4chan edition
WEBM thread
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WHY HAS NO ONE CHECKED THOSE SATAN TRIPS??!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!??!!?!??!?!
am I a bad person if this gives me a boner?
Grosses me out personally
that is hex
if you somehow happen to see this in real life, don't forget to do the same to the monkey.
Monkeys are fucking brutal
It's natural for all animals to eat other species
What going on here?
yeah the monkey is probably on welfare to begin with
Proof that niggers eat ass in the wild
What's that from OP?
Some bitch gettin' smacked around
Yeah, but what's the source? A movie? A tv show?
I need the sauce on that.
My god she is beautiful
you can tell she's going to be a hot milf if she keeps in shape
The best one I got on this guy
That's the pic I always wanted to know the source.
I found the webm just yesterday.
I need to see more of her.
at your service good sir. I'll be back in an instant, with details on her if possible
Quantum levitation. I'll leave you to do the research, but it's really really cool.
It's empty, but it's in archive.org.
She definitively was into portal. 'll continue to dig.
you're doing the Lord's work, user.
h ttps://www.redbubble.com/people/jumpsuitedart
I have a fucking recent photos
It looks like he cut her hair.
I must be the worste doxxer ever.
I don't even know if you can search by video.
this one is from 210. Its the newest i could find
still would. Did you find any of her social media accounts or are they all blank?
All i could find was tumblr. But im still digging
Same. Either I'm shit at doxing or she's good at keeping her privacy
h ttps://vimeo.com/196297868
All righa video from 11 months ago.
damn, that's grade a work right there.
not digging the dyke hair style but still would eat her ass
I think it's her
Found the same imagine. It looks pretty fake, but that could be her just using make-up or some photo effect or some shiBut nonetheless is does match
I fought it was actually done by her, to match some kind of portal 2 roleplay fake intro
tried looking up Chell [REDACTED] but all I found was RPing twitter accounts. it could be her maybe seeing as she talked about RP chat briefly in the video.
Same. We suck at this shot, user lmao
I don't know how people do iMajor probs to them, because I don't know where else to look.
i fucking sleey as hell, but i wont go to bed untill i find her name. At least her name
I mean she made a fucking video. It should not be hard to at least find the source of the video.
It has to be out there somewhere. She's in uni so the main thing we have to find is which school she goes to. The problem is that she has absolutely no information about her online beside her username.
well, with a couple of inexperienced "doxxers" this shit is gonna take awhile.
she's so fucking cute . Still dont now her name
give the source, so we are share too.
and her current user name Chell [REDACTED] is too popular to search for one person.
found it in 4chan archive
Use: "jumpsuitedmonster"
The red bubble account is "jumpsuitedart"
It's jumpsuited*
here's a link to abunch of her photos on. That's where I found the same photo
still no fucking name
tried thafound nothing but her dead Tumblr and red bubble accounmaybe if we message her on red bubble asking for a design or some shit she might message back?
tried looking for her months back and found nothing and seeing a bunch of people doing it now… fuck it, I'm joining in this hunt too.
old but still cute
Man, she's georgous. Without her fucking feminist hair.
Saw written somewhere, she likes pussy
is Allie her name or is that a Portal character?
I believe it
It's the cool thing these days to be faggots.
But when they grow up they generally end up with kids, with the right guy. Most of the time the one going full feminist are the ugly bitchy one no one ever wanted.
fuck this shit, i give up
I'll have to message her on vimeo I guess.
don't bother, pretty sure that accounts dead.
Trouble to make the webm.
The last shit I have retrieved from the tumblr. Still things to dig though.
are we sure she isn't a dude?
the killer inside me
i still would
nah there are better girls on Holla Forums
"guys no really adults are totally into gore thats why gore sites are 18+ no really, im not fucking 15 fuck you."
This Canadian user is forcing me to post this against my will and better judgement.
As opposed to your garbage rape infested shit hole?
Died Maple gargling Scumfest!
my condolences
A FUCKING LEAF wait no thats from lechan neverfucking mind.
So hows the civil war going? Did russia win, yet?
not knowing russia stornk dint won three months ago
also why is best whore darkness not corner eye candy?
That's a wig, you ignorant fuck
666 is a fucking esoteric based number #MAGA
Why does rin keep posting fart wbms?
my lord this girl is a godess. wow