Thoughts on the new archive system? who even asked for it? weren't posts supposed to be deleted when the thread is off the board? is Jim using archive to compensate for Sunshine? this fucking faggot…i swear
Thoughts on the new archive system? who even asked for it...
He was already datamining but then it occurred to him that he could make those records public and slap some ads on for extra shekels
basedd tbh
jim still probably datamines and sells you
all boards have archives now
Besides being more proof they are data mining us, its a nice feature considering the only other form of archive we have is which afaik you can't really search through.
I bet its either going to be an enable only thing or a thing only for the big boy boards like Holla Forums and Holla Forums
It's enabled in all the boards on the front page, but I think it might be the BO's """choice""".
Personally, I think imageboards are meant to be a fleeting form of expression. You make a post and enjoy it in the moment and when it's gone it's gone. Sometimes though, there are threads that I want to see, usually because of some dank OC I forgot to save, and the feature is nice for recovering that.
It doesn't cache every image and it appears certain threads have been left out
People on Holla Forums
i have never seen anyone asking for it.
I don't know and it isn't in the change log on >>>/sudo/, but I sure wish there was an option to disable it.
Have you tried asking Jim?
I personally like the system, Alot of quality shit goes through this board and sometimes you wanna look back on the good times.
How far does archive go back, now I can finally take a look at my first post :D