Bow to your new queen Holla Forums say hello to hikkichan an American female hikikomori who has a lot of mental problems.
New queen of Holla Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Cute hair. I love the Japanese hime style.
t. weaboo
she's not even white! how can she be the queen?
Me too
I know that feel =\
That isn't even a thing first off and second her hair is dark brown.
she's probably got brown nipples too. disgusting
so are niggers
she's so old though
couldn't we have a younger queen?
Fuck off shes cute and i like her.
why would the queen of Holla Forums need to be white? american white women are disgusting
stop shilling your channel
we don't want what you're selling
butthurt mudskin.
this tbh
LauraB is also old now.
Oh I'm sure OP is making mad $$$ off of those 10 year old unmonetized uploads.
samefag and kike
Top kek she hasn't posted in 6 years.
This tbh
but i'm chasing one right now tbh
We already decided based Millie is queen, go find a chan without a queen and suggest her to them.
Go fuck yourself
Queens are the ultimate form of cuckery.
Like your mom.
where is she?
what happened to her?
I have no idea i too am curious tbh.
This im curious if she is still living as a hikki or got out of the lifestyle.
Shes an American with Japanese blood retard.
"We" never decided any such thing, faggot.
In the video she said she was on Risperdal and Zoloft. So she probably suffered from either treatment-resistant depression, or some kind of psychosis. She's cute, so she might have managed to find some guy to take her on as his manic pixie dream girl. Suicide is another option, of course. If she's just sitting in the same room popping antipsychotics and antidepressants, I guess the question would be why she stopped posting videos.
i have no friends or family but im rich if i was poor i wouldve ended it tbh
i still go out though
Good point she could be dead but doesn't hurt to try and find her and i agree she is cute.
What i have found so far is that apparently she wrote a book and it is being sold here
I found this in the description of this video.
how do people become like this?
Spending time in isolation almost completely 24/7 can fuck you up physically and mentally.
she goes out to the doctors?
why dont her family force her to eat dinner with them or something
the meds probably kill the appetite otherwise she would be fat
Her parents probably force her to do that.
They probably bring meals up to her and leave them outside her bedroom door or on her computer desk my parents did this when i was a hikki for 2 years.
well i hope shes alive and "normal" now
your parents were enablers tbh
Alive probably a normalfag?? probably not in another she says she wants to self employe herself as she is not compatible for society.
Yes, I'm curious, too. I'm just saying we shouldn't be surprised if she'd dead, or getting her snizz filled by some rando.
Or dead AND getting her snizz filled by some rando (necrophiliac)
dont know that feel
i have a heated massage chair :)
So apparently 4chan /a/ was stalking this girl back in 2011.
This channel does not exist.
I know right also i am pretty sure the dox in that thread is fake.
maybe she doesnt want to be found
Maybe but you cant really prevent that
>ITT fucking losers besides myself I'm a huge fucking loser
why are they beating her?
You're retarded
I fucking hate normalfags
Unwanted houseguest
my bf is the president
And we, you
Nice grammar
There will only ever be one queen. Deal with it.
Unironically it is tho
Cracky Chan is dead she died in 2009
Shhhh! My girlfriend's asleep
Hikkichan can sure dance
You have good taste user.
Heyyy that's pretty good
i have seen niggers being more civilized. white woman are worthless trash - CONFIRMED!
This also i would totally date this girl even though she never leaves her room and is probably not interested in dating anyway.
she probably smells and has really bad breath.
Would fuck her if she took a bath, shaved and brushed her teeth.
a lot dont yes but some still do.
That is why I said probably.
Found her Facebook
>that concerned about people thinking you she has bad hygiene
I also think you are pretty cute pls post ass
I found some information on her
'''moderate digging revealed doxx
Real name: Ashley Hanrahan
Location: Toronto, Canada
Alias: Noriko
Usernames: zombiebeatz2000, ashkerdoodles
Email: [email protected]
Social Media
Facebook: (attached to email but abandoned)
Last known online post: Jun 15, 2017 via devientart
Twitter is
I have a bad habit of going on this fucking website. I'm just kind of used to lurk when am procrastinating but the people here now are 100% straight up fucking losers talking retarded immature shit 100% time . It's been long since I last saw anything remotely fresh or interesting here and the peso bulls hit on top of that. Eat shit u spergs
Why you mad?
Good job user.
one twat since jan 2010
samefagging is frowned upon, child
You're wrong
You're wrong
she has to be in her 20s now
What's her dox? I want to ruin her life esoterically #NotMyQueen
Thank you, that'll teach her to appear in my 4chan 8ch
Got this image from her word press, Exifdata is intact but GPS says 0 deg 0' 0.00" #sad
We already have one!
