actually see/hear it.
she is of jewish ancestry!
Says you. You might be right but I have no real reason to believe that.
yep, she's jewish.
Kek, she's a fucking female Milhouse. If she was a guy, she'd be a well known lolcow.
ok but if she waaaas, and if i were her….. id avoid making myself a celebrity. id get really good at using video editing software and id use my voice. id make a new channel and create a brand name instead of marketing her own. selling something to the altright while being a Jew is literally a meme. theres no way its going to happen, because eventually people will wake up and id lose my following, just like Milo.
if i was ever question about my jewish ancestry, id put out a blog post denouncing my religion and political roots, and i would not apologize for my genetics, which you have no control over.
They are both wrong. Alt-right isn't just anti-pc edginess but neither is it a carbon copy of white nationalism, although it is necessarily pro-white and racialist.
If she's like 1/8 jew no one actually thinks she's a Jew
I'd have a problem with it BUT SHE DENOUNCES JEWS. She doesn't cuck for Jews like Milo.
Do you see my point?
The moment she starts to cuck for Jews, I drop her like a microphone.
Alt Right is what you make of it, and we're trying to make it a vehicle for White interests and empowerment.
Problem Jew?
One jewish grandparent would make her as kikish as Tim Wise and Rachel Maddow. Would you call either of them White?
You're her, aren't you?
That's a Jew.
1/16th sould be the cutoff tbh fam
Also in future years to come there'll be more and more women who create Alt Right content. She's very human and intelligent and seems basically normal.
Also her British accent sounds smart to Americans, which again helps!
She may not be 100% perfect, nor is her presentation 100% perfect, but she's doing good.
We should support people who do good for the pro-White anti-kike globalist side.
Under optimal conditions, no Jew remains.
Are you by any chance that autist who used to post Paul Gottfried and Radix threads, then bump them for days on end without getting responses?
I'm just saying if it's a small % of Jew and she's speaking out against Jews fucking over White people, she's OK in my book.
I'd prefer she were redheaded and snow-white pale. But she ain't bad.
Jesus, that's bone-chilling and accurate.
Replace 'she' with 'he' and that's the standard Milo defense tbh fam.
Then you're a fucking idiot tbh fam.
why are mods so fucking tolerant of kike-looking e-celebs on this board?
Because banning it would make Holla Forums a hugbox, contrary to everything we stand for.
You stupid nigger.
Someone who's 1/4 or 1/8 Jew is pretty Jewy, but after that FFs Jewishness dies out.
"The hundredth generation" is that kike fuck bragging about how awesome and dominant his race is.
You literally posted Jewish supremacism, KYS
I don't watch videos if they have no concept of editing or timing.
Except she's attacking Milo and says Jews can't be White. Milo cucks for Jews and Israel, she doesn't.
That's the difference!
It's literally just under 10 minutes long, Schlomo
Bumplock when?
That's mental. Cut it down drastically. Not everyone is a NEET. Learn to condense.
mods wont even do that for evakike threads, dont get your hopes up
She seems like a legit retard. The alt-right has become fucking tumblr.
She's not trying to be a leader, idiot, she's good for us. Also she just looks Southern European.
Give me one reason why you think this woman is actually bad for our cause.
A 10 minute video is pretty normal on Youtube.
so 1/8
she's a dark hair, brown eyed, hook-nose kike.
That's a problem if it's just a straight hitting record and blabbling. There's no reason to use video as a medium in that case. In fact, it's the worst choice. Would rather read it as a written essay.
Oh wait. I know why she used video to read what amounts to an essay. ATTENTION.
she's a woman, that's why she's bad
name 1 woman in politics except thatcher who was great
by the way
You're an idiot
I don't like women in politics, generally speaking. But she makes our side look good. I don't want her to be a leader, and I don't think she wants to be one.
She is anti feminist and believes in traditional gender roles. She says Jews can't be White.
Hating her is fucking retarded.
she's a fuck kike with full blown kike facial features.
you're either a fucking farmboy who never saw more than 30 people his whole life, basement dweller, or you're shilling for the kike cunt
Fuck off pervert
I'm bored. Also I'm right.
No she's not a fucking kike. Why do you think she says Jews can't be White, and attacks Milo?
You're so full of shit.
What a pathetic little beta. Fuck off.
kike confirmed.
We get it, you want to fuck her, we don't care. Your thread is shit and you should seriously consider suicide immediately.
Yes. I don't remember what it's called and I can't find it.
Trying to disprove idiots who are attacking this chick for no good reason, thus actually helping anti Whites, is a good thing to do.
I actually think she's helping our people, that's why I give a shit. What's your excuse?
Actually I'm not attracted to her
Well she sure as shit ain't fucking Irish.
