Communism cannot work in modern day society. Human nature itself is not compatible with communism and you autistic faggots are to stupid to realize this. Pic related, modern day western communist
Communism cannot work in modern day society...
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Do you have anything besides platitudes to throw at us?
Okay what is it Holla Forumsyp?
Do not reply to shit-tier bait without saging.
And Hotwheels fix the goddamn site you fucking midget.
People by nature are greedy and lazy to different degrees. They will always look for the easier way and will always want the best they can even at the expense of others. Like in medical times serf forced to work certain jobs will always work the minimum after a while. People want to have more even if it hurts others
Not bait just the truth you retards deny and I'm sick of it
You won't even get what part and to what extent this is false, and how it is false
Tell me then
you're all right fam
he's just spooking ya
And we're sick of you guys throwing empty platitudes at us without backing up your position.
You fail to recognize the fact all of these ideas of nature are cultural traditions.
Yes because as u said to difderent degrees. In western nations people will still fuck over others but the average person has stuff to mostly satisfy their greed and thus doesnt do it or does it to a lesser extent because they feel guilty/dont want to. In a new communist state people will start out with a less than they are used to causing the greed to be less fufilled and thus they will be more willing to fuck people over for their benifit slowing down communism leading to more fuckery and a cycle
You are doing this on purpose OP
there's no such thing as a communist state you dolt
capitalism: private property owned by a small minority
communism: from each according to abilities, to each according to needs
which of these arrangements do you think is better for the average greedy person?
Why will people start out with less in communism?
Hundred upon hundreds of year of cultural traditon used by civilizations since its dawn and passed down to other civilizations until it became so ingrained that it became nature
Eurasian, culture. And also not since it's dawn. The paleolithic had a profoundly different ideal of what women were due to differing circumstance.
Those traditions have been fading and re-emerging throughout history. They are by no means part of nature.
Because of distribution of wealth. Poor people get richer. Middle class gets slightly poorer. Rich people get much poorer. People don't like getting poorer so they will fuck over other.
You aren't going to change the world unless you change western countries
They have always been prevalent traits in western society and like I said before you can't change the world unless you change western societies
Im talking about the radical commies
Read a fucking book.
Read what is said. I'm talking about the communist only retards not the marxists/ socialists
Oh, sorry, I see. At least read the fucking wikipedia
Human nature is exactly why capitalism sucks.
Yea it's shitty but as i explained it amkes communism shittier than capitalism. If it wasn't for human nature communism would be way way better than capitalism
How is it better for us to have greedy leaders than no leaders?
Human nature is to work with others for the betterment of all. If it was not societies never would have been formed. Humans are social creatures.
No leaders cause greedier populations as I've stated above
No human nature is for the betterment of self. In ancient history people they can acomplish much more united instead of as tribes leading to ebbtermwnt of self through betterment of community. But guess what the community contiued to evolve based on tribes and classes formed. Classes made it so there where few wealthy and many poor. As history went on living standerd git better allowing poorer people to be richer than the past poorer people and some to move up to middle class. Eventually there is a lot more middle class. Many no longer help people who are stI'll poor because society is just a tool to help the idividual
then why has every society that has ever existed contained competition? why do we compete if we are meant to work together for the betterment of all?
Holy fuck, it's like evolutionary theory never happened in your mind, or the discovery of DNA.
Do you even know what IQ is? Do you know what it measures or do you just find the need to continuously parrot random statistics you've never even bother to look up yourself without even know what it actually means in any real context?
people like you are isomorphic to creationists
you claim that anything that you can't explain within your ideology is a "social/cultural construct," completely ignoring genetic, statistical, and other empirical evidence that defies your ideological fetish
Foucault once said that "man is a recent creation"
it measures g.
which is a reasonable approximation of someone's ability to perform any given cognitive task
it has a high degree of predictive validity
are you actually going to make a point, or are you just going to do this typical "LOL ur stupid" sort of shit?
This is how basic iq rating goes (no meme this us serious)
Ya, you dont seem to know what IQ measures m8.
