Rotten Tomatoes article mocking White existence

We've known for awhile that RT is run by SJWs, well now there is a new article bashing Trump and white people in general.

Nathan Rabin, another one to add to the list.

It goes on from there, but it's refreshing to see the author get BTFO in the comments

Other urls found in this thread:

Guys a fucking kike excellent job as always


I mean, seriously?

ha, even the author said
and that describes Jews perfectly

The movie itself is anti white propaganda. The "neo-nazi" character is portrayed as insane and a closeted homosexual.

From a description of the scene with the neo-nazi:

Add him to what list? Let me know when someone actually pops one of these kikes.

the comments are a ray of light in this dark world

this is the author btw

Falling Down was a fantastic representation of what it was like being white in California in the 90s. This is "diversity", real "diversity" in action. This movie woke me the fuck up when it came out, how (((hollywood))) let this gem slip out into our hands is beyond me.

The spics in this film aren't caricatures, they're real fucking representations of IRL gang banging lowlife wetbacks.

>Hey, it's the first anti-Semitic response to one of my tweets. I've made it, ma! You Trump folk are charming!

>I just published “In Defense of Lena Dunham and My Met Gala-style Anecdote for the Ages” https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */-ages-d6ab980b1701#.tfav20gfw … I wrote this. It's silly.

dotr can't come soon enough.

wew I sent a tweet to him saying I was gonna laugh at him when Trump wins and he immediately blocked me

Further proof that if you shave your head and you're not fit you look like a cancer patient.

I know we're all looking at this with mild amusement. I know..its funny how hard and far they're reaching. But consider the following:

10 years ago the Jew would not have dreampt of speaking so poorly of the white race. nor would the nigger and spic. their anti-white agenda existed 10 years ago, but now it exists openly and even has momentum. for those of you who know how genocides occur, this is a very serious red flag.

The implicit message is that snapping from all of the multicult and modernist bullshit is bad, goy. Even as a sympathetic antihero, the film does a lot to paint the protagonist as a lame reactionary white guy against the inevitable trends of urbanization and multiculturalism. I like the movie but its pretty kosher tbh.

all of your rage can be harnessed by your reason.
it flows through, endlessly, and when directed to your goal, it becomes an unstoppable force.
bullets aren't as dangerous as other things, fbi.

where the fuck do you think we are?

this is known to all of us

So his boy has down syndrome. What a surprise! Top of the keks!

Let them try. Boy, let them try.

A similar character is found in the movie "American Beauty".

Apology for low quality video.

Falling Down was a shit tier movie ridiculing us. I don't see why so many people like the movie. Yes certain sections are funny, but the whole message of the movie was that racists become nazi memorabilia skinhead milsurp pawnshop faggots. It was not a thoughtful representation of traditionalism or even a fair representation of anti-liberalism.


Someone should do a remake of Falling Down. A white anti racist guy is stuck in traffic behind a BLM protest, and he finally cracks and runs them all over.

Is he growing tits?

It gets even better. He learned how to drive with 39 years and struggled mightily with it. He owns nothing and moved with his wife and mongo son into the basement of her parents. His kike wife is 13 years younger and kept ofc her name.

This guy is a huge failure that has amounted to nothing in his life. He has no real job and lives of his wife and inlaws. Yet he writes like smug Pepe himself. Ladies and gentlemen: jewish hubris.

Btw, he has some books on amazon that only wait to be downvoted.

It's the left eating each other. Nothing new.


Get a Twitter sock account ready and make good on your promise, user. Maybe fire up GIMP and make yourself a rare pepe for the occasion, too.

it's a circle jerk

Where do these people come from?
They're like aliens or something.

These kikes can't ruin of my favorite movies. It only makes me like it more.

The (((guy))) who got kicked out of AVCLub for being too much of a cuck. lel


Oy veyylmao!


Why is he wasting this good drink? Doesn't he know children in Africa have to drink pee pee to survive? What a wasteful and evil person.

sage for obvious

These digits… Who got them?

Why do they even bother?

What the fuck is wrong with him? Rickets?

Just a disease called 'Leftism'

We havent figured it out yet.
Make sure the infection does not spread.

Last digit determines the severity of tonight's protests

Yeah, sure. It sounds phony as fuck.

for fucks sake moshe, never get high on your own supply


Nathan Rabin is confirmed Jewish.

