Absolute Madman! BALLS OF TITANIUM!
Hope you NEETs are ready for the draft!
Other urls found in this thread:
What a terrible ((pure coincidence)).
I'll wait for the report to be confirmed first.
Holy shit. Tanks in 30?
I'm taking my air force pilot test soon, I don't want to bomb Russia.
Also the link OP is providing doesn't lead to anywhere.
And that's why you archive everything.
OP is a faggot
Here is the source donno if they right have to wait.
link is no good.
source article: en.farsnews.com
The Jews fear the slav.
Lets hope.
what are these pigs doing in aleppo
Read article it's not only Israeli but Qatari, Turkey and British psies too.
Someone could ask what 30 yid spooks was doing in Aleppo.
and also US ones
If the US 'mistakenly' bombs another battalion of the Syrian army we'll know this was genuine.
Does somebody know what part the intelligence officers were? The kurdish or rebel ones?
Well I came once already today, but damn, my dick is incredibly hard now. Based Putin, this is revenge for the US strike on syrian soldiers, which was revenge for Israeli downed plane by Syrians.
I would like you, my friends, to take a moment of your time and realize just how hilarious world politics and elections are getting by the minute.
This, my friends, is the power of shitposting. Turning the whole world into one giant shitpost.
What will come of this development?
Waiting for confirmation
Might've got shutdown.
Here's another.
JIDF shills are here boys.
Here you go if you need proof.
Were they wearing boots?
If not, no problems here.
You don't kill Putin's favourite driver without consequences.
Looks like retaliation for the syrian soldiers
That article say the opposite shill, you can't even sage right
So USA just signed a historic $38bil/10yrs arms deal with Israel last week, largest in history. And followed it up today with a $1.15bil arms deal with Saudi Arabia.
I hope you believe in Happenings, we're in one.
So you believe the IDF? Also sage is always on my name.
LoL don't respond to that idiot, he just wants to derail this thread, just filter him.
Well, Putin did a good deed didn't he? They were supporting ISIS….but wait, it was a western operation…..so that means the west is supporting ISIS…..but we knew this all along, right?
This fuck in the White House want to soil the nest before he leaves, what a cunt.
What's Aleppo?
vote Trump
Israel had a country wide siren testing and rescue forces exercises yesterday.
That is not proof, holocaust hoax have more credibility than that article.
They were supporting ISIS it seems.
SAA claims they shot it down, kikes claim it wasn't shot down. I'll trust Assad over the kikes.
The circumstances and details do not matter
music sauce please
Horst Wessel Lied
oligarkh - forgive us
So Russia is bombing ISIS and "moderate rebels", is this supposed to be new information or something?
ah fuck
It's pretty tricky, the mountain is pretty close to kurdish, rebel and SAA encampments. Dunno who they were directing.
Truth always matters.
Bomb a forward Isreali position, land in Russia, defect. Drink wodka with Snowden.
Like it or not, the Navy is still important.
Yeah, and where is the '''proof""?
Photos or video of the downed plane. I need more evidence than mere words to convince me. In the world of politic, theres only half truth and whole lie
Israel has confirmed that they give medical treatment to syrian rebels. Ostensibly, this is to build their humanitarian image.
Try finding a syrian soldier being treated by them.
Pure coincidence. There's no way that Israelis could ever be working with ISIS because Israel is attacked all the time by syrian rebels, right?
Another news report.. sorry plebs its not CNN though.
Alt-Kike will celebrate when this is confirmed.
The greatest thing a man can do
is load his gun and kill a jew.
Imminent kvetching and threats of annihilation coming in 3…2…1…
This is big lads
Hopefully no sticky
Noticed that it attracts all the shills
Everyone will remember the 21st night of September
quid pro quo for that u.s. led strike, I take it?
Nice digies, by the way
Here's the official position of russia on that matter, from news source that is fully controlled by russian government:
To be fair the Saudi deal is mostly to replace their loses in Yemen…
Which are massive because the Houthis are bleeding the Saudis like pigs.
In other news the Kuznetov is sailing toward Syria with a full complement of MiG-29K and KA-52K (which are new and need testing).