So why anrt Asians and Jews considered the Master race if they score better on IQ tests on average? I will say this again, do you actually know what IQ measures? Its very interesting and if you are going to sight it as a reason as to why a certain group is inherently inferior to your own (While simultaneously excluding the information that dont fit your narrative that you have also just presented) you should probably understand what it actually measures and the history behind what it actually is as well as a basic knowledge of how statistics work before you go around shouting averages on the internet like a bunch of deranged parrots.
stop replying to your own post
So what if it has contained competition?
I can play soccer with my friends and still work together towards making a good meal later.
You do know competition exists heavily on and economic and material level?
You're willful ignorance is on par with creationism.
You can't tell if that's someone else because your BO won't let you have thread IDs and you'll go on pretending it's your choice because you have stockholm syndrome.
Yes. But once we remove the economic basis for competition, sports will surfice if any such 'competitive nature' exists.
As someone with ~130 IQ, IQ doesn't count. It's a test to see how well you recognize arbitrary patterns. If it were a genetic measurement, IQ tests wouldn't have gotten massively more abstract in western countries over the past 100 years as people moving away from pure labor and agriculture get a better handle at abstract thinking.
As someone with a 3000 IQ, IQ counts.
If I didn't say it, the response would just be 'lol you probably just suck at IQ tests'. Then again, I don't know why I expected a genuine discussion on IQ testing in a shitpost thread.
If you are interested, go look at the wording of IQ testing questions in the early 1900s compared to now. You'll find the difference in abstract thinking truly staggering, and possibly even get you to think that even retards farming in some fuckhole 10,000 miles away can end up being pretty smart if they just have the right surroundings.
The thing I really hate about this argument that its espousers never seem to consider, is that if they suppose that people are selfish, their suggestion is to give in and be as selfish as possible. Sage because this shit thread should never have gotten so many replies for a tired argument made by a barely-literate churl.
No it's not. Leftism is actually much more selfish.
hoo boy i don't even know what to say here
Actually it's not and you're wrong. Thanks for playing, good night.
It's selfish because it's driven by jealousy and narrow-minded sense of loathing. You have no idea how stupid it is to discourage people from prosperity simply because you're not competent enough to gain it yourself, do you?
I'm looking for an argument and I can't seem to find one. Please help.
First off Im op im not whoever you asked before and yes i do know what it means.Who ever brought up a master race here? Also ill give you an overview of characteritics based on race.
are physically the best as a race but due to their environment they didn't need to continously adapt as much as other races and so are barely book smart but due to the need for quick thinking are more street smart. Strong cultures combined with lower intelligence cancel for average creativity. Lack of intelligence leads to subpar morality
Due to environment had to continously adapt leading to more variation both good and bad. Slightly above avergage physically and average in book and street smarts. Population more spread out between best and worst in almost fields centered around the middle. Best creativily due need for adaption. Again variablity leases to both extremes morally
Amazingly book smart but due to years of isolation and tradition they have subpar street smarts and creativity. However best at improving and when they do make something brand new it tends to be pretty good. Sub par physically again due to not many variability. Nothing major morally so average in that asect. Recent event sin their history lead to tough times and thUd more bad morals but overall average
Non biased History is really muddled so I'll try my best
Worst physically so relied on smarts. Became best at book smart with above average street smarts. Good creativity due to being smart in both aspects. Persictuon leads to nead for deception and strong loyalty which leads to morally ambigouis ways.
They are the only other major offshoot iq wise and they are literally cavemen . Not much to be said. They didn't even invent how to start fires when europeans came despite being to oldest
Have you made it yet, friend? Because I don't know about you, but I was personally born into a great situation where I needn't worry about securing prosperity in my future. I made it by being born, friend, I don't need competency.
Show us evidence that it is the truth. "Human nature" is whatever the fuck any autistic faggot wants it to be in his mind.
Go ahead and give some evidence on this "human nature" that applied to the human species throughout history.
