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Bullshit like this would probably push me over the edge to do something stupid…., this is pure bullying
I believe this is the case in Britain. To my understanding they have laws against "hate speech" wherein, say you make a comment online someone takes offense to, looks like you have to pay a fine.
Anyone actually in Britain, correct me if I'm wrong.
*be a white straight male who says mean words
every damn time
don't you realize how many fucking fines would be lobbied against you for even looking at a place like this?
This is on the front page of the_donald as well. It may be true but its also straight up propaganda to try and get people to censor themselves.
nice meme, ahmed. want to come to the white house?
I get by just fine but I imagine it would be too much trouble to do it to everybody who does this type of stuff so they might just pick someone at random off reddit just to keep things going the way they want.
What do you call people who take it up the ass from their government?
Meanwhile, non-whites are raping and pillaging the country. And the police and court system spend their time on this.
Makes me want to gas some jews in gas chambers disguised as shower rooms
This is exactly the Britain they fought for.
No idea what brilliant logic could be behind that if it's real.
they don't want to fight for it then they may as well lose their land…..cowards
what's the point of this thread?
take it to your containment thread
Fucking anglokikes man….
Man, you brits have it rough. Niggers, Mudslime, and now you have to deal with Yakuza?
English are faggots. Getmans are faggota. Swedes are faggots. Hey look, the French are faggots too.
we have to save all these faggots.
someone try to disprove this man with facts and evidence.
Germans are cool robotic aryans though.
Don't you realize how lethal tableware can be in the wrong hands?
Honestly this does nothing but red pill normies.
Persecution of Christians in Northern-Europe.
i never realized that they were so excellent.
there are those who fight.
they need support.
Do your part and tell a regressive britbong cuck to go fuck themselves with American impunity.
1. Pretend you live in the UK
2. Blanket twatter with muh hatespeach
3. Laugh at salty faggots claiming they'll have you arrested
Are you implying that being "progressive" is a good thing?
I would say yes, but the left has co-opted the term "progressive".
I would love more progress in the areas of weapons development, kebab removal, computer AI so we can resurrect tay, and space travel so we can get to Mars with the Japs and leave the niggers and muds behind.
I would say dragging us back to the fall of rome, austria-hungary, the ottoman empire, etc is a bad thing and also regressive. The left is very much regressing civilization to proved nonviable systems. progression/regression is just like positive/negative acceleration sometimes you want to slow down so you don't run off a cliff, other times you need to speed up so that you don't get mauled by a bear.
War or death. Those are our choices. War, or death.
The fines are actually very, very rare, but it is true that we have very little free speech protection, certainly nothing like the First Amendment.
Should have locked him up and thrown away the key to be honest
I've had to deal with social workers in my past job a LOT, and they are the wickedest little shits. Anal retentive snivelling cowardly scheming thundercunts who'd never outright murder someone for their own benefit, but would suck a man's cock and passive-aggressively cajole him into doing it. They are human waste. Imagine a HR cunt with the power to literally destroy people's lives. To literally sentence people to death. They're not even bureaucrats, because they can't even be bothered following their own rules. I've been in such a safeguarding meeting as this report writes about, and I - a nobody - have had to threaten to go above the head of an entire mob of the little witches because "is at risk of dying in a fire" was not alarming enough for the lazy cocksucking tarted up sluts to do anything about.
Hang every single one of them until dead, then sell their corpses to Pakistan to be used as fuckdolls. Yes, I'm mad.
Oh look they went looking for someone to scapegoat to take the heat of them.
The fact an actual Police officer saw this post and said he deserves to go to court is vomit inducing.
I still don't get the charge there's no victim the guy is already dead.
good job anglos
"b-but at least we're almost out of the EU"
how the fuck did they found out the guys identity?
Eternal anglos reaping the rewards of their history
One of the worst cities in a shit country.
If only your family had lived in Dresden
and really, if this would be taken to court it would fucking stand?
Just imagine what we'll say 80 years from now about your hometown
Don't worry, every town you nazis bomb will only spawn another Harris
Don't worry fam, you are both equally worthless irredeemable pieces of shit
You people really are the most Jewish of all Goyim.