Also the Russian MoD published a video of the convoy and it's "pickup with mortar" humanitarians…
I have no fucking doubt the drone didn't stop recording when the terrorists showed up and given that there is neither bomb craters (not HE bombs), no shrapnel damage (not cluster bombs), little fire damage and no deformed metal (not incendiary bombs, especially not the thermite ones the russian airforce has been generous with in Syria), I'm sure some people feel quite silly now…
Because they likely have on tape the goat fuckers killing the red cross workers and setting fire to the trucks…
Bomb Deir al-Zour by "accident" and Putin will blow up an israeli intelligence center by "accident"
So far there hasn't been any confirmation
Wait until it can be confirmed faggots
fake OP link, kill yourself Jewtin shill
Putin is the most Kosher leader of Russia since Stalin.
Read the rest of the thread shlomo.
Every single congressman that voted this should be hanged in a public live stream.
based putin
he truly loves us
Seems to good to be true but nonetheless we can meme it into reality.
That's not how democracy works.
Anyway, i sense the lack of proofs ITT
There's not going to be any kvetching over this. This is the kind of thing that needs to be forgotten immediately.
I posted this story 8 hours ago on this site.
Alalam has constantly been a half day ahead on major middle east news and they show no bias to everybodies favorite nation.
What if it was a Soros plant that sabotaged Putin's image/plans?
Does it matter?
Half of this site things Putin is a jew puppet, the other half still think hes gonna hold hands with Trump and wipe the globalists off the planet. We can only wait and see.
Hey, I owned that modem in the 90s. No… wait, I actually had a 33.6 Sportster.
Was this a randomly generated sentence?
What if there were actually Israelis in Syria coordinating rebels?
O-o-oy vey, goyim! P-P-Putin is a secret Mossad shill! Y-you'd better stop posting, o-or else I'll post an MS paint picture of Andrew Anglin! I swear I'll do it, goyim!
What an unfortunate accident.
Wait, wait, was referring to the plane pilot not the chosen ones down there.
Still waiting for proofs.
So you're saying the rumor wasn't spread by a Soros plant but rather a Soros plant called in an airstrike on supposed Israeli operatives to make Putin look bad?
the punishment for treason is death.
It's fucking nothing
It's all happening just on time, isn't it boys?
checked for truth
it's always happening tho
He roasted 30 Jews where?
I think what he is trying to say, is that we don't care about dead kikes who initiated the fucking war to begin with.
Interesting how for Israelis it's "killed" while for others it's "neutralized"
Thanks but no thanks.
Someone mentioned this last night in another thread (think it was a stickied one) without sourcing. Everyone assumed fake and gay.
Anyone have a link to that post? Did the poster know ahead of time?
What is Aleppo?
Maybe ?
And what excuse do they have being deep in rebel territory like that?
Looks like two unconfirmed reports from soldiers in Syria. Checking Twitter, there seems to be a shit load of conjecture but some are saying it was an Israeli attack on American Intel base.
If so, it makes sense why this would be pushed under the rug just like the other Israeli snafus.
This is troubling to say the least, there has been a noticeable increase in warmongering on both sides and with this, it's easy to envision a nuclear future.
Prepare ye anuses faggots, we may be shooting our nuclear wad before any of us can react.
GEE what is Israeli Intel doing in Aleppo?
Don't you go stealing my thunder Satan
Holla Forums has nukes?
I just realized Putin is kiling JIDF in real life, lel.
So much for "kike-controlled".
brown recluse (famas remix) by darude
No one is going to use nukes.
Well Israel might glass Iran…
But then Israel would literally get BTFO olthe ME by buttmad sandniggers Civ 5 style.
Our memes are nuclear tier nowliterally
Some numbers there
underrated shitpost
Cool digits.
Remember there are at least two camps of jews fighting over supremacy.
The world currently is like a giant shitpost. With all this methane , all it takes is for someone to light a match.
Still waiting for proofs. You are using a fake story to prove that Putin is not a kike puppet kek.
No one is going to use nukes, nukes are the boogieman to keep goyim in check, no elite wishes to die in a nuclear hellfire.
I haven't seen a confirmation yet. I really hope this is true though.
Its scary tbh.
I hope my small town doesnt get nuked.
oh shut up fag.
I want to gas the kikes and it be seen as a "joke" and an "accident". Just like I apparently hate Jews only ironically.
HA! Im a minister, they cant draft me!
Radical christian forum defconwarning, states three closed sources verifying this story. Appears at least 12 hours ago on twitter. Shit-tier sources, but I doubt Israel would publish their mistaken bombing of US backed rebels/intel officers, nor would Russia advertise to the world they fucked their Israeli buddies even as an accident.
