As said in title, Holla Forums is up to no good - Trying to troll the Trump campaign, in this case. You know what to do, Holla Forumsacks.
As said in title, Holla Forums is up to no good - Trying to troll the Trump campaign, in this case. You know what to do, Holla Forumsacks.
Other urls found in this thread:
They're fucking pathetic. What are they going to do, take a shit on the podium?
Yes, they're pathetic, but we should raid them anyway for having the audacity to threaten us.
Don't they hate Hillary? At least that's what I was lead to believe after the great leader Bernie betrayal by DNC
Stupid thread
Holla Forums is irrelevent
funny, I don't feel threatened at all
maybe cuz it's Holla Forums
What a bunch of faggots.
They pretend to hate her to be edgy.
to complement
start at 2m21
Just get /christian/ to do it. Holla Forums are pretty pathetic. You all should earn some fucking experience points and take care of it or set up most of the operation and simply have us as support activity.
Being good goy cucks and all you need to get your ass in gear because you faggots actually HAVE physical institutions you can organize at, yet your practically worthless at this point online.
What the fuck happened to the legendary "Black Brigade" from 1776? Did you lose your balls?
And have them raid us back in return? Fuck off, we already have enough pieces of shit shilling us as is. They won't manage to do shit in the first place, they can't even make a decent meme for fuck's sake.
Start posting their shit memes that are actually anti-leftypol because they are so retarded.
Some faggot convinced the majority of us that 'Christian' means 'Jesus wants you to invite shitskins into your land'
Related: Luke 22:36: "Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
You would think that leftypol faggots would take the hint that their ideology is fucking retarded just by the board count alone, but I guess leftist delusion levels are over 9000.
Fuck off Holla Forums, aren't you tired of always trying to rile up Holla Forums and Holla Forums against eachother? Let those retards in their containment board.
Isn't leftypol 50% pol and the other 50% are pol larping as lefties? Leftypol is basically a pol training simulation.
nice kennedi "queen of Holla Forums dubs
Holla Forums and /leftpol/ are already against each other, idiot.
You have been visited by the shill who promotes white identity.
Please Holla Forums do your part and have more white babies. Even if it's with some bernie loving liberal cunt. Meet her parents and find out if there's any mud in her blood. Then have children. Even if it doesn't work out and you're stuck paying child support, IT'S WORTH IT! You are helping the white race!
I have 2 beautiful white children with their mother's eyes (Bluer than the sky) and I can't express the happiness I feel when I wake up to my white children's smiles.
Please Holla Forums do your part.
Polite sage for off topic spam!!
Seize their means of shitposting. Kill the board owner.
Or just kill Jim, get admin rights, and nuke Holla Forums.
They permaban everyone making a good argument in their board. What makes you think they could be able to tolerate us in our own home?
Dont make me laugh
Nobody mentions that board by name except people from that board.
Yall are all autists.
nice cultural appropriation.
I was born in Texas
/pinkopol/ talks so much about Holla Forums, it's kinda flattering.
…we weren't talking about pol tho, we were talking about trump. you guys were the ones who started this thread.
Popcorn is at the ready. It's hilarious when they think they're being clever.
Hey feds, keep an eye on this possible pedo. thanks.
Holla Forums raided /christian/ so bad they're basically pro-immigration now. irrecognizable by now. pretty sad, because I used to collect 14/88-y Bible and Saint quotes from them.
this. I haven't been there for a while, but I'd bet their now nominal christians.
nominal christians get triggered to hell and back by this song. I'd rather have them stay in hell. youtube.com