Trump sides with Tulsa nigger, betrays proud white police

"I must tell you, I watched the shooting in particular in Tulsa and that man was hands up, that man went to the car – hands up – put his hand on the car. To me, it looked like he did everything you're supposed to do," Trump said. "And he looked like a really good man – and maybe I'm a little clouded because I saw his family talking about him after the fact … but he looked like somebody who was doing what they were asking him to do."

Other urls found in this thread:’s-actions-prior-to-fatal-police-shooting-in-tulsa/ar-BBwmNm4?

wtf I hate trump now

not every police shooting is justified faggot

cops make mistakes too, it would seem from the video these police made a mistake

wtf i hate trump now

It was a middle aged woman who got trigger happy this time.

Hopefully this show of compassion earns him a few more nigger votes.

Unlikely after everything his villainous alt right supporters went screaming on with.

This is going to be fun to hear their responses, probably its like

Suddenly its a bad shooting, and not a good nigger kill.

Is fine, women shouldn't be in there.

The Tulsa incident was genuinely an incompetent police officer who shot somebody who didn't need to be shot, Trump is right. Did you watch the video?

I am actually starting to dislike Trump's behavior with the niggers… Even though I understand the strategy of it.

Clinton is still shit though.

He never sided with anyone you kike. He stated that he looked like he was doing all the right things. And also SAGE

cant wait till the trump wins the election so we can finally rip into him for being a shabbos goy

Nigger vote is in his pocket now.
Dems are fucking finished.


Gooby blz. All nigger shootings are good shootings!

What do you think this is?(((plebbit)))?!

It's just Trump grabbing the "cops abuse niggers" fags.

A vote's a vote.

Hello, fellow channer!

What a fucking white male.
I'm #ELCruzMissile now.

Pick one. Every single non white on the planet needs to take a bullet in the back of the head.


Am do legitmatly hate trump these days hilary is just worse

when it turns out the nigger had a gun and was in the wrong, trump can just say "the MSM even had me fooled with the race-baiting" and totally turn the situation around.

Jesus fucking christ this site is going to shit.

Sage goes in all fields, dont attach a pic.

wad da fugg I hade trumb now!

The competent police officer just tasered him, you don't need to purge the niggers as a police officer while being filmed from three different angles.

Its not strategy, Trump isn't racist. It sucks but it is what it is. Meanwhile Clinton will implement policies racist against whites, so Trump is still far better than her.


While I agree, pieces are still in play. Get your head in the game.

Oh I agree, most of Trump's strategy is based on this. Hence why he doesn't dismiss anyone or continues to keep running the campaign on a large chunk of listen and believe rather than laying things out prior to the debates.

They already recovered car and body, no gun was seen on any of thcar, body, or helo cams, and the window was up.
A gun materializing now means burn the fucking pigs for planting evidence.

Also an IQ that high means he is Eurokike trash. Not at all a surprise than for letting his daughter marry the tribe or his being part of the political manipulators.

>>>Holla Forums


are you implying a Euro needs Jew blood to have a high IQ? i wonder who you could be…

You first. I'll follow.

Trump has said affirmative action is good and he's going to keep it and he spends half of his rallies talking about materially enriching niggers and spics with money and jobs.

He's absolutely going to implement anti-White policies. There's really not as much daylight between the two candidates as people think – but here's the kicker, there are no radicals in the US. Everybody is real super comfortable with niggers and their whole lives revolve around making sure niggers love them.

That high?
Yeah, that's one of the ways to tell, normal people do not score more than 4 statistical bounds outside the norm.
Kikes do.
In fact, the rest of us are notable for losing IQ in the grander long term sense as domestication sets in.
Scheming the downfall of a planet does wonders to ensure the brain doesn't degrade, and inbreeding keeps those traits high.

Eugenics my friend, dirty word because the kikes do it.


I understand that you love memes but please learn to fucking read, or at least lurk more.

It's really weird that (((they))) don't understand that we aren't genocidal. We simply want order. Genocide might be a side effect of that goal, but it's more likely that we'll fix the darkies and huns of the world through genetic manipulation, since that's (a) more humanitarian and (b) preserves the few useful genes they have. (Yes, even blacks have some advantages, particularly with explosive muscular strength and height, though they're inferior in most other aspects of physical ability.)

Shooting blacks because they're black is Muslim-tier behavior–it doesn't fit with how we operate, which is by the rules set up by the white man for the past several millennia. We don't kill the savages, we uplift them and make them useful–white man's burden and all that. We build, we prepare, and we defend ourselves. That's how we built the world up to begin with; when we started departing from the order imposed on the world by our ancestors was when we began to fall.

Which means that to anyone with a mind, this is good news–it gives Trump yet another moral edge while showing that he can be selective–after all, he isn't talking about how the armed nig in NC was unarmed, when he clearly was.

But, that's one less nigger to string up on the DotR. If this keeps happening, the crows will run out of eyes too soon.

I understand that you love niggers.

With this video, it does look like the black guy put his hand in the car.

Can't side with Trump on this one. However, there were a number of shootings where the cops were in the wrong.

I mean Trump has never denied being anything other then a civic nationalist and the majority of the American nation is anti police. This is what civic nationalism looks like

Okay, kike, get back in line. Even your brethren don't want your retarded shit.

Yeah, no

Either you're a self hating white, or a fucking Jew. Either way, >>>/oven/

Make sure you lurkers understand how to spot conservacucks and redditfags when they come here trying to "fit in".

First post every time. That nigger dindu nuffin 4 riel


This close to the election, what the fuck did you think he was going to say? Did you want him to go full-on 1488 and throw the campaign?

your hero einstein plagiarized all of his work.

Cool digits but doubt.jpg

Gnetic inbreeding heightens the expression of genetic code, it is only considered degenerate due to the most common examples being very small families, whereas the larger examples usch as royalties are noted for being superior with defects to the populace.

