
Alright Holla Forums.

Over the summer I made some friends, one of whom was a smoker. While I never smoked normally, I thought it would be something to at least try once. Story aside, is it possible that the rise against tobacco and its cancerous effects are fabricated by (((third-party interests)))?

I suggest this because it seems possible in some aspects. I acknowledge the anti-smoking laws under Hitler, but I wonder if it goes deeper. The main reason I suggest this is because it seems that many more "red-pilled" or masculine cultures have a more prevalent focus on smoking. There are also some studies which suggest that smoking tobacco increases testosterone, which seems to me to be one of the most vital hormones to a functioning society (although granted, not the only one). With a lowering of testosterone, we see a rise in pozzed BS like feminism and LGBTQ+ which is being accepted by the masses as opposed to being rejected for the degeneracy that it is.

Is it possible that the dangers of smoking are exaggerated?

If so, is it possible that these dangers are being exaggerated for other reasons than the health of the smoker?

Study showing that tobacco smoking actually increases testosterone:

A list of key dates in the history of tobacco (normie bluepilled bias):

Other urls found in this thread:


The key is you need to smoke organic tobacco.

Smoking itself is fine. I smoke a pack a day of additive-free cigarettes so I don't get cancer.

The third reich was the first nation that warned of the dangers of smoking. They made laws not allowing women and children to smoke and only allowed it among adult men especially soldiers, though still heavily discouraging it.

pic related: "he does not devour it, it devours him"

Turquoise Spirits master race

Smoking a Newport and high on vodka and weed.

Have a bump.


Kek, fuck off.

I used to smoke cigs and also the herbal jew. I managed to ditch smoking and tobacco completely by switching to vaping and then reducing then reducing that successively.

replace vodka with malt liqour and you'd be 100% compton tier negro


Fucking kill yourself, you liar (although that's kinda pointless to say, considering you already are).

Smoking kills your lungs because your body is not designed to breath in smoke. Tobacco is also carcinogenic and creates tar within your lungs that fucks you over.

Only right choice.

Put some brandy in my english breakfast tea, that I'm having at night.

I've been thinking about that. Additives are definitely a source of extra shit your body doesn't need.

A lot of claims are made that the tobacco itself is the reason why lung cancer happens, and yet it seems that the smoke from, say, weed, also has carcinogenic effects on the human body. I wonder, does, say, packing a bong filled with tobacco and smoking the fumes from that as opposed to directly inhaling smoke lower your chances of cancer? After all, if it is in fact the smoke that has this effect, than removing it from the equation should make the process harmless.

While I love the Reich as much as the next guy, I'm not sure if they were the first to think smoking is dangerous. Perhaps the first government, I have not researched it fully, but not the first; for example, in the 1800s, british medicine boys were discovering the link between tobacco and illness (possibly cancer)

thx bb

I started vaping then decided to ween myself off by smoking :^)

Stay mad, I'll enjoy this additive free cigarette for you.

Smoking = not so good

Nicotine = Awesome

Makes your brain work faster, cheap, no side effects except potentially lowering your immune function (if you're an unhealthy faggot), and smokers don't get Dementia/Alzheimers.

The propaganda against smoking is incredible. I picked up nicotine (gum, vape) after reading studies on the brain boost and dementia prevention. I don't smoke cigarettes or use tobacco though.

Anybody who isn't fucking retarded or a shill will tell you it's unhealthy, OP. Smoke or don't, I don't give a shit, I smoke and I know one day it might kill me. Sage for useless thread.

The third was reich was at least the first nation to have PSA's on the dangers of smoking. Smoking does not make for Ubermensch tier people. It destroys your lungs and makes you an addict. Quiting ASAP is the best option.

I'll just sit here being smug knowing you're killing yourself. Enjoy your lung cancer, good goy. I can't stop you from being a degenerate - I can only laugh at you.

Tobacco will still give you cancer m8, I smoke so I'm not trying to tell you that you shouldn't. I'm just saying don't fool yourself…

Pick one.

Don't smoke cigarettes, they're addictive and not very comfy. Instead grab your self a decent pipe and some nice pipe tobacco, or a nice cigar, and remeber to not inhale just draw the smoke in your mouth.

lol you fall for that shit?

your like the hipsters that smoke American Spirits because it says that on the box, it even says on the box that additive-free tobacco doesnt acctually make a difference in the chance of getting lung cancer.

So the thing is, once again, is it the tobacco or the smoke?

