Post songs related to Holla Forums-tier things or nationalistic songs. This song at the time was extremely ballsy including one incident where Living Color told the band not to play it live when touring with them but Axl ignored them and in fact when they went on stage it was the first song they played for that gig.
Music thread
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Swedish band, swedish song, translated. Enjoyed reasonable commercial success back in the 90's.
Hitler dubs and trips back to back? Kek must approve
that shoop
some chanter song
Best GnR song by a mile
I think this one is better. Don't know if it's actually Cathar hymns though, because the Cathars were unfortunately exterminated. Somehow this hymn makes the vowels sound mystic.
Catholic cucks shouldn't listen to this
Don't call this man a "commie"!
uggg..I'm too old for this.
I really like that song op.
pssst, for the next time
Thanks nigger. I probably won't be back her for a long time. I just wanted to say in an obscure shit tier thread: that I am very proud of you kids. You really created "meme magic". You little shits are going to elect a fucking USA prez. with a fucking frog meme! I'm an old internet 1.0 goy who has to hold up a construction job. I can't help you to meme history. But I can thank you for memeing it. Thanks! and godspeed.
This is a neat song tbh
you too grandpa.
This one always gets me
Anyone else like Dead Can Dance?
I have reposts.
I found this from google name.
Accordions everywhere.