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Good first vid for normies. Respectable production values. Explains the basics.

Other urls found in this thread:!eUQ2wbBA!IPjn8MhOgs50zyW5vNx-tQ

It's also really good for Trump supporters - talks about the neocons, how they took over the Republican Party, and why they oppose Trump.

A sodomite who claims the Holohoax happened and supports the existence of Israel is the last person we should be promoting.

Also, shit audio quality.

Pretty good video, have the bump.

Greg Johnson may be a faggot, but that video was A+ m80.

Kill yourself Shlomo.

You should listen to the iinterview he did with a French Marxist. Really good:

Say what you will about Johnson's (very) private life, he's a good ambassador to the normies and knows his shit.

Promoting the Holocaust lie (which is the backbone of jewish power) isn't restricted to his "private life", neither are his absurd statement about 9/11 and Israel being there to stay. He also has direct ties to Mark Weber and Jared Taylor, both of whom are undoubtedly working for the enemy.

He sticks to the basic points of WN, which don't rely on revisionism, and sells the message well. He's focused on that sale, in particular, because it's what's most important to the future of our people. Revisionism kinda complicates the sale - you get that, right?

In this video, at least, he alludes to the bullshitty nature of the great lampshading.


We aren't going to win until the Holocaust myth is demolished. I'm not even saying he should be focusing on it, but saying it happened makes him part of the problem, and whatever articles he writes that nobody reads/podcasts he does that nobody listens don't make up for that.

I used to see it that way. Now (because we're on the clock) I say, win first, THEN slowly work on correcting history.

The generations now that have been brainwashed aren't all going to be un-brainwashed. The vast majority of people simply don't care about truth.

We need to start fresh, with new generations - but to reform the media and educational systems we need some political power/influence.

That isn't an option. We aren't beating the jews while they have the shoah as a shield.

Yeah but le Shoah doesn't prevent white people from (1) understanding that we're a unique group, (2) with our own interests, and (3) that it's as valid for us to defend those interests as it is for other groups.

See, that's a very simple thing to get, and it's really all we need from the plebes in order to start to take political power.

It doesn't require dozens of hours of research. It can be defended very easily based on the kind of universal morality that we already value as a people.

It's a simple question of right/wrong - rather than true/false. That's where our message is strong.

Yes, their propaganda helps them immensely, but when facing a larger force, you don't engage them where they're strong and have already heavily fortified.

Deep down, most people don't care about truth. They care about status and belonging, and only pretend to care about truth.

If you think that revisionism - or any truther-style activism - is the key to preventing white dispossession, you don't understand human nature.

We aren't getting political power until the jews are removed from power…

You don't seem to understand jewish power.

Right, but at the moment we have a democratic system, and we're probably not going to have an armed revolution (for white interests) any time soon.

Seeding into society the idea that white people have legitimate group interests is INFINITELY more achievable than what you seem to be proposing. And it's probably far more subversive.

Again, you aren't going to be voting a pro-White candidate into office while the jews have power.

At most, you can vote for a less evil and make living under ZOG slightly more tolerable. That isn't victory.

breddy gud

So, if any forward progress relies upon removing Jews from power, what's your plan for how to do that?

Isn't convincing white people that they have legitimate group interests one of the essential first steps?

I already said the first step was to take away their shield.

But what's your plan? We convince White people they have legitimate group interests, vote for a pro-White candidate who somehow gets the nomination from one of the jew parties, then ethnostate?

Pretty good material, was about to call this e-celeb shit, until i got to 2 minutes.

Bump for great justice.

what separates e-celeb shit with a legit person trying to redpill others? if said legit person becomes a celebrity yet still maintains his integrity, is he an eceleb or no?

nice video OP i like it a lot

To take things one step at a time, and not rely upon activism which assumes people care more about truth than status and belonging.

The establishment can easily counter-propagandize on the (often confusing) level of true/false, but it's much harder for them to destroy simple right/wrong arguments (which also happens to be what people actually care about.)

Once we get enough white people to understand that they too have group interests and should defend them, it will start to open up a space in the political market for explicitly pro-white policies which slow and then reverse the demographic replacement.

(But before this, we can still still advocate for implicitly white policies, framing them in practical terms. For example, Trump - even though he's a civic nationalist - is kinda doing this by making an argument for going back to pre-1965 immigration by framing it as a security issue.)

I'm talking about propaganda for the masses here. Revisionism is good for motivating the vanguard, but it's a double-edged sword.

good video

How was it so easy for Commie Trotskyites in Russia to come over to the USA and (Literally) cuck the Republican party? Republicans were always the anti-commie ones.

Great video but it didn't go into much detail on this issue.

Ever notice everytime a good vid is posted, theres D&C?

They "became" Republican anti-communists, basically. This was linked at the bottom of the vid, explains the roots of neoconservatism:

I don't know the jewish question.
I only know the answer.

Also, communism and Trotskyism wasn't limited to people in Russia.


So you're pretty saying you'd be happy if White people felt good about themselves and ZOG was a just a little bit nicer to them?

Never said that, Chaim.

If you're actively claiming the Holocaust happened, and citing the person who completely destroyed what was once the premier revisionist think tank in doing so (who you also have regular "meetings" with), then yes, you are an enemy.


Walk before you can run, gotta light the fire before it can rise. Johnson is a useful tool in terms of nurturing a right wing intelligentsia, and we need an easily digestible entry point. Kristallnacht soon, but it needs to be eased into.

He's so useful that his website gets less hits than the flat-Earthers at Renegade.

