Trump Opposes Surrender of Internet to Foreign Powers



Other urls found in this thread: /representatives/find/ /senators/contact/
Remove the space when you paste into new tabs. Contact your reps and tell them this matters to you.


Wonder if Ted will beg for forgiveness.

The fact that hardly anybody knows about this makes me angry as fuck.

Human beings really are stupid cattle being led to slaughter with a smile on their face, aren't they?

Thank god, we need Trump to blast Obama on this
I knew he would, I was just wondering when

As much as I hate to admit it Rato's been good on this issue, he's kind of been the leading force in the Senate on it.

Give me something good I can paste into there.

First comment is a cuckservative christcuck pussy

Don't Republicans own 57% of the House?

Are we saved? Did the Trumpenfurher save us?



Turns out people aren't actually black and white caricatures and can actually have different stances on different matters!

Or he knows just how badly he fucked up at the RNC and is trying to get back in people's good graces.

that's probably the case given this rat's history to be honest

He looks so strange, half of his face is reasonably attractive and the other half looks like shit.

He obviously jacks off in front of schoolchildren.

This really. Cruz knows being on the side he is now will please people like us, the very people be hired Dan Gabriel to try and bring under his control so he could use us for our memes.

One thing I can give Cruz credit for is understanding the importance of memes.

wew. Also, checked.


Yes. the GOP runs the House. Let's hope they understand whats at stake. Let's hope they don't sell us out


All it takes is a little cheese and the rat will beg for forgiveness.


Is he just saying this because he knows if he doesn't start saying pro-trump stuff, his career is over, or is he serious?

I knew I could trust Trump a year ago. You gotta follow your gut instincts goys.

This doesn't mean we can trust him, but at least hes not cucking on this issue.

Either way the never Trump cuckservatives might join the right side in the most important hour(election day).

Maybe Dahnald will share some of his delegates?


Dispensationalists are not Christian. Darby and Scofield were heretics.

Supersessionism is biblical and was believed for thousands of years, and still is among actual Christians. Jews have no special salvation. Christ is the only one who can save.

King nigger can still veto it unless it's two thirds or more.

He's probably got a lot of CP to hide.

But oh well, at least its for a good cause.

Damn. That's a really saddening photo.

kikes made sure of this, look at how fucked the education is all over the west. Not only the US has some type of common core bullshit being taught to kids.

Actually, even if Obongo surrenders the internet, it is technically possible to take it back. It would take balls, though.

Basically the US could roll its own, as it has been doing from the start, and give a big fuck you to the rest of the world. Good luck to everyone else to stop interoperating with the American internet.

The US is the only country that can pull this off. deal with it

tl;dr get your fucking paws off my internet, you fucking nigger


Anti slide bump

If I can say I saved the internet, Dahnald's delegates will go to me!

How will this opposition work anyway? Congress will try to pass a bill to outlaw what Obama is trying to do right? IF it passes it will have to go through Obama which he WILL VETO, which means support for the bill requires at least 2/3 of congress.

Did I get it right? I think getting this to pass within 10 days would be a miracle, I would sooner believe Trump retaking control of the Internet from the UN would be easier than this.



That's not how it works.

Holy shit what a fucking faggot.
Nice dubs though.

Cruz is a weird lawyerly automaton without feeling or emotion, he has no concept of loyalty but also no concept of grudges, now that the power is Trump he has shifted into support mode without a care in the world and if Trump ever ceases to have power Cruz will just as smoothly drop his support.

phew. that -is- a good sign



The problem is some fucking Americans gave a nigger the power to veto important civil rights.

Let that sit in your head for a bit.

Getting to see that globalist chimp sperg out as Trump undoes his legacy bit by bit is going to be one of the sweetest parts of this election.

Too little too late, Trumpstein. Couldn't even say it yourself, had to get your kike advisor to do it for you.

Rato has been leading the charge in the Senate on this issue for a while now.

If only anyone involved knew anything about how the internet works.

Doing some digging.

The GNSO is comprised of Stakeholder Groups whose leadership teams are shown in the tabs below. ICANN's Board encouraged the GNSO to structure the Council on the basis of four broad stakeholder groups in order to represent the wide variety of groups and individuals that compose the ICANN community. Stakeholder Groups function as caucuses, and are intended to facilitate the creation of new constituencies as well as growth and expansion of GNSO participants.