It's almost a given that additives to make it taste better/more addictive/whatever the fuck are definitely fuckmyshitup-tier, but regardless it seems that smoke is carcinogenic regardless of what's burning.

Again, if we get rid of the smoke, does tobacco become safer?

I know you aren't this stupid user…

Smoking is unhealthy but organic tobacco is pretty much harmless (all those WW1 veterans smoked for 90 years) (at least by comparison), yet smoking is freedom.
I'd take a girl who smokes in public any day over some prude who hates alcohol, parties, fun, music, smoking, yachting, bunjee jumping, parachuting, guns, etc.

What's the point in that?

are you little shits still going on about garbage when the white race is being destroyed, while Lady Liberty raped by hook-nosed kikes?

Get fit. You don't need to be Apollo, just be healthy.

Learn how to earn passive income so if shtf you can still be somewhat independent.

Do those two things then decide if you want to shoot cannabis into your vein and possibly kill yourself. Why wait? Because then your decision will be yours and not the one someone/something else wanted you to "choose."

Its time to make them fear the strong white man, so be one.

I do 4-6 cigarettes a day. It equals a 2 hour walk in a big city, in my mind its okay. One pack a day is a bit much. But usualy people smoke even more.

Solid research shows that Swedish snus doesn't cause cancer or oral diseases. In Sweden recent studies even prompted them to remove all health warnings from packaging. Best nicotine delivery system IMO. Note, snus is not the same as American chewing tobacco and is cured differently. Also snus is used in the upper lip where there are no salivary glands so you don't have to spit like with American chewing tobacco.

Yes. Combustion creates tons of harmful chemicals not found in cured tobacco before it's burned.

I think it's pretty obvious that inhaling concentrated smoke of any kind into you lungs is obviously a bad idea.

I dont really care if anyone smokes personally or near me and its their choice if they want to waste money on their own vice. I admit I waste money on my own but I try not to delude myself that its healthy

Studies show that although 9/10 schizophrenics smoke they hardly get lung cancer. Too bad if you're not. It's a huge decision to make and just a smaller form of suicide. But when I see another smoker I know they hate life too.

Listen my man, I get it. You feel like time is of the essence in our dillema, and in some ways, it is; however, by simply not talking about side subjects we limit our mind and become more rigid and less flexible. This is what made our ancestors strong, the ability to adapt. Without it, we cannot thrive.

It's both… big tobacco companies definitely add more shit into their cigs. Does that make them more harmful? Probably.

Doesn't matter if you hand roll with organic tobacco or not though it can still give you cancer. I personally don't give a shit. I don't want to live until I'm an old miserable old man that can't wipe my own ass.

like 'riding the tiger' huh?

is snorting coke ok? or smoking meth? or injecting heroine?

pffft 'freedom', maybe the freedom to kill your self, 'freedom' is such as lolberg argument. How about the freedom to miscegnate, is that cool with you?


To LARP as an 80s action hero.

kys cuckold

well then why are you making the argument of 'muh freedom' then?

its a stupid argument to make.

Gotta say, user. I'm feeling pretty smug right about now. Enjoy that lung cancer!

First of all you do absorb nicotine in your mouth, it has a much slower absorption rate, but you also tend to smoke for at least 30 minutes, easily 45+
Secondly the taste and flavor you get out of the tobacco is the main reason for smoking a pipe/cigar.

I've been a smoker forever, one of my greatest joys in life is to take a cig break or the after dinner smoke. Anyway, I've seen a lung specialist to get checked up on, my lungs are 100% clear no problems whatsoever. He couldn't even tell I have been smoking.

He told me that in his experience, some people seem to be immune to the effects of smoking. He had one patient who was 88 who had been smoking since he was like 8 years old, guess how he died? Heart attack on a mountain hike uphill.

He had another patient who smoked for only two years and had an lung embolism. Other patients in a range.

Point is just never start smoking because you'll never miss it if you don't know how awesome it is.

You might be on to something user, I never considered the beneficial effects of nicotine, I merely considered it a chemical that is dangerous when combined with hazardous shit (because you get hooked)

Only danger I see in vaping would be the chemicals they use for the juices.

ww1 vets did not smoke cigarettes, they smoked either a pipe or a cigar.

In the trenches in ww1 you think they were given cigars/pipes?
What else, red carpets to the dining area as well?
Kobe beef steaks?

If I roll up nicotine patches and smoke them I'm just inhaling pure nico and it should be okay, right?

>but you also tend to smoke for at least 30 minutes, easily 45+

Enjoy your fucking mouth cancer…

On the topic of nicotine and a brief 5 min jewgle search:

­­­­>In 2006, Duke scientists found that people with depression who were treated with nicotine patches reported a decrease in their depressive feelings.

health.howstuffworks. com/wellness/drugs-alcohol/nicotine-health-benefits.htm

what? what about cigars and pipes are super fancy?

rednecks would smoke corn cob pipes and generals were known for the contious stogie in their mouth as they shout orders. Why is that so hard to believe?


True but the lungs on a human body are designed to take significant abuse. Unless you're really set on living past 120 it's not an issue. A significant amount of those who lived past 110 were smokers by the way, look it up.

I take smoking breaks every few months, the types that smoke nonstop for years are in trouble once their lungs aren't protected by the tar.

Depends, what is the patch made of?

Gauze and gum

Well then you're also inhaling the burning gauze (and gum). Not sure how effective that method would be, but at the very least you should take that into account.

smoking is a drug, and all drugs can be/are a problem.
but what make cigarette so unique is both that its legal AND ow fucking poisonous it is. I am not talking normal plant tobacco, I am talking cigarettes. When they got created they added anything they could to make it MOAR addictive, be it ammonia to enhance the absorption of nicotine, fuel to help the ciragetter burn at a higher temperature to make nicotive vapor for better absorption, chemicals to help you tolerate said cigarette, or just chemicals that enhance the flavor and we aint talking food additive chemicals, more like metals, pesticides, and all sort of weird stuff

the more addicted, the better the sales. beside the huge money drain comming with the smoking habbit, ya need to know that the hundreds of chemicals in a cigarette (at least officially) dont stay inert when burned, they transform into thousands of chemicals being inhaled. the industry is too big to be legislated upon, and government profit via the taxes as long they arent in a country where the healthcare is also paid via taxes, there they tend to fight it more strongly as the cost in health outweight the tax return


Yup, there is a increased chance of getting mouth cancer.
But I smoke once a week compare that too an average cigarette smoker, also the risk of getting oral cancers are pretty low.
the same risk is also present for cigarette smoker, but not too many of the get mouth cancer.

The only time I smoke tobacco is after a big meal or after some good sex. Much more than that is degenerate/ suicidal IMO.

I didn't quit because the health affects obviously, it was just a money pit… but yeah there's the flavoring but don't forget about the other elements.
You could be getting chemicals off the heated cotton especially if its treated with bleach. You also have the wire which when heated can put out gasses that are not good to be inhaling. I know there are many articles and research put into this by the vape community who claim the wire doesn't get hot enough for that to happen but idk. I know when I tried vaping on nichrome I would get headaches and feel very tired. They also have temp control devices of course but it's ironic because the only wire most of this even work with is nickel, which is INCREDIBLY toxic..

Do you even know the difference between a cigarette and a cigar?

Ive never understood the chemtrail conspiracy, why would the goverment poison the air they also breath?

Ive never heard of that but its intringuing while also being hilarious.

what so no high ranking official in a trench would ever have cigars?

and is pipe tobacco really all that expensive?

I feel like the theory is shaky, personally, but reasons as to why go all the way from population/mind control, to weather manipulation, to needing a screen to project holograms onto.

OP I don't care whether someone smokes or not, as long as they don't smoke near me.

The only way you'd be a degenerate is smoking excessively or because it causes you financial trouble.

Here's a joke:
Guy goes to the doctor, says "doc, my pa lived to 90, I want to live that long too!"
Doc says, "ok, tell me about you. Do you smoke?"
"no sir, not at all"
"do you drink?"
"no, nothing except water"
"do you do drugs?"
"no, I am as clean as can be"
"do you fuck women?"
"Only my wife sir"
"do you gamble or play poker?"
"no sir, I spend my money on goods around the house

"now tell me about your pa. did he smoke?"
"yes sir, a whole pack a day"
"did he drink?"
"yes sir, beer with friends in pubs, came home drunk, fine whiskey alone at home, wine at restaurants, always drank"
"did he do drugs?"
"yes sir, he did cocaine when going to clubs, weed at home when alone, LSD with his friends when camping"
"did he fuck women?"
"he had 2 mistresses, a wife and also visited prostitues. he was a real womanizer sir, always had at least 2 women with him"
"did he gamble?"
"he always played poker, was a professional, gambled and enjoyed it very much sir"

The doctor says,
well do you see, you idiot. Your father deserved to live 90 years, he had things to do.

Cigars are hand made.
Cigarettes are made en masse in factories by machines or by cheap workers (back then).

