If you had to give up either 4chan or Holla Forums what would it be?
If you had to give up either 4chan or Holla Forums what would it be?
I dont even browse halfchan
You post thing on a site that absalutly hates cuckchan, ofcourse we would sacrifice them
4cucks is better but i hate a site that fucks with its userbase
i came here from 4chan cause it was filled with trap porn and the same threads over and over again. fuck 4chan, this site is way better
I can't give up something I've never browsed
know heres a true question Holla Forums or 7chan
did something go down on halfchan? a lot of similar threads sprouting up. and all the good shit just got wiped out today? if you’re impressed, stay. just stop talking about your ex user. 4chon is half bot half normans.
when this board gets nuked(today), i go to endchan mew and 30, until this Holla Forums is up and running.
oy what happened on 10/01/14?
baby here not that type Holla Forums
7. it's died
i do not know
because all chans die
Haven't browsed cuckchan since late 2014, no thanks.
give up reddit 2.0 or slow boards?
both, they're both shit
You and me both. It was a shining fucking beacon in it's day though
What's better about that normalfag infested shithole?
give up 4 chan
too easy
ask me something difficult.
Attn: OP
seriously >>>/4chon/ is pretty funny. you halfchan refugees should us it as a fema containment shelter until you’re well enough to realize 8 Holla Forums is always the best choice. for better or worse ((()))
Giving up 4chan was easy.
8ch is much better.
But not this board.
This board is worse than anything 4chan ever had to offer.
It is worse than reddshit.
It used to be the best chan board on the whole net, but Dysnigger fucked it up and now it is utter shit.
agree completely. embedding when? no tripcode. no pages.
no t b h ? why?
I dont go to 4chan but this place sort of sucks too
I browse 4chan but I can't post there because I use a VPN
It is a pain when everyone else is here for drama reasons
also this
I'm back here due to a month ban on cuntchan. I like that threads don't disappear here after 20 minutes but wish it was a little more active.
I use 4chan more but Holla Forums is better in everway shape and form so 4chan
I'd give up 8ch because there is a possibility that 4chan could get better. 8ch will only get worse.
tripledick pepe
I don't use either one, you insufferable blowhard.
I choose to give up my rife.
pepe is such a fucking based meme
trips liez
Holla Forums for sure