- The Generic Names Supporting Organization fashions (and over time, recommends changes to) policies for generic Top-Level Domains (e.g., .com, .org, .biz). The GNSO strives to keep gTLDs operating in a fair, orderly fashion across one global Internet, while promoting innovation and competition. Sample GNSO issues: When you register a domain name, what services must the registrar provide? If you forget to renew your domain name, and it expires, can you get it back? What happens if someone registers a domain name that is confusingly similar to yours? Resources posted here will help you learn more about the GNSO and its policy development process.


Sage because I don't know what I'm talking about yet.

Oh look, cuckchan arrived.

Here's a copy-paste thing I made up, change some words and add in your own flavor obviously

Hello [Representive name]

As one of your constituents, and a [profession, or something along those lines], I urge you to stand against the current plan of President Obama to hand over control of the internet (specifically handing over control of the Internet domain and IP address database) to a foreign multi-stake entity on Oct 1.

[Representative name], I implore you to stand against this, as giving up this control only paves the way for a desecration of the First Amendment. The internet, one of America's (and mankind's) greatest inventions, requires continued freedom to function as well as it has in regards to finding the truth. With certain regimes holding power or at the very least, sway over the database, untold censorship can emerge, and as a result, ways to fight back against further corruption would be easily quashed.

Imagine if you discovered an item of interest, perhaps incriminating evidence of some individual or group, and within a day, the whole site you discover it on goes black. The domain leads to nowhere when you attempt to access the website and the IP address is lost. What will you do? The problem is exacerbated ever further if corporations are involved.

One can easily see the potential for abuse, perhaps far worse than I described as the knowledge of the domain and IP address database possessed by this non-Americsn group who seek control is likely greater than my own.

Therefore, as a [Republican and a conservative(could be changed if you feel it helps)]who believes in the constitution, and especially the first amendment, I urge you to take action and make a vocal, pronounced stand against this veritable injustice, and clear path to abuse and a soiling of the right that our forefathers fought so dearly to protect by supporting the Protecting Internet Freedoms Act.

Thank you.

Feels bad man

Get out of here, retard.

fit in or get banned.


Oh dear.

Wtf I love Cruz now.

Hello cuckchan.

Why is Bill Clinton opposing it, though? I assume Hillary would go through with it, but how does either option promote freedom of speech?

Hello Dan.

I miss cruz memes :(

No No no user, it's goes like…"I am now a #cruzmissle"

You can't have your delegates back ted…

When was the last time Trump back stabbed anyone?

You guys should see how libcucks who 2 years ago were creaming themselves about a free and open internet are now opposed to it because their masters are. Spineless faggots.

If Obama does go through with this, then the entire Internet including Holla Forums is compromised. The best alternative right now is ZeroNet, and once we reorganize there, we can find a new website to relocate.

Are you even white?

Bump, you damn tards

i hope you niggers are all contacting your local representatives about this


FWIW kirstie alley is a trump supporter
and she's currently not fat and looking good for 60 or whatever she is

wrong thread sorry

He doesn't need congress. He'll just sign an executive order and it will happen.



Fuck off halfcuck.

mods ban this cuck

contact your representatives niggerfaggits only a few days left to reeeeeeeee

No one seems to give a fuck about this, even nerds… wtf

Look here

for a copypasta you can use







If this happens it cannot be reverse & we'll just have to build a new internet along with the wall, a new internet better than the old one.

based as fuck


Funny how the liberals are against privatization but they suddenly want to make Icann a privatized organization.

So when are they going to get going on privatizing Social security? Oh wait, they want to make healthcare a single tax payer system.

I bet they support private schools,and for profit post education. Oh wait. They say that private,and charter schools take money away from public schools. Hell they're even against people opting out paying taxes for school districts that they don't send their kids to.

Remember how they bitched about for profit prisons?

I'm sure they'll be getting on privatizing the BBC…

"Nerds" don't care about this because they actually understand what's happening.

ICANN has been a private, non-profit organization since it was founded.