Excellent video. Will share around.

so did greg fuck your sister or something

Are you always this much fun, fellow white nationalist? Johnson isn't in the business of farming retard clicks.



what would happen if I posted this on my normie FB? if someone reported it would I lose my account?

Wells sentiment is naive, jews know.


Just do it.

Hard to explain, but you know when someone is an e-celeb looking for shekels/fame, and when one isint.

2 examples of the top of my head:

E-celeb: Milo (Still usefull, but pushes it too much sometimes). IE someone we don't know wheter is a redpilld person for show, or legitimately redpilled. I like Milo, and usualy defend him, not because i believe him, but because he's useful, the guy is obviously out for shekels.

Redpilled person sharing view: Jim, or as he was known, InternetAristocrat. Made a point of not becoming famous, deleted his channels from time to time, never revealed identity and never asked for money.

This is how you can tell the difference. E-celebs are useful, if pointed in the right direction. Redpilled people realize the moment they go public they become e-celebs, wheter they like it or not.

A lot of people on the alt-right get uppity at us calling them e-celbs not knowing what we mean.

Excellent video, thanks for sharing.

Greg Johnson was also in an excellent debate regarding the role of Christianity in white societies. Greg's takedown of cucktianity was outstanding.




all the suffering.
all of it.
oh god.

Homophobic-kike-on-a-stick worshipers BTFO

mods please sticky

this cannot slide


sticky pls mods

we need a webm


Audio quality was ok for me.

i feel warm and peaceful.

why was i off by 1

This is what a shill looks like. I think he doesn't understand we have IDs.

agree! mods pin it please

everything is so crystal clear.

they're at war with everybody all the time.

The biggest flaw I would say is when he says the Jews could have picked anywhere for there Ethnostate. I think its quite clear historically why the jews picked Israel over Madagascar. This really has nothing to do with the central points of the argument it is just a place left open for easy attack. The jews picked israel because its their holy land, place of the historical jewish kingdoms and so on.

can they be saved?

i don't want them to die, but i can't trust them.
think about how much damage they've caused.
it's on a global scale.
it's not quantifiable.
they worship the one who shall not be named.
i'm tired.

still no sticky

i wonder if it's because there must be a sensitive way of handling this.
my doctor told me that he would treat me like he would his children.
i would repay him in kind by treating his children like my own.
i do not like collateral damage.
but they cannot be allowed to rule.
they cannot be allowed to rule.

you don't find this video sensitive?


Do you really believe this? Most people honestly do not give a fuck. The proper response to "muh shoah" isn't sperging out over how it didn't happen, just as the proper response to "muh racism" isn't sperging out about how you're not actually racist. Denial gives value. The correct response in either case is

i feel like i'm dying.
do you think i'm going to die, Holla Forums?

i hear things outside.


Agreed, and by extension his arguments about Jews preferring Muslims lacked merit.

Filtered. Take your meds.

I fucking hate schizos.

sorry, i just feel like i've seen too much.
it's unintentinal d&c.

great video


come on mods


Always the first post. Always.


needs a bump


Or can't know, like blind men can't know colors. The outcome is the same.






Bampity Bamp Bamp


nice video for red pilling normies.


decent vid, have a bump



i believe the board is being slid hard. threads are being buried, and being replaced by useless ones.
appreciation to the mods who are tending to Holla Forums. i believe we have many eyes on us. keep fighting. beware demoralization and all forms of sabotage.

is a good explanation of the jewish question or the implication of tribalism in a multicultural state.
is pretty good, but i haven't watched its entirety.
is the finest redpill that can ever grace facebook.

For advanced autists, read E. Michael Jones' 'The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History'

^^ you can find a copy in the Holla Forums monthly book archives. Anyone got the mega link? I can't find it

Daily reminder that E. Michael Jones embraces jewish homophobia and attacks great men like Jared Taylor over petty issues like his philosemitism.

Ignore E. LARPer Jones and just read Counter-Currents.

He's right about Jared on his jewry. The homo stuff, well that's a bit weird.

Anyway, it's best to use a combination of sources. Nobody is perfect and there's nobody you can agree with a hundred percent of the time.

Here most likely


That first quote isn't by E. 1488er Jones, it's Dr. Greg Johnson exposing the true roots of anti-gay bigotry.


good video

Compared to that nigger loving kike, Greg Johnson is the real dangerous faggot.


I hate listening to greg but this is a good video. Id rather have a GRIDS case that doesnt talk about it than a subversive jew x1000

Stop taking D&C bait, faggots.

E. Michael Jones is okay
Jared Taylor is okay
Greg Johnson is okay

It's here:

Holla Forums MONTHLY E-BOOK PACKS!eUQ2wbBA!IPjn8MhOgs50zyW5vNx-tQ

this is still the most potent redpill. it is very normie friendly.
this conversation is important.
it's very important for everyone.

Link's no good m8

oh shit

Holla Forums books archive got shoahed!

daily reminder that this is currently the most potent redpill.

bump for redpills

This really should be stickied and spread more widely.

People who dismiss GJ's contributions are idiots.

Divide and conquer shill.

Don't do anything usefull

Great video, thanks for posting it.

Here is another video which can serve as an introductory red pill on the JQ.



still waiting for the sticky

this video needs to be shared widely with normies

No, as he won't be focused on his celebrity simply put.


doubt it just probly catch some flack from dumbasses



Fuck off back to ironmarch you piece of shit.

Yah. Real nationalism in the US would be even more retarded if not for the work of Greg Johnson. The man is a hero.