Next you'll post pictures of a nigger and say he aint black. Go die in a fucking fire you kike loving sack of shit.
as long as she keeps towing the line who gives a shit
you just have to watch out for what happens and what they start saying once they get a following
Are you psychotic? Do you think everyone who looks "Jewy" must automatically be Jewish or part Jewish?
eat pork kike lover
here is her old website
she deleted her old account and videos
You're right, user.
Like I said, the moment she starts to cuck for kikes, I drop her completely. For now, though, she says Jews aren't White and attacks Milo the Kike.
but muhzayik law says naht to ='[
The alt-right is a kosher meme and e-celebs are cancer. Fuck your gay youtube. Reported.
No, I saying everyone who looks like a kike is a fucking kike.
that isn't just white nationalism.
Where the fuck am I? Where are the mods?
sage of course btw
except the rest of us already know not to invest time in listening to kikes.
She is my Waifu
I would love to snuggle with her and watch the happening nigger streams
No, retard, the alt right is what you make it. She's trying to make it White nationalism, which is good. What the fuck is wrong with people like you
Well that's fucking stupid. Plenty of Jews look goyish and plenty of nonJews look kind of Jewish.
You know I'm right
She's pro-White. She is a White nationalist. She supports White interests and White empowerment.
What's not to love?
Okay how do you get girls?
Yeah whatever nigger.
The sad thing is you're probably dumb enough to imagine I'm a kike and I'm bothered by the pics you're posting… You're really pathetic
I never said any of this, I said she's a fucking kike. :^)
An Eva post, why am I not surprised.
kikes of a feather and all that
She looks a little weird, granted, but why does that trigger you to the moon?
Good for us, good for White interests and Whites. Fucktard
what do you look like lad fat skinny new male glasses? career? Education? Game is mostly a waste of time just dont be an autist and ask the girl out. Focus on lifting personal hygiene and getting money then women will come to you.
well that answers that
The alt-right is nothing but a kike meme and its only function is to absorb the shit flung at us, which is hilarious but it's still a kike meme.
She's e-celeb cancer. I'm not watching her and I don't give a fuck what she says,
she looks like a kike
Notice how the only people against evalion were
You sound like a faggot.
But she's not cucking for kikes, she says Jews can't be White. That's what matters. She's useful for our cause. Prove me wrong.
granted evalion does have some big fucking problems
alt-right was coined by a kike for kike reasons. Anyone who adopts this deserves the backstabbing they'll get.
She showed her dna test
Unlike evalion
Unlike sinead
Unlike crusader girl
She is the only girl who literally isn't a fed cia shill
also anyone who hates kikes and e-celebs who beg for money
Gottfried is an anti Zionist kike who talks about how bad kikes have been for western civilization.
also FFs evalion totally looks like a kike but her fans are horny boys
Yeah, seeing (((white interests))) (=alt-right) being represented by an ugly lunatic on youtube is absolutely terrific. Kill yourself.
kikes play both sides, how fucking new are you? you sound like a milo fanboy.
You forgot to mention the entirely of Holla Forums is against her :^)
He also doesn't notice the bumplock or the edit.
You guys should refresh from time to time.
Silly goy WN is just a meem
kill yourself
what is it with kikes and tl;dr?
except Gex
She's not ugly or a lunatic. She's a bit odd looking and the antithesis of a lunatic. (Yes, 'antithesis' is a word, look is up you stupid caveman)
I know right?
Sinead says she didn't sleep with her black boyfriend
WHAT retard would actually take her word on that
she looks like every kike actress without makeup
a retard who can't tell what a kike looks like
Here's a flowchart for you, user
Is this person a kike?
-No – > Maybe trust
So was the kike Lawrence Auster who got triggered by Duke's mere presence at Amren, they're still jews not white.
Thanks for proving beyond a shadow of the doubt that you're kosher. Now:
Gottfried is basically a traitor to Jews. Everything he has done has helped anti Jewish people. Gottfried isn't "playing our side" like Jewish Republicans or neoceons play us, he's actually critical of Jews which NO neocon type Jews are.
Totally different
Ben Kikepiro sucks Israeli dick and demands everyone else do the same. Gottfried is like "I'm a Jew, sorry how much Jews have fucked up America".
He actually helped to redpill me about Jews!
At least I got a good chuckle out of Evalion, while this vile sow is just sperging into the camera for 10 minutes.
-Look at the super duper dark black hair
-Hooky nose
-Strange not really white looking skin
I don't agree with fucking everything that Gottfried says, just that he's actually not that bad.
Gottfried is anti Israel and anti Jewish community fucking with politics. Openly so.
If I were a Zionist Jew I'd consider him a traitor. That has fucking nothing to do with the Amren conference, idiot.
She looks a fuckton like Ayn Rand actually.
Sperging… really…. Even though she's calm and collected throughout the video, as well as eloquent….
Sorry Hitler, but no.
Pro-tip: All you goons are going to get raped in the ass, very soon.
Tick Tock.
She seems like she's about to cry and punch her own face?
