What will they think of Wonder Woman?

What will they think of Wonder Woman?

They'll hate it. Only Marvelkino allowed.


idk, they like garbage-tier movies with strong women protagonists so they will probably like it

No blacks, which means they'll hate it.

but she's a kike just like Jay?

The whore wasn't raped by a nigger, so it's a piece of shit

Mike will hate it.

just like the get out movie "diversity is good!! YES YES and it makes this movie good"

I can't wait until Kike Cucklasa gushes over how "great" the movie is for the same reasons he mocked movies a while back. What a difference a few years makes.

"Kike Cucklasa" is living in your mind rent free you silly little brainlet, keep on hating, it just shows how much you care.

You mean he remembers him?

Jay is such an opinionless sycophant fag.

He's obsessed with him.

I see no evidence of that. What he did was accurately point out that Mike will contradict himself (again), a fact which triggered you.

They'll hate the movie, plot and everything about it but still somehow manage to work in some ass kissing for the female lead as per usual.



Jay will obviously love the movie ("I think Gal Gadot just shut some mouths out there"); while Mike will think is just ok, but he'll be disappointed by the lack of creativity with the lore.

Disappointment because Wonder Woman's love interest is a ((( white ))) guy.



considering how pissy you get every time they post it for well over a year now I'd say they have a time share in your head m8

All the big Jewtube reviewers are shilling for WW and so are all the mainstream reviewers. They'd be unique if they gave it a negative review.

Jay thinks Gal Gadot is too attractive he'll say they should have cast Daisy Ridley because she is charasmatic as hell.

Big surprise.

Yes. DC has clearly been paying YouTubers and other online outlets to shill this movie. Literally no one was talking about this movie a week and a half ago then all of a sudden everyone was, hyping the shit out of the movie right before it came out.

This has been one of the most blatant internet shilling campaigns I've ever seen. I'm sure Reddit letter media will take some cash and give it a good review like the force awakens.

They are just shifting tactics. I mean, buying good reviews existed ever since the media started writing reviews. Now they buy the "independent bloggers".


They do it all the time. In other vids, you'll get their true thoughts come out on capeshit. Neither of them genuinely like any of it, but hey, gotta pay the bills and keep the audience.

She was easily the worst part of the movie. She had one look on her face the entire time and showed no emotion, how the fuck can anyone with a straight face say she was "charasmatic as hell"? Say what you want about the nigger but at least he tried to act in the movie.

why does anyone care and why does it matter this movie is already going to be forgotten by everyone

we get worked up about incredibly trivial things in order to distract ourselves from the yawning voids that our lives are.

Fancy way of saying there's no good movies lately

yea if you pay attention to her same acting and expressions she looks like an idiot 90% of the film and the other parts are fucking asinine when shes being assertive

these nu-starshitters genuinely think she is great on youtube and stuff and that i tried to tell them on the murder on the orient express trailer video she was shit, they actually say shit like "didnt you see her amazing audition video", "well if shes bad its because of JJ just like lucas" (keep in mind JJ actually had to stop shooting day 1 and tell her she was so wooden and terrible, daisy admits this, JJ had no idea she was that shitty because hes a fucking idiot), and that "her scene with kylo was so good" "she was the best part of the movie"


Well the RLM review is out and to the surprise of no one they liked it. Oh and they said girls should look up to Hillary Clinton instead of Wonder woman in the first couple minutes.

How can you not look up to her? She blames everyone except for herself, built her empire on the graves of her enemies, is worth millions of dollars, and will be remembered in American history forever.

Maybe that's the genius behind it. She's "charismatic as Hell", which means she has the same charisma as the latest layers of the Realm of Satan.


fourth reich mike at it again!

Holy autism Batman!


Is this a new form of chessposting?

The burden of proof lies with you. Prove that it wasn't an ironic joke. You can't.

Nope, never said that. Satire is satire.

Why do you think it was a joke? what about it made it a joke?


Why the FUCK are Germans still the bad guys in WW1? Wtf? Why is Wonder Woman fighting for ANY side in the Great War?

This is not only Germanophob, it's not only falling for 100 year old war propaganda, it's also stupid and an americanized version of WW1.

She is literally commiting an evil act by fighting for the Allies and against the soldiers. If she was a good superheroine, she should have assassinated the political and military leadership of all sides, so that drafted men no longer have to fight against their will.
She should just go around and kill the Officers.

No one like Germans, Fritz. Everyone likes to see germancucks killed.

Be serious please.

I am.



Do you actually think that just because I am German I would just fall for nationalistic propaganda? 100 year old propaganda?

Do simple peasents get such a simple education nower days that you still don't learn the lessons of World War 1?


Well no. The most important lesson to learn from WW1 is that appeals to Nationalism or really anything that appeals to the general population, in the case of the Brits "freedom" was often used to sell the war are just tools psychopathic ruiers of countries use to get the plebs to do what they want them to do.

You can still see this literally everywhere. It's the more familiar kind of nationalism in places like Russia, but even in the EU and in places like Sweden they still appeal to some kind of nationalistic pride to get them to follow them.

Your right. Because people are profiting off of it, it must be wrong. Now please send millions of black and arab "refugees" to my country to rape our women and molest our children.

t. Louis Cuck King

tbh germany is so cucked I would never expect a german raised in germany to realize the truth. You're too demoralized. You will never realize the truth until a nigger/dune coon/kike smashes your head into the pavement. You will die, and your country will die. And you'll be happy it happened.

Nationalism =/= Immigration

For most of Europe's history no country ever experienced the kind of nation-destroying demographic shift that we are experiencing today. They didn't experience it during the 19th or early 20th Century. Nationalism for most of that time had nothing to do with Immigration, because there simply doesn't want the same kind of mass Immigration happening.

Exceptions like Roma and Sinti and Jews are the exception which prove the rule.


It is a long time a go, but the Vandals pretty much REKT the entire Europe with their massive demographic shifts.

Lol, Germans are so brainwashed into believing nationalism is EBUL they are not allowed to oppose immigration, because only EBUL nationalists do that. Face it, Germany is still occupied by American forces after 72 years they first invaded the country and Germany is not allowed to be a sovereign state with control of their own army and borders. This is an inconvenient truth for most Europeans, I know, but it explains a lot of the complete madness that is going on in Europe right now.

Mate, how do you not know this?

Except if they were European like the Hugenotten, we simply never accepted foreigners.In the sense of giving them actual citizenship.

Only recently non-european Immigrants were able to get citizenship.

OR citizenship was muddled. So you could get welfare, even though you were not a citizen.

Or you get the right to vote even though you are not a citizen. (discussed in many countries today and in some already accepted in local elections)

Why do you pick out the Vandals of all people?

Confirmed for not reading what I said. I never said anything about Nationalism.


Bitch please.

I and the user were pointing out that the call for more immigration by our European leaders have everything to do with the lack of nationalism. I ignored your post about nationalism and WW1 because I thought it was irrelevant. The key in understanding Europe of today lies in the aftermath of WW2 (or as I argued, that it never has ended because the Americans still occupy Germany).

You will always belong to us, Jerry.

can we please just kick the turks and other foreigners out?

Like at least 80% of them? ;___;

I'll do you one better.

Who's that guy? Looks like a white Erdogan.

They make her want the cis white male tho.

They look related.

Erdogan is whiter than the average mud. His ancestors were probably janissaries.

A board for 10-year-olds.

t. kikecuck

Please post this on Holla Forums and link us the thread.