ITT post pictures of children
Child Photography Thread
Good meme
sage and report
reported for false reporting
samefag tbh
Reported for reporting.
reported for samefagging
Reported for repeated reporting.
This whole fucking thread is pic related
fug you tbh
You look flushed. What's up?
all me
One pedo is legit samefagging this thread.
Not all me tbh
anyone have ox on speed dial because i'm fucking bored
Oxy is asleep
Pedos of 8/b/ Thoughts?
You can call FBI yourself tbh.
meep meep I sure do love child por– er I mean child photography threads tbh no homo
She could poke someone's eye out with that twig! Hasn't she been warned about playing like this?
We need more twig control laws tbh.
She needs to follow the rules.
i wonder if he really is lea
him and lh are really friendly and always greet each other despite knowing the other for only a few months
i'm pretty sure ox and lh have been acquaintances for much longer than a few months. it may seem like that from the pgt and their exchanges on b but i highly doubt they're new to all of this.
Every last name and tripfag on /lg/ is sketchy, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were all LEA.
You think Ox had a previous trip we forgot about or he could be one of the posters from mchan
Will she follow the rules or are you going to step in?
sketchy sketch tbh
Child can explore boundaries. I'm merely observing and making sure it's safe.
Not with the forbidden stick in her hand. Remember, if she continues to disobey there needs to be a consequence. She knows the rules.
What kind of consequences would you suggest?
his opsec so far is pretty good so i wouldn't put it pass him.
Deliberate disobedience warrants a spanking, user.
Wouldn't that be rewarding her?
inb4 you're Ox
No, it would be a punishment.
You're sketchy too Anna flag poster but not as sketchy as Ox.
meep meep PAEDOS BACK TO MEADOWS tbh no homo
I did what you suggested. Now she is trying to crab every twig she sees. Including mine.
How did you do it? Can't be very convincing.
some secrets are never meant to be told
He has a target on his back now so he has to be careful
Its about that time for him to sleep
meep meep what does it mean when I drink and get a boner for my niece but when I am sober I think that is wrong tbh no homo
It means you're a closeted pedo tbh
meep meep but that's wrong tbh no homo
I agree. You should not get drunk when with kids.
Even kids find drunks annoying.
he was larping as a german a month ago so what's to stop him from larping as an american? its honestly hard to tell what he is or what his end game is but it's pretty fun watching him be autistic and reckless.
he's still posting cp here and possibly on /lg/ every odd day. i don't think he cares tbqh
Not only that. It's also very rude because kids are too young for it.
meep meep but I can only get boner for niece when I drink so wat do tbh no homo
You could try viagra.
Or maybe stop molesting your niece tbh
Clearly but he didn't say he gave some to them, did he?
maybe stop larping you fucking spastic
just stay away from her, uncle touchy. you will only traumatize her.
Literally Nothing (Reference Intended)
You got it wrong. It's rude to drink yourself if you can't share.
If he's an adult, he doesn't 'have' to share but I see your point.
ITT: Ox spreading more uncertainty and doubt.
i have a lot to say on this matter but he will care and it will always be a passing thought in the back of his mind,i've told him to forgot about Ox and move on but like most pedos he thinks that just because hes not producing any cp he has nothing to worry about
What did you expect tbh?
Everyone died.
ah so you're that one user who was talking to him when that one faggot was spamming diaperfag hurtcore. fuck diaperfags tbqh
if someone told me he was vanned for providing oc then i would believe them instead of questioning it.
maybe stop posting toddlers you feg
She clearly is no toddler anymore tbh.
Who is this retro rascal?
Seriously how big is your fucking folder? Because I don't think I've ever seen you post a dupe. And that's saying something since you've been doing this since early January. You've probably been doing it for years but meh let's say confine it to this year.
No names.
Tbh I post dupes quite often. Not like I keep record what's already posted and what's not.
This thread is tame af nigga
t. pedo
Nice job wasting their time for reporting family photos.
two and three are right on the money
Wear your best faces for FBI.
Look what you did. You scared everyone away tbh.
no i'm still here waiting for faggot to reply
reply to what
to what i said
I need brakes. Have fun.
fine faggot i'll go to sleep.
yes and it was a fruitless discussion because he blew off my advice
hes never indicated to have that power over anyone so it would come as news to me
why are you concerned about him. he's just another cp poster
assume the worst
Why would he boast about that? That's next level stupid and that's saying a lot since we're talking about ox.
