Can someone tell me about Michael Jackson? I can't trust google & all I keep finding is conflicting information

Can someone tell me about Michael Jackson? I can't trust google & all I keep finding is conflicting information.

Holla Forums approved or no?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Children

He was an honorary Aryan whose hyperborean race soul materialized through Vril energy dynamics. His facial features changed not through plastic surgery as the Jews insist, by through the weilding of the Spear of Longinus aka the third leg (as opposed to the darker, normie-tier third eye)

I have 0 red pills about MJ either but still, lad.

His whitening was a disorder with his pigmentation, which he exacerbated with bleaching.

He was not a pedo. Jewish lies.

Hated them. Look upthe lyrics fir they don't really care about us.

Yeah the Jews killed him.

Holla Forums is not one person.

sure buddyyyyy

lets get over to this chair here. Bend over…i said..bend over

and let me tell you about michael jackson in a high pitched voice..oh dont' worry, in about a second *ziiip. Your gonna have a high pitched voice too. And know alllll about old mikey

does something have to be "pol approved" for you to enjoy it?

how about you go fuck yourself

In vid related you will see that they planned to kill Michael because he was trying to get rid of the sony kikes and he would have been succesful but they just killed him. It's sad.
As a bonus it is the coolest reptilian spotting I've ever seen

He was woken up by the industry. He saw how the jews screwed everyone (both financially and physically…..poor kids).

Michael did his best to support them and take them in. He wanted to be peter pan and stay a child, but the pressures of fame, Jewry, and childhood abuse left him scared. He even called the head of Sony music the devil….a jew.

He was murdered and at least his daughter is aware of the truth.

Michael calls out the kikes.

TL;DR the kikes took a talented but mentally unstable black child and pushed him as far as they could while laughing all the way to the bank.

I'm not sure if he was a pedophile or not, but if he was it was likely the parasites around him feeding off of his already strained mental and emotional faculties to keep better control over him. Pimps get their whores hooked on drugs to keep them dependent, and producers do the same (and a whole lot more).

this reptile shit is fucking stupid.
doesn't even that amusing for long.

zoom in on digital artifacts, highlight speech abnormalities.

if they were repitiles, why would they sound like a snake from a disney film?
why would their REAL eyes suddenly pop out in the middle of a bad recording.

It is easier to just call them scum, jews, elites - it doesn't matter what they are, as all that matters,is the outcome and how we might remove their influence.


He fucking knew what was up, redpilled after Sony aka kikes tried to destroy him. Even tried to pre warn George Lucas about the kikeing of Pedowood.

Vid related gives some good insights as to why it's laughable to suggest MJ was ever a pedo.

Cuckfist does a pretty good layman video of him too.


Quicker video

He also wished kike Steven Speilberg go to "Jew hell" and would throw darts at a picture of him lol.

All of the child stars he used to hang out with claim that he was a cool dude and never did shit to them. Whether or not he was a pedo, who really knows (he really seemed to "love" children), but I haven't seen any convincing evidence that he ever sexually abused children, and neither did the courts.

Just speculation here, but it what i can figure out and see patterns of is that he was probably molested several times himself. A tool of the kikes in recording-industry etc, since he was a kid.

And he took in those kids to the ranch or whatever, a safe-haven of some sort for the kids of Hollywood.

Of course, an action like that would piss of the kikes immensely and it makes sense they call him a pedo for it, trying to frame him and all.

Pretty based if it's true, but this seems like the kind of outrageous thing they would make up to turn normalfags against him. "MJ was antisemitic! He led kids in chants!"

I wouldn't doubt for a second that he was molested himself. We already know he was abused and taken advantage of in every other way.

And this about the Peter Pan-complex i never understood.

When i was a kid, on our street we used to play with the adults very often. Having snowball-fights, playing football in the streets they would sometimes join in, water-gun-fights, hide-and-seek and stuff. Everyone on the street was involved and had fun and you know, socialized.

And you know what, everyone on that street grew up to be good people. Even though some went through hardships like having it's parent die in cancer when they were young, they still grow up fine people.

I lead neighborhood kids in anti-semitic chants all the time, I have even got my brothers friends to chant "Allah hu Akbar" when they fire bottle rockets or other fireworks and "Gas the kikes" when they light smoke bombs.

Also it is very entertaining to watch them run around screaming "I'll burn you Jew " or "I'll kick your ass you Jew bastard!" when they get mad at one another.

I feel like I should feel bad but it is too damned funny

He's a faggot nigger pedophile who died trying to become a white man. May he rot in hell.

Sage for slide thread.

Actually, calling them reptiles is not that far off, as their brains didn't evolve the higher functions, so their primitive, reptile brain is dominant. This is a mark of the psychopath, of the Jew.