You have to succeed in taking my country to gas me
Remind me which cities the Luftwaffe destroyed
Don't matter they'd have been better off leveled just like anlgos would be better off if they lost.
Honestly, spread this shit everywhere. Most normies are simply unaware of the situation. You need to inform them.
On one hand I should feel bad about what Britain is becoming. On the other, the Eternal Anglo spent centuries fucking over Europe, going so far as to create fake states like Belgium, to make sure no continental power got too big enough to threaten them and then helped enact the policy of enforcing German Collective Guilt (which is likely directly responsible for the current migrant crisis and state of Germany) that they kind of brought it all on themselves.
This victim blaming will get us nowhere. Stop the divide and conquer. What happened, happened, we need to move on.
Death squads now, and start with Liverpool.
Lel victim blaming
Yeah take a quick look in the trousers of the "Eternal Anglo" and you may find a surprise.
serious question: why are brits so ugly?
is this a fucking joke?
i remember when this baby was born three years ago, i drank the filtered water at jonestown and kept going on about how the royal baby was evil and a lizard, so my dad punched me in the face
was i right though?
No, your dad was
You have no idea. Kek.
Yes it is. Ten bucks say these retards also voted for Churchill and think he was a great British leader.
so now you can't do what you want in your own house, cause your FORCING people to watch that video
*rolls eyes
UK is THEEEEE most cucked place on the planet
They have gone totally so left wing that they have basically fallen off the map, and this stupidity does not surprise me
If there is any country that will be the first to monitor and have police for thoughts. It will be UK. In the name of enlightenment.
churchill was a good leader
Where do the bong cucks hang out on the internet? I have some triggering to do.
I was 100% sure this was in the UK before I even opened the thread. Fucking BEADY anglos
freedom land? where is that?
I dont think that place exists
And if your refering to america. LOL
You guys dont' even pick your own president. The electoral college does!
Look at trump. Mother fucker has to have like 80% of the vote to win.
shiiit. freedom
Freedom in my mind is if a leader is chosen. He's chosen by the people for the people. And it's he who gets MOST votes. Not a fucking electoral college.
Sure, our country may be controlled by Jews and overflowing with shitskins, but we still have the constitution which protects our freedumbs of speech. There is literally no way we will ever get hate speech laws unless the constitution gets revoked
I won't get arrested for being mean, and that's the point of this thread. Context is everything, sperg.
naw, it will come
Just like the bill after 911. the patriot act
your rights are being encroached on EVERY DAY.
and they slowly wittle away, becuase the majority of any society is stupid.
They say stupid shit like "i dont' care if they monitor me, i have nothing to hide" and idiotic shit like that.
Sorry, but america is no longer free.
You have a congress and they are ALL fucking as crooked as hillary.
So much so, they are afraid to let a business man in as president. Because he might fuck up their end game.
Right to privacy is an implied right stemming from protections from search and seizure. Speech is an explicit right laid out in plain words. It's much more difficult to trample on explicit rights than implicit rights. Just look at the blowback that occurs when there's even mention of limiting funs.
yet, california and other states are slowly taking your gun rights away. come on now ADMIT IT
the latest was the magazine size bullshit
slowly but surely, they are chipping away at freedoms.
If you can't admit it to yourself, you are part of the problem.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but speech laws have been thoroughly argued in the US courts, and the common law system generally doesn't let them renege on a decision without a change to the Constitution.
Can you upload all these in a zip file or something? I need this shit for redpilling purposes.
I can trump that too
what about talking dirty to a teen on chat
Absolutely no crime commited. But you will fucking get incarcerated for it. Luring.
There is your fucking freedom of speech.
Go and put on your facebook "i hate niggers"
and see how many fucking jobs you get turned away from.
If you think even your speeches aren't being infringed on. Dude……rose colored glasses you have on.
Or put on your facebook, I fucking hate niggers so much i wanna kill em
yet a black guy will do the same, and nothing will happen to him
And you fucking know it! That i speak the truth
your goddamn freedom is an illusion
Are you implying that the government is responsible for public blowback?
Anglos Need to find their balls.
Fucking disgusting the police waste their time on this shit. They must have solved all the real crime then i guess. Except the muslim rape gangs, dont even bother with them.