Nuclear hellfire is the fantasy, many will survive the initial blasts due to first strike capacities of US/Russia.
It's just concerning if this story is verified. Once the first nuke drops in Syria, it's over.
I'am not the OP, you retard.
Shut your mouth you little nancy boy before I come over there and smack the queer out of ya.
Even Jihadi Julian should know at this point those are precise thermite bombs, destine either to a light vehicle pool or an ammo stockpile.
He's never seen incendiary bombs… He also doesn't know that to kill civilians you just use regular HE bombs…
nice conversation skills
Meeting with their Syrian branch (ISIS).
Not this one, it was in another thread somewhere…
Found it:
Just had a thought… could Russia/US war be getting pushed in an attempt to deplete the Nuclear arsenal of both nations, thus giving Israel a Nuclear monopoly?
Or is that just batshit unfeasible (Armageddon, other nations with nukes, etc)?
putin pls be gentle, i don't have enough .45 and my rifle needs a new extractor.
Thats me. I got it off Alalam and archived it a few posts down.
Israel only has about 200 nukes right? I thought the U.S. and Russia have thousands.
Around 200 to 300
I think that there has to be something much more powerful than mere nukes nowadays tbh, nukes are over 70 years old piece of technology.
It wouldnt matter, nukes are far more plentiful and would be the only defense for anyone else whk didnt have whatever is more powerful.
The main worry with nukes is nuclear winter. Some here say that is a myth, but it is no myth that if enough nuclear ash makes it into the atmosphere for long enough, all life on the planet will die.
Also, a reminder: nuclear fallout is named that because when a nuke detonates, all the radiation from that giant mushroom cloud falls like radioactive rain all over the surrounding are. Any one nation using nukes could potentiall cause nuclear war.
It is not the kind of happening any of us should want.
It's all well and good to make a big boom, but you need to get your nuke to your target without being shot down first.
I'm more worried about the electromagnetic and biological weaponry as it is much easier to write those kinds of attacks off as 'accidents'.
Science hasn't produced any major breakthroughs of practical value in decades. Science papers are through the roof, but new discoveries that offer value are down past the basement.
Aside from KEK colliders and meme magic, along with engineering improvements to make current tech stronger and smaller, we've been at a standstill.
I remember reading on old/pol/ about some bomb that vaporizes living tissue but leaves buildings and stuff intact and radiation free for easy occupation
but I'm pretty sure it might have been from some sort of fictional work
So if im in my apartment, im totally safe
make him proud putin, nuke the communists nuke the communist west
"Foreign Intelligence Officers"
Hes an MA
They've been used to go kick in doors believe it or not
Sorcery be checked
The neutron bomb is very real.
We have become meme people, destroyers of worlds
Lol what track is this. I need this. And more russian tunes like it.
Now that i think about it, shill activity seems to have decreased since the airstrike.
Maybe putin was shitposting and got angry at some schlomo.
Defconwarning has closed sources in the military IIRC, but looking at their forum they've put out a statement saying that said closed sources cannot confirm the nationalities of the intelligence officers.
It's either fucking nothing or it's Franz Ferdinand, time will tell
More likely an "accidental attack" that was a response to the "accidental attack" that took out the syrian soldiers.
KKK plans next meeting.
Orthodoxy is truly the best religion.
I accidentally masturbated once.
This is why the Chosen are hated, newfags.
Yep. The question is, how many more accidents will there be? The dumbest game of NO U in history. Putin+NWO conspiracy? Or the Bushclinton Mafia threatening to throw over the table if they lose? It all certainly seems to be developing along a time line.
It's Israel the US
It's not Franz Ferdinand though. It is the Gulf of Tonkin
This is how WWIII begins.
"The best religion" and any form of Christianity don't belong in the same sentence.
smh shekel not even deposited
This happened a few months earlier. WSJ.
When Russian aircraft bombed a remote garrison in southeastern Syria last month, alarm bells sounded at the Pentagon and the Ministry of Defense in London.
The Russians weren’t bombarding a run-of-the-mill rebel outpost, according to U.S. officials. Their target was a secret base of operations for elite American and British forces. In fact, a contingent of about 20 British special forces had pulled out of the garrison 24 hours earlier. British officials declined to comment.
