Please give advice to us youngfags.
Youngfag here
Other urls found in this thread:
post le EPIC pepe memes
if you dont i will
I am not interested in Pepe memes. I just posted this because the previous youngfag thread had a Pepe meme.
Stop using image-boards while you can.
Eat your crusts and wash your hair at least once a week.
Treat your family nice and do things around the house before they ask you to do them.
it was just my advice
he only posted it a minute ago
no poast.
imageboards are a place where doing nothing is better than doing something.
Don't associate with shitskins
Avoid roasties
Don't fall into communism meme
Because no one ever remembers those words
Drive stick.
Become voluntarily celibate
that's good advice
it's all about (You)'s and shitposting once you start posting
I have no friends. How do I get a friend?
how old are you faggot?
get a retard gf from tumblr
exactly. this isn't social media.
then give pics of your new friend to user because user hasn't any friends. sometimes having a story behind a picture makes the fap better.
Do things in real life, even if it's bullshit you don't want to do. Do things without screens. Go to the company picnic, go to Jose Javier's 5 year soberiety party, join that autistic fat fuckup for board game night at the tabletop store.
Been on sites like this one since 2008ish and started posting in late 2012. Definitely lurk before posting to prevent shitposting. Understand how things work on these parts of the internet
Please, for fucks sake, don't type shit like "le" "tbh" "xD" or "literally" unless you want to like a total cunt. A big dribbly cunt that is watering down everything you come into contact with. Thanks.
Never underestimate the power of the pussy.
I don't think that I've ever typed that stuff in an imageboard before.
delete system32.exe and install TempleOS
The correct term is 'underage' newfag
Where is Terry now? Jail? Asylum? Back home?
Good advice
Also, don't buy that love is forever bullshit Disney fed you growing up. Just fuck, have fun for a bit and go your separate ways
Probably still living in his van
become an alcoholic
i hope they never catch him
(samefag that was asking about Terry)
yup! he's still in the Kia.
newest video:
he uploaded this a couple days ago. good intro for the newfag.
1. take care of yourself.
apply facial moisturizer daily. get haircuts regularly. stop smoking now and never become an addict/drunk. get braces if you need to (seriously, no one gives a shi i had braces from 22-25. 100% worth it). start working out and NEVER QUI learn to cook all your own meals, eat a lot less fast food.
2. have a plan for a career.
if you're not in school, go back now and major in something that is guaranteed to get a good job, like engineering. if you're majoring in something stupid like sociology, just stop now and transfer over to engineering. it took me 7 years to get a 4 year degree, but i still got one. time is gonna pass regardless, always have a plan to make more money than you are now. get a job and ALWAYS BE WORKING TOWARDS A PROMOTION.
3. learn to be confident in yourself.
all those times you bite your tongue because you're shy, or unsure, or you're just scared of the reaction, ALWAYS say i tell people how you feel about them and don't hold back. tell people your honest opinion about things when you're asked, especially if you're unsure if it will hurt their feelings. be a genuine person to everyone at all times forever.
4. figure yourself ou
learn how to talk to women. go get laid. make friends with strangers often and take risks. watch the yes man and do what he does for a week. go to parties, do drugs, make bad decisions. if you're unhappy, that's because you're not doing anything that makes you happy.
tldr: improve yourself forever
I've tried tha Would not recommend/10
meep meep those words are not so bad imho no homo
anybody watch carpo in WA?
Make friends and be friendly with people. Being aloof isn't the way to go. You have to be sociable to succeed in life, although of course there are rare exceptions. Make as many connections as you can and learn how to remember people's names.
Exploit any opportunity to prove your worth and dependability to people. In doing so, you build a good reputation which is worth its weight in gold.
If you work hard, you will get more work. Lazy people are rarely admired. If you're a likable capable bullshitter and can schmooze well, you can get away with being lazy especially if you're good looking.
If you fuck up, just admit to it and deal with i Trust me, you might be tempted to try and get away with stupid shit but getting caught once pretty much will negate all your other "wins" and you'll look like an asshole.
Keep in mind that some people will like you and some won't and sometimes for no reason at all. People have preferences and particular tastes that are very often based on things they themselves don't even understand.