Cigars are made only from the highest quality tobacco.
Cigarettes are made from whatever leaves are available.

Really makes you think…

Yeah, 40's-50's Hollywood sure is a "masculine culture"
kill yourself kike

the next part might be outdated/innacurate, it was explained in my nursing course and my memory aint that good, furthermore can;t find a source for it specifically. to take with a grain of salt, also why I did not include it in previous post.

it was explained that each inhalation cause a mutation in a few cells, most often the lungs, and it was affecting your dna/gene expression, eventually it could be a cancerous mutation

to put it in perspective the teacher said each cigarette is like buying a lottery ticket with the grand prize being cancer/cardiac issues/lung issues/fucked up illness/death.
Sure ya only got 1 chance in a million to get cancer, but say you smoke 1 pack a day of 20 cigarette for 40 years ya get like 1/4 chance
the number used was for simplicity, but reality is actually I think more grim than 1/4 for 1 pack a pay

so yeah, smoking cigarette, as they currently are, is a big risk, a big financial drain, and if ya only want the nicotine ya might be better off going straight for the patch, or those electronic ones. or find natural tobacco if you are that eager to breathe smoke

fuck off. poisoning your body, no matter how minuscule is degenrate



at least one person in a trench probably had a cigar, though not at all common. But that doesnt even matter. I'm more focused on pipe tobacco rather than cigarettes. Here is an anecdote of what ww1 trenchers had:

At the war’s outbreak, pipe smoking was the most common form of tobacco smoking in the militaries of Europe. Soldiers usually received packets of loose tobacco and matches with their rations. Pipe and cigar smoking were also associated with nineteenth-century ideas about masculinity. Cigarettes, although available, were not nearly as popular as pipes and cigars during this period. The war ushered in nothing short of a revolution in American and European tobacco cultures.

Well it was…

to an extent, but it was Hollywood (not real)
there is nothing masculine about poisoning yourself

I admit that cigars was a bit far-fetched.
cigarettes at the time were not as prevalent as they are today. But I checked kikepedia and apparently they rationed cigarettes to soldiers, so I was wrong about that, but smoking a pipe was still pretty common.
But my main point (and why I assumed they didn't smoke cigarettes) was that pipes are not inhaled.
Also inhaling cigarettes at the time may not have been common, got this from wikipedia.

I understand your concern my friend. The point of my thread, however, was to discuss with other anons whether there might be some hidden health benefits to tobacco, and if these benefits are being repressed using fear of the dangers.

Yes, explicitly poisoning your self -particularly for pleasure- isn't what would be considered a virtue of western civilization. However, what if tobacco is not the poison we think? This is what I'm trying to explore.

If that's the case than that must make Rockwell
a degenerate

Smoking is obviously not good for you. I picked it up and would smoke maybe two or three hand rolled organics, but I noticed they were affecting my lifts and running, so quit them. I still do it every now and then for fun, but you're outright lying to yourself to think it's nothing.

Oh no! not Rockwell! its not as if we can ever admit that people in the past did things they were unaware of that we would later find out were dangerous!

He was a man of his times, well before smoking was known to be harmful, and had smoked for decades. Don't pull the Commander into this.

Men destroy their bodies every fucking day from fighting to working, men use their bodies as tools. Getting triggered because somebody else smokes is just stupid. Is drinking bear or alcohol not masculine?

Nice dubs, but if you are desperate to smoke but are afraid of any harm it may cause, just get your self a meme vape.

(check em)

Vapes are fun, just be careful with the juices that you purchase, that shit can be lethal.

I've got some good news and some bad news.

The good news: Yes, the dangers are really exaggerated. The studies that show second-hand smoke can give you cancer in particular are really skewed. They took data from people who spent large amounts of time in extremely small, overly smoky places, like bars, and used that data to suggest that cigarette smoke outside from someone smoking 10 feet away could automatically give you cancer. It can't; you have to be constantly hotboxed in order for it to negatively affect your health to that great a degree.

The bad news: Smoking is really fucking horrible for your health. It will kill you. The cancer isn't the worst part, it's the emphysema and COPD that are most likely to kill you, but cancer sounds scarier so they emphasize that in the propaganda. It also adds to problems with heart disease and blood pressure, so a heart attack or a stroke is more likely if you smoke. Any positive health benefits, like a raise in testosterone, is totally and completely counteracted by these well-known and horrible bad health effects.

The Real Truth: The tobacco companies are super fucking Jews that make their cigarettes as addictive as possible. They hid the data, obfuscated, paid people to lie, and generally gave not a single shit about the health of their customers for many decades. Anybody who started smoking before about 1970 got totally fucked by them.

Even after the truth was out, they continued to pay Hollywood to make smoking look cool, subversive, manly, etc. until about 1990. Everyone who started smoking between 1970 - 1990 knew about the risks but they were still subtly brainwashed to want to do it anyway.

The Upshot: Smoking is stupid and you should really quit. Let's say you smoke a pack a day, and cigarettes in your area cost $4.00 a pack. That adds up to $1460 a year, that you're handing over to some of the worst fucking Jews in the world. You will get more colds and more illnesses while you're still young if you smoke, and you'll probably get COPD or emphysema if you're old. If you can completely quit before you turn 35, there's a chance that your lungs will recover and you'll be fine when you're old, but otherwise, you'll have breathing problems, guaranteed. Cancer is almost better than emphysema because lung cancer kills you relatively quickly, while emphysema kills you slowly over an extended period of time and takes away every thing that you love until there's nothing left but laying in a bed struggling to breathe. If you're not already addicted, stop smoking right now, seriously man, it's not worth it.

Pipes I'm not surprised since pipes are technically tobacco (of any quality) in a pipe (you buy the pipe yourself).

read the fucking thread before posting

read the images there
I call bullshit.

Second hand smoke doesn't exist, it's a fucking myth.


It still seems to me that the problems are being caused by the awful shit in the modern, poor man's cigarette. The lack of danger in "second hand smoke" is something I did not know, and is particularly enlightening.

Man oh man, if only I knew I could learn so much by being OP and putting effort into my posts. Daily reminder to strive for first exodus-tier levels of threads

off by 4 :(

I have no idea how valid chemtrails are in terms of affecting the human resources and not the earth's albedo and climate, I just post that every time a tobacco thread pops up here.

Just take a look at medical research ads looking for research participants and smokers are a hot commodity. Nicotine reacts with mind altering drugs like Valium in a way to counteract or neutralize the effects. The reasons for getting the general public off of it while alcohol and anti depressant drugs are rampant tells me there's much more to it than reducing lung cancer.

Lung cancer was considered an incredibly rare disease that only afflicted radium miners in all medical textbooks before the detonation of the first atomic bomb. Only after cancer causing radioactive isotopes were floating around in the atmosphere was the link to tobacco established. The myth of second hand smoke was created to explain why non-smokers were also afflicted.

don't ever do this unless you want to get really fucking sick

where have I claimed I'm some kind of 'Whole Foods' person?

Ive only said that contiously inhaling cigarette smoke can be bad for your lungs and will usually cause you to have lung cancer. I dont really have anything else to say on 'organic' stuff.

One puff of cigar smoke is about ~10-20x stronger than an average cigarette. If you inhale it into your lungs, you will be vomiting inside of a minute and feel like shit for a good 4 hours. Also your heart rate will jump to ~150 for that entire time.

Don't kid yourselves, fellas. One month of turquoise spirits and my average tidal volume decreased by a solid fourth.

Don't smoke shit you have to inhale. Your lungs are meant for air, they're the engine that keeps you going. Switch to a pipe or cheap cigar for your tobacco fix - trust me, if you get the right stuff in there you won't even sneeze at a cigarette again. They've got no taste or kick once you've had a proper blend.

that logic makes no sense, or it would imply its possible for someone to get lung cancer from the first cigarette they ever smoked in their life if they were unlucky enough

It's thought that nicotine itself hardens the arteries

get the fuck off pol you nigger

Like anons have said. It's not the tobacco as much as the cocktail of "flavor" chemicals.

Just hit my 10th year of smoking. It's starting to catch up to me. I desperately need to stop before it's too late.

my grandmothers father worked in a coal mind and smoked like a chimney and died at 25 from lung cancer. Doesnt seem like it was just some coincedance

yeah second hand smoke does sound like bullshit. I could only see it if someone were 'hot boxing' theyre whole house thick with fog like smoke. Still just standing next to a smoking person at a bus stop isnt like smoking a pack or more a day.

Go out and get a pipe, user. You'll get your fix, save money, and save your future family from watching you hack up blood.

Drinking unfiltered tap water or water from plastic BPA bottles or non-organic vegetables* or alcohol or inhaling polluted smog is also unhealthy, pretty much everything is poison.


wow, checked
Yeah, I do believe most of the health hazard (guaranteed cancer in 10 years as an example) comes from all the shitty crap they put into cigarettes today.
I'm pretty sure a guy who grows his own tobacco, without pesticides and other crap, and uses natural filters and foils can pretty much smoke for 20-30 years without major problems.

