Hey /b I'ts been a long time since I posted, but I was about to make a decision in lyfe that has my head spinning. I was thinking about enlisting in the military, but there's just so much shit I'm unsure of. Are there any vets who could give me some insight on the military life? I know it's gonna suck ass for a while, but I thought that it'd be worth it to serve. I'm not really sure which MOS I want to go into either. I keep going back and forth between m1 operation and a career in avionics, just not sure which one to pick. Not even sure whether to go mili or not.
I'm just getting out of HS and I don't see myself anywhere else, but I know there's so many fuckin options out there that it's wise to stop and reconsider before I sign anything.
Pic unrelated, posting from someone else's computer
Wat do
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what's your parents say in this?
My parents are behind whatever I decide to do. They just don't want me scraping by for money like they do.
Hi Holla Forums
I considered this meme too. I like to prefer the idea that I'd be fighting for the ideals that America is SUPPOSED to represent.
I just got off the phone with one of my buddies who is 26 and just got to fort lee for his specialized training (comes after bootcamp) as part of the army reserves. He had been bouncing around community college, regular college and dead-end jobs a while and says he wished he did it earlier.
I guess if you join the reserves and then decide you want to go full time you can apply for a full-time support job in the US (if you're good) or volunteer to go overseas. Or once you get the training you get paid some just for being on-call while you go to school or work another job or whatever.
It's not for me but you could do worse.
There are infinitely more jobs you can get with higher pay and better hours without leeching off the taxpayer
fuk, that's a pretty good idea.
I guess it's the best of both worlds.
I get to live out the best years of my life, be a free teen for a minute but also experience the joys of getting my shit strewn in bootcamp and be a part of something I feel is greater than myself.
Fixed that for you
I guesssssssssss
Army reserves here I come
fite me
Yeah. It's a little easier than the actual armed forces but they'll still kick your ass a good bit in boot camp. Doubly so if you're not in shape or a little shit.
I've been busting ass every day in prep. Figured I'd be ready for whatever they have to throw at me. Only stopped training recently because I've been away for Thanksgiving n such
like what? bombing afghanis for teh lulz? it's an honorable line of work, but keep in mind that your country is on both of its knees, sucking bibi's cock. like i said, i advice against it, but you do you. always the remember that most military fags come back with PTSD and start acting all faggy.
Depends where you are but in the us you get sold memes of masculinity and purpose in exchange for being a hired gun for israel, saudi arabia, and various other intrest that do nothing to protect the united states and actually make the country less safe. Asking around before blindly running in is the right thing to do.
Do you have a time for mile or 2 mile?
If you go into the military, your living expenses will be taken care of (food, housing, utilities). The only things you have to pay for is your vehicle and Internet. Your pay is just a bonus. It's a great opportunity to save money and invest. I have a buddy who enlisted in the Army, he saved his money while he was in and now he doesn't even need to work because he lives off stock dividends. A lot of kids enlist and burn a hole in their pocket. The old expression "spend like a drunken sailor" is very true. But if you play your cards right, you can be set financially from a young age.
I can run the 2 mile in 13 minutes
But that's only after a week of training every day, I'm pretty sure I'll have it down in the next month.
I've also been doing some ruck marching in my spare time, not too heavy, but a taste ~35lbs.
Yeah. The only reason I actually considered the tanker grunt work was because A: tanks are fucking cool. And B: "Specialist user fills ISIS ass with his hot 120mm load" would be a great porno.
I know I'm smart enough to do other shit, my ASVAB scores give me access to all kindsa good shit, UAV operation, basically everything in avionics.
That's the one thing that makes me want to really do active duty, is because those are badass benefits that my (fingers crossed) future spouse and kids will get to reap, as far as I know, they get the same benefits.
If you can handle it, go for it i guess. My only advice would be the Army being your last choice while Navy being second to last. If you score decent on the ASVAB go for the best job you can get with the airforce. Unless you're in the Marines or some special higher caliber MOS don't ever expect to do anything other than be an asshole in a uniform during deployment. So don't look at the military like it's WW2 and you want to kill for your country. That shit is such a joke, just focus on having a good job and look at it as a career. Also i could tell you some shit about basic if you want.
Oh then you're going to breeze through the physical shit if you can already do that.
Oh yeah, you have to be active. Reserves are a fucking joke among jokes. Active is fucking amazing, it's like adult boarding school where you get to work out and get paid. Reserves are stupid, it's not enough to live off of and it's a huge pain the ass when you have a real job to supplement it. Just be active, it's not as restraining as people say it is because it becomes your life. It's less restraining than going to school
I assume you served.
What was your MOS?
Could you describe that experience?
A few things to keep in mind:
No matter what a glib recruiter might promise, the military sends you where they need you. They look at your ASVAB and whatever, and they won't put you where you're not qualified, but you might not get the MOS you've been "promised". If they want you to carry a rifle and get shot at by Taliban all day, then that's what you'll do.
Because we don't have the draft anymore, our volunteer forces are strained. Lots of guys have been sent over to Iraq (in the past) and Afghanistan (still) on multiple tours. Plus, there's such a thing as stop-loss and reactivation. Thought your enlistment was up? Nope, it's been extended. Congratulations! Got out, started a life outside the military? Well, you're in the IRR, soldier, you're being reactivated and shipped out. Congratulations! I don't know if the stop-loss and reactivations are going on anymore like a few years ago, or if they are, if they're as common, but keep in mind that can happen.