Genius is anyone over 120 IQ, not that hard if you have some decent nonafrican stock.
IQs over 150 are a common Jew sign, try looking up how high they score versus Americans or old Euros from the 1900s.

Trump is giving a moderate answer that most moderates would like and will make Clinton or anyone that sides with the nigs look like a radical.

That said, how deluded do you have to be to meme for Clinton? Look at that picture. Disgusting.

It's basically what these fucks want. That and for people to vote Clinton.

I wonder how longer were going to be hearing this for?


So Trump?

You mean this video?

What the fuck I hate Trump now
Thank you for correcting the record.

He's not siding with the nigs you nitwit. He's taking a nuanced stance and making himself look compassionate. You can't get elected in this country screaming for all groups to be gassed.

When someone advocates white chimping out, it's obvious they're a shill or psychotic or an FBI plant. Possibly all three.

Why do you think we're superior? It's because we're the fucking civilized ones.

And when the petty little tantrum you're going through has blown itself over, we'll still be here to feed you the cold comfortless truth. Anger only gives you strength when you have something to oppose, after all.

Because I did see that video (checked)…

… but I also saw



Some maybe worthy of our ranks, but we wont do anything to "raise them up" if they are worthy, they wont get the rope.

Most will though.

We're going to need a lot of rope guise.

And isn't that brilliance?
Why do all the work yourself when you can get someone else to do so.
Did you start out like an Abo and build everything you use now?

See, a genius would have a more witty retort, or a blatantly socially inept one that rquires an explination.
You instead parrot one response like a 85 IQ.

On the hierarchy of important issues, not verbally condemning some nogs on national tv is rather low on that totem pole. Trump has called himself the 'law and order candidate', what the FUCK do you think that means? If he had said something like, 'He deserved to get shot', then we would have another news cycle about Trump's 'rash judgement calls'. He's also trying to court the suburban slit vote who all think he's some vile racist.

He knew what he was doing - he just didn't care about the consequences.

You find me a guy on here who'd give a fuck if the superweapon he created to kill only niggers was used to kill only niggers - then you'll understand why the Clintons are a threat. Replace niggers with their own kind and you'll see that not all traitors are thick.

All the way to the end. The narrative has already been long established.

Trump even has an out on the debates now. He can refuse them because he doesn't think Anderson Cooper should moderate. So, if he refuses the debate, he can say it was Cooper's fault.

It's what 4d chess is all about. Shifting blame. It's kinda fun to watch.

It's not his fault you're an idiot. He makes taking a strong stance on the borders and going against globalism a main point of his campaign and despite all this, people like you want people to might as well give up and wait for hitler. Enjoy voting for Clinton.

Reagan had a 130 IQ
Bush the retard comes in at 125?
That picture is total horses hit

wtf i love clinton now

Trips confirm PR fags must be gassed.

Trump isn't even the prophesied messiah of Holla Forums, Barron is.

Thank you for correcting the record.

only a kike would think stealing other peoples work and passing it off as your own is brilliance.

Reagan was a fucking moron. I know you're a cuckservative newcomer, but you need to slay your own sacred cows before coming here.


Ah muh PR of course who cares about values. I understand now

Judging by the absolutely unreal pace at which we are currently being EXTERMINATED in just about every single nation we call home, I'm not entirely convinced we are superior – especially because of how prevalent people who think you do are in the face of this unprecedented genocide.

Nobody denies that Kikes are intelligent.

People here don't quite understand what IQ is worth what - someone with an IQ of 100 probably needs a calculator to figure out what a quarter of a random number is.

IQ of 120 is what we'd think is an IQ of 100. Because most of the actual posters on this pol (halfchan is different) are wayyyyyy higher than you'd think.

reminder that this man is playing 5d chess we don't know what he's planing to do with this move

kinda disappointed tbh

100 IQ is average though. Average person is easily capable of this

you are not even trying anymore, are you schlomo?

You're a fucking idiot. How is he going against values when he is taking a nuanced stance and not blaming anyone? How should he run his campaign and how would that realistically actually bring in moderates, where a lot of people and votes reside.

Every kill is a good nigger kill because it's another dead nigger. Not all make great propaganda though.

I'm absolutely convinced the average IQ on halfchan is double digits. I think we're getting closer to that by the day. In the past I felt like the dumbest person on the board, but it's definitely not that way anymore when I see people attributing things like 'trust but verify' to gamergate ecelebs.

for Whites

Who are you quoting?

Holla Forums is so full of cucks and shills these days, wtf.

Sage goes in all fields, folks!

What is a quarter of 837

Don't use a calculator or paper, all in your head.

That's not an argument. You're the one mad at Trump for taking a middle stance on this instead of going full kill the niggers.



I was asking who you were quoting because it wasn't me?

They realllllly aren't dude.

Likely not. Slavposters are all bilingual - remember most Brits/Americans don't even know where Slovakia is.

That's facts - information isn't IQ I know, but a better example - what the end result of immigration is.

Everyone on here agrees that it's replacement - simple as, two objects, one slowing down, one speeding up - one will eventually overtake the other.

This is a simple concept many people struggle to grasp.

We have IDs here you nitwit. I am responding to you and your bullshit. The halfchan "who are you quoting" won't get you out of this.

/jp/ pls

Exactly, WHO were you quoting?

Don't be stupid.

4chan has IDs as well.


That was rude.

Only an idiot ignores the work others have done to repeat it again.

So then have you amde your own web browser? Your own home and land?
You claim much as your own, yet did not build it.

Holy shit my sides.

I went to go see if that Forsvarmakten team test was up to see if we could play it like the good ol' days, but it's not anymore sadly. Geography isn't IQ. Intelligence isn't filling a bucket, it's being able to reason things out. I think misunderstanding immigration is common because of the many pitfalls involved. It takes someone with high (accurate) pattern recognition and the ability to ask the right questions.