Life isn't fair. Sounds simple, but if you can always remember that happiness isn't our birthright and nobody owes you anything, you'll be a lot better off.
Woman are ALL crazy. This doesn't mean to say they're all evil, but they are in fact crazy, based on well established mental health norms. That said, if you find yourself in a relationship or dating a girl, try to find out when they are PMSing and DO NOT argue or even engage in polite debate during this period. Don't even ask why, just don't do i Also, if in a relationship, do not start "keeping score" because you will never "win" even if you think you are or should be. There is no "winning" with women beyond just getting along with them.
Try to treat your mind and body well and live a healthy lifestyle. When you're young, you can abuse the shit out of your body all through your teens and 20's and 30's but if you do, it WILL catch up with you eventually.
only smoke marlboro reds
Or Lucky's
or dicks
Here's another snippet for OP.
The more words someone is using, the more they are trying to control you.
Pic unrelated though relevan Found it recently.
Oh and you should buy yourself a standalone camera. Pocket, DSLR, 35mm, whatever. Carry i
L*terally le this, xD
baka baka desu
meant for
I guess ur the baka heh
My advice to you is to figure things out on your own and to go through as much pain as possible without permanently damaging yourself.
If you are looking to us for advice you are already on the wrong path. You only need yourself.
me soo silly
That's the stupidest thing I ever heard.
retard pepe is the best new meme
You want some "youngfag" advice, alright, i'll give it to ya. This life is a game, kid. You can either play to win or just be another NPC walking aimlessly back and forth from objective to objective. You can do anything if you put your mind to it, if you're willing pay pay the price. All things in life have a price but that price is negotiable. It's all in how you play the game and what your stats are.
Is college/uni a meme? Is it worth it? Alternatives?
Highschool brainlet who doesn't know what to do with his life
Forgot the
Go learn an actual trade like windmill repair or work in the oilfield. I hear airlines are so desperate for pilots they'll pay you a salary just to go to aviation school. You could go to job corps too and they'll pay you live there and go to school learning a trade that will make you tons of cash and have a steady position in life without any debt to start off.
yea school sucks. the military is a pretty good meme, especially if you get an easy computer/thinking job. they kick people out pretty easily these days.
well, they kick out retards pretty easily, just don't be fucking/touching anyone you're not supposed to and you'll be fine
People are not basically rational. They like people who make them feel good. If you want to give someone advice that will make them feel bad, don't do it until they explicitly ask for i(and that doesn't mean telling you their troubles) That almost never happens.
Drop your anchors immediately. If something happened to you when you were younger and it caused you injury and you know that's fucking up your whole life, eventually (probably over the course of decades) you'll come to the realization that while it really did hold you back, assigning blame to that thing is holding you back more. In the interim you'll waste years just being depressed. Skip all thaimmediately stop using X events or people as an excuse. It happened and will never unhappen. Move on from where you are now.
You can follow your dreams and aim for the stars and all that feel-good claptrap, but you'll be surpassed by someone who worked hard instead.
To attract girls get good at something productive firsAnything. Whatever you like to do, get really good at iIf it's woodwork learn to make things you can sell. If it's computers, be the best in your state. If it's cars learn to be a great mechanic. Get so good people start coming to you for advice. At this point you'll have money, confidence, and friends. Those things will attract girls better than any amount of time trying to fit in and listening to pickup artists.
If a girl wants to fuck you she knows it right away. Learn to read body language and only bother to try to pick up those girls. If she didn't want to fuck you at the beginning she never, ever will.
Shit man. Can't I just become a gigilo? This is not an era where an autistic person like me can succeed
People crave authenticity. Don't bother pretending to be someone they'll like. If you're not successful they'll recognize it's not really you, and so they won't like you. If you are successful you'll be miserable, stuck in a mask as long as you know them. It's not worth it.
A thousand times, this. Real love is a matter of helping and depending on someone. Of understanding them and they understanding you. It's a process. It involves arguments and sticking together through hard times. There is no "special someone out there". You can have real love, but you'll never know with whom until you've been working to create love with them for years. Also AWALT
Hard work does not guarantee success, but you'll never be successful without it.