U.S. military and intelligence officials say the previously unreported close call for Western forces on June 16, and a subsequent Russian strike on a site linked to the Central Intelligence Agency, were part of a campaign by Moscow to pressure the Obama administration to agree to closer cooperation in the skies over Syria.
underrated post
Not based, a true alt-righter marries his Indian gf with 19 and gets his first divorce with 27.
I don't even exist anymore.
Doxing myself gives me results that stopped being relevant 10 years ago.
Living off the grid is nice.
Highest kill count since the holocaust. Also (((foreign intelligence officers))) is a funny way of saying hasbara/mossad. Never forget the 30 thousand goyim.
You outed me, faggot. It's sad that anyone says something you don't like they're automatically a shill. Some of us are actually intelligent enough not to worship a kike though, instead of just being a NEET faggot looking for a place to fit in.
Careful user, you might start a debate on the truth surrounding the Gulf of Tonkin
I'm sorry sir your intellectual intelligence is clearly greater than my own :^(
Is that a photograph or a painting? Honestly can't tell.
You will never order an airstrike on someone who annoys you on Holla Forums ;_;
Good. You should be sorry.
D&C Punch and Judy show gas yourself
The Happening is the final meme
muh based Orthodox
Muh Based Jews
bumping because the shills are sliding especially hard this evening
You have any idea how fucking clutch Russia's AA systems are.
Was sure nice knowing you, user.
And what alternatives do you propose, fam? They aren't going to magically vanish into thin air, not until you do something about it, and even then there is still a good chance many of them will continue to exist
Hey goyim, lets talk about religion instead.
wow we should start a war with russia and get rid of that evil man
You'll most likely be blown to bits by a Russian AA system. That is one thing they focused on improving, instead of using a huge airforce like the US does.
The first nukes used will most likely be high altitude EMP based detonations to knock out as much of the electrical grid and communications networks out before anything else. You will know theres a nuclear war when your TV/PC fries itself and nothing else in the house will turn on.
I'm Canadian. ;^)
Enjoy the annexation then
You poor bastard.
If your citizens can run for president here, we should be able to draft you.
rather die in a war tbh
What a waste of trips
I actually wonder if SHTF whether satellites will be targeted by suborbital missiles or they'll just hope that EMPs do their job.
Don't worry, if WW3 kicks off you can be sure to get drafted to fight for ZOG, just like previous world wars.
I doubt they would be first by much, i would expect simultaneous strikes, or close enough. On the bright side though, there are worse ways to go than being nuked, if you die in the blast. You wont even know it happend, just blink and you're gone.
I find that strangely comforting. The radiation however, terrifies the piss out of me.
Are you even trying?
I'm sure Obama is reconsidering his genius plan to attack Russia in the wintertime, now that he knows their weapons work far better than anticipated.
I never, in a million years, thought that a texas spic would be a crypto-canadian.
I'm just shocked we didn't think of installing a president at an earlier time.
(((Gilbert Gottfried))) gets a big fat "get out of jail free" card on the DOTR.
The worst I think would be biological warfare. Radiation is a close second though.
I too love Boko Haram and Bible Belt Blacks
So your only arguments are Islam, which is shit by default, and blacks from the US, which prove to be very religious from the fact that none of them actually marry and instead fuck everything in sight. Good to know
We may have hit the wall. Oh well. Life moves on.
I guess you could call mass melanin immigration biological warfare, too
I personally consider it ecoterrorism.
Israelis in Syria, what could they possibly be doing there? How long have they been there, doesn't seem like they were on the Russians/Syrian Goverment, so they must have been working with US or militants. Why would Israel work with evil IS militants?
Besides the AA, I know the new Russians fighters can out-preform anything the US has but the US does have more planes. If you go up against a T-50, maybe just eject because even in an F-35 it'll catch up, it also has some nice on-board radar on its missiles giving it good range over the horizon, plus its data link capabilities can link with other radar stations on the ground. Russian are also using these data links on a lot of their missiles, so a missile fired from a ground or air platform can receive updates on its target from any other Russian station, its crypto is unknown but I'm sure the NSA is working on breaking it. Finally you'd just be killing white people if you bombed your target, lessening the already small percentage of whites. Like the Jew wants.
I got ya covered anons ;)
Well we'll be making some grass grow soon. That's why I believe in green.
You have been visited by the shill who promotes white identity.
