These fucking guys. I love Hungary so fucking much.
Hungary Brands London a ‘No-Go Zone’
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Britfag here, I've been branding London a no-go zone for 10 years already. Nigs, Muds, Hipsters and Queers, the lot of them
China already did it and others will do the same, maybe spic countries too.
requesting .mp4 of tranny breaking down as an obese muzzie attempts to intifada him
Nobody gives a fuck about threads weebs make.
Into the chamber, CtR.
I went on the London tube a month ago.
The rumours are completely true, imagine walking around Brazil except it has european architecture. Disgusting
Nobody likes goons that are dumb enough to pay 10 bucks to circlejerk in their shitty forums.
They should brand Sweden as "Poo-In-The-Loo-Land" just for keks.
Are there even native Brits left in London? Other than the underage sex slaves they exploit, that is. I always figured it was populated by mudslimes, kikes and niggers.
just feminist dykes, coalburners and cucks. They love interracial breeding grounds.
Trips confirm Hungarians as best IRL shitposters
Whites have been leaving London for years
The only thing that matters is the City of London, to the kikes.
that pic is smuggy as fuck
fuck putin, orbán is the TRUE savior of the white race
wut animu
Kiniro Mosaic.
Is there more than one season?
2 seasons.
It's about a weaboo English girl and a Westaboo Japanese girl who are best friends.
Yes, Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic
Where can I find a torrent for 2nd season?
Currently downloading S1 here.
That is the second season m8.
I wonder what Semitic sensationalist will show up to kve- I mean complain about the posts in this thread.
Well fucc m8, gimme a link to the first
Alright who got the get
Unless this is it
user pls
Holy shit that better be real.
This is why /a/ always tells you newfags to fuck off.
Top banter.
How can one country be so based?
I just realized that I haven't seen that magnificent bastard in a long ass time. Amazing how memes come and go.
Reminder that London is 40% English, 60% foreigners.
213 year ban, I guess it was /sp/
I hope this defamation continues, multicultural city's need to be undermined and seen as the undesirable benefit subsidized cesspits that they are.
Frog here, can confirm Marseille is the absolute craphole of France. About 20 people and rising get shot per year. In a no guns country, that's our very own Baltimore.
Top Kek.
Who got em?