The lesson from this is that females should not be allowed to have jobs, not that niggers dindu nuffin.

Anchors Reaction at 0:44

But who were you quoting!

Oh sorry, it also, most importantly, requires the desire to know the truth. I've known plenty of smart people who didn't want to follow along the path we're on simply because he wasn't comfortable with what they might find along that path. They preferred being in good goy land.

Top kek.

I'll filter you the next post since you'll just repeat "who are you quoting".

Every local news source has completely omitted any mention of his arrest record, I guess that's not surprising. No wonder the cops reacted harshly.

Yep that's nigger town

Nise guads :DDDD

Seriously who were quoting?

Your mom.

It's obvious what he's planning. He's doing what real men do: keep their word.

He promised to be the law and order candidate; unlike pretty much everyone else in the race, he values his word and his reputation.

It's ironic that cites "values", when it's obvious that he (and several others, like and and
and ) have no values or principles at all.

To them, the law is a convenient construct, used to their advantage when possible, and ignored when it becomes a liability. They believe systems exist to be exploited, and that the principles upholding a civilization should only be obeyed when it does not interfere with their personal whims.

You mongrel shit blooded faggots are going to burn last and hottest.

Reminds me of this picture.

Top kek. I didn't think this thread would give me this good of a laugh.

I forgot to mention: what other (((group))) exploits rules and ethics in this fashion? After all, it is their inability to operate in a principled fashion that makes us hate them.

To back it all up to a point - pattern recognition is one of the defining traits of "true intelligence" or whatever you wanna call it. Smarts shit.

The actual cut off point where you can say "This person is smarter than this person"

The ability to take a concept and remove it from its surroundings, and compare it to another.

Everyone here has come to a logical conclusion:

The West is fucked.

Immigration and rabid inbreeding has created a race of… barbarians which are increasing in number, faster than the natives are.

This has happened before in the Indo-European plains.

Goat fuckers fucked goats on such a massive scale that the goats ate the plants which kept the desert at bay.

(((Environmentalism))) falls apart when you open up to the correct questions - which sets Holla Forums apart from everywhere else - we CAN ask these questions. Anonymity has turned us into an autistic juggernaut.

For example:

"What is the purpose of reducing carbon emissions in Western Nations? Surely, we should increase carbon sinks in none-Western nations, by glassing Mecca and sending the goat fucking locusts to whatever Hell they believe in"

This is why we are rightfully recognised as a threat - because social pressure doesn't apply to us, and cannot be used against us.

Kikes are smart - but you seem to think that IQ means shit. It doesn't. I was 14, my school put me in for one for shits and giggles or whatever, and I ended up at almost 160.

But Holla Forums is the only place where I can speak and be understood - so what does that make us, here?

100 or so is basically the cutoff for "not fucking a goat instead of listening to your superiors"

100 is the "Follow basic instructions" cutoff and 120 is the "Follow basic instructions without telling anyone" cutoff.

Will you tell me who you were quoting in rerun for the laughs?

he isn't a racist, I mean it's cool to be all "Trump white nationalist hurr durr" but nah he's not a racist. He just knows we're superior.

Values and laws do not always coincide. If laws necessitate the death of your race but you say that nonviolence is the only acceptable form of action then your system of values is entirely cucked.

you'd know , wouldn't you?

you mean that gay little country where even the women have massive chins?

Yeah the chart seems beyond suspicious.

Ah, the old Jewish strawman!

I never said anything about nonviolence.
I simply said we shouldn't chimp out.

There are worlds of difference between fighting a race war, for example, and starting one.

You act like you think we should all go out and shoot us a nigger tomorrow. While this would arguably increase the local IQ a bit, it would quickly lead to:

1. 8ch being raided by the feds as a "terrorist communication network"
2. All of us who participate being arrested or shot
3. Everyone who isn't fucking insane labeling us as an extremist hate group (which, at that point, we would be), which would in turn taint everything we've ever done.

Only a Jew, or his puppet, could be so short sighted.

Kikes are smart enough not to actually start one so effectively there is no difference. Boiling the frog is far more effectie for them. Now you're entirely right that things shouldn't be planned here but there is a difference between saying that and saying that the violence itself would be wrong.

>PR fagging this hard
lmao. if you don't want any notoriety i recommend going to some backwater forum no one will ever hear about just to discuss shit that will never happen.
not condoning you becoming timothy mcveigh overnight.

Yeah that one.

Inbred 118 IQ kike detected

I haven't said anything about PR; I really don't care what people think about us. We don't need to be liked to do our job; we don't even need to like each other.

>>>/oven/ schlomo or learn to fucking read.

I never said violence is wrong. I'm advocating against violence that is not constructive. Even if you tell nobody, if you kill people in a poorly thought out fashion it can harm our goals.

Besides: most of us are here because we think this is the least evil place, and the place that values truth the most. Personally, I got over my edgy phase about 10 years ago, and many of the other posters here did as well.

I'm also advocating against violence that goes against the basic NatSoc model. Stalin did purges; Mao did purges; Hitler did not. Which one do you intend to emulate–Stalin, or Hitler?

Hitler was dealing with a small traitorous bunch, not a demographic nightmare as we are. It is ridiculous to assume that he would use the same strategies in an entirely different scenario. This is not being edgy, this is being realistic. There's one way out because this has been allowed to go on for too long. Its a shame that it necessitates such but we've only been left one true course of action.

kill yourself.

I don't see you having made your own web browser or spend time making the use of a smartphone easier for shitposting.

I disagree to an extent with trump on this one.

It was a women cop, and they tend to be super shitty. BUT the nigger also wasn't following orders, and despite having his hands up, was walking away from cops and reaching into his vehicle despite having guns drawn on him.

