I swear to fucking god I'm going to end up a national news story with 20 dead at the very least. This escort won't respond to my text askingn how much 30 minutes is and my coworker crush is talking about her first time and how her boyfriend masturbates in the shower. I should rape this bitch. I should get a Kevlar vest an ar15 and Molotov cocktails and take adderall before I do it so I'm a focused zombie with sole intent on mass murder. The world is going to regret excluding and mistreating me when it's too late to apologize
I swear to fucking god I'm going to end up a national news story with 20 dead at the very least...
Do you want to have a ghost pussy as well OP?
this gonna be huge, I will remember you
I am watching (((CNN))) right now, waiting for your action
i will mouthfuck your niggermom to death
Fuck you. sperglord.
You won't even leave your fucking bedroom for 3 days, and when you do it will be to go to school, where you will sit quietly and be ignored by everyone except the Chads who will flick your ears and hit your books out of your faggot hands.
It's gonna take at least a year fam and I won't do it if my therapist does his join correctly
I'm 6"4 260 lb if someone tried me id pulverize them. Including you Chad Tyrone or anyone
God, you're such a pathetic little bitch.
The fact that you can't even get laid shows how absolutely pathetic you are. If you do go postal (which you won't) you'd only end up killing like 3 people because of how absolutely incompetent you are at everything in life.
Dont forget to make a thread and stream it
more like 5'9 340 lbs. go lay on your deathbed
It's always the same story with you pathetic autists. Please kill yourself after taking out a few normie scum. If you can make it outside of your bedroom before passing out that is.
Bump because he won't do it and I want people to laugh at fags that don't deliver
btw, what state are you "planning" to shoot at?
Yet you claim to be butthurt because of people mistreating you.
So which is it, OP? Did you pulverize the people who mistreated you or did you just fucking roll over and take it because you are not the big bad internet tough guy you claim to be after all?
You better not forget that Klebold and his friend were failed normies, like OP. And they managed to get good number of frags
Or the "supreme gentleman" also was a failed normie
user, what's going on there big guy?
I'm saying I've been mistreated and behaved passively in the past but I'm no longer a naive kid or adolescent that will tolerate it anymore. I've learned to stand up for myself
Me and you both
OP will cuck out
Well I'm not saying I will definitely do it. I'm trying to fix my fucked up brain I'm going to therapy I'm considering going to a hypnotherapist for supplemental help. But 4chan people told me I was too much of a fag to kill myself and i attempted suicide. So yeah you'll say you failed at that so you'll fail at this too the point is I have the nerve to do things normal people don't do. If it's my will I'll do it after deliberation
My God in all fucking Heaven I hope this is true
I will be keeping the TV on and happily awaiting your news story. I can't stand these 3D whores always strutting about their "problems" and always saying they keep sleeping with "bad boys" and "wrong men" all the time.
Kill those girls in the most horrible way OP. I need this right now
Even when you are talking out your ass you can't commit to it. 4chan was right, you are too much of a fag to do anything. So why don't you just come to terms with the fact that you are a pathetic faggot and go with it…be the best pathetic faggot you can be, and be proud of who you are.
I'll be watching news, if OP doesn't do anything he's a faggot and always will be, a nobody
The question is, do you have the nerve to admit who and what you really are? Normal people don't usually have that kind of nerve. If you have more nerve than they do, then admit to yourself who and what you are, and either have the nerve to change what you don't like about yourself or have the nerve to live your life accordingly. The reason your therapy isn't working is because you are still trying to fix other people. That is not what therapy is for. Therapy is for fixing yourself. Kill a bunch of anons and you will still be fucked up. Fix yourself first, then if killing anons is what you want to do because that is who you are, great. But don't bother doing it because you think it will fix them or you. It won't do either.
Get help
please use illegal weapons if you do just to piss off some lefties
Stop encouraging him you retard
Use proper method aka don't be tj fucking lane. Laughingstock. TJ and kip kinkle both had low hit scores kek but kip did things pretty decent. Don't make shitty bombs actually test them out (columbine had several different types of bombs but only some pipe bombs and one propane tank partially went off) plan accordingly. Will you take the suicide path or death row path, either way girls spring up outta nowhere
calm down, kenneth
Chill fam
We've all hated the world before