How does it feel knowing you fags will never live in California, the greatest state?
How does it feel knowing you fags will never live in California, the greatest state?
i ain't clicking that shit
SO great, brah. Someone can have sex with you, infect you with AIDS, and legally escape penalty for not warning you.
SO great, brah. You can actually be arrested for failing to use the correct gender pronoun for some self-described non person.
SO great, brah. Wildfires everywhere all year long.
SO great, brah. Because welfare states that reward deadbeats usually thrive.
I love the state of California, but it needs to lose all of its lefty population to be really special.
California will soon be Mexico 2.0
gas the jews
Thanks to this guy: Senator Scott Wiener (on left)
Non-Californians prove yet again they all have shit internet
Being the technology and entertainment capital of the world and the agricultural capital of the country negates that bruh
All the lefties are whites from NorCal. Why do you think the Democrats have been trying so hard to get the latino vote with gibs? Mexicans just don't give enough shits about American politics to participate, if there was more participation a lot of them would probably be Republican
Great, because it fucking sucks in California.
been to california and i could live there but california shit nigger
That guy is a major kike
theres still uk, Germany, china, and japan…
meap meap california is old and worn hbt n0 hormone
I'll give you Japan but really it's not much different from California from a political standpoint, the only difference really is Japans strong sense of Nationalism whereas California is full of Mexicans, but both are really the same level of degeneracy
No interest in the state , norcal seems nice enough but at that point I might as well live in Oregon. Plus most of the relevant coastal cities are 100% cucked.
I can tell you how wrong you are and how the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area consists of numerous coastal cities all along Orange County which is mostly Republican, but I don't want more retarded tourists fucking it up like yourself
I'm aware Orange county tends to swing republican, doesn't mean much at all when you live in one of the bluest states in the union. Don't worry about me being a tourist, I'd much rather go to half a dozen other places in the US.
True, but that was entirely besides the point
Thank goodness, shame I still have to play "Count the non-California License plates taking up spots on my fucking street!" game every Summer
I'm baffled why you started a thread asking why don't people come to your state while simultaneously crying about people coming to your state.
I'm saying tourists should at least live here instead if they want to take up spots
Retards who don’t live in NY be like
Too bad cali cant afford to keep the power on without rolling blackouts and buying electricity from surroundiung states.
The Enron Scandal was nearly 2 decades ago you know…
he's not bluepilled, he's jewish
I live in California. It's shi
Actually, it's pretty nice in the Sierra Nevadas. Weather's nice, people are cool, landscape is beautiful. And libertarianism seems to be the dominant ideology here. I have been leaving "9/11 was an inside job" bumper stickers next to the register at the gas station I work at with a note that says "free" next to them. Tons of people grab them and I have yet to hear a single complaint.
whats your address ill stop by and check it out
123 Dontdatamineme DR.
The US is shitty in a lot of ways, but I've never understood what this particular stat is supposed to prove. South Africa, Brazil, El Salvador, Mexico, Honduras and Lesotho all have lower rates of prisoners. Do you honestly believe you'll less likely be a victim of a crime in any of those countries vs the US?
victim of lea
The stat isn't supposed to reflect crime rates. The point is supposed to be that the US is basically an authoritarian shithole which imprisons a lot of people and is consistently unsuccessful in rehabilitating them.
Take note that North Korea is on the same level as us.
I feel great living in Belgium. Get fucked, cunt!
what is this heaven you live in with no niggers since you've obviously never met one?
Feels pretty good knowing i wont have to deal with a bunch of snowflakes and chads all day everyday… we feel bad for you man.
I didn't say the point being made wasn't flawed. I'm just relaying what the point is.
Something tells me your map is old.
Californian in tech/gamedev here. We all want ou█ This state is now an island of white surrounded by a brown lava and the level is rising. Texas is the same way although Texans are refusing to admit it until it literally kills them so Austin isn't an escape route anymore. BC fucked its economy and Ontario is kiked and picking up refugees. England fucked its economy although out of desperation they extend massive tax breaks, but they're on track to be an Islamic Theocracy faster than anywhere else. I don't know what to do. I hate sitting here with my thumb up my ass while the world around me dies.
Why is shit like game development even location dependent anyway?
What's so hard about making your files at home and emailing them to the company from across state lines as opposed to doing all that shit in a cubicle?
Because you need hundreds of people and they all have some ties to where they are. Can't just relocate to a corn field in Iowa and start shitting out games.
Telecommuting doesn't work well. We have divisions in Germoney and Squatville and it's just a huge pain. If the direction is wrong, they'll continue down that direction until someone in the US wakes up and stops i█ And end-of-the-day commits that break everything end up crippling teams.