>my ancestral homeland is this shitty
Then again, so is all of the West. Fucking hell.
nope, public blow back is your right to freedom of speech
But as i said. Some of what i just posted can get you charged
THAT is not freedom of speech.
I will never understand why you cuckold brit bongs have not lynched your government officials yet. It sickens me seeing what your country has become. The only people I hate more than you are the people who allow these monsters a blind eye.
And France.
From the West.
Go against us,
And you've lost
Your chance.
Kek is of Jesus.
Take that taco alien dick my friend ur government wants it and so do you
As disgusting as all this stuff in Britain is; DO NOT LOSE HOPE!
If you spend any time on any British news website, even many of the leftist/communist ones; you'll see that the comments are always full of rage from the average Brit.
In the pubs you'll regularly hear Holla Forums-esque opinions, I worked in a warehouse in London for the last 2 years (just moved out to the country with the girlfriend to do our own business) and all of the white men I worked with were pro-BREXIT, and general opinions of the black and brown workers was that they were lazy, late and largely useless.
Over half the country voted for BREXIT. In England far more. Its also speculated that there may have been a large amount of voter fraud, but that they were so sure that the remain crowd was going to win that they did not fake enough votes and still lost.
ANTIFA and other commie/anarchist/anti-Brit groups are getting their arses kicked in the confrontations for the first time in decades (they simply outnumbered the nationalists by too many before; but times are changing).
Members of mainstream 'degenerate' parties like the Conservatives and even Labour are coming out in increasing numbers as sympathetic towards nationalist agendas. The heretical organisation the Church of England is currently undergoing a civil war where actual Bible-believing Christians are intent on exorcising the 'progressive' cancer that has festered for so long.
The battle is not won, but it is certainly not lost. The elites are in full panic mode as the Brits appear to be mobilising faster than much of the rest of Europe. As such they are pushing their draconian bullshit through at insane levels in the futile attempt to stop the re-birth of Britain. What they fail to realise is that this is BREXIT Britain now; the symbol of our rebirth has already happened, and the more they ignore it, the more they will suffer.
Their only hope is to try to re-direct our rage on other targets; likely muslims, iranians and eastern europeans. They can all go too; but we will not forget the jew that inflicted this all upon us. They will hang. Do not despair brothers, our victory is close at hand.
Why do you never hear anything like this from Ireland? Aren't they pretty similar to the UK? Or do muzzies and the like not go there?
This is your country on Marxism.
This is a thinly veiled anti-British thread. Nice try merchant.
Holy shit that video though…
Fuck off shill.
"Regressive" is a mock name for progressives, not an imaginary "fringe" among the imaginary group of "good progressives".
Progressivism is cultural marxism, none of it is salvageable.
I'd like to expand upon this idea of 'progressivism' a little.
Progressives generally assume that as time passes, the further forward we go. This is obvious (at the moment) technologically, and so is assumed to apply to all other parts of life; morality, ethnicity, society, everything. They assume that we are approaching a 'perfect era'.
This is of course pretty stupid, and anyone with a real knowledge of history; or even of technology industries, would understand why. Things always change, change is not always better. Many cultures have survived because they have undone negative changes, many cultures have been destroyed because of allowing stupid changes.
Technology gets destroyed when stupid decisions are made, and society can be set back by millenia. Just look at what islam has done to nations like Syria, Egypt and Iran. Once bastions of literacy, breadbaskets of empires, centres of philosophy and the cutting edge of academia; today the people are impoverished, few can read, there is little understanding of law, there is no order, there is no 'progress'; they have 'regressed'. The passage of time does not ensure that things get better, and this is obvious to anyone who considers it for more than a few minutes.
Today many industries, notably 'big pharma' do not seek real 'progress'. They want to make money, they do not want to fix problems; so they create temporary aids as opposed to cures. My grandmother worked in a lightbulb factory back in 50s and even then they could make lightbulbs that lasted essentially forever. The concept of 'planned' or 'in-built' obsolescence' has existed for a long time and ensures that any 'progress' we are making is not necessarily what is in our best interests. We are not moving towards a perfect future, we are sabotaging what we can already do for the profits of a few.
This ideology of 'progress' is flawed and idiotic, yet the paper-thing understanding of it that the masses have makes it appear sensible to them. 'Technology gets better over time, thus all things get better over time, thus 'progress' is a good thing'. Idiots all.