You're correct we do, she's called Millie.
cute and a little bit sexy here.
Kill yourself faggot she did nothing to you plus why ruin her life when she never goes outside anyway?.
Fuck off pedophile
You best be careful before she telekenisises your ass
That is HAWT nice edit user.
No its not
yes it is
No you're mentally ill seek help please or contact Virped.
this is a female manchild
Maybe she was doing laundry before making that video??.
All hikkis are manchildren user.
There is only one queen.
Fuck off!
Disgusting tranny fag. pls kys
I don't know why you're upset Ashley i thought all females were attention whores kek.
Nigga what??
BASED user!!.
Someone do a cock tribute of this.
Would you rather have your dick cut off and shoved down your throat while still conscious or lick this pussy for 60 seconds
What kind of question is that??.
Gotta pick an option m8
No but being a pedo is
Found these on a dead Facebook its dumping time.
I know I said this but guys… I really want to ruin her life. I want her to cry and beg forgiveness as we bully her more and more.
She needs to understand that any woman that robs me of my attention here on 8/b/ must suffer.
What the hell are you a jealous roastie??.
Maybe go back to 4/b/ you attention whoring bitch tits or gtfo.
I'm a man, which makes me bullying her even better.
Fuck off Elliot Rodger
No you're just a faggot.
Fucking pedo.
Could someone get in contact with her and bring her here so she can be Holla Forums's girlfriend?
This someone make this happen her email is in the dox above.
Fuck i said she was American in the OP.
Canada is IN America dipshit.
In North America yes but it is not part of the USA.
fuck off USCUCK
Cmon US is the only America that matters though amirite guys?
Hey dont be mean to Latin America.
My guess is that she's still a shut in somewhere , (I mean you don't get cured from what she has) , but had a bad experience with some creeps and no longer dares to expose herself to a wide audience.
dubs confirms
Well look at it this way hikikomoris are like a wrinkled piece of paper you can fix some parts of it but some parts of it cant be fixed.
Some shut ins do recover though they have hikikomori rehab centers in Japan South Korea and Italy.
I'm sure after 7 years she's more able to cope with depression, hallucinations , attention issues and restless leg syndrome but my point was she may still be the type of person that would hang around a half dead chan for the love and attention of a handful of neckbears that would shower compliments and memes on her .
True i mean Boxxy is almost 30 and she still even does this and awhile ago started making new videos again this year.
True . The love and admiration of total strangers must be a powerful kind of heroin to girls. Just think of Eliza and Ashley to name two that would hang out on /r9k/ just for sweet delicious attention. I wonder when Boxxy will release another video btw. Christmas?
Haven't seen her in a year
I dont think that is true for all females remember Cracky??.
the neckbear… probably the least dangerous bear in the forest…
I agree. Cracky was a genuinely eccentric person imo and was overwhelmed by a wave of attention she didn't ask for because of how cute and mysterious she was. She may be the exception to the rule. Maybe cute girls come around for a tiny bit of recognition and human contact only to flee screaming into the night when confronted by the faceless mob. idk.
Makes sense
If Hikkichan were to come be queen of Holla Forums we would all be kind to her and make her feel at home I'm pretty sure. We may never know.
This she is such an amazing girl i love her.
I would feign niceness before I ruin her, there is something about her cheeks that makes me want to see her suffer.
You're a faggot
Pick one. Unless she is kept locked away by very strict parents or something.
She doesn't go outside much at all had no social life no IRL friends and stays at home almost completely 24/7 she is a hikki there are female hikikomoris too.
I think this term is more used to describe a personality than simply those who don't have a very active social life. Is most people living in isolated rural areas hikikomoris?
hikikomori (Japanese: ひきこもり or 引き籠り, lit. "pulling inward, being confined", i.e., "acute social withdrawal") are reclusive adolescents or adults who withdraw from society. often seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement.
Exactly, they withdraw from society and seek isolation. Videologs are made by people who wish attention and interaction with other people through the internet by exposing their personal lives.
Well some hikkis have online friends you know but no IRL friends
Does she have nudes??.
Holy shit, you must be a special kind of retard or just simply black.
What happened to the hikki Japanese girl's videos that got posted here a while back.
She was in her pyjamas and living amongst all her trash and in her videos she seemed super unstable, doing weird crazy shit. Would like to see them again as this reminded me of her
Not sure? The only other female hikki that comes to my mind is chip chain but she's Korean not Japanese.
Could be her then, no clue. Any videos?
When will you shut the fuck up?.
>queen of Holla Forums
no benis
this is the queen of Holla Forums