Anti-nationalist "leftists" should be gulag'd.
People on this board literally hate nationalism more than capitalism
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally capitalist-tier
Leftism is inherently anti-nationalist.
nations exist as they do today because of capitalism
being nationalist as a leftist is as contradictory as being an ancap
That's some Ioseb 'I-know-less-about-Marx-than-Molyneux' Jughasvili -tier shit, brother.
Yeah because socialism on the basis of a nation-state is so likely to work out.
Stalin was a cunt but to deny he was well-read in Marxism is some really trashy cop out
Socialism isn't really realistic to begin with, it's utopian bullshit.
M8 when you make threads like this you're supposed to keep the Hello, Fellow Leftists act for more than 5 posts
You can be well read in marx and be a nationalist. No everyone who reads Marx is a Marxist.
Can you just go back to pol or at least lurk long enough to not sound completely retarded
Why am I supposed to pretend to be leftist? You guys are colossal faggots and I don't care if you know my opinion is different from yours.
Not to mention, Tito's Yugoslavia may have called itself Marxist but it was market socialist. Market socialism can work on that basis. Marxism cannot. Of course, Marxism never works anyway. It's a failed ideology. The only thing that Marx did right in his miserable life was provide a good critique of capitalism. His solutions were garbage.
being internationalists doesn't mean being antinationalist, there is a difference i don't have the nerves to elaborate for someone who didn't bother to do research and learn himself
yes, better start revolutionary anarchism in some shithole region nobody gives a fuck about and fuck up within months while blaming everyone else for betraying us, because that works out so well
Do you like being intentionally ignorant of what you are talking about because it questions your already preconceived notions about how the world works that any other possibility just makes your head overload or are you just simply retarded?
*or let's go full trotskyite and throw some nation-state socialism under construction under the rule of a foreign fascist power because we're literally too retarded to understand the concept of inherently inequal development in imperialism and hope this will accelerate us into le permanent world revolution
How is socialism not utopian? Can you actually answer that without sounding pretentious? And how can you pretend to be the one who knows better when you advocate something so fucking stupid and repeatedly proven to not work? It's cringey as fuck.
Nationalism is a natural product of the contradictions between free-flowing global capital and landlocked local labor. This causes antagonism between different national sections of the proletariat. Restrictions to immigration and offshoring react to and empower this antagonism rather than address the root cause.
If you mean people should have the right to collective sociocultural self-determination, though, I agree.
Don't you dare to use my waifu Stalin, you filthy poltard!
This place needs cleansing ASAP.
Remember breadlines?
Nationalism is a natural expression of a single culture.
What is utopian about people owning the things they produce? That's the essence of any kind of socialism at its basic component's, workers own the means of production. It doesn't specifically have anything to do with scarcity of resources, although specific theorists have worked on the issues theoretically in many different way's with everything from Bookchin to marx. I dont particularly care if i sound pretentious to someone who has absolutely no idea what were are talking about and then feels smug for attacking that idea that they have been told is socialism when it has absolutely nothing to do with it at all even when multiple people are trying to tell you that what you're thinking of is actually not the case. And then you've got the nerve to call us cringey? Its like a parody of your own willful stupidity that we see day after day after day. Seriously, just lurk for a few days and ask some questions and maybe you might learn something instead of being a mindless drone, if nothing else than to better argue against us in the future.
m8, you dont even know what nationalism is.
That's capitalism though.
did you read any other part of that?
Lrn 2 historical materialism
I don't know what you mean. Do you mean that diagnosis of capitalism's ills in terms of its inherent contradictions is fundamentally incorrect? Do you mean that workers' ownership of the means of production necessarily produces similar contradictions irresolvable within its own framework? What historical evidence do you cite in support of this?
Or do you just mean le Stalin XD without any attempt to diagnose these regimes?
U wot m8. Marxism is internationalist. Kill yourself Comrade. XD
Historical materialism is outdated though.
That's definitely an argument though.
Why is it outdated
can someone else explain this? im tired and need to get up for work in the morning and dont want to deal with this level of stupidity.
Because communism happened and failed.
looks like a betafag
It's a qt trump supporter.
Then stop visiting leftypol you dumb nigger.
looks like a beta berniefag to me
It's not. I can't find the actual interview but you have to trust me on this. I'm sure someone has the video.
I have absolutely no trust in commies, sorry. Too many lies.
Qt betafag trump supporter
Check the interview:
lol where?
Not the person you're responding to but all attempts at communism have failed. Market socialism is the only viable alternative.
Russia, China, and Cuba. Plenty of other places I'm sure.
I hope you mean socialism.
lol ok Tito
World communism would fail too. It doesn't take shortages into account. Not to mention, there's no mechanism in place to prevent communities from establishing borders and forming micro-nations.
Learn the definition of communism, mah boi ;)
So your talking about a utopia that will never exist? That's even more pathetic.
where is this from
Wait, the other user isn't talking about a successful fascist state
: ^ )
Nationalism is our main enemy. I have to fight every day. I am surrounded by people who lick the boots of the ruling class because ruling class protects and expands the motherland.
I can smell the stink of Holla Forums on you
Are you implying Stalin was a nationalist?
Capitalism is the main enemy but Nationalism is its lapdog. As marx said: