You wake up and it's November 25, 1999 You power up your machine and log onto the World Wide Web. What are you doing?
ITT: It's 1999
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wasnt cp easier to get back then?
Play Everquest and fap to furry smut.
Inventing bitcoin
Windows XP wasn't even around in 1999 you dumb retard faggot.
LS Studios was on the clearnet easy as can be until 2004.
"I'm 4 years old and what is this"
"I'm in the nonexistent void/previous life and what is this?"
msn chat
probably find some mega man-esque game to play in browser.
Welp, time to go make the donuts tbh.
kys teenager
trading scream tracker songs with my friends. god damn these 56k modems are fast
the only one i made that i was proud of was YEAH!!!! but it never made it into the popular circles
I wasn't old enough to know how to power up a computer in 1999
it was easy to get 800x600 jpegs, and 240p videos that were 50% compression artifact
do what i do now: lurk for cp
Probably jerk off to some jpgs on Kazaa and play Unreal Tournament
I didn't even had a computer back then. And I was in college too.
grandpas OUT
Use the Internet to hack the nukes and destroy the world before it all goes to hell and we die in a blaze of glory.
probably some sesame street BS
Osama Bert Ladden?
who fucking knows man
That actually happened during 2001 or so, some dude made a Sesame Street meme with Bert as Osama, and it made a huge controversy, was that you?
Save as much money as I can to buy buttcoins on the first day.
load up AIM maybe check out some of the kewl chatrooms over at yahoo. Don't worry, I am asking jeeves how to get there
I see white knights were a thing back then.
go to and shitpost
datamining thread?
Probably play some Runescape tbh.
ur gay lol
gay confirmed tbh
Hey guys, just downloaded all ten nude images of captain janeway! My modem was screaming all day but finally got there and just had a HUGE wank, it was better than a magazine.
wtf is "windows xp"?
wow, can computers do that?
Voyager sucks
As if, kirk lover!
What is this rune-scape that you speak of? Sounds like something that we might come up with in 2001
Did you catch last weeks DS9 episode? Odo and another changeling get into….. actually i wont spoil it for you
Goto the Internet Gaming Zone at and play some fucking Star Wars Rebellion
i can't remember that far tbh
Sure you could get CP on IRC or newsgroups but that you'd have to go looking for. It wasn't until around 2000 or 2001 when Limewire came out. Then you got CP even if you weren't looking for it.
Not playing the much superior Ultima Online.
Probably downloading mp3's. The oldest mp3 I have is from 1997.
im chatting with my online friends on beast board. I probably just got back from a fence hop friday outing
We did not get the internet at home till 2000.
mom and dad refused to get me expensive 64k internet.
my gf's parents were rich and she had high speed connection in 97… all she did was dl the weirdest porn she could find - necro, zoo, pedo, fucking castration video… i didnt even own a computer until 2000 - fucking windows ME… i'll nevr forgive you, bill gates
I kept looking at the shortcuts to the various net portals and browsers, wishing one day we'd get access. Next year we did but only had 100 MB per month data limit.
Shit posting on IRC and downloading albums for days on end.
Normie, I had already replaced my 386 with a Pentium 150 by '99.
what game is that? i remember playing it a lot as a kid
Street Rod 2, I spent way too long on that game.
Holy shit Street Rod! I played that way too much back in '95 or '96.
But November 1999? I'd be logging on, set a bunch of shit to download off of Napster then go hang out with friends in the real world.
anyone remember dennis miller in the start up video to your brand new compaq presario?
packard bell?
emulators were a thing in 1999,
Who tf is that lady in the second webm?!?
Audrey Bradford, if you find any good nudes of her let me know. Because as far as I know this is the best clip of her.
: )
yeah damn, that brings back good memories of neighbour girls. Looking back I realize I should have done much more
Trick question worrying about the y2k bug.
Shitpost on use about y2k bug listen to aj
Same thing I do every day Veasey - censor bypassing on your s#itty forum$
Get rich by buying bitcoins before they blew up , and invest in things i know they will blow up later , like google
Bit coin didn't exsist in 1999 you fucking newfaggot
I like ass
Assuming i wake up in 1999 i could let time pass until then
no u
I'll be honest. Collect as much CP as possible, all the sites are still around in 1999.
Playing amazon trail at skool
Archive hard-to-find and/or extinct mods for games, mainly racers like NFS3 and Papyrus' NR1/2. Of course you can still find lots of it nowadays, but back then it was fucking easy. No having to make emails and buy CDs/pay for older users to check their decommissioned HDs.
Playing pic related all day erry day
Shit is a lot more stable now. I can carry a match on without dropping.
Searching out porn primarily. Spending a lot of time hunting down "real live people" utilizing everything that allows people to talk to one another. MSN fishbowl, AIM, and even going as low as trying to find grills through diablo
Slowly downloading individual porn pictures through various sites.
Downloading porno on Imesh.
After fapping 2-3 times I would have ended up playing baldurs gate for a while, some quake II deathmatch, then I'd have probably been jerking off again.
Were you the kid in my class who hogged the computer all the time? I rarely got to play Amazon Trail.
I laughed way harder than I should have.
Calling Hanson fans faggots on the local bbs.
Goddamn those faggots were some lulcows
Make a Time Traveler AMA on some AOL chatroom
i was a little boy, so it could have been, but i'd never know it
brainstorming ways to stop 9/11.
msn chat was the shit tbh
The look and feel of my setup hasn't really changed that much since the mid 90s. I switched fully from Windows to Linux in about 2005.
It also helps that the standard IB layout is 90's-esque.
this and usenet
this and usenet
also irc
I don't remember Google being that popular then. I thought it took off around 2000-2001.
I don't think that we had gotten dialup at that point.
I was probably playing my N64.