He played a stupid game, won a stupid prize. He deserved every bullet.

last time i checked it was 135 and even then it was debatable whether that person counts as a 'genius" because the bar was set even higher before that

Would it be worth buying a BLUE LIVES MATTER shirt just to mine salt on campus?

Yes, some might even threaten to call the cops on you, without realizing the irony.

You can mine salt, and pure unadulterated hypocrisy.

It was a woman with a gun, thats all really anyone needs to know.

First post, every fucking time. How do you kikes do it?

No need to broadcast your newfag status so loudly

1) Trump isn't a WN and is not against non-whites, no matter how much you want him to be.

2) He's trying to get niggers to vote for him over Hillary. It's a smart move on his part.

Lurk more, faggot.

We don't really have a demographic nightmare; we have a political one.

Imagine for a moment we simply stopped giving niggers money and put the military on standby for a potential uprising? How long would the ensuing bloodbath last? Not long, I expect. They'd run out of food in a week, and with proper containment they wouldn't be able to leave their hives to get more. They're not capable of the kind of organized resistance required to evade military blockades, nor have they the training or preparation needed to do it if they did.

Same thing goes for the more troublesome elements among the spics, although many of them are more or less okay people–if we would just stop giving them free money, and make hiring illegals a felony.

trump needs president.
give him president, boys.
give him president.

why did they shoot him? This shit is scary t b h

You don't see me at all, kike. Enjoy your $.05 (((you))), for as confident as you felt shitposting your 85 IQ analysis of the prior user, I feel 6 gorrilion times more confident that I nailed your IQ–if not inflating it somewhat. Rogue GATEfags are very good at this type of analysis, right off the cuff.

Oh yeah, what's your source for that "120 is genius" statement?

You're just acting retarded now.

Only faggots have a problem with this.

Yeah, how long do you think that state of affairs would last if we stopped subsidizing it?

Fuck this, I'm not gonna argue with someone dumber than my own kids–and they're can't even walk yet.

If anyone was operating under the impression that you aren't a government shill, you've removed all doubt.

Nice comeback, now go ahead and fuck off back to the Donald.

They aren't going anywhere, you fucking nigger. We aren't even in the position right now to decide if we're going to stop subsidizing it. Wake the fuck up.

Trump is a "racist" in much the same way many of us here are…you love your race, want to preserve your race, don't believe whites are "more evil" than any other race, and you want the best for your race.
It doesn't mean you hate other races, you simply want yours to remain the majority & in charge.
I wouldn't doubt that Trump would agree with this, but he has a sense of justice, too, and he knows when something is NOT justified.

OP is a divide and conquer shill sage and report.

he will have president.
the ride never ends.

This shit really pissed me off.

If you don't comply you could get shot

if you reach into your car after being told to stay out of it you WILL AND SHOULD BE SHOT

So much for the fucking law and order president.

What the fuck is he thinking?

He's just playing to the black vote. Three months from now, he'll be calling it a justified shooting, as it was.

He was possibly reaching into his car, possibly for a weapon. The officer was giving him commands that he was ignoring completely, and then he tried to reach into his car, which the cops couldn't see into. This is not what normal people do. It's what people who are trying to shoot the cops and rape the dead woman's body do.

I'm saddened to see Holla Forums buying into the media narrative. This was a completely justified shooting.

i hope the police can take the demoralization from this.
it hurts a bit.
they must understand their own interests at this point.
if trump isn't supporting cops and their current struggle when elected, you had better bet that we will continue to correct our situation.


It was 120 when I was in it for testing 17 years ago.
Looking on Wikipedia, its now assumed to be 125.

Personal, just like all your anecdotes.

You mean don't each into his car.
He put his hands on the glass as he is supposed to.

Leftypol infiltrators are out in full force today.

Niggers always need to be shot just for being niggers. Whether or not that particular nigger was trying to pull some shit at that particular moment is still up in the air, but he deserved it for existing in general.

OK…are you saying the video is…once again…truncated?
I haven't seen it, just read the description of the anons here. Did the nigger reach for a weapon, or appear to do so, or not?
Could it be that Trump has only seen an edited version, too?

Holla Forums was so perfect a couple days ago.
it was so comfy.
now we must fight.

Having a criminal record is no excuse to shoot this guy. He was complying with instructions. If the police are able to get away with this type of thing that's pretty scary

Prime trolling opportunity in case anyone wants some keks

He very, very, crystal clearly lowered his hands from the air towards the car. It's indisputable. Now some people are claiming "THE WINDOW WAS UP" because the shot is too far away to see the pennies in the ashtray, but no, the window was down. He was reaching into his car, defying all orders given by the police. Justified shooting.

Sorry, Jew "genius" that is classified as only gifted.

The window is up comes from the police report.

That makes no sense at all. Either I'm talking to a decently functioning shillbot or an absolute moron. I gave you an opening for a logical rebuttal, because I wanted to see what you were made of–but you totally missed it. There are, in fact, ways to argue for the accuracy of your 120 IQ statement. But you just said "personal". So I'm downgrading you to 105 IQ. Keep posting and I imagine that number will keep falling.

There's no hope with this bunch, I'm afraid. Not sure who's paying them but it's ugly in this thread.

And did the officer know that? Did the officer know that the window was up after the very large perpetrator spent so much time ignoring all orders, then lowered his hands towards the car window?

They're prone to panicking and taking actions based on emotion. Why the fuck are they given a gun and told to go into dangerous situations where they'll be facing huge, imposing thugs? Either they'll panic and shoot something or they'll think they have something to prove and shoot something.

Regarding the thread topic, one of the things that must be done in the process of cleaning up our nation is to remove corruption from our police forces. Yes, he had prior arrests, but look at what it was for. Being a drunk and one instance of resisting arrest. Being a drunk isn't enough to warrant getting shot. Resisting arrest is one of those charges that can either apply appropriately or be tacked on for extra good boy points on an arrest.