But all that shapeshifting stuff is going full retard and alex jonestein tier disinfo.

I'm nullifying this post.

This covers Eminem and Michael Jackson

The acne medication he took in his youth blocked the workings of testosterone. That is why he ended up with a castrato voice.

But it must have fucked him in the head too being a male without testosterone.


He exposed the Jew then died.

Oh hey kike, how is it going? Shouldn't you go bump Electres thread?

Oh, I saged, woops.

Thanks for this.
It makes it a lot more clear.

Makes sense.


what did he meme by this?


This post gave me a rectal prolapse

He named the jew


My summary reads thusly:

Michael Jackson was a showbiz kid who was extremely talented. His father was abusive, but trained michael jackson to perform with an unmatched level of precision.

His rampant success, and the love of his fans probably helped redpill him to the reality of showbusiness. There is a rumor going around that Michael was a castrati, or sterile If true, that would make it almost impossible for him to diddle kids, and would also explain why he would be interested in

1. Playing with children i really mean play
2. Protecting kids from abuse within the entertainment business.'s_Children

In addition, its clear that Jackson whitened his skin, adored nazi memorabilia, and hated the jews who were trying to "kike him".


bump with catchy tune


Interesting. May I ask something unrelated, how sensitive are the testes to physical damage?

The story is rather tragic. I do believe that had the internet existed in 1994 in it's current form, Jackson would still be alive today. Jackson was very much the victim of public perception. Yes, he was clearly an eccentric with many quirks, but the "child molestation" thing was hogwash. GQ published a non-bias article in 1994 entitled "Was Michael Jackson Framed?" that you can find all over the net. Here's one link: … It's a pretty fascinating read that details exactly what happened during that first accusation. Most people haven't read it, though… because it's easier and more "interesting" (and at the time, "funnier") to imagine him as some kind of freak.

Anyone unfamiliar with what actually happened there, I'd really recommend reading it. The TL;DR: version is pretty god damn fucked up. He befriended a young boy, his mother and step-father. The biological father wanted money to produce "Robin Hood Men In Tights" so he brainwashed his son with sodium Amytal in an attempt to extort money out of Jackson… knowing full-well he wouldn't want to go through a long career-tarnishing trial. There's taped conversations between the father and step-father where the father lays out his entire plan. “And if I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I’ve checked that inside out. I will get everything I want, and they will be destroyed forever. June will lose [custody of the son]…and Michael’s career will be over.”

It's whack. Seriously… read it. FYI, the father ended up killing himself in 2009 only 5 months after Jackson died:

My point is, public perception in 1994 was so heavily dependent on shock media, magazine covers, radio, talk show monologues, etc. Had Reddit existed back then, we would have seen the smoking gun. People would be chatting over the details on a daily basis. It would have been very difficult for the public to remain that misinformed and warped by rumor and heresay.

But the perception stuck. And clearly it weighed heavily on Jackson… someone who had dedicated his life to helping children in need. He was clearly depressed. He turned to drugs. As we later found out, he needed to be medicated to even sleep. I can't imagine what that had to have been like..

That was the only time anyone ever accused Jackson of wrongdoing… until 11 years later in 2005, but this time it was CLEARLY bullshit and a clear attempt at extortion. Anyone following that trial was aware of how ridiculous the claims were. I'll summarize. It was right after the huge documentary "Living with Michael Jackson" that Martin Bashir did. Jackson was all over the news for the "baby dangling" incident. In the documentary, it showed that Jackson took in a young cancer patient, his mother and sister and was paying for the boy's treatment (last I heard, he's now cancer-free). He was close with the boy and the family. It made the news, because of the scene where Jackson says, "What's wrong with sharing a bed with someone you love?" in reference to the young boy. The public took it (or twisted it) to be a sexual thing… Jackson intended it as an innocent remark… hanging out late playing video games on a massive bed and someone passes out. Inappropriate? Maybe. Molestation? No. Anyways… the mother of the boy had been in and out of mental institutions and had attempted to con money from celebrities in the past (the reason for Jay Leno and George Lopez being at the trial). She also claimed her family had been "sexually fondled" by JC Penny security after her punk kids shoplifted… she settled out of court for $152k. So anyhow, the Bashir documentary was a shitshow, people like Gloria Allred were petitioning to have Jackson's kids taken away… and Jackson's handlers told him to distance himself from the young boy and the family… so he cut them off. It was only after that, that the woman and the boy accused Jackson of misconduct. The funny part was, they literally claimed the molestation started AFTER the documentary aired. As if Jackson hung out with the kid, let them live at Neverland, passed out playing videogames, filmed a documentary admitting that it was innocent… and then when the entire world started looking at the relationship with a magnifying glass and wanted to take away Jackson's kids (and apparently the family had already been interviewed by police)… THAT's when Jackson decided to start molesting the kid. Come on… Whole thing was a crock of shit. The woman also claimed they were held hostage at Neverland… to which they pulled up the creditcard receipts showing all the shopping sprees she was doing with Jackson's money during the "kidnapping". At one point they point out, "How could you be kidnapped if you were shopping at Nordstroms, Tiffanys… here's a receipt for a body wax". The woman snapped back , "IT WASN'T A BODY WAX!!! IT WAS A LEG WAX!! HE'S LYING TO YOU!!!" …. Total shitshow. Read up on it. It's was fucked. You can read most of this on wiki:

That 2005 Trial doesn't happen without the 1993 situation. It was the same DA (Tom Sneddon) who tried to get Jackson in 1993 that was pushing for the 2005 thing. It was only mildly plausible, because of the 1993 thing. They tried to find other boys to step forward (out of the thousands who Jackson had been in contact with over the years) and nobody stepped forward. They had a former body guard (who had sold his story to National Enquirer and had previously been arrested for armed robbery) claim he saw Jackson blowing Macauley Culkin in a shower… they brought Culkin up there to respond and he's like, "WUT?" … As one journalist put it:

"the trial featured perhaps the most compromised collection of prosecution witnesses ever assembled in an American criminal case…the chief drama of the trial quickly turned into a race to see if the DA could manage to put all of his witnesses on the stand without getting any of them removed from the courthouse in manacles.""

Nobody following that trial was surprised by the outcome.

It's some sad stuff, man. Despite this, the perception stuck. People continued to hate him and paint him as a monster. People continued to take the rumors and tabloid gossip as truth… and I think ultimately it killed him.

A short interview from 2003 with the author of that GQ article (Mary A Fischer) right after the second allegations broke: … In both the 1993 and 2003 allegations, the parents' first instinct wasn't to go to police… but to lawyer up. In both instances, they went to the same lawyer (Larry Feldman) who specializes in civil litigation. Strange behavior if you actually think your kid has been abused.

the slide threads are surfacing like worms after rain

I believe the story that he had vitiligo, but he probably did cosmetically bleach himself to pure white since vitiligo normally manifests as unsightly spots.

There's a few images from when he was still black where you can see him cleverly covering up vitiligo patches with heavy makeup, but it only seems natural that such a public figure would eventually bleach for uniformity.

As for the disfiguration? Michael was mentally ill to a degree, likely stemming from his traumatic history with his dad, who was a fucking madman.

I don't know. I think it's possible, and I do think he had some seriously odd interactions with children, but again, it could just be him trying to relive his childhood that Jo Jackson took from him.

He was redpilled insofar as music production was concerned. I don't know much more past that.

He may have been privy to west coast pedo rings, and being an anti-semite with that sort of info could have put him in a precarious situation.

The mechanism of his death (drugs) is probably true, but who administered them and why is a mystery.

I think he could have been killed for knowing too much about jewish pedophilia, but I cannot substantiate it…

Not a true castrati. The smallest amount of testosterone would alter the larynx enough to change the voice. MJ did go through puberty.

Video is the only recording of a true castrati.

castrato, sorry… i'm braindead atm



Dubs confirm

Reminds me of webm related, the song of the last male Kaua'i.

Sounds that will never return. Kind of sad, really - a recording of a piece of dead history.

he got fucked over by a bunch of kikes. of course they send their jew assassin doctors to kill him like a lot others .

Liberals are monopolizing the entertainment industry? Why can't we just castrate them?

Bro please tell me the origin of this symbol. I was at a summer camp and I came into a room and my temporary roommate had arranged that pentagram on the floor with one drop of blood on each point like the eyes, had a bloody knife laid on it like that. I came in and he was extremely flustered and said "not for you, not for you" like I shouldnt worry.

Please oh fuck tell me the significance of that symbol.


Michael Jackson was the first #woke nigga.

Bro please


i hope you regret saying that.

soon all the neomarxists will castrate your male children at a young age because their masculinity is toxic for a progressive tolerant society.

He was addicted to's some heavy shit it's used to put people under before surgery. I've met people addicted to it, mostly doctors and anesthesiologists. Shit is very intense but surprisingly isn't even a controlled substance.


Underaged get out.

Hate me
You can never
Break me
Will me
Thrill me
You can never
Kill me
Jew me
Sue me
Do me
Kick me
Kick me
Don't you
Black or white me

Fam just end your "cred" crusade and let someone answer the question.

He named the Jew, through song no less. He deserves some honour just for that alone.