Notice its a picture of a Baptist church.

There are no exceptions

Holla Forums is always right

that was a really good movie. one of my favorites, honestly

Is he talking about jews here?

Is that film critique ettiquete?
Is that how you're supposed to write this kind of thing?

You needed confirmation that someone with the surname Rabin is Jewish?

He looks like a lesbian

this movie was recently mentioned a lot around here


suck my cock nathan rabin

I'm not going to waste any time reading this shit from a shitty site.

everytime, typical nu-male
I think stereotypes are the first and more powerfull memes. DNA of the soul and body

If they didn't have the block button, I think most of these snowflakes would kill themselves.

It's literally their only defense against reality.

He has to single out Christian too. As a Jewish man.

How is this not hate speech? How is this not Jewish supremecism?

How does he not realize that he is validating the criticisms that have been used to justify his ancestors punishments?

Jews and their endless hate for whites are single-handedly responsible for me leaving the entertainment industry and also turning away from mainstream media.

The Holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.

Why are forced analogies the only """"""""arguments""""""""" liberals can make?

And what position? Assistant fluffer?

one thing you have to give the left credit for is using raw emotional appeals to try and "win over" those "undecided voters" — seriously i dont think i've heard an issue that hillary's really got a stance on that isn't some knee-jerk reaction to trump…. this whole election is basically a referendum on trump and in general the whole HE'S RACIST! NO, BETTER YET HE'S HITLER! HE'S GONNA END THE WORLD IF HE GETS ELECTED!!!!!! thing seems to work out for them.

i mean seriously, people carry on pretending that the president is some super-important not-made-for-TV gig nowadays where if you vote the wrong person in IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!

i like to look at the world around me in a sub/urban setting and watch all the cars sit on the highway in rush hour traffic, all filled up with countless gallons of $$$GAS$$$ and think about all the people in their cars sipping expensive drinks next to semis carting products around evetywhere and then i think about how much $$$ is going around everywhere…. and then i stop and think "wait, the powers that be want me to think that *i* have a say in electing somebody who can radically change how this whole $$$SOCIETY$$$ works, or who would have the power to literally end the world if he just got bored one day (or my favorite, putin will say that trump has a small dick and the nuclear apocalypse comes within an hour of that)

seriously, you think all "the powers that be" would give >us power to affect ANYTHING that could mess with their profit margins? i remember when obama himself was pitched as a "too good to be true" option when everyone just got ready for hillary… and now it's happening on the other side… and you think that trump would be allowed to get there (be it politically through the process or technically in terms of being alive) if he wasnt going to "play ball" with "the powers that be" ??

ah well, best to stick to the emotional appeals that reinforce people having the ultimate power in the end (lol) by convincing them that if they dont select the person that all the lefties want (not because they WANT hillary but because she isn't trump) that it's the end of the world! literally and figuratively! IT'S ALL OVER IF WE ELECT TRUMP! AMERICA WILL BE DESTROYED!!!!

talk about petulant childlike shit, eh? and i hate pedantry in general so to even say that makes me feel even shittier than i generally do anyways!

Sad but true. Never give a Hollywood movie the benefit of the doubt. It is all trash until proven otherwise.

isn't he a jew? I mean.. look at his kid.

Isn't the Jews so silly for breathing! Hahahaha!

Someone needs to stop those Kike Bags!


I read this a couple days ago, had a hearty kek at how mad about Trump the author must be feeling to write something that I wouldn't even use to wipe my ass, and then asked myself how long it would take for the article to show up on Holla Forums…

he must do his part in the propaganda. they go all out with everything they have. remember that bitch Silverman chimping out at DNC. Now giga hollywood kikes with save the vote shit. What next? I expect Sasha Grey and that rapist jewish porn star to shill for her.

he is a walking contradiction

Spend a few bucks on a booter and ddos the fucker.

Others, write on IMDB. Give jdar heavy rated movies 0 or 1 stars. They want to play games, we school them on it.

That movie pretty much predicted the decline of white middle class America.


Bout what I was expecting, fam.

the exoteric message is kosher but the esoteric meaning isn't.
message is: don't be like Bill.
meaning is: the shit society Bill lived in pushed him over the edge, shit needs to change.