Part of strategy is not just knowing WHAT must be done, but also WHEN it must be done and HOW it must be done.

They had multiple officers on site, and he wasn't being openly hostile. They could have muscled him down. It was not his time.

He was being asked for his opinion in a black church with Trump supporters.

Obviously he can't say 'Nigger deserved it' or he's fucked black votes-wise.

He says no comment and he's fucked. Same if he says we need to wait for the outcome of investigations (even though it's true).

So he says he's troubled because he feels that *maybe* the officer did make a mistake to keep everyone satisfied.

>>>Holla Forums in full force

They think they're hiding it so well, too. It's so obvious they're leftypols, their posts might as well be color coded.

God damn that place stinks.

It's probably Trump Jr. tbh
He's probably a Holla Forumsack, and we've been memeing God-Emperor Donald Trump.

And no, "I remember it being 120 from 17 years ago" isn't a logical rebuttal, nor is wikipedia lowballing some bullshit 125 IQ as genius a valid source. Also you didn't even bother to link the (((source))), even with being wikepedia. Much less cite the sources that wikipedia claims to have drawn that information from.

Please try harder, it's been pointed out that we generally fall into the top 5-.05 percentile of IQ's here. Ridiculous rhetoric works only on stupid leftists, which is, as I continue to observe, most likely the people who you usually debate with.

love that pic, made me chuckle

I'm fairly sure at least one person in Trump's immediate circle is one of us.

Makes me happy to know that they're along for the ride.

Interesting digits.

What if the officer did make a mistake? One can be happy for the consequences while still having to hold the officer accountable.

The law has very specific engagement rules for officers, and if they can't uphold those rules, they shouldn't wear the uniform.

not knowing it's Barron

Trump is giving the normie cucks permission to vote for him.

In other words hes giving the whites who know deep down that the system is against the justification to vote in their own interest.

I'm having a hard time believing you're this stupid. even though you probably are

Just stop.

At best Trump is pandering for nigger votes that he won't get anyways. At worst he's actually siding with dindus.

Either way it's shit.


That is also possible, considering how many cops are in the media for tazing kids and the elderly.

Anyone attacking Trump, at this point in the game, is obviously a D&C shill.

You're attacking Trump; I'm not.


That so edgy!

I wager not given she is a female with no in the moment thinking and a judgmental streak like this user.

Yep, the cult of worshiping Trump on Holla Forums will justify literally every single thing he says.

On one hand, you're right. He likely was told to get on the ground.

On the other hand, it's known that he's a drunk. He was probably so drunk and his prior arrests could have made him put his hands on the car, so that's what his mind defaulted to, and not what was told.

*stormkikery intensifies*

When it's fairly clear the officer made an operational error, and it's on camera, yes we are going to side with Trump.

Stormkikery indeed.

She was too far and not at an angle to tell if the window was up, you moron. Adding to the fact that he was defying all orders, and that he was doing exactly what someone would do when reaching for a gun, it was a completely justified shooting.

Doesn't seem like an error to me. I can't even properly see shit nor can I hear the officers or the nigger. You're either jumping to conclusions or just forming a narrative because le based Trump OUR GUY said it so I'll agree with him.

Holla Forums in 2016 :^)

And exactly where did I state that faggot?

This doesn't change that I'll still vote for Trump.

If he's going to side with niggers, especially before the investigation is complete, then yes he will get criticized. Try not to be such a fucking lemming.

Wait until it's conclusive that the dumb bitch was wrong if you're gonna side with dindus.

and even then you don't

It's pretty clear you don't work with the public.

People SUCK at following orders. Even when–or especially when–they have a gun pointed at them, because that compounds their basic mental incompetence with terror.

More stormkikery. The second you start assuming your enemy is wrong in spite of the evidence (including a female officer, and women have NO BUSINESS being cops, due to physical weakness, mental fragility, and poor emotional control) is when you become the enemy.

Holla Forums is order. We do not want your kind here.

if civic nationalism is what the God Emperor wants, civic nationalist is what I'll become

what line?

Correct. She properly assessed that she was dealing with a low-IQ subhuman, and acted accordingly. I doubt you meant to defend either her or me, and yet that's what you ended up doing.

You do realize there are effective ways of rhetorical fencing, correct? Well…probably not. That's what hanging out with r-selected leftists will do for ya. Your banter is boring, and doesn't allow any openings for more nuanced shitposting. I can't stress enough how much harder you should be trying.


Find the closest rope and hang yourself, traitor.

are you fucking retarded? that's something a white nationalist would say

Trump isn't cucking at all, he is playing chess in dimensions you couldn't comprehend.

People do suck at following directions, but it's not just sucking at following directions that make you turn "get on the ground with your hands behind your head" to "walk 20 feet back to your car and then try to reach into it for something". Stop defending the indefensible. Maybe the bad dude was just high, but regardless, he blatantly defied all orders given by the police, and this is what happens when you do that. For all she knew, that bad dude was thinking what most other bad dudes are thinking when they defy orders like this: "I'm gonna get my gun, drop all these white boys, then get me some of that tight white pussy." It was a justified shooting, period.

I'm a #MentallyMissile :DDDD

so much this

In a few years, that could be anyone of us

come on now. To pretend he's a racist or even necessarily pro white is a stretch. This "muh 4D chess" shit is and has always been cringey

go back to reddit

the only racist people I seen are complete retards fam.

Trump has this election won.

Correct. In a few years, that could be any one of you leftists or niggers who try to shill here. Let that sink in for a moment.

This guy is a mastermind, just because you faggots cannot see past your own noses doesn't mean hes doing something against our interests.

are you a woman or a white nationalist? That was retarded af

So, do you kill your dog for shitting on the carpet instead of going outside?