If a Jew comes out and admits that Jews are dangerous and are fucking up America and Europe, that's fine.
I don't trust Gottfried or want him to be a leader, but he says the truth. He basically agrees with everything natsoc says.
You can tell he's ashamed of being Jewish.
I used that as a mere example of these types of kikes. Auster, Gottfried, etc all the same. They want to be critical of other jews, okay fine but not in white countries, go do that shit somewhere else.
Stay kosher my friend
Yet she talked against jews and redpilled millions.
besides looking like a blatant female kike, she has nothing to offer but words, which is what a fucking kike does. sell words.
vid related, another kike pretending to be a white women to sell marxism.
She just looks passionate to me. I can understand not loving her. But the way you're like sooo against her is crazy….
Quads confirm, jamal will steal our anguses.
Nigger confirmed. Also
Yeah I bet you're just as active trying to shut down discussion about Jonestein, Milo and Mollyjew too, right? Just keep throwing the word kike at anyone who actually names the jew all you want, it'll only work on your fellow niggers.
shes a fucking kike because she looks like one.
The man with the biggest nose in the world is an italian.
You're not very smart are you?
stupid argument
Words actually change the world if enough people agree and act on them.
There is no if and or buts about it
She is a JEW
reading 20 pages of bullshit isn't hard, it's just too long to seem remotely honest and worth reading, hence forth the fucking definition of "too long; didn't read". Ignoring drawn-out ramblings is the ultimate kike filter.
Which doesn't prove anything, my point still stands.
She could have been a klingon as far as I'm concerned, she redpilled millions and talked against jews.
we know this, you fucking retard. Hence why kikes have power. This is no argument.
and this differs from Milo how?
Milo cucks for kikes and Yisrael
This woman in the vid i posted doesn't
that literally proves fucking nothing….
That's softcore porn to you? Jesus Christ you're a retard.
Crusader Girl did show her DNA test, and she has a shit ton of North African and Middle Eastern in her.
I got pretty fucking hard, so yes. More like soft hardcore lmfao
Why are you praising yourself in a thread about yourself made by yourself? Everyone's shitting on you. Don't you have enough dignity to just admit the defeat and walk away?
do you really think no noticed you to be a shill?
anyway the tread is bump locked already
Oh my God looking at her pictures is so disturbing.
The cia should get better looking shills instead of ugly cam whores
take your shilling elsewhere shlomo this isn't your lucky day
But will anyone admit TRS and that side are kike shills as well ever?
All e-celebs are kike shills.
That doesn't mean she's following them, idiot, it means a lot of people who also sub to Rebel sub to her
She has no control over it.
Where did crusader show her dna?
no retards TRS is one of the biggest sources of redpilling on Jews in modern times
Their main show is the Daily Shoah for fuck's sake and they make fun of Jews and expose Jews constantly…
You're delusional
Crusader Girl is a boring cunt
Fuck what is the name of that faggot loving forum where you have to be invited forgot.
Mudshark vegan sinead is chimping out hardcore over this lovely lady
Coal burner sinead must be salty that the altright girl has never even looked at a nigger
About time.
OP really should
Just saying
Go back to reddit faggot
Vid related. NA and the ME are both circled, even though she doesn't mention them. She even looks like a Jew.
Is this real life she tried to use bacon and pepperoni as proof she isn't a kike?
ID:54d35c - JUDE
all this jewish male and female attention whores pretend to be white to collect money on youtube through views
great advice m8
lol I didn't watch that far. Pretty fucking sad.
timestamp pls
It's 25 seconds in, you ADHD faggot.
Why are the fags in this thread concerned about labeling of the alt-right? We may have started the movement, but its already been subverted by faggots and feminist sympathizers. I thought most of Holla Forums already abandoned the alt-right platform after that faggot Milo started trying to represent us. We're just motherfuckin nazi's now. Not neo-nazi bulshit, just (((literally))) nazi's.
the alt right can still be ours if we claim it
alt right is just a label like any label, it's how it's used that defines it
I couldn't see anything on the paper/she did not show it
But she doesn't look like the super jew evalion who is clearly jewish
hard to beat the kikes in a game of (((media)))
Yeah because one of your little gatekeeper kike mod buddies banned me. Means nothing though, shut down all the nodes you want and see if it makes any difference. Sorry faggots as much as you want this place to be reddit it never will be.
hey yids. no one is taking away your (((alt-right))) from you.
Nice blog.
Now kill yourself
You didn't see the regions where she has ancestry circled?
*her ancestry
except (((you))) and Milo
Confirmed for nigger twitterfag.
The blog aspect refers to you telling me about your trials and tribulations like i care not the length.
You seem upset. Thanks for correcting the record though.
When will French rule the world. Please make it soon god.
Oh and any body shots of Crusader Girl? Need it for research.
She's not French; She's Israeli.
Why would you jerk off to an ugly Jew?