(read: non natural, you can grow them in your own yard if you don't live in the US with the FDA commies regulating your own garden)


This. Or get an e-peen an e-cig/vape thing.

so adding upon that list of poisons; its considered a good idea to add more poisons?

technically most cancer are like that, some cells mutated via some stress or during celular division and resulted in a cancerous cell, cancer is basically cells that lost their ability to regulate themselves and to die off when needed, they persist, and keep dividing, eventually killing ya. so yes technically each time a cell divide it has an infinitesimal chance of going cancer. those chances raise with bad health, lack of proper nutrients, pollution, chemicals, life stresses, and anything that affect ur genes as well.

At this point, what difference does it make?
Why contain it?

But unless you smoke 10+ cheap cigarettes per day then I don't see how 1-2 organic ones per day or per week should be "degeneracy".

the analogy work only for cancer though, rest of the illnesses cigarettes cause are damage compounded over time via repeated smoking.

I get it!
The joke is that people would bother retelling such a horrible excuse for degenerate behavior.
Man, that's absolutely hilarious. Great one, user.

click my ID and read the images I posted you cretin

Fuck off, nigger.


Most of it is genetic. I have smoked a pack a day for 20 years now and have suffered no ill effects. My father and both grandfathers smoke 1-2 packs a day and are still healthy as oxen.

If a parent or grandparent died from cancer, it would be best to avoid it; but if you don't have a family history of respiratory illnesses, then fuck it. Smoke up.

I think the effect of the carcinogenics are real since even the third reich was educating people about the health risks involved, but the adictiveness of them is majorly over played for anyone with a decent will. I've smoked a couple to celebrate a major event with friends and such and while there was a minor head ache after a while I easily ignored it. I think it might be played up by (((them))) to try and create a type of placebo effect for the addiction to be stronger in the goys.

you had better be fit too, punk.

No, you must read the post that pre-emptively btfod yours so that you wouldn't have to post the same idiocy that others have already posted ITT 50 times already.
how original of you

user, last time I visited that website was in reference to using filemoney and some referal network to make yuge amounts of money on porn.

Come on user, kick us in the right direction; What's the novice guide to passive income?

>I used this one weird trick scamming people with clickbank and now i'm a gorillionaire and YOU CAN BE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111 (just pay $29.95 through clickbank)

grandfather died of alcohol
father drank his whole life
I stopped drinking and I only smoke occasionally even though I love doing it
guess smoking isn't my concern then

The thing is, nicotine is no more addictive than caffeine. What makes most cigarettes so addictive are the additives Big Tobacco adds. These additives have the added effect of causing cancer. So what we end up with is a highly addictive killer. Smoking tobacco that is additive free is the way to go, outside of not smoking at all. You know those Natural American Spirits (owned by R.J. Reynolds, AKA Big Tobacco) hipster get made fun of for? Those and others like them.

Now, obviously inhaling smoke is bad regardless, but if you're going to smoke, organic, additive free is the way to go. Really though, you're better off just not doing it, because there are other, better ways of increasing testosterone without inhaling smoke. It's a shitty habit that makes you fucking stink, so don't get started on it.

I'm still waiting for the verdict on vaping.

Menthol? What are you, a nigger? Light blue regular filter, faggot.

Never mind. Found the nigger.

wall street playboys website, read it all

tl;dr open a business, let it make money for you while you sleep

also bold and determined talks about how he makes money out of his books without doing anything

If you are going to smoke, I recommend Nat Sherman's MCD (no additives, made by guys who originally make really good Cigars too)

A person's ability to withstand the negative effects of smoking are contingent on 3 things:

That last one is the most underrated problem associated with tobacco usage and most diet problems in general. The nightshade family comprises a ton of foods that are added to all sorts of dishes. For instance, people with genetic predispositions towards arthritis and similar ailments almost always have solanine intolerance which in turn leads to inflammation. Inflammation fosters an environment for cancer to grow and spread. Therefore treating with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods is the best solution. For a quick and easy remedy, take a small softgel of Astaxanthin.

Carcinogens is the buzzword that has unfortunately misdirected information away from the proper term free radicals. Free radicals produced by smoke inhalation and other by-products of typical tobacco problems can be mitigated by a diet high in anti-oxidants and low exposure to free radicals from elsewhere - the sources we're unconscious towards.