No. You punish it, and train it to shit outside. If it keeps shitting on your carpet, you stop letting it come inside the house.

Are you catching my metaphor, here?

get the fuck out, bong

prove it faggot

Gas yourself. You don't really understand nationalism if you think that civic nationalism is anything more than a transitory state to ethnic nationalism.

It's polynomial chess

fuck off CTR

did I said something that triggered you?


this fellow user is so redpilled, underrated posting

Wew lad. So not only is English not you first language, but your memes themselves are worthy of being executed for. Let me try to spell this out for you: stand against the God-Emperor, disobey the orders of his enforcers or try to ignore them with impunity, and you will be summarily disposed of. Like the leftist nigger trash that you are.

It has nothing to do with feels online, it has everything to do with reestablishing the eternal fascism of nature. But, my dear leftist, now is not the time for fear.

My IQ is 500

do you even how to greentext?

There were some videos on youtube showing that before becoming the President, Dubyah had much better speaking skills. It is believed he may have had some form of early stage dementia.

I have self diagnosed autism

so back on topic Fags ,DID DINDO DO OR NOT DO PO PO RIGHT OR WRONG ?

Trump will get more dindu votes but we all know every plan he has to revive niggerhoods for basketball americans that doesn't involve abortion or prison is going to fail miserably.

His economic policy might throw a few shit jobs their way though, but I doubt they'll take them.

8/pol/ is becoming shit, isn't it?

Edgar Allan Poe Law

I can't wait until Trump is sworn into office.
A month later Holla Forums is going to be absolutely FILLED with posts claiming to never have fallen for Trump's lies, who saw through him from the start, who were always wary, and so on.

Screencap this.

I'm catching that you're defending niggers.

They're all just victims right? Can't help it.

Also die a slow painful death for comparing a noble canine to a fucking subhuman kang.

Argument, don't see one

Well done, my man. I did it myself in a couple of seconds as well. That was an easy number to do it with, though. I wonder if he'll throw out a harder one

what about my 50 IQ

My values are my race, in older times we would put niggers and faggots like you up on a fucking cross. MUH VALUES. I dont stand for values m8 i stand for people.

yes, not only are you a bong but you're the stereotypical CIVIC faggot type of bong

fucking kill yourself

Its all the r/thedonald nigger faggots we have had flow in. Trumps a sleezy jewish politican and they can fuck off

everyone did, Mr. Edge


That loli needs the dick, white babies aren't going to grow in the lab

The point being I dont care when brown people die tumblr nigger faggot civic nationalists belong in brazil and reddit not the chans

while that may be true you're still a fag

His entire campaign is proof.

reported and filtered.

Take that degeneracy back to cuckchan

Save that was not the case 2 days ago.

If she can't ascertain the situation, she should not shoot. That is proper procedure.

I do as a point have better things to be doing, but I am more entertained by your belief of superiority.

I didn't read your comment, but here is my opinion. The video shows the guy was killed by the cops, and the god emperor says it didn't seemed like something law breaking happened.

Adding these two together one gets an answer. Now I believe that the best way to build an airplane is not only to have the mechanics done, but to building aerodynamically

Sorry man. In this one instance the girl was wrong.

She over reacted and didn't keep her cool lime a man would.

If anything this isn't a hit on white men but on women doing men's dirty work.

Bc is just doesn't work.

Dont forget the nigger

top kek

Not defending niggers, attacking incompetent police work. In this instance, it unfortunately overlaps. The police have to be held to a higher standard, if they are to uphold the law.

Please try to rub your two brain cells together and identify the stance of your opponent, instead of building straw men in your mind.

lmao come on now

it seems to be a coincidence, sure. but time after time after time I hear about female cops seriously fucking up a job that is too important in our society to be allowed to have fuck-ups at all in. if these lady officers are seriously passing all of the qualification tests both physical and mental than the tests need to be made more difficult. BLM is trying to burn the country down because of perceived police abuse, yet the bar to be a cop is lowered every year to allow more females and other undesirables.

No, you retard, proper procedure is that you are able to shoot if you perceive enough of a threat. In this case, the perpetrator was defying all orders given by police despite staring down the barrel of several guns, and made a move for the inside of his car. That's plenty to justify a shooting. No normal person would do all that, but a violent perpetrator high on coke would.

Too high?

Here's an idea try to understand the stance of a police officer who only has a split second to react and doesn't have time to weigh the options. If the nigger had complied he would be alive. If it seems like he could be a threat on a life you eliminate said threat. Typucally by shooting them. You're probably the type of dipshit that whines that they should be shooting to wound instead of kill.

You nigger apologist kikes will get moved to the front of the oven line.

So then why didn't the rest of the group mag dump into him?
Please do tell how they're not under threat while she is.

Cops are selected to be only dumb enough to follow orders without question, not held to training regimes, and looked for ones who like power tripping.

Good cops, the sort who are protected by their voice, and ability to speak forth compliance are not liked as they don't make for flashy events to justify budgets.
Its more important to many districts to shoot innocents than to fail quota.

From a legal standpoint I can't defend the Tulsa shooting, that was clear police incompetence, the male police officer hit him with a tazer and she filled him full of lead because of crypto-kike in chief LBJ decided to put 5'5" dikes in a police uniform who are obviously afraid of men who almost always have a foot over them.

From a moral standpoint though fuck it, nigger who had 7 kids died I don't care.

Hes not legally retarded, stop the bullshit

So then why didn't the men shoot?
And I'm the type to ask for tasers and less statist shills stomping the public.

thank you for correcting my record

Because this isn't a movie. All cops are not going to simultaneously shoot at once. She perceived the threat first, so she took the justified shot. They didn't shoot because they're all trained enough not to shoot if the perpetrator has already been shot, unless he's still coming at them.

Yeah which is why the male tasered him first instead of shooting.
Its almost like in real life, the proper duty of an officer is not to use a gun.

