ITT: Godtier albums
ITT: Godtier albums
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normalfag as fuck
fuck off pedo
Don't show child abuse victims
Varg's dad
you guys are funny
And why would that be?
Not bad, same genre as my OP for brownie points
you're just a funny guy, I find you amusing
Oh, thanks friend
would not rate god tier, by any stretch of the imagination. shoom is/was good. canadian goth is not everyone’s cup of tea
bump for being yourself
you're welcome, entertaining buddy
lol that just is some tranny.
robert alfons
pic related
Yeah, he's not for everyone, but I fucking love all of his work
Well done
wasn't funny at all don't encourage freaks like that
Sorry boss
Bump for more tunes
Ride into the void.
What the fu k happened to marilyn mamson?!?!
You fucking plebs should all kys
Huey Lewis and the News - Sports
Actually, all their older albums.
Michael Jackson was nothing special; Just lousy pop
Everything before Moving Pictures was at least kinda fun and listenable. That later stuff, though…
inb4 you start shilling for the Beatles
I don't even really listen to Radiohead but the album OK Computer is god tier. There's a reggae cover of the whole album that's also breddy good for reggae
I only really gave a shit about Manson when he was with the Spooky Kids
My mom loves MJ and it pisses me off so bad. I fucking hate his music
Patrick Bateman? Is that you?
I've got nothing against Radiohead, but the lead singers voice drives me up the Goddamn wall. Cannot handle listening to them.
Moar tunes
The Beatles are talented
I'm 100% with you. Soyboy extreme. The album is really quite good from a purely musical perspective, however. It's the same issue I have with Joanna Newsom. She's an amazing artist but her voice makes me want to die 99% of the time.
You a fan too?
You stole the words out of my mouth
Never heard of her, but if you want a female singer go with Hope Sandoval (Mazzy Star)
If you don't live DJ, you don't love life.
You're cool with me
She's a harp player and singer who writes these complex, amazing compositions - often with a string section, orchestra, etc. Her lyrics are also incredible, and could easily pass for high-quality modern literature. Truely one of the best musicians in the 21st century, really pushes the boundaries in the best ways.
Her voice is annoying to lots of people though, which probably keeps her relegated to musician circles rather than reaching the normiesphere see vid related, she made it on to Letterman but her music never took off, too anti-pop and intellectual
God tier taste.
that's some heavily pretentious shite
Joanna Newsome is pretty good. But she's no Kate Bush.
Yeah, her voice pushed me away pretty hard
This is the single most satisfying post I have ever seen
They say this is a God tier album, but most people today probably wouldn't take to it. Maybe musical tastes are linked to societal trends or happenings.
I find the previous album, The Bends, to be the superior album but OK is god tier too. Best back to back albums in my opinion since a long time.
I'm that way with most voices demonstrating their range in a boastful technical manner, I always found Radiohead to blend vocals well into the music, it becomes an instrument. I can only take Rush in small amounts because Geddy's voice is too outside the blend, if that makes sense.
Why could they never top this album?
Cause they kinda suck