Toddler tries to wake mom from overdose

LAWRENCE, Mass. — A toddler was in tears as she tried to wake up her apparent overdosed mother who laid on the toy aisle floor of a Family Dollar. The child can be heard crying in a video shot by a bystander she tugs on her mother's arm and head. The mother can be seen lifeless and unresponsive on the floor, as the child says "mama wake up" in between her tears.

Other urls found in this thread: of two overdosed with baby&oq=family of two overdosed with baby&aqs=chrome..69i57.10134j0j4&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


And this deserved its own thread why exactly?

Look at the fuckin vid, Bubba…


You realize you're on 8ch and not dailymail?

She grabs her mother's hand, shakes her head, pulls her hair, frantically trying to get her to awaken. Soon paramedics arrive and administer two doses of Narcan, a drug which reverses opiate and heroin overdoses.

because they are sliding

Look at the fuckin vid, you goddamn half-retarded 15 years old…

Grotesque, I grant you, but…

How is this 'politics' again?

Ah fuck.

That hurts. And it fills me something…some emotion. Like being sick but in an overwhelming way.

And what's funny is this feeling isn't new.


Sage for facebook tier slide thread

Why should we look at the vid?

What is there to see, besides exactly what is on the tin?

Why the FUCK are these degenerate drug addicts allowed to raise kids?

Because our border is wide open allowing smack to flow into the US.

Because of Jews.

Yeah go in your fuckin Trump thread…


Why… do you… type… like… this… you fuckin embarrasing outsider sack of shit…

Kill yourself…

…tabarnak de cabochon…

kill yourself

What the fuck are you on about, nigger?

You keep telling folks to watch the video - fucking why?

What is there to see, beyond what you've told us in the video?

A smack head ODing while her sad daughter tugs at her is not news, shit happens on the daily.

Are you some kind of woman trying to shill emotional 'I cry everytime' shit here?




Go the fuck back to cuckchan if you don't want News threads you fucking retarded faggots

75 IQ whites niggers…

I can't tell if its a boomer or a twelve year old. Most of the people ending their sentences with ellipses tend to be old pants shitting boomers from my experience.

This is an English board, faggot.

We should have a degeneracy general for stuff like this.

are those sandniggers or spics?


A heroin addict ODing isn't news, and this isn't a news board, its a politics board.


Its a woman.

Je parle la langue que je veux, surtout a des osties de moroniques bitchs comme toi, Bubba…



Is that French?

Oh, you're that faggot that was shitposting in French.

Good. Reported.

this has nothing to do with politics you raging faggots, you go back to cuckchan

Make people aware of the rampant drug usage in the US. Next we will say enough is enough and purge the addicts

Just because you clicked it in Jewgle Translate doesn't mean it's valid French, faggot.

78% of the heroin in the US comes through the southern border.

sage and report

I wanna see if the mods are awake.

How can those spanish speaking roaches just stand there and carry on a conversation without comforting that child?

This video irritates me so much. All they want to do is take videos and speak loudly in spanish on public transportation

We tackle the root of the problems here, not the symptoms. If you want to cut the kudzu vine that is rampant degeneracy I suggest reddit.

Incroyable…j'espere vraiment que tu as moins de 20 ans…

Oh, so THATS what the faggot OP wanted us to see, that its spics filming while doing nothing.

… Again, how is that news?

Spics are spics, they're about a half-step up from niggers.
Niggers would have robbed and/or raped her.

Yea, OP.

Who gives a fuck that a white woman died from heroin overdose, leaving by a little white girl behind to go through the foster care system cause the father is likely a shitty excuse for a white male. Nobody gives a shit about the state of white people in current year.


Either you're a newfag or a shill trying to misdirect us. I can't tell which, and I don't care.


what's your point, you french speaking faggot?

What's to be done about it?

Close the border, the drugs will be limited, things will improve.

There's nothing really more to say on this one.

Quit being such a fag CF.

C'est bon de savoir qu'il y a encore des gens avec un cerveau sur ce board…

user… that pic is frickin' awful… a little warning please

Why should I care about this? All I see is a degenerate who removed their genes from the pool. Fuck drugs, you deserve to die if you use them.


Que ton niveau de penser, de réflection et de sentiments est horriblement bas, James…si tu es un adolescent tu as l'air moins stupide vu que ton cerveau n'est pas fini de développer…

This one too.

Our people are lost and this civilzation is dying. Everything has been wrong since 45


The most disturbing thing I hear is the cries of that kid. And those filthy wetbacks not doing anything to keep the kid away from her passed out mother. This is why America needs a wall.


who cares, one less degenerate

no seriously what's the point of speaking french if you know that people don't understand? It's literally the same as saying nothing.


they aren't, it seems


Un Américain du sud tout le monde…

I've been seeing a lot of overdosed whites dieing with there kids nearby. Kills me every time

Yes, I get it, you switched proxies momentarily to dump some stale maymays.

That's nice and what have you, but let's get real here Paco, that's not an answer to the response given.

We see some change in November… Or, we don't.
America will make its choice in a few month's time, nothing to be done about it til then.

What else is new?

I'm out

Do you have a copy of this book in English?

Confirmed outsider faggot trying to get attention.
Into the bin.

Sure ya have.

this is what happens when you let the jews ruin whites

at least she wasn't a coal burner or id have no sympathy at all fore her



Ca fait plus longtemps que je suis ce site que toi et fait, participer a bien plus de thread, Big Bubba…outsider, ciboire que tu es dense…

You find one, make a thread.

Here you go of two overdosed with baby&oq=family of two overdosed with baby&aqs=chrome..69i57.10134j0j4&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

Above American MSM videos claim that the Taliban is behind the opium business in Afghanistan. This is propaganda BS. The Taliban considers drugs immoral because of their Muslim religion. The Taliban practically eliminated all opium production, fields before the US+NATO invasion! It was after the invasion that opium production skyrocketed. The 13 Satanic bloodlines (who rule the west) who control the drug trade (est. US$500B/year) were pissed with the Taliban for destroying their opium crops. As much as 92% of worldwide opium production now comes from US+NATO controlled Afghanistan!


Are you vapid cunts so busy arguing with each other that none of you noticed that…

Not one of the spics watching/filming went to comfort the little kid or get her away from the scene.

Not one of the spics checked whether the mother was still alive.

Not one of the spics tried to move her into a better position or help her in any way.

They just gawked and filmed it.


Too busy trigglypuffing each other over whether it deserves a thread or not.

Or maybe you all would have acted the same way.

Fucking disappointed in you tonight, Holla Forums.

Thx you…

Not to be a teachers pet but I did notice it. Can I have a non weed filled cookie now?

This is just common knowledge subhumans have no empathy at all, look at china you can roll around bleeding while gooks film you.