I agree on the addictiveness problem. It is over-exaggerated but in the case where the exemption proves the rule, aka people with actual irrational cravings, the source of that problem lies in people's low GI tract integrity and a diet low in l-glutamine. Healing and restoring the GI tract takes care of nearly every craving problem.

I've looked through those medical textbooks myself in person, many are available on google scholar for anyone who wants to to look for themselves. Before the detonation of the first nuclear bomb there was no known link between lung cancer and tobacco. This is an incontestable historical fact that you won't see mentioned on many places other than Holla Forums.

Also many coal mines had radon gas in them several decades ago. I don't doubt that your great grandfather died from lung cancer at a young age, many coal miners did. That he was a heavy smoker may have been a coincidence.

All this talk of it being so addictive is bullshit. Yes you'll feel like shit and be grumpy but it's not the end of the world or even a serious issue. It won't kill you like quitting alcohol or opiate cold turkey might.

It reduces estrogen synthesis, notice that few numales are smokers (they drink IPAs, which do the opposite).

I don't think it's addictive at first. I smoked a few dozen several years ago. After a while I began to have urges, like being slightly short on breath, which tobacco would relieve.


I started smoking when i was 14. i smoked for a long time till i was 21, when i quit by switching to vaping. I would strongly recommend against smoking, it will decrease your lung capacity and give you bronchitis every time you catch a cold. what would you get out of smoking? you wanna increase testosterone? there are other more scientifically solid ways of doing so.

Somehow I find it difficult to believe there's something unique to schizophrenics that protects them from lung cancer. Maybe such studies are actually indicating that smoking isn't what people get cancer from.

You have been visited by the shill who promotes white identity.
Please Holla Forums do your part and have more white babies. Even if it's with some Bernie loving liberal cunt. Meet her parents and find out if there's any mud in her blood. Then have children. Even if it doesn't work out and you're stuck paying child support, IT'S WORTH IT! You are helping the white race!
I have 2 beautiful white children with their mother's eyes (Bluer than the sky) and I can't express the happiness I feel when I wake up to my white children's smiles.
Please Holla Forums do your part.
Polite sage for off topic spam…

ex smoker here

you are wrong

Smoking is highly addictive, you will have a lot of trouble quitting

You can expect flu like symptoms, intense urge to smoke, coughing up black tar, its a nightmare for two weeks. i quit like 6 months ago and i still feel like a cigarette.

I love smoking but even I wasnt dumb enough to think it wasnt fucking my lungs up.

Eh, smoking is pretty bad if it is a habit. In small amounts it can actually be good though. I smoke cigars with my friends when drinking or smoke a pipe sometimes when working because it helps focus. Don't like cigs though.

Nicotine is a nootropic

Yes, nicotine actually improves brain function. But smoking is terrible for your health. Nicotine gum or patches are a perfectly acceptable delivery method.

Or vape. Just make sure to wear your fedora while vaping.

Smoking isn't great, for one it's expensive. And I have to deduce that inhaling particulates is harmful in the aggregate. That being said, there is some evidence to show that nicotine displaces aluminum in the brain–and that aluminum is thought by many to be a cause of alzheimers.

There's a lot more to be said on the subject, but if you're a chemtrail guy then you know aluminum oxide is a major component. Take it as you will. I'm not sure how involved I want to get in this thread, but I've seen some good posts in here. Have a pic I took this summer–if you look in the middle, you'll see an airplane who kicked on some motherfucking serious clouds of 'vapor' just as he passes another 'contrail'. The pic can't really do it justice, the amount of gas pouring out of the thing was insane.

Lots of interesting ideas here folks.

I'm gonna fuck off to sleep now, but I did learn quite a bit tonight:

Good thread so far, gents.

This thread is hilarious. You'll cowards have become a parody of yourselves.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

In small occasional amounts, smoking can actually improve lung capacity.

If you're even remotely interested in geoengineering and/or chemtrails, this channel is great. Lately it's been focusing less on the chemtrail side of it, and more on the flat out cloud generation side of it, since it's a lot easier to see the evidence of it. If anyone wants, I'll make a thread on geoengineering, it's a topic that not many know about, and there's a lot of disinfo around it. The past two times I've made threads they got shilled to fuck, so it might be amusing just for that.
Sage for offtopic

So for two solid weeks you feel like shit? Compared to alcohol or heroin that is a blessing.

Proper breathing exercises can easily alleviate the worst of it. Your lungs are mostly muscular tissue(take a deep breath and look at your chest), if there's anything that should sink in from this thread it is following; there are two types of breath Bottom stomach and higher lung. Try it out.