Not in the least faggot I voted for 3 presidents before he was elected. I remember him bumbling along and using clint eastwood movie quips. I also remember him coming up with the genius observation that trees put out more pollution than automobiles.

He was a copilot for that photo op he sat in the back and asked how long before we are going to take off?

I don't have any sacred cows for current presidents like some of you fucktards do here.
I am an equal opportunity non partisan hater.

then it shouldn't be that hard to P R O V E I T

she is a little young but she will hit maturity soon. It's actually not degenerate at all, it used to be commonplace.

As long as he doesnt side with the niggers in Carolina.>>7575576
And this. There were other tactical options.


This was not a clean kill. The cop fucked up and it's obvious. This is what happens when we let stronk independent womyn be cops. Same with the bus shooting not too long ago - the female cop fucked up.

Because in that split second he made a different decision. And yes more tasers when criminals can get assault rifles. That's fair.

And the fact that nigger wouldn't comply.

There's only so many times I can point out how retarded you are before it just becomes redundant.

And the taser did nothing, you dumb shit. That's why she had her gun out. No he's not superhuman, but if one taser failed to catch both darts due to his clothing, it's not worth the risk to try something that has already failed. Lives are on the line.

Seriously, go become a cop. Just go. Log off, apply, go through police foundations, become a cop. I want to see how long before you're shot and raped to death (in that order) because your bleeding heart mindset refuses to let you shoot the bad guys unless they're actively stabbing you.

Why is this obvious bait thread still up, and with so many replies still?


Reminder: the police are not your fucking friends they enforce the law of the kikes.

if if if if okie dokie

Agreed. Especially on the need for improving the tests. This would also keep idiots that just want to be a big man with a badge out of the job.

Shooting to wound is a fool's errand. You shoot to kill. However, you must decide the proper time to use that tool. In this instance, other tools would have been better served.

Would you want this panicky, trigger-happy woman to ask you to step out of the vehicle?
As has been stated elsewhere, the male officer used the proper tool for the job. Tazer. Two tazer hits would have had him on his ass.
This is the crux of my position. She did not take the correct course of action. If it had been Bubba the drunk redneck, would you still be saying she was in the right?
Using lethal force is a tool that must be applied at the proper time. Holding a hammer does not turn everything into a nail.

He doesn't side with open borders.
I couldn't care less about his opinion on dindu shooting x, honestly.
Domestic nogs are only 13%.

That just means he can't speak without a prompter, this isn't exclusive to him

Surprised nobody's talking about the new reports that he had PCP in his car

Someone with a 60 IQ can read a teleprompter.

There's no evidence that he's smarter than your average nigger.

Too many leftypols are in here.

it's not like Trump isn't preparing for the "October Suprise" goy

don't vote

some people suspect that W intentionally acted like an idiot.
not sure if that was to make conservatives like him more, make it easier for liberals to make fun of him, make people less suspicious that he had a hand in 9/11, or some other reason.
dementia also seems like a possibility.


No, somebody with a 60 IQ can't read

Why in the fuck was he walking back to his car? I swear, niggers make routine stops dangerious as fuck by just behaving so god damn unpredictably. I've seen my share of videos where the nigs were shot without actually reaching for weapons, but they're behavior always makes it reasonable to assume they could be.

I mean god damn, if the cop has pulled their gun, shut your fat lipped mouth and don't do anything the cop hasn't explicitly told you to do without asking for permission.

Hey remember he is a constitutional scholar.

Been there, was refused for thinking too much and not bothering to just follow orders.
Now I'm a surveyor.

has the MSM started trying to use this to claim trump is a misogynist yet?

Prove that water is wet, schlomo.

if you're a defeatism shill, step up your game, faggot

I never thought it was intentional user.
His whole presidency was one set of staged photo ops to the next.
Even when he was shown clearing brush at his ranch.
As soon as his term was over he sold the ranch and moved back to the city.

nice one you fucking retard. sure got me

If you've seen the video, it's clear that this was an unjustified shooting. Blacks may be out of line and deserve getting shot 95% of the time, but cops fuck up too.

Additionally, Trump is picking up a lot of black voters with comments like this and that hurts Hillary tremendously.

The only thing I agree with on your faggot argument is that this is prime example on why women shouldn't be in these roles. Or military, fire rescue, commander in chief, etc.
However, your "crux" that a taser is the correct action is flawed. Tasers are less likely than a bullet to eliminate a threat on life. They can get caught in a shirt or with a fat fuck like this not be powerful enough. A bullet is the best way to eliminate the threat on life. So your assertion that the male officer made the correct decision is leftist bullshit. If it had been that they'd both tried to tase him and he'd still been able to get out a gun and shoot at them, it's wouldn't have been the correct choice. And again you have only a split second to decide. She made, perhaps not the best choice in hind site, but not a wrong choice. Ergo she made the right choice. Yes if it had been bubba I'd say the same thing. But statistically speaking it's more likely to be tyrone, you kike swine.

Exactly and when an officers life is perceived to be in danger, that is the proper time.


The video the posted on MSN @ 0:14 - 0:15
you can clearly see the man reaching in the car window that was about halfway down his arm goes in the vehicle and down…while he has 3 cops with guns pointed at him, the dude 100% asked for it, justified shoot’s-actions-prior-to-fatal-police-shooting-in-tulsa/ar-BBwmNm4?

I've seen it you do not reach into you car window when you reached the point of guns drawn, thats asking to get shot

You're free to disagree user. We will probably never be able to prove if W was really retarded or pretending to be retarded.

This doesn't make him any different from any of the other presidents in the past 30 years.

"To show you how hateful the enemy is, he hates that you achieve what you did achieve. So he said I’m going to tear it up when I get in."

the enemy

You didn't even read the article did you.

Just stop now, CTR.
Your boss is about to get rekt and your posts will not be paid.