Why is "human nature" compatible with primitive communism, feudalism, and advanced capitalism but not socialism"
Oh so you're a masochist and a sadist, and you hate everything your family did for you? Even more despicable.
Human races are not mentally different in evolution. From an adaptive perspective this does not make sense, as all human environments favor high intelligence and sub-Saharan Africa is a dangerous place that requires some sense to survive in.
Most human differences are due to genetic drift.
You're trying too hard - you support the meritocracy yet in the case of me describing no merits yet still having prosperity you stumble, friend. The only jealousy here is you, wishing you could be in the situation I have so that you wouldn't have to constantly struggle with only a small chance of making it.
I pity you, friend, and I hope your belief in a system built to hold you back actually pays off.
That's literally what communism is.
I'm am guessing from this you belive in evolution. So it is literally just parially that with some environments favoring certain traits like inelligence more than others. Human races are intellectually and physically difderent due to the environment that shaped them and their culture. It's just basic science
No, it's not built to hold you back. It's built to hold back those who scramble their way to the top, something you will never be. But you can't accept that - somewhere in your mind, you have this drive that tells you if you simply scrape your nails and dig your fingers into the wall in front of you, you will eventually climb up to meet them up top. But you won't. You'll never get here, friend. Sorry.
In modern society, sure. In prehistory, not even remotely. It is impossible to prove and pointless to assume.
In fact, I would argue that Europe's milder climates make it less mentally challenging.
If I make enough money through my own competence communists will take away my wealth by force. Communists are pretty much pirates who are jealous of other people's success so they hide behind ideological bullshit.
Also, you would have to explain away the Flynn effect, as well as the massive heaping pile of empirical evidence for outside influence on cognitive ability, especially in terms of neurological development during childhood.
Richard Lynn's estimates of black African IQ aren't even tenable:
Communism seeks to optimize the community to maximize the individual. Capitalism is a dead end for the majority of the population. It holds back the development of individuals based on factors largely out of their control.
Communists are political creationists. They deny the obvious fact that people aren't naturally unequal even when you present them with basic facts. They're pretty much hopeless.
Define enough.
Communism is mediocracy, or utopia. It doesn't optimize anything.
But you will never make that money through your own competence. You're so focused on this dream given to you by people telling you that you can definitely make it even though that's a childish understanding of reality. The world isn't fair, you're not going to start from the bottom and make it to the top. It doesn't matter what television stars talk about how they managed to make it, or that inspiring story you see in the news, you're not going to make it. But it doesn't matter, you're going to ignore that because people have engrained the idea that you COULD make it deep enough that you're never willing to accept that maybe you've been set up to fail this whole time.
Read a fucking book, you murican lardass. The Manifesto preemptively destroys such arguments.
People do it everyday. Your appeal to dissatisfaction proves my original point.
If I'm going to be reading a book it's not going to be one written by a man whose theories have been proven wrong repeatedly. Communism is fucking dead.
It's really simple actually. Original Humans natural environment was prehistory africa. Back then food was actually quite abudant compared to other non rivervally pre history lands for humans. The biggest threats werent the land but the physical dangers of other animals. They adapted to be physically better and less so mentally. Prehistory europe was more dangerous to prehistory man due to a combination of a harsher land but slightly lest harsh animals and such. This lead to them having to adapt more and thus have more variability which leads to growing smarter than Africans but not as good physically
I can tell from their continously denial
Yes, a couple do and a very very few rich people fall from their graces, but do you really think that person is going to be you? Do you really think you're going to look down upon the masses someday, having truly changed your life?
You're never going to make it. You, personally, are fucked. You're arguing on an imageboard instead of dealing with your own life. I'm also fucked, but I started off in a good position so the odds of me falling truly to the bottom of society are very low.
I hope that a world capable of supporting all those that suffer comes soon, seeing as very many people are suffering right now, but if it doesn't I'll still be on top of you. Don't you ever forget that, bucko.
All theories have been 'proven wrong' by someone.
Yeah you wouldn't want to challenge yourself. That would be insane.