I may be downplaying the effects due to my ascetic upbringing but rest assured you won't die or suffer any real serious consequences by quitting for a month. I do so periodically, I wish I could say the same for the organic compound known as alcohol. That is a real conundrum as it relates to the human condition.

Cigarettes have a shit load of materials in them other than just the tobacco that makes it harmful. They even have to have their own built in filters for this reason.
The paper that the cigarette is wrapped in, by itself, is bad for your lungs. If you really want to smoke tobacco, smoke a pipe or a cigar. Cigars taste nice and can be fun to have on occasion. Personally I've never really seen the appeal of a nicotine high, though, but they can taste great when coupled with a stiff drink

To follow up on this, the few times I've had a cigar, I stopped smoking after about a half to three quarters of a full cigar's worth – the nicotine high makes your head swim unpleasantly.
I can't say anything about addiction because my brain seems to be more or less resistant to physical addiction. Your mileage may vary

Polite sage for double post

That's why they don't want us to do it. They have no qualms stuffing children with amphetamines.

Bet you get your fill of superfoods huh user

Which is why you should should only smoke cigs without additives.

My grandpa just died at 91. Smoking didn't affect his health until he was way over 80, and it wasn't what killed him btw.

dude you won't die from quitting, but fuck it is hard to quit when you are into it heavily like i was.

Thats what I mean though – even if you roll your own cigarettes like my hipster faggot cousin then the paper by itself harms your lungs. And makes the act of smoking less pleasant, in my opinion.

The vast majority of my smoking experience comes from weed, which is really easy to smoke, but even rolling a joint makes the experience far less pleasant due to inhaling burning paper

Why aren't these posts anchored?

whose they?

dont be a nigger different organizations have different motives. The anti smoking groups and the pharmaceutical companies are different organizations with different motives.

Similar phenomenon in my family. Brain cancer, brain aneurysm and Alzheimer's killed my smoking family members before smoking related illness ever could. Like you said, it is Largely genetic.

Put a bullet in your head, you fucking degenerate.
It saves your family watching you kill yourself over decades and saves society the medical costs you incur.

Don't smoke camels or Marbs or spirits or any of that shit

If you MUST get high quality shit from your local injuns (be respectful) and smoke it out of a wood or corncob pipe

Otherwise it'll give you acid cums, low T in general and cancer sooner or later (it's not the smoke in general it's the miasma specific to each brand of cigarette, Marbs prolly the most obvious but I digress)

I quit non filtered camels back in February and not only is it a waste of money no matter how cheap they may be where you are, but it's a waste of your physical prime seeing as most of us are in the prime youth of our shitpost

Oh, goy, you don't know what you're in for. Nicotine makes your brain do crazy things. Which is exactly why quitting is so hard, your own brain will do everything it can to get another hit. Makes you fully appreciate the physical aspect of the mind.
You're filling your lungs with hot smoke that kills tissue, and pitch-like particulate matter that gets lodged in your alveloae and clogs them up. Furthermore, nicotine is not just addictive, it is a stimulant which fucks up your blood flow and may cause heart problems down the line. The effects will creep in slowly, but if you do manage to quit you'll immediately feel a massive improvement physically and morally, as you aren't coughing up phlegm every morning, can suddenly run without losing breath and your mood is not subject to wild swings depending on whether you've procured your hourly dose of cancer or not.
-t. Quit smoking after 5 years.

Any known brands that should be avoided?

Cigs do not give you acid cums or 'cumburn'
that's from not cleaning your willy properly and having dried urine and platelets in your pipes

one thing this needs is the knowledge that SMOKING is a FREEDOM

let anyone that want to smoke, smoke.

public areas indoor ban smoking is fine for me and I make my own cigarettes

I'd tell you to kill yourself but looks like you're getting it done first, degenerate.
This is assuming you aren't some (((tobacco salesman))) trying to promote smoking

Try to run down the block and see if you have no problems whatsoever. I don't doubt you are robust. But there is no need to deny reality.

I don't understand the addiction. I have given cigarette many chances. Like 20+. But I still hate it and will never develop a habit.

Tobacco also helps with memory.

Yes, and concentration.

I quit smoking cold turkey 2 years ago. It was about a 12 year habit. Always really enjoyed it but I just knew it was time to give it away or else have it possibly be a lifelong thing.

Particularly in the last few years of it it seemed I was noticeably ageing more too, though that could have been normal ageing or sun damage too, who knows. But I wouldn't doubt the cigarettes played some role in that too.