Any ideas what's going on?
Saw some Holla Forumsacks blaming Holla Forums but nothing convincing at this point.
Official raid discussion thread
meep meep HEX IS THE SPAMMER or something like that tbh
tbh seems like something someone pretending to be from leftypol would say
meep meep yeah but only when I feel like it tbh no homo
Jim is the spammer tbqh famamalam no homo
Does jim look so creepy because he's fat?
What does that mean? Is it like a catchphrase when talking about the "admin"?
It's leftypol
y tho?
meep meep it means temporary breach in quarantine hemisphere of non-homosexual familiarity tbh no homo
it's hex again. this is his way of taking his mind off boipussy, which is sinful
i took a look at their board and nothing about a raid
is that even the bo tho tbh?
i checked if the notorious hacker, 4chan, had anything to do with this and it seems like most if not all of them still don't know we exist
suck it>>7579677
stop posting MY BO
haha faggot
lefty shills are pathetic
Dys nuked bcuz he could not because of lefty spastics like you