Tell us when you've had enough britbongs.
t. your friends across the pond
Makes me glad to be American. If I say mean things, about Muslims in Bongistan, they're not going to extradite me to the UK for prosecution.
It's not even their final form.
When dissonance will be too great, and normies finally snap, realising their entire reality was jewish construct?
But you also have to consider the state of technology we have now. It is impossible for everything to regress back to medieval ages, because the world has changed from several isolated nodes of civilization to a sort of world-wide civilization organism. Thanks to the internet, libraries and digital copies cultures and sciences have become effectively immortalized. Someone somewhere will have data and continue to build on it. Even in the past, collapse of Roman Empire did not warrant collapse of all known sciences and practices. They were merely decentralized and spread out across Europe. Some inventions were lost, true, but they were later found again like famous Roman concrete.
As for technology - it does always get better. There are several problems plaguing modern science, though. First is marxist incentive which hurts real progress in biology and othersuch genetic and geological/climate sciences. Then you have broken grant system, which in theory works fine, but in real life it just turns into science-celeb shitfest. If you said something bad goyish, expect to never receive any significant money for any significant project ever again. Then you have the journal system, which is just broken. Kikes run it, kikes steal your inventions after making you wait for years while they complete their "evaluation". This is just terrible. There is also a significant issue with amount of researchers actively working on new inventions. There are so many papers coming out, that it is impossible to filter out copies, scams, fabrications and so on. It might even happen, and it does, that two separate teams worked on the same thing without having ever spoken to each other. There needs to be a major restructuring of how science is archived because we are inventing so much shit, we're losing information. Imagine carrying a huge stack of books like in cartoons and then they just fall piece by piece when you try to move them from one room to the other. Even with these issues, technology still moves forward.
So you might ask me, what of your light bulb example? See, the issues I mentioned were serious, but they were not THE issue. The real issue in science is kikes and kike practices. Technical obsolescence is a cheap kike way to scam the goy out of his money. Let me share some examples. So you might hear about how cars are expensive and no one wanted to buy them. Henry Ford invented a light, cheap car out of bioplastic little short of a century ago and he was completely ignored. Car blueprints got lost. You know, of course, the light bulb example. Strangely enough, it does not apply anywhere. Light bulbs I buy last me at least 4 months, even though I use them for several hours a day. You have another example with electricity. Kikes constantly kvetch over how we need to lower our carbon blueprint, but when you start suggesting "oh, okay, let's build gen IV reactors, you know, the safe ones" they start bullshitting about "carbon economy this, carbon economy that". There are many more examples, but I feel I'm getting angrier the more I write so I will end this here.
It's true actually but remember that to get fined, someone needs to file proper documentation and take you to court over it.
You could then appeal it and try to argue against and cross-sue him for slander and libel.
But if someone gets pissed off badly enough they would probably pay a lawyer some £200 just to get you a £150 fine tbh.
You can easily find most of this shit on >>>/polarchive/
All good points, though there does exist certain groups that go out of their way to destroy technology, burn down libraries, smash museums and monuments, that kind of stuff. We could certainly regress quite far, and even with examples of working technology intact, having people too stupid to understand it (and too apathetic to try) would mean that it all becomes obsolete once it breaks down anyway; just look at how many African countries deal with technology. Can you imagine what would happen to masses with their iphones if all the engineers decided to go to China? How many of the beta numales and stuck up whores who own iphones do you think would actually go out of their way to figure out how to fix/make them? When you consider potential drops in IQ due to race-mixing / population replacement, the idea of technology being lost becomes even more likely.
My point however wasn't so much that the idea of technology progressing is false; it was more that the evidence of technological progression does not support progression in fields of morality, genetics, general society and the like. People tend to look at the evidence of technological progress and think that everything progresses in the same way; that over time everything gets 'more advanced' and 'better'.
That clearly isn't true.
… As an aside; if you know a lot about technology and those industries it would be great if you'd make a thread about kike involvement. Its one of those things that a lot of us know a little bit about, but no one has really expanded upon it in great detail. Would be very interested in reading what you have to say about it.
No he wasn't. He was a traumatised alcoholic warmonger.