Kick me

I lol'd, thanks

Jones never talks about shape-shifting as far as I know. That's David Icke's thing. Jonestein sticks to talking about globalists and the NWO.

I don't speak mexican, I'm sorry.
The symbol is a star of David, the origins of which date back before kikes bastardized and ruined it, likely into prehistory, in the form of the flower of life. It's a bunch of esoteric sacred geometry mumbo jumbo that a simian like you couldn't be bothered to appreciate properly.

If you want to learn more, join your nearby Freemason lodge.

Lupus, Vitiligo, Plastic Surgery and the concept of ‘self-hatred’. Did Michael Jackson want to go white?

Michael Jackson Was NOT The First Black Entertainer To Lose His Pigmentation Due To Vitiligo!

“Speaking of vitiligo…” …and the double standard in Michael Jackson’s case

ABC Facts of Michael Jackson’s INNOCENCE

In 1996, J. Randy Taraborelli appeared on Hard Copy to talk about MTV and VH1′s decision to ban the They Don’t Care About Us video. He suggested Michael felt he was being blacklisted in the industry (in America, at least) specifically because of this song. Again, note the year Taraborelli said this:

Taraborelli: “My sources tell me that Michael fears that there are people in the industry who are trying to sabotage his career – that there are people at Sony, at VH1, and at MTV, who are intent on seeing Michael Jackson destroyed.”

Interviewer: “Why?”

Taraborelli: “There are people who are offended because of [They Don’t Care About Us lyrics]. Those remarks have really come back to haunt Michael Jackson.” – [Hard Copy; April 23, 1996]

Woody Allen vs. Michael Jackson. IS THERE A WAY TO LEARN THE TRUTH?

basically just go to :

Jacko grew up in Hollywood his whole life and never had a childhood. Common for child celebrities, he was sexually abused by the Jew producers and executives and passed around to numerous other Jews in the industry. This is expressed through his song, where he essentially cries out to people he was abused, beaten, threatened, and raped by slimy Hollywood Jews. He is not the first one to say the same nor is he the last but he did have his life ruined by the Hollywood Jews.

If you watch the video of They dont really care about us you will hear the parts when he says
has a weird distortion that makes it imposible to hear the words

That's not what I asked. In your hubris you forgot to read what I wrote. How embarassing for you.

You forgot KIKE ME.


Yeah anyway, the pentagram also stems from the same fucking configuration.
Take a look at this video. It's a long watch, but it'll clarify many things that you might be interested in. Generally it goes over sacred geometry found in old architecture, but it still explains the underlying principles fairly well.
Report back once you've memorized the video.

I know right? Yet here I am embarrassed for you.

That's not what I'm asking. I'm asking for the symbolism behind the particular ritual I witnessed.

Report back when you can learn to communicate.

looks like some kid drew it trying to make a folk nation gangster disciple star

vice lord 4 life nigga

The symbolism is that some fuckwit kid didn't know jack shit about the occult. Unless there was other evidence of this person studying this shit, then he was either mentally ill, attention whoring, or both.
And you literally asked for the "origin of this symbol".
Don't try and pull your faggy leftist tricks on me.

kek, the red armband… Michael Jackson confirmed redpilled. He must've known the truth about the jew.

No it was exactly like the pic the first guy i replied to with the blood spots and the knife placement. It was at the foot of the door on the floor.

lurk moar. You have a lot to learn.

because he took medication to become white as many niggers back then all wanted to be white.
in africa they used cream to bleach the skin to appear more ligher




I thought that extinction webm was about a hypothetical…
Such a beautiful song and such a beautiful bird.

I was not ready for those feels…

Skin bleach and melanin reducer meds
No, he was just a weirdo, Michael detested sex in general.
Painkiller addiction


You ain't lying.
Here's some lyrics:

I kek'd

Sage because who gives a shit about Michael Jackson.


I didn't want to feel like this, user

Is anybody else having "issues" with Youtube lately? The top, Jew-naming video was stuttering like fuck, loading at 56k speeds. But when I opened the (nominally) harmless bottom video, it played fine.


Thanks for the insight.

ya they released a censored version kek

I can easily believe that MJ was set up, I've been fucked by the same type of bullshit before. I got literally told that I had to plead guilty and get 3 months for sexual contact on a child, which was a relative by family extension while I did nothing. Otherwise I'd have a 25 year sentence for CP that they were ready to plant on me.



nigger faggot




get incommuin




gud gets




it's coming

get ready

its shitting the fan

tbh the fam

oosh close

cobwebs in my asshole

niggers are dum

shitposting probesiionally






meme magic pls

ome on


the fourth reich will succeed


one hoff


mike hint please

if you would