Please Holla Forums do your part and have more white babies. Even if it's with some bernie loving liberal cunt. Meet her parents and find out if there's any mud in her blood. Then have children. Even if it doesn't work out and you're stuck paying child support, IT'S WORTH IT! You are helping the white race!
I have 2 beautiful white children with their mother's eyes (Bluer than the sky) and I can't express the happiness I feel when I wake up to my white children's smiles.
Please Holla Forums do your part.
Polite sage for off topic spam
this tbh, when shit gets heavy I'm ghost mode
what a life
So you aren't referring to religious black, but just specifically your favourite brand of Christianity blacks. Got it.
ISIS operatives
Calling it
It's called annihilating those who are not your own. As our people have done so for many millennia. We migrate, conquer and then laze. We are only lazy now, because not enough of us feel the hunger, once that reaches a critical point a new Reich Realm will be made.
Our natures drive that hunger, and soon our urbanite metropolitan society will not be able to stave off the growth and will be overcome by it.
Give your body to the starving Earth if you cannot see the famished jaws about you, pulling at you, in all ways.
How does that semetic tradition incorporate anything we hold dear?
I wish we in the west could be as proud of our military capabilities. But instead we get diversity hires.
Boeing Diversity Dance.
This is what the US taxpayer is paying for while the Russians create the most advanced military technology in the world.
we have the best tech you autist but unlike the russians we have a nation of directionless pussies and a military staffed with post-modern foderatii
But thats bad. We shouldn't exterminate them. They stand no chance against the US. They'll be forced to launch nukes.
Our military has spent the last 15 years setting itself up to fight insurgents. Against the ruski's and Chinese? We'd be absolutely steam rolled.
I'm going to need better proof than a twitter post.
And now we pay our debts
To die on the steppes
I'm sure all the diversity hires on H1B visas really believe in the spirit of America, and wouldn't trade any of our "best tech" for cash and prizes to the government in the country they were only living in a year ago.
It was clearly sarcastic, so
Someone who can read this, it seems like confirmation
Not unless your apartment is lined with half a foot of lead.
I remember how after 9/11 people were putting up posters about how if the turban-wearing shitheads liked Boeing 747s then they'll really like B-52s.
Oh how the mighty have cucked.
Lead won't stop neutron radiation. Concrete is actually a better shielding material for neutrons, due to it's high water content.
Holding up a a little sign covering your face and posting it online isn't going to do jack shit. If he actually cares he should quit/desert.
Mr. Hitler dubs is correct, you need to look at an element's neutron cross section, and the hydrogen in water isn't terrible, and there is a fair amount of it.
Gadolinium is the best though.
I doubt they'd use all of their nukes on Iran; they'd be saving some just in case the other Arab states tried something. Not to mention if they did get attacked and were undoubtedly going to be destroyed they've vowed that they'll nuke as much of Europe as they can; just for the fucking hell of it.
Not with a bang but with a
What are they doing in Allepo?
Trudeau posting hurts my soul
t. old stock
Nothing will happen. Jews will go to war when they want to, not becuase some of their own were slain. They dont have honor or a need for justice like we do
Pool's closed, for, uh, radiation protection
I don't think you get the reference. He is being sarcastic.
What if it is true? Just saying.
Sauce on the pic?
Its confirmed in the rest of the thread, shills just want this silenced.
tbf, our last deal with isreal was $35bil/10yrs. basically just more of the same in terms of isreal's millitary funding.
bump for celebrating this happy shoah.
It would be interesting what of an impact on Israeli economy a complete cut off of US aid to Israel would have.
Israeli military is basically completely and even more funded by the US
Kek confirmed, all I want is some cozy pictures to get behind.
And there is whole shills going to the oven, like you in a not so distant future.
Obama the Shabbos Goy they kvetchin
Soros the HNIC
Of one shouldst kek's forces seek axiom
Kuznetsovs are now afloat, and lo they comin by sea
The dick of strong foreign policy rapes the shit out of domestic
Putin the foreign policy kang
While Obama was pushing for more servicemen wearing lipstick
Putin annexed Crimea
Kek heaves mightily a sign and rolls over
Giantly leans up one knee
Before this is all over
Kek's forces are coming by sea
All you little boys & girls gather round
For good omens now do we seek
Whether tis mischief now or love and war
Kek's forces are coming by sea
Scratch one flattop!
See ya in Hell! Jews!
Have fun and Ammit bless you, user.