tbh they must be doing something right famalam really makes you think
Everyone on this site is constantly bitching about Holla Forums and Holla Forumss moderation and how they're always...
Other urls found in this thread:
Its almost like Holla Forums and Holla Forums on 4chan specifically had their own exodus and thats why they're the biggest boards on Holla Forums or something really makes you think.
everyone posting on Holla Forums is a shill. they're getting bitcoins from alex soros for posting contradicting bullshit in order to disrupt every narrative out there.
i agree tbh the mods on Holla Forums should should ban harder than Holla Forums and Holla Forums combined and become the biggest board on Holla Forums
You mean more than you currently are? ;^)
Kill yourself
reported to Jim Watkins
Why don't they start by banning me? I've been waiting to get banned for 2 months now. And I want a ban that's longer than 5 minutes for gosh darnits sake.(USER WAS BANNED FOR FIVE MINUTES AND ONE SECOND)
you know the rules
You're just trying to condition me to commit Holla Forums's biggest crime aren't you ;)
making Jim butthurt?
i'm just telling you that there is a form of currency that you can use to purchase yourself a ban tbh
this tbh
And so do I.
I'm too nice of a guy to do anything. I'm the biggest anti-pedo on board too. Fuckin pedos disgust me. What do I need to do, tell a girl to burn her fucking doll on Youtube?
That'll get me banned from Holla Forums for sure.
greendot monkeypak.
does disconigger accept greendot moneypaks
Holla Forums and Holla Forums received wave after wave of people fleeing cuckchan over various reasons, Holla Forums not so much. Not to mention all the people from leddit who flooded 8ch over gamergate/ the election.
This. Also the people from 4chan Holla Forums and Holla Forums went to those boards to get away from Holla Forums, they aren't interested in seeing if the Holla Forums here is any good. It's not.
Holla Forums mods are already breaking the new rules which clearly outline that only illegal content is to be deleted.
Then we wonder why there is a lack of OC and activity. Why bother contributing anything and putting any work into a thread when some little faggot can delete everything to get his jollies.
Let me highlight a few sections of the rules page to help you out since understanding words isn't your best feature.
>The only requirement for moderators is to remove violations of DOST and US law.
Just got banned for race mixing but it was no longer than 5 minutes. You people suck. I'm not gonna bother anymore, just amke the board quality shittier all by myself. You asked for it
This is most distressing, user. I don't understand it, nor the three years of constant meta shitting to divide up the user base here. Probably the best bet would be to add a global rule of no images, whether photos and/or art, of children or flat women, since it is clear weaponized pedo posting rights are the meta wedge being utilized to murky the validity of free expression.
Good luck with all that.
this tbh
Steve Miller Appreciation threads and musician spam sounds fun ;)
why are the board logs private?
So in other words you're saying set Holla Forums to text only and 2channel theme?
Check again, kike. It was five minutes and
>Not Holla Forums /leftytb/ where the commie BO (That dick's was sucked by the pig BO of Holla Forums btw) and his goon mods go and delete any and all criticism on how shit Holla Forums /leftytb/ and the moderation (or lack there of) is
Don't forget that Holla Forums is contently bring in commie redditors from r/socalism on a daily basis.
I fully and sincerely believe 2channel should be the only available theme. Not fucking around either
make it so
I can't shitpost anime then.
I hadn't thought that far ahead to be honest
Ah fuck
How can we make it so that only anime images will upload?
Holla Forums and Holla Forums are the top boards cus autistic vidya and kike niggery are THE 2 things everybody likes to discus the most when they are wearing the user mask
there's also /a/, Holla Forums & Holla Forums related stuff in both boards
not to mention than whenever something political happens in any hobby and you post about it in any other beard the first reply often is
also Holla Forums and Holla Forums are like neighbours with a door conecting both their houses in the backyard
critiquing trumps jewish connections gets you banned youtube.com
Does Holla Forums accept OC? I made a clever 911 video on Youtube
Except it doesn't, I shit on Trump all of the time on Holla Forums and have yet to be banned.
Maybe try making an actual argument against him next time instead of drumpfsperging like some autist from Holla Forums.
I like how you stopped responding when I posted this.
Bump for all to see
He probably forgot about the thread unlike you
Now explain. How can I shit on Trump constantly on Holla Forums and not get banned like fags are always claiming?
I already know the answer, I just want to hear it in your words.
Welcome to Holla Forums…home of the bitching, angst-heavy 13 year olds.
Deleting threads that are not spam because you don't like them is an abuse of power and goes against the spirit of the random board.
My point still stands that so long as this infantile mod behavior goes on, it discourages quality posting. Why bother?