Knowledge, laerning

Well, Holla Forums, I'm high. What should I do with, with that that is usually wasting time, money, energy, and mind. Can I get some constructive out of this unfortunate result of living in modernity? So that I at least will have something to show for my time? Maybe philosophy, redpills, political discussion, music, art, literature something worthwhile in aiding us mentally. Because we need it in this cultural struggle.

inb4 weed lmao
inb4 op can't call inb4

Other urls found in this thread:

Lift weights, buy guns and ammo, and wait for the fighting to start.


Better yourself and those around you. You have literally the world's knowledge at your fingertips, so go use it. Printing is cheap, speech is protected (mostly), making things is easier than ever before.

Figure out what you're good at, what you want to get better at doing, and get your high-ass out there and start moving towards those goals.

Tell us your name and address so we know where to find you on DOTR, degenerate.

Where the fuck do you think you are?

Aren't there any manga/lewds of those?

Posting some .pdfs

Voltaire really takes the piss out of jews ^

I know many like to gloss over the reading, but it's good.

v physicality and physical world

Surely it is weak for one to turn to such things, but I'd say it's warranted on occasion for the mortal and non insane man. Not to mention that I've asked about LSD to anons many times and the response has been positive.

inb4 Holla Forums is one person

I hope

Kill yourself, degenerate.

You should stop getting high and do something productive.
You should read army FMs, watch youtube videos that teach you homesteading, work out, take a walk, call your goddamned mother. How the fuck should I know?

Or play Cowladooty and get fucking dumber. Whatever blows your hair back, man.

You useless garbage. Stop being an edgy teen, drop the pipe and then come back.

Kill yourself, puritan. Mind your uncle Goebbels

You're 100% right, if not more important than anything else. A very occasional thing to do.

Day of the Rope can't come soon enough.

>read this collection:

If you do this, you'll be good to go.


That'd be preferable, but I have no idea how addicted he is.

If he can't drop the vice, he can take a bullet for being a degenerate.

This is the first time I've smoked in months, I said its an occasional thing. I've gotten out of the former years ago. But yes, you should not be on it at all. Be a man and face reality.

It's been a bonvoyage for this one. But I think we should recognize that you can't just shit on me. There are many vices you all have too. Drinking, pornography, glutton, among others. We all should be trying to better ourselves though. Physically, mentally, to achieve our ideal forms.

Yes, we can.
Projection by a degenerate to shift the focus from his degeneracy.

Weed's OK in extreme moderation. Stoners like to say it's non-addictive, but it's so compulsive that weak-minded hippie fags can't stop. Just don't get hooked, user


No. Degenerate don't get to start with the fun, interesting stuff. You get to start with learning mathematics, world and aryan history, physics and the various sciences.


you get to spend one hour every single day lifting heavy things. Having a fit mind is worthless without a fit body, and visa-versa.

NOW you get to study random electives like philosophy, music art and religion.

If you don't start properly you'll never finish properly.

This. Wholesome, non degenerate activities like Hiking, shooting, and gardening as well. And then he can court a pure aryan queen and spend the rest of his days working hard to provide for the many white babies he will have.

That's a good way of hurting oneself. Do it three times a week and let your body adapt, if you can, then, add more days.


oh user…

More than just grammar, irony.

You're a useless cuck.

Jeez user… When I first started coming on Holla Forums I was high on mostly cocaine for weeks on end.

Holla Forums made me realise my shitty life and situation. Holla Forums and National Socialism did wake my Aryan spirit and I pretty much turned my life around because of it.

Take a hard look at yourself. Stop wanting acceptance, only then you will start to accept thyself and then you shall recieve the acceptance you so desperately crave.

Heil Hitler