Simple flynn effect happens because mist have stopped the need to adapt mentally. We have reached the point were only a few actually need to be smart so the rest, not doing anything, get dumber due to less actual learning through life. Next the average IQs of races is mostly due to lack of education. This lack of education is because of lack of base smarts continuesly spread through the years. Whites grew smarter than blacks more due to faster growth and less better growth. Basically if you took a white and black person and their livr were exactly the same in very single aspect the white would only score slightly higher than the black due to whites habing mostly faster intelligence growth which anyone can have, rather than "better" which is more on your natural intelligence
guys, pls
Society does help the poor though, just not as well as it should because of the mindset capitalism instils in people that their value as a person is based on how much money they make. If people see someone as low value they think they deserve to be poor.
Congratulations, you just described capitalism perfectly.
I both described capitalism and human nature. That's why capitalism, while shitty just like human nature, based on the history of western socities. Is currently the best fit for it
So that's why we want to change the west?
We deal with this stuff constantly. To answer your first question, no hunter gatherer societies that make up the bulk of "human" evolution were not hierarchal.
Leftism does not mean you can't have more material wealth than another person, it means you can't exploit another because he has less. If prosperity = exploitation then we have a fundamental misunderstanding.
Read the FAQ or a book.
Also the whole "racialist" science is dumb and incorrect. You don't address western bias in western developed IQ test, how poor nutrition and epigenetic factors can affect IQ etc, not to mention "race" being a social construct in the literal sense the idea of "black"- "white" and "mongloid" being a scientific classification is laughable and it is rejected everywhere serious in anthropology.
Look up the out of Africa theory - it correlates very well with the genetic diversity we see geographically. The idea that European climates that were easier to survive in and this led to higher intelligence is laughable. The time period you racialist use to justify your racism(usually starting 3-4000 years ago) is so small on an evolutionary timescale it'd be funny if it wasn't so asinine.
Now, go read Das Kapital and challenge yourself or fuck off.
If you want TRUE human nature, you should be fine with abolishing laws that prohibit killing and stealing.
Human nature is the main argument against leftism at large. Being able to debunk it is pretty important imo.
Thing is, it's not even an argument. It's a euphemism for "my feelings say so".
So is racism and a lot of other right wing arguments. But thoses are still arguments meeting a certain sucess in the population at large. Dismissing them at "not an argument" won't make them go away.
It's not racism though it's just science. It does have a slight bias but it's the best we have. Asian tests agree with this as well and good luck getting an African one so currently this is the best one. Seriously get your head out of your sjw ass and just look at what you are saying. Europe was originally harder due to the fact that it wasn't our normal fucking environment. It became easy after we adapted for thousands of years. Carcausian people also have very little nedreathal DNA. This id becaude they mixed with them when the migrates to Europe. Nedreathal were technically smarter than ancient humans but also had more strong animal like instincts. We inherited soem intelligence making us slightly smarter. As we continue to breed and adapt more over thousands of years this intelligence widens. Bam now this race is smarter because it grew intellectually faster than another one due breeding and environment. It happens with animals all the time so why can't it happen in humans. Please look at what I said earlier and realize that the actual intelligence between whites and blacks aren't as differenced as their average IQs. Obviously Africans can't get enough education so the difference between and educated blacks and whites is much much smaller. The natural differnce between them is only a few points bease like you said, it is a very small time on the evolutionary scale. But you cannot deny it exists there is still a gap. Environamental and genetic differcnces caused this. Please just stop thinking like and sjw and have an open mind
This proves my point though. Before they were exposed to new ideas that was their current best system. A new idea came along that was better and they used that instead. Communism already came around and has been shown not to work because true communism can't be implanted for it to work in the first place
not this shit again
I have awoken from my dogmatic slumber.
Truly, all this time reading, learning, trying my best to comprehend dialectics and history, understanding complex economic theory and nuances has gone to waste.
I must thank you, for you have shown me that all of this was useless, and that socialism is just when the government gives you free weed lol kill yourself
That's what they don't get. They lived all their life in their safe space.
For communism to work you would need to kill at least 70% of the population.