All memes about Israel (though you should look up the U.S.S. Liberty if you've never heard of it) and the Jewish conspiracy aside, keep in mind that no matter what you're fed about defending the Constitution and "the American people," you're really doing no such thing. The military is an instrument of foreign policy, and you'll be serving the "national interest," which is not necessarily the same thing as your interest, or your family's interest, or the interest of anyone you know or care about. I'm not saying that the generals at the Pentagon will throw away your life on a whim and light a cigar with your enlistment papers while chuckling, but if they decide that your unit being wiped out in order to defend a section of pipeline in some godforsaken Central Asian hellhole run by a warlord who likes to sodomize little boys is an acceptable loss, then your ass is grass.
If you're the type who likes to bend the rules, or you get in trouble a lot, consider whether you might wind up with a dishonorable discharge. It's not uncommon, and it's utterly ruinous to the rest of your life. You'll be denied VA benefits (obviously), you'll never be able to buy a gun from a licensed dealer, and good luck finding a job.
All of that said, some people do very well in the military. If you decide to join, beware of the kind of woman who likes to attach herself to a serviceman then get pregnant. It's a guaranteed monthly check for her, and she gets to fool around when you're deployed. Also, there are tons of scammers that like to target servicemembers, especially enlisted, and especially around military bases. Payday loans, car loans with insane rates, stuff like that. If you have the self-discipline to avoid money trouble, you can use the opportunity to start building a financial base that will serve you later in life.
Good luck.
I only spent 3 months on Ft Leonardwood but learned a lot talking to people because i was often in the infirmary with active and other BCT. Just being in BCT is a stark contrast to any idea i had about the military previously. But actually seeing how people lived after BCT was very interesting. I was training to be a 12b which is a terrible MOS should've either been EOD or infantry, or used my high ASVAB to get a real job.
Reception fucking sucks, it's something nobody talks about and most don't even find out about until the day they ship. It's a week long of doing paperwork, getting pumped full of chemicals, and having to sit all day long waiting and trying not to fall asleep. The intimidation of BCT is a joke, just don't let it get to you or do, just be motivated. The people you're training with all suck, fuck them. Make friends but realize you'll likely never see them again and it's not worth getting pissed off when they do stupid shit. Most importantly though, i realized from people watching and talking with enlisted men that once you're in, it's just a 9to5 job unless you're deployed, in which case it's mostly just extreme camping where there's less rules to follow. That's the shit you want. You want to be active. You want to be on base vaping with Marines and playing xbox in your spare time. I just got a taste of the brotherhood you feel, but goddamn is that the most amazing feeling to have a group of men that your brothers in arms even if all you do is fuck around on base.
Most of the military stuff like dealing with officers and addressing NCOs becomes second nature really quickly. The biggest drawback, and this is probably just my autism, but you have to deal with TONS of bullshit from the time you arrive at MEPs for your initial screening to when you arrive at your duty station and throughout your entire career. The aspect of women being anywhere on base causes so much nonsense that you have to deal with and abide that it's pretty demoralizing much of the time. My BTC was coed, and i think every guy in my platoon left there being a hardcore misogynist having to be around that shit almost 24/7. Thankfully you don't deal with it that much after BTC. It was hilarious looking at the tinder profiles for all the people on base there
So basically, enjoy those benefats til you have to kill talis for oil. Lmao tax money mercenaries. Sounds fun
AND speaking of fucking women…
The girl who took my r9k approved cyborg identification fucking split with me because she can't "handle the stress" Who knows who she's dicking now. meh, can't blame her. God, that's a story I gotta share one day.
So you're saying: Get a real job, use experience to carry over to civ life, and it's a plain ol 9 to 5 til you're called? Sounds like fun tee bee hache
A real MOS, yes. I see no reason not to put in 20 years and retire if you can score a good job, and you can always retake the ASVAB and change your MOS after your contract.
Also i should point out that myself and other anons here are not necessarily bitter about the military itself, i think we're just annoyed at the fundamental disconnect that we all have as a civilian versus actually being in the military. It's so fucking different.
sounds pretty dank my dude.
Think there's enough time to find a qt3.14, have kids and such?
I won't do mili if I can't have a chance at trying to be the fambam man.
Yeah once you're at your duty station you can do whatever you want and once you have a gf there's entire divisions in the military dedicated to moving your mutual shit around and making sure you guys are comfortable and together as much as possible. It was actually kinda shocking finding out how much time and money goes into making sure military men have a home life.
sounds like a…
alpha breeding program
no but srs, in that case, fuck yeah I'm going for active
Another thing, MREs are delicious until you have to eat them for multiple days in a row then you never want to eat one again. Also never eat a while MRE. One has more than your daily caloric needs and it will fucking ruin your digestive system. Don't be one of the morons eating an entire MRE and then eating other people's leftovers
yeah the government doing it's job for once but in the worst way possible to maintain leaders in the military industrial complex while also being incredibly inefficient and wasteful like always
no shit..
My friend gave me an MRE for shits and giggles.
Chili with beans
Shat fire for a good week, had to fucking peel my undies off every day because my ass wouldn't stop leaking burning bean residue.
On a side note, worth it