But it just seemed much more overt with W
Riding the plane into the aircraft carrier.
Brush clearing.
There are some others I can't remember ATM
BTW for all the posing as a cowboy he did he was scared to death of horses.
LIke I posted earlier I am a non partisan equal opportunity hater.

Well I guess I'm a fucking genius now

Now to be serious, 120IQ is still pretty dumb and I'm not that high above that I still consider myself a fucking retard in comparison to a lot of people. Anyways read the post this user made

me too friend

I went back to a nice shrink and got some useful testing done, not just regurgiatation of blatant memory bits.
Its mostly in boring stuff of scored in x with a deviation of T from the N norm.
All I really found useful was that I communicate as well as 60% of the population, while being as effective in math and spatial analysis as 98%.

Nice bait thread

Don't cuck for the nigger vote Trump. No one calls waycism when whites get killed by any race.

Obviously another case of engineered outrage toward the white race, the right race.

I would label 120 as firmly not retarded but that's about it.

OP is a huge shill, sage and report with permaban request

How dare he simply post Trump's own words within context!
Such goes against the cult and is evil!

So how does one get through Rutger's like you only to be paid to complain about your empoyer's father's words?

oh, ya think?


I did read it friend

I never said trump would get 100% of the nigger vote. but when niggers say stuff like this, it makes it more likely that he will get 20% or even more of the nigger vote

You are deluded if you think Trump is actually a skinhead.

How the fuck is affirmative action just?

the niggers that vote for him won't be victim mongers like Farrakhan. It'll be nigs that are sick of dindu culture and who support the police and thus are not needing pandering. They're already on board.

Unfortunately, my naive little friend, that's far less than 20%.

Best case scenario for the rest is that they just don't vote.

They had more than a split second. They had the entire time he was walking to his car. Secondly, they were at that time not in danger. Ergo, they should have taken him down sooner in his defiance, so there was no ambiguity and we would not be having this argument. This is more evidence that this is the fault of the police. If they had done their job properly, he'd have been put on his ass sooner and thrown in jail.
Your 'split second' argument does not apply in this case, as they had quite a bit of time beforehand to take him down without needing lethal force. Since he had a prior 'resisting arrest' record, they should have had no reservations about taking the proper action.

Agreed. He was a fucking idiot to even start going back to his car, but what can one expect of a habitual drunk? He should have been taken down sooner.

If true, it's for the best that he's dead, though the circumstances in which he died should have been better. There is always the possibility of 'Oh look at that! Turns out he had drugs so we were justified all along so stop asking questions' being pulled.

Pretty much. In the end, they either die or we do.

>>>Holla Forums

Why are these shills so bad at their jobs now? Did they outsource their shilling efforts or something?

The split second isn't when he is walking back to his car and ignoring commands it's when he reached into his window you fucking idiot. And if we entertain the time he walked back to his car we are still talking less than 15 seconds not a lot of time to consider things, but that's besides the point.

It's time for you to go back to whatever leftist shithole you crawled out of

Do Ops get a second post?
I thought they get a new ID as soon as they post again and it doesn't get a two.

As is, where's the shilling?
He posted only Trump's words, and you are to conside what it means.


here (You) go

he is pro white, but he's also an actual politician.
there are ways of improving our situation that are ethical.
we can have a growing, virtuous, successful population while also having good relationships with other people.
i lot of people don't see this.
i would appeal to authority, but i would rather appeal to authority by not pretending that i am.



Female cops shoot people and otherwise use unnecessary force way more often than male cops.

There are multiple conclusions you could draw from that, but the most likely is that female cops know they're fucked if even an untrained guy gets a hold of them so they shoot first.

gotta let it get to 300 and slide most of what it's meant to slide, goy

Tell me, my friend. Why do you assume I come from a leftist place because I value police doing their job properly more than removing the dindu?

If they had done their job properly, they would not have had to fire their gun in this situation. Are there situations where they should have opened fire? Yes. For the sake of the discussion, let's assume the window was open and he was reaching. Why did they let him go all the way back to the window before acting? You say fifteen seconds isn't a lot of time. It's a quarter of a minute. That's enough time to tell he's up to something and put a stop to it.

I've tried to have a chat. You're more interested in flinging shit. That's fine. I was in the wrong for seeking civil discussion on a Malaysian clay sculpture periodical. I hope you have a good week, user. Make sure you're getting enough sleep.

Wew I hate cops now

We can we put their heads on a stick?

Fuckin stormkikes

Can you?
Or may you?

When a single cop is given a blank check to be your judge, jury, and executioner, then they're no better than the thugs they're meant to "protect" us from, only better armed.

Since when are feminists stormkikes?

Plus cops can rob you legally with a little something called civil forfeiture.

If I remember right, a couple years back we passed the point where civilians lose more cash to "civil forfeiture" than they do to illegal "forfeiture".

Cops lie all the fucking time too. If you're talking to a cop, on or off duty, you should expect them to lie and to lie readily. They're usually violent, stupid, impulsive, power-tripping liars with a gun and a blank check to use it.

What if civilians started shooting police when they felt threatened? Fucking cops, enemies of the people, extortionists and thugs of the state

Missed this gem of a line


Now now anons I don't think cops are evil, but as an institution we definitely need some more checks and balances on them. For example, police corruption is investigated by? You guessed it - the police. A lot of cops, maybe most, are the same kids who were tattletales and bullies in school. But not all of em are like that.

I think the cops would be a lot better if we get rid of all the bullshit laws on the books, which is like half of them.

I respect the idea of a cop, a strong man who puts on his uniform to serve and protect the weak and the poor against the oppressors. That means putting his life on the line, putting his own life in danger, to protect others. That's admirable. But when the cops become the oppressors and the abusers of the weak, and kill the innocent because of their own fear and cowardice, then they lose all legitimacy.
