Drudge has removed the backtick

A couple weeks ago, Drudge put up a backtick, which I hear means there is a monster story that could break. It was up for almost two weeks but now he has now removed it.

What do you think it was?
Alien disclosure?
Footage of Hillary's dark rituals?

Other urls found in this thread:


Perhaps it was just an error?


Is that one of those something something canary things?

Screenshot please. I don't remember seeing that. Maybe I don't have the right browser.


You're probably talking a warrant canary, or referring to the canary in the coal mine. I don't know exactly what the fuck a backtick is but I don't think that's what OP is talking about.

I'll restate; I don't know what a backtick means in this context, but from what OP suggested it's not a canary.

saw this last week and emailed them about it. specifically asked if it was a canary or a typo but no response. it was a "grave accent" character (link related).


It was there for 2 fucking weeks.

It isn't browser specific, it was a literal ` placed in the html code. It was either bad html editing or something else. I cannot imagine a website as big as drudge has totally incompetent people working on it.

software is always thrown together hastily with stupid quirks left in because whoever was developing it didn't have the luxury to give a shit at the moment. especially in high profile business.

judging by the comments in the drudge mobile app, Holla Forums rules the roost. wew lads. saw dozens of calls for the death of Soros, et al. it's comfy cozy in there.

That doesn't apply in this instance. You're talking about developers who will use a "good enough" solution without the luxury of time. In this case, it was a visible artifact that is really in the realm of 13 year old's first html page. I'm not surprised that someone can make the mistake of including a spurious character, I am shocked that it remained in place for two weeks.

Does he still use those sirens? Haven't visited that site in years.

Pretty sure Scalia's death had one.

It usually means there's going to be a big story about to drop. Usually accompanied by siren gifs. I've seen the back-tick on there for awhile too, was expecting something huge, but nothing came.

What do the random red flashes mean?

Glad to hear it.

If there's ever an internet museum siren.gif belongs in there.

It just means the site is refreshing.

Redditgate was the big story.

They've been sitting on this for at least a month. When Cometta pleaded the fifth 500 times, they let it loose and revoked his immunity.

Drudge is the closest you get to a based Kike.


There it is.

Drudge is a wildcard. Ethnically he's a kike, religiously it's almost certain he's a closet Christian who just keeps up the Jew thing so that the (((media))) takes him seriously.
His life is playing the news cycle like a fiddle; he Jews the Jews. It's like he has a vendetta against his own kind, like he's the one Neo in a matrix of kikes

Regardless, I'm expecting a HUGE story to break any moment now. I can feel it coming.

genetic hate is key for the mischling, imagine how mad you would be if you were born a fucking kike.

it's pure hell



Was there ever a canary warrant on drudge's? Don't tell me I've never noticed it…

Perhaps he's waiting for the (((pure coincidence))) a.k.a. Charlotte NC to blow over