You commie faggots are better off just killing yourselves now
You commie faggots are better off just killing yourselves now
Pic releated is you queers
Have some more
man, i'm sorry that you guys are this bored
is there nothing going on on the news today?
Holla Forums is shit because jews are the bourge, but anyone smart enough to see that then becomes anti jew and becomes Holla Forums, enjoy being puppets to the bourge you commie sacks of shit
you uh
you sure about that, dude
sorry to disappoint you guys
I'm a white nationalist to, but honestly black men are just better at sex. So every weekend, I let my girlfriend get fucked by a big black guy. She takes the dick, we meet up again and it's like nothing ever happen. Sieg Heil!
can i have a link?
Most bourge are ethnic jews, pure coincidence there though goyim
Pic related, one day you'll have your lying mouth shut
sure thing m8
Whatever dude, wanna fuck off? This is why no one on 4chan likes you.
Are you coming to prayers this friday, Checkers?
If you were a white nationalist you would know the difference between to and too dumbass
Your 40 person board still hasn't banned me yet, are the 2 mods you have busy getting double teamed by Schlomo and Tyrone?
I don't know if you know this, but even when Holla Forums's not raiding our board is shit. You're pissing into a pool that's already yellow-colored, you're really not making much of a difference especially since there's no argument here. You have to get people invested and enraged for trolling to work, friend, don't you remember that?
At least I'm not gonna give you some faggy name when I insult your beliefs.
Is this supposed to trigger me? They'll both go in the oven one day. I'd post hatefacts about how every communist country has failed on its own and post pics of modern day venezuala but you commieshits would just try and advocate your broke "no true scottsman" tier system
Ironically there's no argument here as to why we shouldn't just bombard your shitty board, tbh it really shouldn't exist especially given how focused it is on one ideological outlook, on top of flag faggotry and no thread IDs.
woah, bro, you guys have fascists and not-quite-to-fascists whereas we have anarkiddies and tankies
we have plenty of diversity of thought, that's why we're constantly pissing and shitting on eachother
Well I'm done shitposting because I have work in the morning (unlike you cocksuckers) to support my 100% aryan wife and my 8 beautiful aryan children.
Enjoy your cesspool of degeneracy and stupidity.
Holla Forums has always welcomed every political outlook, we just reached a position that was naturally conservative given that what is presently politically correct in western countries is precisely nationa.l socialism. You fags exist on a containment board because none of you gone run with the big boys.
even their poetry is completely shit-tier
go there and say shit that is completely against the grain, just for fun. See how quickly you get banned.
yeah, as long as you're willing to bow to the right-wing truth and admit that you're probably not correct in having an opinion that the majority of Holla Forums disagrees with
I've been dealing with you fucks since /n/ went all stormfront-tier, you can't fucking play me. Did you even use /n/? /new/? Or did you only show up once the alt-right bullshit got tasty and memeified enough for you to enjoy it?
i.e., you celebrated the death of the white race, or made claims that were objectively false
God, I hate you fucks. You ruined /k/ forever, I can't shitpost about guns without getting m-muh white pride faggots ruining every discussion.
You won't get banned for disagreeing with someone, I came there as a leftist and I was surprised at how willing they were to simply present facts and argue without sperging out. Here it's much worse.
Literally everywhere you go you will find people celebrating pride for their own people. It's white people who are being shamed into not having pride.
Surprisingly enough, most people here don't want anybody to have pride in their race. Pride should come from what is gained through working together with your fellow people, not something you are born with.
Something tells me your idea of leftism is that you'd like universal healthcare in western nations so long as that is also combined with all people who are not white going back to their homes.
why do you expect a shitposting polock to know what they're talking about in any capacity?
woops, meany for
i posted there as a leftist
i got banned
also being a liberal does not make you a leftist
This is ignoring the blatant falsehoods and uncited claims, i.e. interracial crime
And the numerous statistics that run contrary to the image:
>white women dating abusive black men usually selecting for thugs instead of running across them by accident, because women are crazy
W-w-we don't live in a class society!! Our masters our benevolent, it's just the pesky Jews that are screwing up our perfect system, promise!!
pic related