Morning anons
the world is saved thanks to your brave actions!
but seriously though, even mild online pedo activity like this thread gets reported to LEA every every day hundreds of times by paranoid antis who think they are actually making a difference.
but nothing ever happens, wanna know why?
because fbi doesnt give a FUCK about few losers posting clothed lolis and family pictures on a small scale imageboard. fbi only cares about producers and large scale traders/hosters/sharers you dumb faggot
you'll still be monitored
whats your timezone?
nigga youre not the first one who has reported threads of this board to the LEA. shit like that has happened since this place was born. if they are "going to monitor" this place they have already been doing it for years. not like your report made any difference, it was just a teardrop in an ocean.
threres not even anything for them to do because this place doesnt have anything illiegal. illiegal stuff gets deleted by mods as soon as they see it.
not a single pedo arrest has ever been related to this site. not even back in the days of /hebe/
tbh Azazel is still raping child n shit
Who are you to know that? Jim is sperging out over pedo shit pretty hard lately, maybe he receives pressure from somewhere?
Also, why do claim no arrest has ever been related to this site? How would you know that? Seems a lot like you are talking out of your ass.
nobody has came up saying he was arrested and spent 20 years in prison tbh
Mountain time zone aka best time zone
It's still sunday for you thats nice
That is a cool swimsuit. I love tigers.
jim is jim he has done that ever since he got the site but he doesnt care enough to monitor this site daily, he leaves it mainly to mods.
and "posession of content" related pedo arrests are almost always public unless the suspect is underaged and havent seen any case that is related to this site, they are always related to actual tor cp sites. and if somebody had seen something through some other way they would have posted it already.
Hotwheels got questions from lea back in the day of /hebe/ and literally he just responded with saying "the site respects freedom of speech and only content that gets deted is the content that is described to be illiegal in US laws." and that was it. nothing else happened. no arrests or anything.
and that was when this site had actual pedo boards filled with borderline/"leagalish" cp.
now it only has pics of clothes lolis in a few threads on Holla Forums every now and then. so no need to get paranoid about lea especially nowadays.
do a test. report this site to lea every day for the next year and see if anything happens
it worked when /hebe/ was reported to cloudflare everyday
lol so you just assume nobody has ever been arrested because no one came here and told everyone about it, and act like that was fact. like I've said, you are talking out of your ass.
yeah, don't mention the cp that gets dumped every day, and don't mention the pedos who talk about CP all day. it's their free speech right, why would lea be interested in that? lmao.
I reported the site a few times earlier this year when that cp spammer was around. There were cp dump threads here every day, people talking about it openly and requesting stuff (which he delivered). I'm pretty sure they didn't just ignore these reports, because why would they? I mean it's their job to lock people like that up after all.
what can lea do to these dumps besides tell site admins to delete them which admins are already doing?
cp dumpers are behind vpns. all mods can do about them is delete the dumps and ban their curren vpn portal. what else there is to do even by lea? arrest every regular user for seeing the dumps? or you think they are just going to bash through the doors in their shining armors and use their magical laser vision to see trought the vpn ip:s and instantly lock the evil pedo dumpers up?
well its the same thing other way around with you. you dont have any proof to make us believe that people have gotten arrested for using this site.
so just because there are technical challenges which may lead to a dead end you think they should stop doing their job or what? if someone posts cp they have to investigate, there is a reason why website owners are required to report IP addresses and other information if such an incident occurs.
No, that's of course not what they do. But if someone keeps coming here to share CP I don't think they will just turn a blind eye because the allmighty pedos are untraceable, there is always a chance that they do a mistake.
To be fair, things have changed since then, this might be because that specific individual lost interest in spamming cp, has been arrested or because there are more mods who delete it quicker now. By the way, there must be a reason why jim forced dysnomia to hire new mods, think about it. If they wouldn't get any heat from outside, why should jim care about pedos on Holla Forums?
there is no reason behind what jim does user, he is an irrational psychopath
it was new mods or Holla Forums gets shut down where have you been?
i am bacon
the new mods were hired mostly so that there would be better moderation around the clock. because the main reson cp dumps used to be up for such long durations on this board was because all mods were american and were always asleep at almost same time.
the situation has gotten better after the increase of moderation.
I have nowhere claimed to know if there have been arrests or not, but he did:
normies have always been the weakest link
bump with cuteness
Damn, this is as fresh of a pussy as anyone can ever get. This is like the ultimate pedophile's dream.
Moar Hanna tbh fam.
this thread smells like samefagging kikes who make arguments and counter arguments just to stir up some more drama tbh
Those two were too lewd? Really nigger?
I've seen lewder things in Nickelodeon.
you mad bro?
Stop lying. You are going to scare the children.
Post the goddamn real loli chart already
you recognized them both. you should be in jail you pedo scum
yes I recognize what I have seen on imageboards over the years because I don't have the mental capacity of a child like you.
but you have seen those pictures so you should be in jail you pedo scum.
should have thought about that before deciding to browse this site without your eyes closed. police are on their way
this pls
Umad? lol
Poor muh freedom amerifaggots who think faces=cp
[dribbles slightly]
I've been little girl posting since 2006. Sucks to suck anti faggot. And I never had the police knock on my door for suspicious internet activities.
i honestly forgot what I posted