You're so wrong though. It's the best place for an autisMaking $30+ an hour riding around in a work truck or on a work bench all day is great autist work. It's much better than working in an office.
i got banned when the gate guard smelt alcohol on my breath. it was my first offence :/
Always be looking for a better job. Always keep your resume updated, keep networking, keep making friends, and be open to something new. As soon as you *start* to feel like your boss doesn't like you or your company is going downhill that's the time to look for new offers.
what does this even mean
Same position, wat do?
only 20 and already feel old and full of regret, but even if you're just a year or two younger here are some pointers to take to heart OP:
That's a fucking weird formatting glitch, I tell you hwaMeant "it" on both occasions.
iDon't iForget Bill Gates
Fuck it, I know what's happened. Retard mod evidently wordfiltered "tee dot" without realizing that a lot of sentences can end in that specific letter. I'm out of here for now, will see what happens to this thread.
What's a trade I can learn while being shit at math AND having next to no motor skills at all? The last one's because of literal autism, I've had years of physiotherapy just to be able to walk or throw and catch stuff when I was a kid.
You're probably not shit at math. You probably just never had a decent teacher.
If you like to work with your hands learn a trade. If you have social aptitude get an associate's degree and use the time to network. If the above two don't apply learn how to network and make friends while you get an associate's degree, then do so while you get a bachelor's.
Fuck it.
This is only a test.
They changed the word filter to again to just not allow "tee dot" at all. This is about the hardest Dysnigger ever works.
tee dot: Dysnigger
That's very possible but I need to do something once this year's over, and it's either college or that shiI'm gonna get a job next to it either way, but I like learning a trade better than going to college. My problem is I like skills that are needed for a lot of trades. This is something that can be rectified, but that'd leave me with a gap where I'm not attending education which isn't something I want to do because I'll be fucking kicked out of the house.
hard to find non-autistic developers. plenty of other shimotivation is generally the real bottleneck, autism is the excuse
not a trade but graphic design / video editing / etc pretty easy to get good while self taught
maybe not coding if you hate math
it doesn't matter what anyone says
you're late
chan culture is already dead
there's nothing left for normies to ruin
I don't even know what to do with myself
What do normies even do for 14 hours a Saturday instead of shitposting?
netflix or something?
I meant I LACK skills that are needed for a lot of trades
Get the fuck out of here
Go live your life
You're going to be numb when you are older regardless of what you do
WARNING: Meme Responsibly™
"Repeat offenders will be repeatedly cock slapped unconscious" - Jim
Get into fistfights.
Either never lie or become amazing at lying.
Learn how to take a dump.
Read books but don't tell anyone about it.
Masturbate to the idea of raping other men.
Fast regularly.
Browse Holla Forums every single day of your life.
Delete all social media.
When in doubt, convert to Islam and join ISIS or attempt to start a race war; please post beforehand however.
College is straight homofag. Gay!
Stop using drugs before you turn 20.
Smoke cigarettes (gets you laid); unless you have to swim regularly in which case transition to cigars.
Sleep on a cot or floor.
Read the Bible several times front to back every decade.
That's all I got!
22 year old
just wait until you're no longer youngfag
everything falls to its place
just Holla Forums yourself.
Don't move
Don't talk out of time
Don't think
Don't worry
Everything's just fine
Just fine.
good pic tbh
Hitler did nothing wrong
with jooos you lose
lurk moar
destroy communists
daily reminder that pic related is not pepe or retard pepe, his name is APU APUSTAJA, please get this right from now on
leave this racist site
I wrote three helpful, on topic comments ITT, which were all deleted, probably because a mod couldn't be arsed to delete only the illegal posts from my VPN IP. This proves mods are cancer.
The above comment was also deleted, further proving mods are cancer.
pic unrelated
can someone post the blonde anime girl with a pink tshirt showing the middle finger?
Just kill yourself while your self aware and ahead of the game kiddo.
don't waste your life on tinfoil like the sadsack who keeps posting this
or if you do
troll everyone with nazi shit
If you enlist, do it young, go national guard and pick a career path job you might like. You want to go infantry and combat arms later in your career you can.
Lift weights. The sooner the better.
Don't listen to this ZOGbot, never enlist in the military unless you have invaders on your home soil.
Die kike
Kill yourself ZOGbot