Software that you would start contributing to if they only changed thier licence

Software that you would start contributing to if they only changed thier licence.


this won't happen anywhere except your own wet dreams.

Holla Forums

i might contribute to some software if they stopped their snakeoil cargocult practices such as only shipping the output of their compiler and believing in social constructs like licensing (and now CoC)



Redox OS

Is Holla Forums and 4chan basucally the same site but on Holla Forums are just and only oldfags?

lurk moar

Holla Forums is 4chan with a board ownership system borrowed from Reddit.

Windows because it needs to be rewritten in Rust.

Plus my programmable mice/keyboards need better quality software too.


Where are oldfags?

Holla Forums is reddit, we like le dank maymays here.

Technically, Holla Forums is just 7chan 2.0 that copied the board system from Reddit.

The ones that were here in 2014 either are stuck here wishing it was 2014 or went to one of a handful of other imageboards after they developed issues with this site's administration.

Holla Forums is filled with some of the newiest of newfags on this earth. Thanks to it being advertised as the "trolliest place on the internet" and what have you, all the edgy 12 year olds from habbo hotel and 9gag such as yourself come here.

Oldfags have either given up and gotten lives or are the vast vast VAST minority on the major imageboards.

Was there some kind of actual advertising campaign recently? I've been out of the imageboard drama loop for about 10 months now but have noticed a significant increase of morons and non autists the past few weeks compared to when I left. I thought it was just summer but I don't ever remember it being this bad here

I'm not your normal newfag, pretentious "oldfag". Never been on 9gag, I don't even know how it works, Holla Forums' gamergate affair missed me, I tried reddit, but I did quit after few weeks of studying reddit' stupid upvote/downvote system and herd mentality that it invented just like all social sites did, but on reddit it is even worse. There is no way to discuss when most people downvote you for literal bullshit or just because they don't understand and can't contribute to debate. Reddit is the biggest circlejerk ever consisted of safe places, which I've never seen before, like, that enormous safe places, heavily regulated and so on.
What is haboo hotel?
And I'm not newfag at all, I'm here since 2014 because I suddenly felt need to comunicate by other channels than IRC, so I tried Reddit and 4chan from the most popular, and ended up here, simply because /g/ is definition of shitposting, /g/ is not /g/ anymore, /g/ is filled by Holla Forumsacks and gamers, like, more than it was two years ago and it worse evere day. So I ended up here, because on Holla Forums are still people who know things I don't know and seems to me like pretty much best place about Holla Forums, because discussions are generally serious and with a lot of space to debate/educate myself/others.

I heard someone put an ad for Holla Forums up on 4chan recently. I don't know if it's true though.

small forums

alright then

Fuck you, I was just confused, you know.. It happens.